Reprisal: Woman killed doctor and sent his body part to her wife (Episode 292 on 8th Sep 2013)


One gruesome incident held in Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh) in 2013. Reputed doctor Satish Verma was found murdered in a hotel room. He was flooded of blood and injured at his private part and his lips were stapled when a hotel guy saw him. There was a message written by blood on the wall, 

"If you play with the nature, Nature will take revenge from you itself."

In the latest development that was came in the light that there was an involvement of a mysterious woman who also tried to send a parcel to doctor's wife. The parcel had a message also for doctor's wife that this is a gift for her. The woman was last seen near a courier company with a parcel and her facial feature were matching with the woman who was last seen with the doctor in the hotel.

Courier company owner told police that in the evening near 8:30 that woman requested them to deliver the parcel to Dortor Verma's barra residence. Courier guys opened that parcel when they felt blood stains on the courier box.

Online Episode on SonyLiv:

Online Episode on YouTube:
Here is the inside story of the case

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