Shaitaan (Colors TV): Vikram's wife Juhi goes missing and murderd (Episode 13 on 27 Jan 2013)

Vikram and Juhi are a married couple from Kenya and shifted to Delhi. They have a 1-year-old child. A morning Vikram is shocked to see that his wife is missing with some money and jewelry. He calls her mother at Nairobi but they also do not have any information about her. He raises an FIR to the police and police to unfold the mystery with the help of the internet.
Click here for a news coverage on the case

Online Episode:
Link 1:
Link 2:

Here is inside story of the case with online episode:

Shaitaan (Colors TV): Urge of having money and fame is more than life and dignity for "Tina Bollywood" (Episode 12 on 26th Jan 2013)

Nov 2008
Story of Geeta Arora alias Sonu Punjaban from Delhi, shown as Teena Bollywood from Mumbai. A girl who worked as an assistant at a beauty parlor, the urge of having lots of money made her a criminal. She started herself as a call girl and rapidly became the mastermind of the prostitution racket. In 12 years of his prostitution career, she was a well known criminal for Delhi Police. Her first husband Hemant Singh was a gangster and after his encounter, she got married two times again with Hemant's brothers Vijay and Deepak. Her husbands were also killed later.

Online Episode:
Link 1:
Link 2:

Here is inside story of the case with online episode:

'Honour Killing' of Jyoti at Hoshiarpur, Punjab (Episode 205 on 25th Jan 2013)

Honour Killing
Jyoti Singh (real name Manpreet Kaur) loves Manish (real name Sandip Kumar) who belongs to a lower cast. Her parents (father real name Kapur Singh and mother real name Balwinder Kaur) are against their marriage.
One day while driving from her home towards her friends home for her Friend's ring ceremony, Jyoti goes missing. Her parents raises FIR to the police. After a day her body found near Bhagoda Crossing. She was bumped by some heavy vehicle on the main road. Her parents claims that they gave cash 4,000/- to Jyoti. Other than this she had a gold ring and a chain for the ring ceremony of her friend. Probably the things were looted.

Monica Khanna: Crime Patrol Actors and Actresses

Most Well Known Star Cast
Yes, If you are a regular viewer of Crime Patrol Dastak then you must have seen Monica Khanna in many of the episodes. Being hot and sexy, this talented model turned actress from Delhi is also a hot TRP of Crime Patrol Dastak.

Daily soap audience might remember her as a flirty and out spoken Roshni in YRF (Yash Raj Films) Television's Mahi Way. She also featured a psychic killer Kanchan in Color's Sabki Jodi Banata... Bhagyavidhaata. After this she played role of a simple sober girl Swati in Zee TV's Afsar Bitiya. She played elder sister of lead girl Krishna Pintu Singh (Mitali Nag) who wants to become Block Development Officer. In this show swati could not get marry because of dowry issue.

Childhood photo of Monika Khanna

Episodes roping in Monica

Gurnaam, a servent of Balraj killed. Police finds symbol of Ax (Episode 202, 203 on 18th-19th Jan 2013)

Gurnam (real name Jarnail Singh), a domestic help of Balraj singh (real name Avtar Singh) was killed by 4 theives (real name Karamjit Singh, Sukhwinder Singh, Satgur Singh, Paramjit Singh) who tried to rob cash and jewellery from the home.

Shaitaan (Colors TV): Samresh and Bilas turns serial killers for Insurance Policy claim (Episode 11 on 13th Jan 2013)

Patna, Bihar
The case fucuses on Criminal with Recklessness.

A insurance agent duo Samresh and Bilas who killed 6 people for their insurance policy amount with the help of a contract killer. It was their profession to convince a person for a Life Insurance Policy. Later they change policy to Accidental policy and murders victim. During their profession they raised 27 policies and killed 6 people for insurance amount. Being successful in their startup crimes, they turned reckless and planned killing of more people.

Online Episode:

In criminal law, recklessness (also called unchariness) is one of the four possible classes of mental state constituting mens rea (the Latin for "guilty mind"). To commit an offence of ordinary as opposed to strict liability, the prosecution must be able to prove both a mens rea and an actus reus, i.e., a person cannot be guilty of the offence for their actions alone. There must also be an appropriate intention, knowledge, recklessness, or criminal negligence at the relevant time (see concurrence). Recklessness may constitute an offense against property or involve significant danger to another person.

