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Showing posts from February, 2018Show all
Crime Patrol | Case 8/2018: Conspiracy behind the murder of Vikas Chaudhary (Episode 896, 897 on 17, 18 Feb, 2018)
Crime Patrol | India's Burning Cases: Tehelka Founder "Tarun Tejpal "held in s*xu*l harassment case filed by his colleague (Dial 100 Episode 707 on 6 Feb, 2018)
Case 7/2018: 19 year old employed girl Rakhi Bhamaria goes missing while returning from the shop (Episode 894, 895 on 10th, 11th Feb, 2018)
India's Burning Cases: Nithari Serial Killings (9th Feb, 2018)
Crime Patrol | Case 6/2018: 'Psycho killer' Buddhadeb Behera held in the murders of 6 women (Episode 892, 893 on 3, 4 February 2018)
India's Burning Cases: Jessica Lal Murder Case (Dial 100 5th, 6th Feb, 2018)
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