Crime Patrol | Burnt Alive: Murder of RTI Activist Deepak Upadhyaya (Episode 428, 429 on 31 Oct, 2 Nov 2014)

Burnt Alive

Deepak Upadhyaya is a RTI Activist. RTI activists are such people who requests information from a "public authority" (a body of Government or "instrumentality of State") which is required to reply expeditiously or within thirty days. Anyone can become a RTI Activist who is willing to check funding of these authorities.

Deepak is getting threatened by some land contractors to take by his RTI from concerned department otherwise he would have to pay for it. He is a married man who lives with his wife Garima (real name Savita and played by Geetanjali Mishra) and two sons. Upset couple knocks police’s door. Police assures them that soon they will get protection. On the other hand one of the friends of Deepak tells him to get rid of these matters.

A day Deepak leaves from his home and goes missing. Garima has tried his phone many times but phone is continuously switched off. Garima also calls her brother (real name Videsh and played by Gyanedra Tripathi). After sometimes she gets a call from police and polices asks her to reach police station immediately. They both reaches police station where police shows them Deepak’s dead boy. His body is totally burnt so Garima identifies his through his wrist watch and wallet.

According to police Deepak was burnt along with the Car. While car was burning, he did not tired to get out of the car. Police also probing it as a suicide case.

aam aadmi party, AAP, Aasit Redij, Chandra Mohan Sharma, Dahan, geetanjali mishra, Greater Noida, Gyanendra Tripathi, Moin Azam, Nandini, nissar khan, RTI Activist, shahab khan, Trishna Mukherjee,
Geetanjali Mishra

Fear of Being Caught: Mysterious death of 7 year old Suhani (Episode 427 on 25th Oct 2014)

Fear of Being Caught
पकडे जाने का डर

A man named Kedar Datta (real name Diwakar Hazare) is doing coolie work at Andheri Station. He earns 20-40 rupees for it but he is scared of something. He has a feeling of doing something big which he shouldn't have done. He is sitting on a railway platform and scared of being caught by the police.

 On the other hand somewhere in Jhuggis of Mumbai, Suhani's (real name Beauty Sarkar) mother Nilima comes back from her daily work. She does not find her daughter anywhere in the home. She calls Suhani but Suhani does not appear. Suddenly she sees her daughter in the bathroom with her head in a bucket of water, incautious. She calls some neighbors and her husband and brings Suhani to a hospital. The doctor explains that Suhani was already dead before they brought her to the hospital.

 Police start their investigation and find that one of their neighbors Kedar Dutta is missing. His phone is also not reachable and only her was seen last going Suhani's home. He was a good friend of Suhani's father and a night before he forgot his mobile charger in their home. The afternoon he came their home to get his charger.

 Finally, the police trace Kedar and then he explains why he killed Suhani.

कहानी शुरू होती है मुंबई के अँधेरी स्टेशन से. केदार दत्ता नाम का एक शख्स कूली का काम कर के 20-30 रुपये कमा रहा है मगर वो किसी बात को लेकर बहुत की डरा हुआ है. उसे बार बार ये लग रहा है की उसने बहुत बड़ा गुनाह कर दिया है जो उसे नहीं करना चाहिए था. वो प्लेटफार्म पे बैठा है और डर रहा है की कहीं पुलिस उसको पकड़ न ले.

दूसरी तरफ मुंबई की एक झुग्गी में सात साल की सुहानी की माँ घरों में काम काज निपटा कर वापस आती है तो घर में अपनी बेटी सुहानी को नहीं पाती है. वो सुहानी को आवाज़ लगाती है मगर उसका कोई पता नहीं चलता है. अचानक वो घर के बाथरूम में देखती है वो चौंक जाती है. बाथरूम में उसकी बेटी सुहानी पानी से भरी एक बाल्टी के अन्दर औंधे मुह बेसुध पड़ी है. वो चिल्ला चिल्ला कर पड़ोसियों और अपने पति को बुलवाती है. सुहानी को अस्पताल ले जाया जाता है जहाँ पता चलता है की सुहानी की मौत हो चुकी है.