UPDATE: Chronology of 16 Dec Delhi Nirbhaya Case

The Chronology

Again a shameful incident and again in Delhi shocked the whole country.

Here we are trying to explain what exactly happen on the night of 16th Dec 2012. Media started exploring the news on 17th December 2013 morning.

- Victim and her male friend were returning after watching the movie Life of Pi in Saket (South Delhi).

- Spending some time at saket they got a auto upto Munirka. They again waited there for next conveyance at bus stop.
- Near 9:30 in the night they took a black glasses and curtained charted bus(back of the bus shows Yadava Travels). In the meantime they asked many auto and taxi but all of them denied saying they will not go that way or they will drop them somewhere etc.

- They board the bus when they saw 5 more passengers are already in the bus.

- After seating into the bus other guys started commenting/tantrum them. When guy shouted at them, they all 5 started beating him badly.

- Girl tries to stop them. She was dialing 100 from her cellphone but they snatch her cell phone. Now all of them decided to teach a lesson to her.

- Driver started rotating the bus around many places.

- They brought girl to the back seat. They beaten both of them. The youngest attacker abused her and ripped out her intestine with his hands.

- They thought the girl is dead. Again they beaten up guy with a iron rod and threw them out of the bus a Mahipalpur Flyover after two to two and half hours.

- Girl had no clothes when she was thrown out of the bus and guy was badly injured and ensanguined.
- All the people passing from the way were looking at them but no one stopped to help them.

- Someone gave him his cellphone to call the police. Police PCR van came.

- One by one 3 PCR van came and according to the male victim, they took half an hour to decide which police station case this should be!

- Guy was crying to call the ambulance as girls condition was critical. Someone gave him a shawl.

- Finally police decided to bring them to AIIMS trauma center which is about "12 Kms" away from Mahipalpur flyover.

- Later girl was sent to Safdarjung hospital.

- 18th Dec, Police arrested 4 culprit after 2 days of the incident took place and they identified as- Ramsingh, Pawan aka Kallu, Vinay and Mukesh.

- They all accepted that they were badly drunk that night and they explained that they washed the bus after the whole incident took place.

- They also accepted that they were even holdup few times.

- According to police the girl tried to fight with her assailants, biting three of them.

- 19th Dec, Doctors removed her intestines due to risk of gangrene and started intravenous nutrition and medicines.

- 21st Dec, government appointed a committee of physicians to ensure she will get proper and best medical care.

- 25th Dec, she put on tracheal intubation on life support system and was is critical condition. According to doctors her internal bleeding is in control to an extent but her bilirubin level is not in control.

- 26th Dec, she was still critical and Safdarjung doctor decided to bring her to Medanta Medcity, Gurgaon.

- 26th Dec, same day committee decided to send her to Mount Elizabeth Hospital, Singapore. Mount Elizabeth Hospital is known for multi-organ transplant speciality and by the evening of same day they sent her Singapore by air ambulance.

- 28th Dec, Her condition became extremely critical and officers of Mount Elizabeth Hospital said that girl is suffered from many organ damage and is still fighting for life.

- 29th Dec, Her condition became deteriorate and she passed away at 2:15 AM, IST.
Other Links:

Shaitaan (Colors): Dr. Vikram Pradhan kidnapped for ransom of 1 crore (Episode 10 on 6th Jan 2013)

Aditi Pradhan, wife of doctor Vikram Pradhan is getting threatening calls about abduction of Doctor Pradhan. Kidnapper is asking for 50 lack rupees ransom. Aditi talks to doctor also and pays them 50 lack rupees. Kidnapper again calls her and asks for 50 lack rupee more. Aditi says that she don't have so much money and complain this to police.
Preeti Raj Sharma

Crime Patrol Dastak to Portray 16 Dec 2012 Delhi Nirbhaya Case (Hindi)

The victim, a physiotherapy student who died after a 2 week long fight for her life. She was beaten badly along with her male friend then by 6 people inside a charted bus. They both were returning from Saket, a South Delhi area after watching a movie. Later all 6 person arrested who assaulted on both of the victims. The incident put a fire over the country because this was not the first case of assaulting a women...

