Showing posts with label Aeklavya Tomer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aeklavya Tomer. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | Case 29/2019: College student Nikita's mysterious Su!c!de turned murder (Ep 113/114 on 19/20 Dec, 2019 Crime Patrol Satark Season 2)

A shop owner Amit got a sudden call on his phone and the caller tells him that his sister is dead, go and get her dead body. He thinks someone throwing a joke on him because he does not have any sister!

On the other hand, a young girl Nikita goes missing after her college. Her parents raise her missing complaint and the next day police find her dead body hanging on a tree at outskirt area. For the police, it is looking like su!c!de and the same is revealed by the postmortem report as well. The girl was forcibly raped by someone before su!c!de. In further investigation, the police come to know that the girl was having an affair with a college senior Vineet Lokhande. They also come to know that Nikita's last call from her phone was to Amit who is his cousin's brother. When police questions Amit, he tells police that yes that day he got an anonymous call from someone who told him to collect his sister's dead body but he ignored that call.

Further investigation reveals that Amit was having a property dispute with Nikita's father and there is a court case that is running between both parties.

 Aeklavya Tomer, Amit Verma, Anuj Nayak, Arshad Khan, Chandan Rai, Khushi Khan, Kundan Roy, Raaj Gopal Iyer, Raquel Rebello, Ravi Singh, Suman Singh, Ujjwal Chopra, Yash Choudhary, nikita

Online Episode on SonyLiv:

Crime Patrol | Gardish - Under-trial criminal shot dead in a hospital (Ep 58 on 2 Oct 2019 - Crime Patrol Satark Season 2)

Bad Time
Four under trial criminals are admitted in a government hospital. In the same ward another person is also admitted whom a doctor comes to visit and he has covered his face with mask. This doctor writes some medicines on a small paper and asks his wife to bring these medicines from pharmacy. When that lady shows that medicine name to at the pharmacy, pharmacy guy is shocked to see a fake name is written on it.

In between that doctor shoots a patient at bed no 6. None in the ward was able to hear noise of firing because the shooter attached silencer on the gun.

एक सरकारी अस्पताल के जनरल वार्ड में एक साथ चार अपराधी भारती हैं जो अपनी अपनी समस्याओं का इलाज करवाने आए हैं. इसी वार्ड के एक मरीज़ के पति को डॉक्टर विज़िट करने आता है जो की मुँह पर नक़ाब लगाए हुए है. इस मरीज़ की पत्नी से ये डॉक्टर एक पर्चे पर कुछ दावा लिख कर लाने को बोलता है. वो महिला जब मेडिकल स्टोर पर जाकर पर्ची दिखाती है तो पता चलता है उस पर्ची पर लिखा है "अक्कड़-बक्कड़".

इसी बीच जब वो महिला मेडिकल स्टोर पे है तो वही आदमी जो डॉक्टर की वेश-भूषा में है, सायलेन्सर लगी बंदूक़ से 6 नम्बर बेड पर लेते मरीज़ को गोली मार देता है. 3 गोलियाँ मारने के बाद उस मरीज़ की तत्काल मृत्यु हो जाती है.

Online Episode on SonyLiv:

Courtroom | Mai Kalu Nahi: Man spend 10 years in jail for the murder committed by his brother (Ep 22 on 20 Apr, 2019)

मै कालू नहीं... 
I am not Kalu...
(A Case of Mistaken Identity)
Bijnor, 2006
Kalu (real name Pappu) is a serial offender who has killed his brother-in-law with his own sister and a friend. Police immediately arrests his sister and friend after this murder but is unable to trace Kalu. Months pass but they still don't have any clue about Kalu. Now they have separate files of Kalu and the other two because Kalu is missing and on its ground court rewards life-term for both of them.
Court warns police to find out Kalu as soon as possible. In police extreme pressure they arrest Kalu's brother Munnu who is a daily wage earner in Jaipur and projects him as Kalu. They also bring him to court for punishment. Munnu and his mother are trying to explain that he is not Kalu but none of police listens to him. Munnu is also not able to prove himself because he does not have a single ID proof of himself. His mother approaches numbers of advocates but nothing fruitful comes out. Time flies like anything and now 10 years are passes and Munnu is still in judicial custody.