पुलिस को बुलाया जाता है. पुलिस छानबीन करना शुरू करती है तो पता चलता है की केदार दत्ता नाम का आदमी जो की सुहानी का पडोसी था वो गायब है. उसका फ़ोन भी नहीं लग रहा है और आखिरी बार उसको सुहानी के घर जाते देखा गया था. वो सुहानी के पिता का बहुत अच्छा दोस्त भी है जो की एक रात पहले अपने मोबाइल का चार्जर उसके घर छोड़ आया था और वही लेने दोपहर में गया था.

आखिरकार पुलिस केदार दत्ता को पकड़ लेती है और फिर वो बताता है की उसने सुहानी को क्यों मार दिया.


Search Tags: Caugth stealing, murder for twenty rupees, man killed minor girl

Crime Patrol | A Plot In Rewind: Double Murder of Gangster Bablu and paramour Vandana (Episode 425, 426 on 18, 19 Oct 2014)

Gurveer Gulati (real name Jagir Singh and played by Yashodhan Rana) is elder brother of Daljeet Gulati (real name Resham Singh and played by Rajiv Kumar). While he is drunk, he dies in a road accident when a heavy vehicle crushes him. A criminal Babloo (real name Mahinder Singh alias Titu) is solely responsible for this murder who was also a friend of Gurveer. Several litigation related to murder, abduction etc are recorded on him. This murder is registered as a hit and run case because police is unable to find any motive or clue behind the murder.

Mystery behind this murder case opens up when city shakes with a double murder case. Victims of this murder are Babloo itself and her paramour Vandana (real name Sushil Joshi). Vandana is wife of Gireesh Sharma (real name Rajesh Joshi and played by Harsh Khurana) who live with his son and criminal Babloo in Gireesh’s home. During investigation police calls Gireesh. Police comes to know that few years before during a procurement case Gireesh was sent to jail. Vandana took Babloo’s help for her release, and after then Vandana and Babloo came closer. Later Babloo turned out Gireesh from his own home and started living with Vandana.
Police’s main suspect is Gireesh but after scrutinizing call details they comes to know that call records of Babloo and Gireesh has one number in common which is of Daljeet Gulati. Now police arrests Daljeet and starts investigation.

गुरवीर गुलाटी दलजीत गुलाटी का बड़ा भाई है. रात को घर वापस आते समय नशे की हालत में उसकी सड़क पर एक भारी वाहन द्वारा कुचले जाने से मृत्यु हो जाती है. उसकी हत्या के पीछे पूरा हाथ उसी के दोस्त बबलू उर्फ़ धर्मजीत सूरी का है जो की एक अपराधी है और उसके उसके ऊपर हत्या, अपहरण जैसे कई मुक़दमे दर्ज हैं. पुलिस दस्तावेजों में ये हत्या एक सड़क दुर्घटना के रूप में दर्ज है क्युकी पुलिस इसका कोई भी सुराग ढूंढ पाने में असमर्थ रही है.

Money Trail: Murder of Yogesh's mother Damini (Episode 424 on 11th Oct 2014)

Money Trail
Yogesh (real name Dhananjay Jagtap) is the only son of Damini (real name Durgabai). Damini is a widow whose husband passed away many years ago. Yogesh is a post graduate jobless guy who looking for a job. He is frustrated and sometimes he becomes angry on her mother when she taunts him about his job. He also does not like his mother because he doubts her of having illicit relation with neighbor Kamalnath. Because of this reason he decides to eliminate his mother and he shares this matter with his close friend Sagar Wagh (real name Sunil Baban Pachange alias Avdut Babab Pandav, 28).
After few day police finds body of Damini. Sagar is shocked to know that Yogesh's mother has been killed. He tells police that Yogesh was planning to kill his mother but after Sagar persuaded Yogesh, he aggreed to drop the matter. Missing Yogesh is police's main suspect.

Damini's neighbor tells police that someone told Damini about Yogesh has got a job in Nasik and he wants her mother to reach Nasik. On the way to Nasik, his mother was killed. Police is trying to find out who told her about Yogesh's job because their call records are not showing anything like that.

Police activates their information network and they finds that Yogesh's dead body was also found by another local police. Now police is confused if Yogesh is the murderer of his mother then who killed Yogesh and why?

