Anurag Pradhan, a software engineer, is an avid motorcyclist. He resides in an
apartment with two other flatmates who are not particularly close to him but
simply share a living space. One day, a disagreement arose between Anurag and
his roommate Bhushan regarding a mobile phone charger.
The police investigation reveals that Anurag died from poisoning. It is also discovered that the murderer stole Anurag's expensive motorcycle.

अनुराग दो दिन से ऑफिस नहीं गया है। उसके ऑफिस वाले उसका फ़ोन लगा रहे हैं मगर वो उठा नहीं रहा है। उनके ऑफिस का एक कर्मचारी उसके फ्लैट पे भेजा जाता है वो अनुराग का पता लगा कर आये। वो पहुच कर उसके बाकी दोनों रूममेट से मिलता है मगर वो लोग कहते हैं की अनुराग की नौकरी दिन की है जबकि उनदोनो की रात की तो वो लोग ध्यान नहीं देते हैं की अनुराग कब आया और कब गया मगर वो लोग जब अनुराग के कमरे को खोलते हैं तो अनुराग की लाश पाते हैं।
पुलिस की छानबीन से पता चलता है की अनुराग की हत्या ज़हर देने से हुई है और जिस किसी ने भी ये हत्या की है वो हत्या के बाद अनुराग की बाइक चुरा कर ले गया जो की बहुत महंगी थी।
Based on a real incident of Bangalore.
The body of Sohan Haldar, an engineer employed at tech company ATOS India, was discovered in his apartment on August 5 by his coworkers after he failed to show up for work for three consecutive days. Initially, the police believed that his death was due to natural causes as there were no visible marks on his body. However, further investigation has revealed that he passed away from cyanide poisoning. The police have taken into custody Karthik Daulath, a 30-year-old unemployed individual, who had approached Haldar as a potential buyer for a motorcycle that Haldar had listed for sale on an online platform.
Here is the full inside story of the case:
>Search Tag: Karthik Daulath, ATOS India, software engineer, Sohan Haldar, Bangalore
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