Showing posts with label Aditi Asija. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aditi Asija. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | Daanv Pench: Anurag Khandelwal's missing case (Ep 56, 57 on 30 Sep, 1 Oct 2019 - Crime Patrol Satark Season 2)


Anurag Khandelwal is a property dealer who is going for a promising land deal. He shares this with his wife but also tells her not to share anything with his business partner Harshvardhan Rana.

But the day he leaves for this deal, goes missing and his wife Sushma receives his ransom call. In between someone informs a police informer about this kidnapping so police also reach the same place before Harshvardhan who is waiting for a kidnapper with 25 lac rupees. Kidnapper warns him about leaking the plan with police so Harshvardhan comes back. Now when police start the investigation, Anurag's wife Sushma becomes their prime suspect.

Aditi Asija, Chandan Rai, Darshan Raj, kanpur, Manish Raj, Namrata Jadhav, Nikhil Modak, nissar khan, property dealer, Saurabh Goyal,

प्रॉपर्टी डीलर अनुराग खंडेलवाल अपनी पत्नी से ये कह कर निकलता है की वो कोई बड़ी डील के लिए जा रहा है जो उनकी ज़िंदगी बदल देगी और वो ये भी कहता है की इस डील के बारे में उसके पार्ट्नर हर्षवर्धन राणा को कुछ ना पता चले.

निकालने के बाद अनुराग ग़ायब हो जाता है और उसकी फिरौती की कॉल उसकी पत्नी को आती है. इसी बीच कोई पुलिस के एक ख़बरी को ये फ़ोन कर के बताता है की अनुराग नाम के प्रॉपर्टी डीलर का किड्नैप हुआ है और 25 लाख की फिरौती माँगी गई है. जब हर्षवर्धन फिरौती की रक़म देने जाता है तो पहले से पुलिस के वहाँ होने की वजह से किड्नैपर उसको धमकी देकर वापस भेज देता है. परिस्थितियाँ कुछ ऐसी सामने आती हैं की पुलिस की पहली सस्पेक्ट अनुराग की पत्नी सुषमा बन जाती है.

Online Episode on SonyLiv:
Part 1:
Part 2:

Online Episode on MXPlayer:
Part 1:
Part 2:

Online Episode on YouTube:
Part 1:
Part 2:

Pratikriya: Businessman Sujit Parihar shot with point blank in broad daylight in a crowded market (Episode 645, 646 on 8th, 9th April, 2016)


Sujit Parihar is a successful businessman who attacked by some assailants in a crowded market with a point-blank range. The doctor also tells police that he was shot on his head and his survival chances are very rare. Police are shocked to know that how someone can attack and flee in so much crowded market and nobody has seen him! They start their investigation with that market but do not get any clue.

Sujit dies after a few days so now police start asking the person with whom he was having a business rivalry. Sujit was a wealthy businessman and he was having many disputes with people. It was Sujit's hobby to invest in any small or big business. He also bought restaurants in the 60%-40% partnership where he was taking 60% of the income. Besides this, a beautiful lady Priya Gupta was also her business partner who was owing to a flower shop. Police are trying to relate motive behind his murder with Sujit's this business where he was taking 40% of the partnership while Priya was taking 60%. Police were also being suspicious of Priya because no one in Sujit's office was aware of his this business.

सुजीत परिहार एक व्यापारी है जिस पर देसी कट्टे से भरे बाजार में हमला होता है। अस्पताल में डॉक्टर बताते हैं की सुजीत के सर पर गोली लगी है और बिलकुल नज़दीक से हमला किया गया है। ये अजीब बात है की इतनी भीड़ में कैसे कोई हमला कर के फरार हो गया! पुलिस अपनी छानबीन उसी मार्किट से शुरू करती है मगर किसी ने भी वहां पे हमलावर को गोली चलाते हुए नहीं देखा है। कुछ दिन बाद सुजीत की मृत्यु हो जाती है। अब पुलिस पहले को सुजीत के सभी जान्ने वालों से पूछताछ शुरू करती है। पुलिस अपने घेरे में उनलोगों को लेती है जिनके साथ सुजीत की अनबन चल रही थी। सुधीर एक पैसे वाला और दबंग बिजनेसमैन था और रुपये पैसे को लेकर उसकी कैस लोगों से अनबन चल रही थी। सुजीत को जो भी बिज़नेस अच्छा लगता था वो उसमे पैसे लगा देता था। उसने रेस्टोरेंट भी ख़रीदे थे जिनमे वो 60% हिस्सा रखता था और बाकी हिस्सा रेस्टोरेंट चलाने वाले को देता था। इसके अलावा सुजीत की और बिज़नेस में हिस्सेदारी थी जिसमे प्रिया गुप्ता नाम की महिला उसकी हिस्सेदार थी। पुलिस के लिए एक चौंकाने वाले बात ये भी थी की इस बिज़नेस के बारे में सुजीत के ऑफिस में कोई नहीं जानता था, यहाँ तक की उसकी पत्नी भी नहीं और ये एक अकेला बिज़नेस था जिसमे सुजीत 40% हिस्सा लेता था और प्रिया को 60% हिस्सा मिलता था।

Part 1:
Part 2:

Part 1: voSUwXsWVck
Part 2:

Here is the inside story of the case:

Nakamiyaab: Pankaj Sinha's master plan to eliminate wife Geeta Sinha (Episode 623, 625 on 20th, 21st February, 2016)

Pankaj Sinha lives in Patna with his wife and a child. According to his wife Geeta Sinha, he is an ideal husband, but Pankaj is actually plotting to kill Geeta. Pankaj had an affair with Geeta's cousin Nisha four years ago, which started when Geeta came to her home to take care of Geeta during her pregnancy. Geeta came to know about this affair in time and after Geeta created a ruckus, everything was handled.
Geeta thinks Pankaj and Nisha has no connction now, but even after four years of their marriage, Pankaj and Nisha continue their relationship and both are in constant contact with each other.

