Showing posts with label ​Abhishek Khandekar​. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ​Abhishek Khandekar​. Show all posts

NETFLIX | Indrani Mukerjea story - buried truth | Crime Patrol | Nirmamta: 2015's Sensational Sheena Bora murder case (Dial 100 Episode 674, 675 on 21, 22 Dec 2017)

A Ruthless Mother

The murder of Sheena Bora has left us with numerous lingering questions. While many secrets have been unveiled, one particular query persists: why did Indrani Mukherjee, who had attained success in every aspect of her life and hailed from one of Mumbai's most esteemed families, choose to take the life of Sheena? Certainly not for financial gain! So, what compelled her to commit such a heinous act?"

Mumbai, 2015
Ex-Police Commissioner Rakesh Maria came to know about some illegal arms deal. His operation was on flow and during the operation, police arrested a car driver from whom police found a 7.66 mm pistol. When police asked him from where did he get this pistol, he was unable to clarify. He also did not have any license for this pistol. First, he said that he found it somewhere unclaimed. 

When police started interrogating him, he opened a secret behind a sensational murder case and hearing that police were completely shocked. This driver's name was Shyamwar Rai and who was Mumbai's well-known business tycoon Indrani Mukherjee's persona driver. He told police that he was involved in Indrani's sister Sheena Bora's murder in 2012 and during the entire game plan Indrani gave him this pistol.

inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion

He told police that there was another man who was also involved in the crime and after killing her sister Sheena in her car, they brought her to Raigarh's forest area and burnt her off. They also buried her. Police were shocked but they did not have any evidence related to this heinous crime. Commissioner Maria nearly spent 3 months collecting evidence and it was time for him to arrest Indrani Mukherjee. Indrani's husband Peter Mukherjee has worked with "Star India" between 1993 to 2007. He was the one behind mega-success of "Kaun Banega Crorepati" and "Kyunki...Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi..."

Indrani got married to Peter in 2002. Peter was then 46 years old while Indrani was 16 years younger to him i.e. 30. According to Peter Indrani was a single mother. She told him that she left his husband after disputes from whom she became the mother of Vidhie. At the time of their marriage, Vidhie was 5 years old. During 2007 Peter and Indrani launched their joint venture INX media. Well-known TV Channel 9X and other TV channels were started under this venture. Indrani was appointed a chairperson of the company. INX media made them the owner of the worth property of 800 crores.

Everything was going well in the family but suddenly a day a girl named Sheena and her brother Mikhail reached Indrani's home to meet her. They were a great surprise for Indrani. Indrani introduced them as her sister and brother to Peter and Peter invited them to stay with them in the same home. Sheena and Mikhail started living there and there Sheena met with Peter's son Rahul Mukherjee. They became good friends and later fell in love with each other. Indrani was not accepting their relationship and planned to eliminate Sheena from their lives.

Know More...

Part 1:
Part 2:

Part 1:
Part 2:

Crime Patrol | India's Burning Cases: Tehelka Founder "Tarun Tejpal "held in s*xu*l harassment case filed by his colleague (Dial 100 Episode 707 on 6 Feb, 2018)

A Shameful Act
The story is based on a Nov 2013 scandal when India's well-known journalist Tarun Tejpal was found accused in a case of s*xu*l harassment. The entire incident came into light when few emails on the same issue between the victim, Tejpal and Tehelka's then managing editor Shoma Chaudhary got leaked into media. Police involvement started into the matter when they heard it from the media.
According to Tejpal's junior journalist she was sexually harassed by him twice during Tehelka's annual fest in Goa's Hyatt Hotel. The first time they both were drunk so she avoided it but next time again Tejpal.
inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion

Lekin: False Rape charges on Abhay Patil ruined his and his family's life (Crime Patrol Dial 100 Episode 275 on 26th Oct, 2016)

अभय पाटिल नाबालिग है और आगे चल कर वो पायलट बनना चाहता है। वो दादर की एक चॉल में अपने पिता और बड़े भाई की साथ रहता है। अभय और उसके परिवार का कठिन समय तब शुरू हो जाता है जब उसके ऊपर नेहा शर्मा नाम की एक लड़की के बलात्कार का इंजाम लगता है। उसका परिवार पूरे एक साल तक इस सबसे जूझता रहता है और जब अभय वापस आजाता है तब भी आस-पड़ोस वाले उसको और उसके पिता को ताने देते रहते हैं यहाँ तक की वो लड़की नेहा भी अभय को राह चलते ताने देती है। अभय एक इन्शुरन्स कंपनी में नौकरी कर रहा है मगर उसको सुकून नहीं मिल रहा है।
इस परिवार की लाइफ में फिर से एक बार संकट के बादल छाते हैं जब नेहा किडनैप हो जाती है। पुलिस सीधे तौर पे अभय को ही सबसे पहले आ पकड़ती है मगर अभय इन सबसे साफ़ साफ़ मना कर रहा है। उसके अनुसार उसके लिए ये संभव ही नहीं हैं की अकेले वो नेहा को किडनैप कर ले। कुछ समय बाद पुलिस को नेहा की लाश समुद्र के किनारे मिलती है। पोस्टमॉर्टेम से पता चलता है की नेहा के साथ कई बार बलात्कार हुआ है और उसके साथ मार-पीट भी की गई है।