16 दिसंबर की रात भारत की उन काली रातो में गिनी जा रही है जिस रात एक बाद फिर भारत का सर पूरे विश्व के सामने शर्मसार हो गया। मगर इस बार घटी घटना कोई राजनीतिक कदम नहीं थी, ये न कोई भ्रष्टाचार की नई कहानी थी और न ही सरकार द्वारा लिया गया कोई नया फैसला था।
हमारे भारत की राजधानी- दिल्ली और महिलाओं की सुरक्षा के बीच हमेशा से 36 का आंकडा रहा है। दिल्ली पुलिस और सरकार ने कितने ही सख्त कदम उठाये मगर ये समस्या दिन पर दिन गंभीर होती चली गई है। दिल्ली फिर शर्मसार हुई। २३ साल की छात्र के साथ ये सबकुछ हुआ जब की उसका दोस्त उसके साथ ही था। छात्रा को सफदरजंग अस्पताल में एडमिट किया गया। हालत 2 हफ्ते तक वो जिंदगी और मौत की जंग लड़ती रही। हालत और बिगड़ने पर उसको सुबह मेदंता मेडसिटी, गुडगाँव भेजा गया, उसी शाम सिंगापुर के माउन्ट एलिज़ाबेथ हॉस्पिटल एयर एम्बुलेंस के द्वारा भेजा गया और उसी शाम को उसकी मृत्यु हो गई।

इस बीच मीडिया से लेकर भारत की जनता ने उस छात्रा को कई सारे नाम दिए जैसे, अमानत, दामिनी, निर्भया, वीरा, जागृति आदि। कुछ ही दिन पहले पीड़िता के पिता श्री बद्री सिंह पांडे एक ब्रिटिश न्यूज़ पेपर थे संडे न्यूज़ के सामने आये और उन्होंने ये बोला की उन्हें कोई हर्ज़ नहीं है अगर मीडिया और पूरी दुनिया उसके नाम को भी जाने। वो इसे दुनिया से छिपाना नहीं चाहते। उन्होंने कहा, "हम चाहते हैं की दुनिया उसको उसके असली नाम से जाने। उसने कुछ भी गलत नहीं किया था, और उसकी मृत्यु आत्म रक्षा करते वक़्त हुई। मुझे उस पर गर्व है। लोग उसका नाम जानेंगे तो और महिलाओं का हौसला बढेगा जो इस तरह के हमलों से होकर गुजरी हैं और उन्हें मेरी बेटी के द्वारा शक्ति मिलेगी।"

उन्होंने ये भी साफ़ किया की उस रात जो दोस्त उसके साथ था वो उसका बॉय फ्रेंड नहीं था बल्कि बहुत की बहादुर दोस्त थे जिसने हर प्रयास किया उसको बचाने का।

"उन दोनों के बीच शादी जैसी कोई बात नहीं थी क्यों की वो दोनों जाति से भी अलग अलग थे। उसकी शादी की अभी कोई इच्छा नहीं थी और वो अभी सिर्फ अपनी पढ़ाई पर ध्यान दे रही थी और इसके बाद वो नौकरी करना चाहती थी।"

मीडिया द्वारा ये सुनने में आ रहा है की क्राइम पट्रोल इस पूरे घटनाक्रम को चरितार्थ करने जा रहा है। इसकी शूटिंग दिल्ली में शुरू हो चुकी है। एक इंटरव्यू में डायरेक्टर सुब्बू अईयर ने इस एपिसोड के बारे में चर्चा की है,

"केस का प्रस्तुतीकरण संवेदनशील होगा और असली घटना पर आधारित होगा। हम इसको सनसनीखेज़ रूप में प्रस्तुत नहीं करेंगे। हमारी कोशिश है उस मासूम लड़की की कहानी बताने का। उसके साथ किस प्रकार से उस बस में क्रूर और विकृत घटनाक्रम घटा। हमारा प्रयास है इस तरह के मुजरिमों के बारे में बताने का की वो किस तरह की मानसिकता रखते है और इस प्रकार के जुर्म करते हैं।"

