Crime Patrol | Case 25/2018: Hyderabad, Woman's multilated body found near a construction site (Episode 928, 929 on 17 June 2018)

Two suspicious bags are found near a construction site. People of that area decide to call the police as the bags could have a bomb. Police are called and bomb diffusion staff comes over. They confirm that the bags have human body parts rather than a bomb. The dead body is sent to autopsy.

Post-mortem report reveals that organs belong to a lady who was eight months pregnant. With a few graphic experts, police get a photo of this lady and circulate over the city. Not getting any lead, police announces a reward for the person who helps them solve the mystery. Police also starts searching for all hospitals and the nursing homes where that lady could have gone for consultation. They also call gynecologists and eight to nine months pregnant women to find some clue but nothing fruitful is found.

Finally, they find CCTV footage of the vicinity where two-person are carrying the same bags on a bike. The bike is driven by a man while a woman is sitting on back holding both the bags. They start circulating photos of this footage to their informers and finally, they find the owner of that bike who is saying that he is sold this bike a few months back to another man...

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ये हत्याकांड इसी साल 29 जनवरी को हैदराबाद में रिपोर्ट हुआ था. एक महिला की बॉडी के टुकड़े कोंडापुर के श्रीराम नगर में थे. इसके बाद पोस्ट्मॉर्टम से ये भी पता चला की ये महिला 8 महीने गर्भ से थी. ग्रेटर हैदराबाद म्यूनिसिपल कॉर्परेशन का कहना था की वहाँ के दो सफ़ाई कर्मचारियों चिनाइयाँ और रमाइया ने ये दो बोरे यहाँ पड़े देखे थे जिनमे से ज़बरदस्त बदबू आ रही थी. बोरों में ख़ून भी लगा दिख रहा था जिसको देख कर उन्होंने सोचा की आसपास के कसाई घर वाले पहले अक्सर चिकन और पिग से बचा हुआ मलबा यहाँ फेंक देते थे और ऐसा ही कुछ होगा मगर जब उन्होंने इनमे से एक बोरे को खोला तो डोनो के होश उड़ गए. बोरे में महिला का काटा गया शरीर रखा था. GHMC स्टाफ़ ने तुरंत इसकी सूचना पोलिस को दी और पोलिस ने अपना काम शुरू कर दिया. पोलिस ने वहाँ पहुँच कर दोनो बोरों को खोल कर ये कन्फ़र्म किया की बोरों में किसी महिला के ही बॉडी पार्ट्स भरे हैं, मगर अभी ये कहना मुश्किल था की ये बॉडी परत एक ही महिला के हैं या एक से अधिक लोगों को मारा गया है. एक बोरे में महिला का सर और धड़ था जब कि दूसरे में उसके बाक़ी अंग थे. मारने वाले के पहले इन अंगों को एक पालीथींन में रखा फिर उन पोलिथींन को इन बोरों में भरा था...

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Online Episode on SonyLiv:
Part 1: Cut Into Pieces 1
Part 2: Cut Into Pieces 2

Online Episode on YouTube:
Part 1:
Part 2:

Here is the inside story of the case:

Crime Patrol | Case 23/2018: Housewife Anjali Rathod's murder mystery unfolded after 2.5 years (Episode 926 on 10 Jun, 2018)

2018 का तेईस्वां केस
Case 23/2018

A housewife Anjali Rathod (real name Sarita Chauhan played by Anuja Walhe) is a mother of two kids. A day when her kids return from their schools, finds her unconscious and in a pool of blood. They immediately call their neighbor aunty who finds Anjali dead.
Police investigation runs for some time but nothing comes out. They question Sarita's husband, her brother in law and other family members but nothing fruitful is found.

After 2.5 years when a new officer joins that police station, she asks their officials to again look into the case. She suggests them question Anjali's kids about that day, they might have seen or felt something important that they could not share at that time due to shock...Know More

Crime Patrol | Case 22/2018: Man avenges father's insult after 17 years (Episode 924 and 925 on 2, 3 Jun 2018)

2018 का बाईसवां केस
Case 22/2018
(Murder of a retired cop)
A mysterious guy takes indefinite leave from his office for some urgent work. His boss is suspicious about him and he asks him where he is going and what he is trying to achieve but he does not respond. He tells his boss that he might not return and in that case, take his leaves as resignation.
After leaving the city he reaches someplace and buys a gun. After few days during a morning walk, he shoots retired sub-inspector Jagdish who dies on the spot.

When the police start the investigation, they come to know that there was a suspicious person was trying to collect information about SI Jagdish from the last few months in states several cities. In fact, he was trying to track him where did he shift after retirement. He is telling different names at every police station and requesting other cops to co-operate with him in finding Jagdish because he wants to give him a big thanks for a 15-year-old incident.

inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion (Awaited)