Crime Patrol Actor: Aparna Mishra, Alok Kumar, Ekta Methai
Sanjeeva Vats

Crime Patrol | Ateet: Colleage dean Satyabhama Randhawa goes missing (Crime Patrol Dial 100 Episode 231 on 31st August, 2016)

Satayabhama Randhava (played by Pyumori Mehta) is appointed as dean at Thhakkar College and she is going to be awarded for her good work but she goes missing just one day before this conferral. After filing her missing complain police comes to know that she is a divorcee and mother of daughter Roohi Randhava (played by Simran Sharma). On meeting Roohi she tell police that she hates her mother because she was the one because of whom she stayed away from her father and now she is living with her father only.
During investigation police also encounters a MMS scandal portraying a teacher from the same college and that teacher tried to commit su!c!de.

Crime Patrol | Asantulan: Un-Identifeid woman torso confirmed as of widow Radha Hegde (Episode 601 on 2nd January, 2016)


पुलिस को एक सर, हाथ और पैर रहित लाश कूड़े के ढेर में मिलती है. तफ्तीश के दौरान पता चलता है की एक आदमी ऑटो में आया था जिसने की ये बोर में भरी लाश को यहाँ पर फेंका है. किसी तरह से पुलिस उस ऑटो वाले को ढूंढ निकालती है मगर वो पुलिस को यही बोलता है की उसकी एक सवारी ने ये बोरा यहाँ पर फेका होगा और इससे ज़यादा वो कुछ नहीं जानता. पुलिस उसकी मदद से उस आदमी एक एक स्क्रेच भी बनवाती है.

दूसरी तरफ एक बाप और उसका बेटा अपनी बेटी के गुमशुदा होने की रिपोर्ट लिखवाने पुलिस के पास जाते हैं. महिला का नाम राधा हेगड़े है जो की विधवा है और एक बेटी की माँ है.

Human Trafficking: 17 year old Priya brought to Mumbai brothel by boyfriend Baapi (26th October, 2015)

ह्यूमन ट्रैफ़िकिंग
Human Trafficking
प्रिया नाबालिग है और अपनी माँ के साथ रहती है। उसकी माँ उसको लेकर बहुत सख्त है। प्रिया एक लड़की बापी से प्यार करती है और शादी करना चाहती है मगर उसकी माँ ऐसा नहीं होने देना चाहती है। बापी उसको बहला-फुसला कर मुंबई लेकर भाग जाता है। उसकी परेशान माँ पुलिस में प्रिया की मिसिंग कम्प्लेन दर्ज कराती है और बापी के बारे में भी बताती है।
इन्वेस्टीगेशन शुरू होने पर पता चलता है की प्रिया ह्यूमन ट्रैफिकिंग में फंस गई है। बापी उसको मुंबई लेकर एक औरत से मिलवाता है जिसको वो अपनी बहन बताता है मगर वो औरत प्रिया को वेश्यावृत्ति के लिए दबाव डालती है।

बंगाल पुलिस मुंबई पुलिस की सहायता से उसी एरिया में राइड डालती है और फिर शुरू होती है बापी और प्रिया को ढूंढने की जद्दोदहत।

Brother's revenge from his Sister over Property (Episode 561 on 25th Sep, 2015)

Dinesh Sahu and Anita Sahu are children of Narmada. Narmada used to live near her daughter's home because she had desputes running with her son Dinesh. Its been 20 years she left her own home where Dinesh and his second wife lives. She left home with Dinesh's few year old son Prasad from his first wife. Dinesh second wife clearly denied that Prasad does not belong to her so she will not take care of her any more.
When Narmada passed away, Dinesh did not come to attend her funeral. All the people are looking for Dinesh to come and take at least her last responsibility but Dinesh does not come.

Crime Patrol | Bewafai: Photographer Dinesh found murdered near a deserted road (Episode 555 on 11 Sep 2015)


(Ep. 555)
Urmila is a divorced woman who was left by her husband three years back due to her extramarital affair with a guy named Arun.

Another guy Dinesh, who was also in touch with Urmila found murdered on a deserted road in Santa Cruz area. When police interrogates one of Dinesh's friend, they comes to know that Dinesh was having affair with a woman.
Police calls Urmila's husband also for interrogation but could not found anyothing against him. He tells police that he left Urmila once he came to know about her affair with someone and he never tried to know who is the man, she is having affair with.

