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Showing posts from June, 2015Show all
Qaid: Nazneen, Rashmi and Hina trapped into Human Trafficking (Episode 523, 524 on 26th, 27th June 2015)
Tukde-Tukde: Blind case of female body parts (Episode 521, 522 on 19th June 2015)
Crime Patrol | Apharan: Mysterious kidnapping of Vishal Surve (Episode 518, 519, 520 on 12t 13, 14 June 2015)
Crime Patrol: Khauf | Foul murder of five members in Komal's family (Episode 516, 517 on 6, 7 Jun 2015)
Crime Patrol | Gade Murde: A political murder case turns to revenge (Episode 515 on 5th June 2015)
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