सुब्बू आगे बताते हैं, "मुझे भी गुस्सा आता है हमारे देश में महिलाओं की सुरक्षा को लेकर। सिर्फ इस केस के बात नहीं है, ऐसे और भी काफी सारे केसेज़ हैं जहाँ न्याय में देरी हुई है। केसेज़ फास्ट ट्रेक पे चले तो ज़रूर मगर फ़ाइनल जजमेंट आने में काफी समय बीत गया। हमने पहले भी ऐसे केसेज़ दिखाए हैं जिनमे न्याय या तो नकार दिया गया या फिर अभी तक नहीं हुआ।"

होस्ट अनूप सोनी का कहना है,
"हमने पहले भी इस तरह के कई एपिसोड दिखाए हैं, मगर इस केस ने लोगों के दिलो-दिमाग में विद्रोह भर दिया है। इस तरह के केस में हमारी हमेशा ये कोशिश रहती हैं की लोगो की मानसिकता बदले और इस बार भी हमारा यही प्रयास है। लोगो के नज़रिए को बदलना आवश्यक है।"

अनूप सोनी का मानना  है की इन तरह के केसेज़ के लिए सख्त कानून होना चाहिए।

"इस तरह के अपराधियों के मन ये सख्त एहसास होना चाहिए की इस तरह का जुर्म अगर वो करेंगे तो वो बचेंगे नहीं। इन लोगों के मन में डर होना चाहिए और इस तरह के कानून बनने चाहिए। इसके अलावा भी अगर बात करें तो भी महिलाओं के साथ रोज़ छेड़-छाड़ होती है जिसपे लोग ध्यान नहीं देते। छेड़-छाड़ के खिलाफ भी कानून बनने चाहिए की ये सज़ा है महिलाओं से छेड़-छाड़ की'. इस तरह के लोगों में खौफ बैठना ज़रूरी है जिससे की वो लोग ये सब करने से पहले 10 बार सोचे। मै जानता हूँ की ये कहना आसान है की लोगों की सोच बदले महिलाओं के खिलाफ मगर इस सब में थोडा वक्त तो लगेगा।"

जब अनूप से ये पूछा गया की ये सारा घटना क्रम टीवी पर आने के बाद क्या फर्क पड़ेगा:
"उदाहरण के तौर पे अगर ये सोचिये की टाइटैनिक आज से 100 साल पहले डूबा था मगर जब सालों बाद लोगों ने उसे एक फिल्म के तौर पे देखा तो लोगों ने उस त्रासदी को ठीक से जाना और अपना दुःख भी व्यक्त किया।"

क्राइम पट्रोल दस्तक में ये केस 2 भागो में 11 और 12 जनवरी 2013 को प्रस्तुत किया जायेगा

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Crime Patrol | Mumbai's triple murder case took 3 years to get solved (Episode 198, 199 on 4, 5 Jan 2013)

Rajesh Ganatra brother of Jagdish and Kamlesh, is a builder in Borivali, Mumbai. From few days he is not behaving well. His family members feels that he is some what tense for somthing. One day he get a call from him business partner and goes to meet him. Same night his family member gets a call from his cell phone that Rajesh met with an accident and phone disconnects as battery went down.

Gulki Joshi: Crime Patrol Actors and Actresses

Most Well Known Star Cast
Gulki Joshi daughter of well-known writer Arachana Shintre Joshi and director Rakesh Joshi, is known for her lead role as Sugni on Zee TV's Phir Subeh Hogi. After that, she mostly appeared on Crime Patrol Dastak.

Gulki born on 17th Jan 1990 in Indore. She spent her childhood in Delhi and Mumbai. During her schooling, she was an active girl about participating in School dramas. Days spent in Delhi she also likes to do stage shows so she was chosen as the lead role in Zee TV's Phir Subeh Hogi.

Vinita Joshi Thakkar: Crime Patrol Actors and Actresses

Vinita Joshi Thakkar, the girl who played role of Zeenath in an episode.

Vinita was last seen on the television as Ritika Joshi or Ritz in Star Plus daily soap Navya. In Navya she was playing childhood friend of lead actress Saumya Seth. Vinita does not have any background related to glamor world and did not take any training for acting still her cute look and brilliant onscreen acting has made a huge fan following of her.

Vinita says, "I am not at all from and acting background and it is just a chance that I become actress.". She added, "From my school days I knew what I wants and for this I used to participate in most of the extra- curricular activities in school. Now I can say that my all childhood work helped me to get my first serial :)".