Tukde-Tukde: Blind case of female body parts (Episode 521, 522 on 19th June 2015)

एक आदमी को मुंबई की एक झील के तट पर कोई खून से सना पैकेट दिखाई देता है तो वो तुरंत पुलिस को सूचित करता है. पुलिस पहुच कर उस पैकेट को खोलती है तो पता चलता है की वो किसी मनुष्य की जांघे हैं. पुलिस स्तब्ध है की ये दुर्दांत काण्ड किसी ने क्यों किआ है. पुलिस आस पास के इलाके में इस शव के बाकी पार्ट ढूंढती है मगर उन्हें कुछ नहीं मिलता. वो लोग झील के आसपास के इलाके में भी पुलिस को सूचित करते है की इस तरह का और कोई संदिग्ध पैकेट या लाश का टुकड़ा मिले तो संपर्क किया जाए मगर कोई सुराग नहीं मिलता है.
इसके बाद पुलिस उनलोगों को एक लिस्ट तैयार करती है जो इसी एरिया में रहते हैं और गुमशुदा है. तफ्तीश करते करते पुलिस को पता चलता है की एक शादी शुदा महिला मीनाक्षी लोखंडे कैफ़ी दिन से गायब है और उसके पति ने उसके गुमशुदा होने की कोई सूचना पुलिस में नहीं दी है. उसके पति से मिलने पर पता चलता है की मीनाक्षी एक चरित्रहीन औरत थी जो किसी के साथ भाग गई होगी तभी उसने पुलिस में कुछ भी सूचित करने का नहीं सोचा. पुलिस की तफ्तीश में आखिरकार मीनाक्षी का हत्यारा हाथ आता है मगर ये भी पता चलता है की पुलिस को जो लाश का टुकड़ा मिला है वो मीनाक्षी का नहीं है. पुलिस इन जांघों की गुत्थी सुलझाते सुलझाते किसी और केस को सुलझा देती है और अब वो केस फिर से एक ब्लाइंड केस बन जाता है और पुलिस फिर से खाली हाथ है.

Crime Patrol | Mattoid: Maharashtra's serial killer, a necrophiliac Subhash (Crime Patrol 490, 491 on 3, 5 Apr 2015)

Laborer Subhash is a daily wage earner. One evening after work, his friend tells him to come along and he will take him to a good place for dinner. The two of them then go to a place where Rohini, who makes food, is present, and they sit down.

Haughty Rahini is a chatty personality and talks a lot to both of them. Subhash's friend leaves for a few minutes to get fresh. Subhash notices that Rohini has some money. When Rohini sees that Subhash is snooping around, she starts scolding him. Subhash gets annoyed by her scolding and tries to make her quiet first, then he hits her and takes all the money from her and leaves the place.

Crime Patrol | Taxi: Delhi's Well Known UBER Case (Episode 469, 470 On 13, 14 Feb 2015)


Delhi's girl Tanvi Sahu want to return to her home after her friend's party is over. One of her friend suggests her or take Speed Up Taxi service which is easy to book and there is no need to pay cash. They books a cab for her and Tanvi leaves for her home in the mid-night.

Tired from office and then in the party Tanvi takes a nap in the taxi then suddenly she feels that someone is touching her. Scared Tanvi wakes up and shocked to see that taxi is stopped and taxi driver is trying to molest her. When she tries to call for help, driver warns her not to scream otherwise he will kill her. He forces Tanvi to co-operate with her otherwise she would have to pay for this. Driver rapes Tanvi in the taxi and then drops her at her doorstep.

Tanvi narrets whole incident to her family and friends and with all encouragement they files a police complain against that taxi driver. Booking sms shows that driver's name is Nagesh Chauhan. First police tries to find out detail about this taxi service and they are shocked to know that this worldwide famous taxi service is not a registered service in the city and they has only two employees to maintains all the data of all booking city-wide.

Crime Patrol | Repeat Offenders: What we learned after Nirbhaya case! Now Shakti Mill, Mumbai Case (Episode 363, 364 on 3, 4 May 2013)

आदतन अपराधी
Repeat Offenders

22 August, 2013,
Shakti Mill, Mumbai
This case is also known as Shakti Mill case was held on 22 August. Victim of the case was a 24 year old photojournalist in a english magazine who was assaulted by 5 men including one juvenile at deserted Shakti Mill compound. Shakti Mill is situated at Mahalaxmi Area of South Mumbai.

Victim was on a assignment with his male colleague on that day. Her colleague first badly beaten with belt then they tied him with the same belt. They brought girl to a different place and sexually assaulted her.

In the meanwhile she was getting calls from her mother but they forced her to tell her that everything is fine. Later they switched off her phone and continued assaulting her. Also they put a broken bottle of beer at her neck and forced her not to scream otherwise they will kill her. During the incident they shot some photos of her and warned her not to tell this to police otherwise they will make these photos public.