It is Holi and Pankaj is talking with some criminals as to why those people have not been able to finish Geeta yet. This contract killing planted by Pankaj has so far attempted to kill Geeta thrice but has not been successful so far. After failing three times, Pankaj himself makes a master plan to kill Geeta and plans a Nalanda picnic trip with her brother-in-law's family and her family.
Aditi Asija, Dolphin Dubey, Gyanendra Tripathi, Rajeev Bhardwaj, Sabina Jat, Vikas Salgotra, anmol, bihar, geeta, nisha, pankaj, sanjeev tyagi, varanasi

Crime Patrol | Purnai Dushmani: Double murder of Senior Citizen in Mumbai (Episode 504, 505 on 8, 9 May 2015)

Senior citizens Velisa and Farzad live alone in their bungalow, where they own a coconut plantation. Usha, their domestic help, spends nearly 12 hours daily at their home. One morning, upon her arrival, she is terrified to discover Velisa's lifeless body in the garden. The police are called, and they soon find Farzad's deceased body inside the bungalow. The culprit responsible for their deaths has also stolen cash, jewelry, and Farzad's new shoes.

According to the village electrician, he visited their flat the day before to address electricity issues. He informs the police that someone intentionally tampered with and disconnected the electrical wires. The electrician reveals that he spotted someone hiding in the garden, who quickly fled when he called out to them. The police enlist the electrician's assistance in creating a sketch of the individual. Velisa's daughter immediately identifies the person depicted in the sketch. She informs the police that the sketch resembles the caretaker's son, Girish Prasad, who had resided in the bungalow fourteen years ago. Girish, who had grown up there, was eventually expelled by his father, Hari Prasad, due to his involvement in burglary.

The murderer also took Farzad's mobile phone and made a call to his brother-in-law, Kamran, at midnight. When the police contact Kamran, he explains that he is from Gujarat, and the number belongs to Maroof, his sister's husband in Gujarat. This situation confuses the police as to whether the culprit is Maroof or if Girish is the actual perpetrator, as indicated by the sketch.

महाराष्ट्र के एक कोकोनट प्लांटेशन के मालिक वरिष्ठ नागरिक वेलिसा और फरज़ाद की नौकरानी उषा जब एक सुबह अपने काम पर आती है तो अपने मालकिन की लाश कंपाउंड में पड़ी देखती है. पुलिस को मकान के दूसरी तरफ से फरज़ाद की लाश भी मिलती है. पता चलता है की हत्यारे में वेलिसा की अंगूठी और इयर रिंग्स लूटे हैं और घर के अन्दर से कैश, ज्वेलरी और फरज़ाद के नए जूते भी चुराए हैं.

Crime Patrol | A Shot in the Dark: Woman shot dead on Karwa Chauth (Episode 308 on 26 Oct 2013)

निशाने का रहस्य
A Shot in the Dark

On the night of Karwa Chauth a married woman Kiran found dead suddenly when she was playing cards with her friends on the terrace of a Restaurant in Chandigarh. Her friends were unable to identify whats wrong with her when she forcefully put her head on the table. First her friends thought that she is making fun of them, then after watching spots of Blood the called hotel staff and then police.

Hotel staff immediately brought her to hospital but doctor declares the she is no more and she was already dead when they brought her to Hospital.

करवा चौथ के रात कुछ महिलाएं एक रेस्टोरेंट की टेरेस पर ताश खेल रहीं हैं. सारी औरतें एक मेज के चारों और बैठी हैं. तभी उनमे से एक महिला अचानक अपना सर मेज पर पटक देती है. उसकी दोस्तों को लगता है की वो कोई मज़ाक कर रही है मगर ध्यान से देखने पे पता चलता है की उसके सर से खून निकल रहा है. कोई कुछ समझ नहीं पता है. महिला को तुरंत अस्पताल ले जाया जाता है जहाँ डॉक्टर बताते हैं की उसकी मृत्यु अस्पताल आने से पहले हो चुकी है और उसके सर में गोली लगी है.

पुलिस तफ्तीश में पता चलता है की वो गोली एक राइफल से चलाई गई है. मगर पुलिस से समझने में नाकाम है की आखिर किसी को पता क्यों नहीं चला जब उसको वो गोली लगी.

Crime Patrol | Targeted for Murder, A Doctor's Life Hangs in the Balance (Episode 12 on 4 June, 2011)

In the beginning of the episode, it is shown that a man wants to arrange a contract killing for physiotherapist Dr. Manish, and then an attack is carried out on him. The contract killer shoots at him. Manish is immediately rushed to the hospital.

Manish is about to get married to Sonia, who is also a dentist by profession. During the initial police investigation, it is revealed that Avinash had been attacked twice before but managed to survive. However, this time he couldn't escape the attack. His parents are unable to understand who could have enmity with Manish to the extent of wanting to kill him.