योगेश उसकी माँ दामिनी का इकलौता बेटा है जो की नौकरी की तलाश कर रहा है मगर कामयाबी नहीं मिल रही है. वो बहुत कुंठाग्रस्त है और कभी कभी अपनी माँ पर भी बहुत क्रोधित हो जाता है जब वो योगेश को नौकरी के लिए ताने देती है. उसकी उसकी माँ इसलिए भी नहीं पसंद है क्योकि उसे लगता है की उसकी माँ का पास के कमलनाथ के साथ नाजायज़ सम्बन्ध है. वो अपनी माँ को इस कदर नापसंद करने लगता है की अपनी ही माँ की हत्या करने की सोचता है और इसके लिए वो अपने दोस्त सागर वाघ को बताता है.

कुछ दिन बाद पुलिस को एक औरत की लावारिस लाश मिलती है जो की बाद में पता चलता है की दामिनी की है. सागर को जब पता चलता है की उसके दोस्त की माँ की लाश मिली है तो वो हक्का-बक्का रह जाता है. वो पुलिस को बताता है की दामिनी का बेटा योगेश जो की अब गायब है, दामिनी की हत्या करना चाहता था मगर सागर के समझाने पर उसने ये विचार त्याग दिया था. पुलिस का पहला शक योगेश ही है क्युकी दामिनी की हत्या के बाद से ही वो गायब है.

पुलिस को पता चलता है की दामिनी को किसी ने ये बताया था की योगेश की नासिक में नौकरी लग गई है और इसके बाद ही नासिक के लिए निकलते समय रास्ते में दामिनी की हत्या कर दी गई. पुलिस को ये भी समझ नहीं आरहा है की दामिनी को योगेश की नौकरी के बारे में बताया किसने क्युकी दामिनी और योगेश दोनों के ही कॉल रिकार्ड्स में ऐसा कुछ नहीं है.

पुलिस अपने खबरियों को एक्टिवेट करती है और तब पता चलता है की पुलिस को योगेश की भी लाश मिल चुकी है. अगर दामिनी की हत्या योगेश ने की है तो योगेश की हत्या किसने की?



Here is the inside story of the case:

Betrayed By One's Own: Tabassum booked for forcing her minor sister in flesh trade (Episode 423 on 5th October 2014)

Betrayed By One's Own
अपनों से धोखा
Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh
Tabassum (real name Firdosh Khan) is eldest among her three sisters. Their father has no earnings so three out of these four sisters are earners of the family who works as maid and tailor. Tabassum's youngest sister is only eight year old. Though their father does nothing, daily quarrels happening in the home. Tabassum wants to get rid of this. Finally her marriage settles with a Nasik based mechanic Ashfaq (real name Mohammad Irfan). Now she has a hope that finally she is going far from her home. After marriage she goes to Nasik with Ashfaq.
After few days she brings her youngest sister Nusrat to Nasik so that she will get better life and future here. During all this Ashfaq often visits Tabassum's home that Tabassum cant understand. Tabassum has seen her sister Shabnam and Ashfaq very close to each other and the has also shouted on this. A night Tabassum hears some voices coming from the roof. After reaching on the roof she is shocked to see that her sister Shabnam and Ashfaq are having fun together. The matter becomes a big issue and Ashfaq clearly tells Tabassum that he loves Shabnam and will marry her.

तबस्सुम चार बहनों में सबसे बड़ी है. उसने घर के हालत ख़राब है क्यों की उनकी माँ का इंतकाल हो चूका है और पिता कोई काम धाम नहीं करता है. चार में से तीन लड़कियां अलग अलग काम करके घर चला रही हैं. घर में रोज रोज कोई न कोई कलह लगी ही रहती है. किसी तरह तबस्सुम की शादी तय होती है. तबस्सुम को इस बात की तसल्ली है की आखिरकार उसको इस नरक जिंदगी से छुटकारा मिलेगा. उसकी शादी अशफ़ाक के साथ होती है जो की एक मकैनिक है और फिर वो अशफ़ाक के साथ उसके घर नासिक रहने चली जाती है.
Aabid, apno se dhokha, ashfaq, Firdosh Khan, Mohammad Irfan, mumbai, mumtaj, Nusrat, shabnam, Tabassum, Urmila Mahanta, uttar pradesh,