Shakti Mill, Mumbai

Following the assault the men brought her back to her colleague. The brought survivor and her friend to the railway track. On reaching the tracks, they asked survivor and her colleague to walk forward towards Mahalaxmi Station, while they moved towards Lower Parel Station. When the criminal left, she informed her office colleague that she had been assaulted by five men. After their colleague came, they hailed a taxi and went to Jaslok Hospital. She called her mother also who reached hospital. After the survivor reached hospital she narrated the doctor what happened to her and immediately admitted.

On 26th August she gave her first statement to the police and got discharged on 27 August.

One more case was registered on 31st July, 2013 where a 19 year old girl was assaulted by five men at Shakti Mill. She was a telephone operator by profession. Three among five men were common in both the cases. In this case also the boy was tied and was beaten badly and girl was assaulted.

After the case registered, police arrested around 20 people and with in 65 hours they got three accused. Case was registered against total seven people and three out of these seven were common in both the cases. Two out of these seven are under 18.

Accused 22 August Incident: Vijay Jadhav, Mohd Kasim Hafiz Sheik aka Kasim Bengali, Salim Ansari, Siraj Rehman and a minor.

Accused 31 July Incident: Vijay Jadhav, Mohd Kasim Hafiz Sheik aka Kasim Bengali, Salim Ansari, Mohd Ashfak Sheik and a minor.

During initial investigation police was unable to trace Shiraz Rehman but later he was found in Thane jail.

On 19 September, 2013 police filed a 600 page chargesheet in a metropolitan court. The report on minor accused are given to the Juvenile Court. They were charged under 376(d) for assault, 377 for unnatural offense, 120(b) for criminal conspiracy, 34 for common intention and 201 for destruction of evidence.

On 14th April, 2013 Mumbai Session court awarded death penalty to three of them who were involved in both the cases.

Controversial Comments:
"Women needed to pay attention to their clothes to avoid such type of attacks. Women should not be too influenced by television"
Naresh Agarwal
Samajwadi Party leader and Rajya Sabha MP

“Should these guys be punished with hanging? They are boys, they make mistakes"
Mulayam Singh Yadav
Politician, Samajwadi Party

Victim Played by Arshima Thapar

22 अगस्त, 2013

इस केस को शक्ति मिल केस के नाम से भी जाना जा रहा है. ये काण्ड एक इंग्लिश पत्रिका की फोटो जर्नलिस्ट पर पांच युवकों द्वारा किया गया था. इन पांच लोगों में से एक नाबालिग है. शक्ति मिल एक खँडहर है जो की दक्षिणी मुंबई के महालक्ष्मी इलाके में है. पीडिता उसे दिन अपने एक सहकर्मी के साथ एक असाइनमेंट पर गई थी. दोषियों ने पहले तो उसके सहकर्मी को बेल्ट से मारा उसके बाद बेल्ट से ही बांध कर पीडिता के साथ दुष्कर्म किया.

जब उसके साथ दुष्कर्म हो रहा था उसी समय उसके मोबाइल फ़ोन पर उसकी माँ की कॉल भी आरही थी. दोषियों ने पहले तो उस पर दबाव दल की वो बोल दे की सब कुछ ठीक है मगर अगली बार फिर से कॉल आने पर उससे मोबाइल छीन कर उसे ऑफ कर दिया.

बियर की एक टूटी बोतल से उनलोगों ने पीडिता को धमकाया की अगर उसने ज़रा सी भी आवाज़ निकाली तो ये बोलत उसकी गर्दन में घुसेड देंगे. इस दौरान उसके कुछ फोटो भी लिए गए और उसको धमकाया गया की अगर पुलिस को कुछ भी बताया तो ये फोटोज इन्टरनेट पर डाल दी जाएँगी.

लड़की के साथ दुष्कर्म करने के बाद वो उसे उसके सहकर्मी के पास वापस ले आये और फिर दोनों को पकड़ कर रेलवे ट्रैक के पास ले गए. वहां ले जाने के बाद उन दोनो महालक्ष्मी स्टेशन की तरफ जाने को कहा और पाँचों लोग लोअर परेल की तरफ बढ़ गए. दूर जाने के बाद दोनों ने अपने बाकी सहकर्मियों से बोल कर अपने बॉस को फ़ोन किया और बताया की उसके साथ सामूहिक बलात्कार हुआ है. सहकर्मियों के आने के बाद दोनों को जसलोक हॉस्पिटल ले जाया गया जहाँ पर पीडिता ने सारी आपबीती डॉक्टर को सुनाई. उसकी माँ को भी अस्पताल बुला लिया गया. उनका इलाज तुरंत शुरू हो गया.