Ruchika Girhotra Legacy: A Call for Systemic Reforms to Protect Victims of Sexual Crimes (Crime Patrol Sansani, Episode 78, 79)

The Ruchika Girhotra case, which occurred in Haryana, India in 1990, is a well-known instance of molestation and su!c!de. At the age of 14, Ruchika was molested by a senior police officer and president of the Haryana Lawn Tennis Association, SPS Rathore. Despite her family filing a complaint against Rathore, the police did not take action against him, and he continued to harass and intimidate Ruchika and her family.

Ruchika faced further difficulties in 1993 when she was expelled from her school under pressure from Rathore, and charged with theft and criminal intimidation. The harassment and trauma she faced became unbearable and she committed su!c!de in December of that year.
Ruchika Girhotra & DGP SPS Rathod

The case gained attention after Ruchika's friend and fellow tennis player, Aradhana Gupta, came forward with her own story of harassment by Rathore. After a prolonged campaign by Ruchika's family and activists, the case was reopened in 2009 and Rathore was convicted and sentenced to six months in jail in 2010. However, he was released on bail shortly after and has not served his full sentence.



The case has been criticized for the delay in justice and the failure of the legal system to protect Ruchika and her family. It has also brought attention to the issue of sexual harassment and abuse of power in India, and the necessity for better protection and support for victims of sexual crimes. The case led to the passage of theProtection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act in 2012, which imposes stricter penalties for sexual offenses against children. Despite Rathore's release, Ruchika's family continues to fight for justice and for him to serve his full sentence. The case has become a symbol of the fight for justice for victims of sexual crimes and the need for systemic reforms to ensure their protection and well-being.
Online Episode on YouTube:
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