Crime Patrol | Case 21/2018: Madhya Pradesh girl abducted, r*ped and sold thrice (Episode 923, 924 on 26 May 2018)

2018 का इकीसवां केस
Case 21/2018
The story comes from Balwada village in Madhya Pradesh(MP)'s district Khargone which comes under Indore division. It is located 214 kilometers far from state capital Bhopal. The Incident was reported by media on 8th Feb this year when a missing girl (played by Meenakshi Dahiya) came back to her home after 7 months. And within these seven months, she was molested and sold thrice.
This all started on 3rd June last year (2017) when after having arguments with her elder brother girl left the home for her maasi (mother's sister) in Pithampur. On the bus towards Pithampur, she met with a guy Antim Shitole who was already known to her. After hearing to the girl Antim suggested her come with him rather than his aunt's home and he will help her get married so the rest of her life will go peaceful and smooth. From there Antim brought her to Indore and then with his two more companions Anil and Alpesh, he brings her to Pratapgarh (Rajasthan) where this duo runs a marriage bureau. In Pratapgarh he molested her and then sold her to the duo in INR 50,000 (approx $725).
inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion

Crime Patrol | Case 80/2017: 55 years old clerk Ashok Gupta brutally killed and looted (Episode 883 on 31 Dec 2017)

2017 का अस्सीवां केस
Case 80/2017

55-year-old accountant Vaibhav Pawar was found killed in his room inside office premises. That night when the caretaker of the office woke up in midnight, he found a lock of the shutter is opened. Then he observed that all three respective locks are opened. He immediately calls store manager Rahul Purohit and when he comes, he finds Vaibhav Pawar dead in a pool of blood. The place where he is lying, "Rahul" is written on the wall with blood. Police come and first, they take Vaibhav and the caretaker into their custody.

Few employees of the office tell that Vaibhav Pawar was having an affair with another employee Mohini. Mohini is a divorcee and since Vaibhav Powar got injured, she was taking full care of her in the office.

Investigating more police comes to know that there is one more employee of the same name "Vaibhav" is there and his full name is "Rahul Kulkarni" who is absconding since Vaibhav Pawar killed.

inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion

Online episode on SonyLiv:
Unreliable Employee

Online episode on Youtube:
Here is the inside story of the case:

Crime Patrol | Case 54/2017: Murder Of Two innocent kids Mayank and Sumit (Episode 839, 840 on 5, 6 August 2017)

Case 54/2017
2017 का चौवनवाँ केस
Death of Two Best Friends
दो गहरे दोस्तों की मौत
Eight-year-old Sumit found badly injured below a tree in the village. His parents assume that he must have fallen from the tree. They brought him to a hospital where doctors could not save him and he dies. Parents buried his body. Mayank was one of Sumit's best friends who now very upset and not able to concentrate on anything since his friend passed away. A day he goes to a tilak ceremony in the village from where he suddenly goes missing and the next day his dead body found in a pond in the village
Inside Story आजमगढ़. दीदारगंज थाना क्षेत्र के सुरहन गांव में एक बच्चे की संदिग्‍ध मौत होती है। मौत की वजह सिर में गंभीर चोट सामने आती है और परिजन इसे दुर्घटना मान शव दफना देते है, लेकिन इस घटना के ठीक 21 वें दिन एक और बच्‍चे की लाश पोखरी में मिलती है। पुलिस को शव के सिर में चोट के जख्‍म मिलते है और शव पोस्‍टमार्टम के लिए भेज दिया जाता है। पोस्टमॉर्टेम में पता चलता है की इस बच्चे की हत्या करने से पहले दुष्कर्म किया गया था।

inside story
Manish Raj,Aeklavya Tomer,Suman Singh,Shrruti Gholap,aryan,Sanjay Bhatiya,double murder,aditya,sanjeev tyagi,Alok Kumar,Varin Roopani
YouTube | Dailymotion

Crime Patrol | Case 25/2017: Gold businessman Ganesh Kotian found hanging in a hotel's locked room (Episode 788, 789 on 8, 9 Apr 2017)

Case 25/2017
2017 का पच्चीसवां केस
Ganesh Kottian (played by Swapnil Sunil Ajgaonkar) hails from Mangalore, is a gold businessman who is currently in Pune for some delivery related work. He seems to be a little worried and reaches a hotel to stay in. Hotel staff finds no one came out of his room from the last two days and the room is locked with a padlock that does not belong to this hotel. They also observe that the foul smell is coming from this room. Hotel owner calls to police and police find a dead body hanging on the ceiling fan.

The hotel has only one CCTV camera at the corridor attached to Ganesh's room which is focusing on reception. Checking footage of that camera police finds a suspicious person is entering Ganesh's room when he was busy in documentation formality.
That man is wearing a red color T-Shirt, cap, and dark color goggles. Receptionists and footage confirm that the day Ganesh entered into the room, was carrying a green color bag which police could not found in the room after Ganesh's murder. Police are sure that this suspicious first killed Ganesh then flee with his bag.

Police inform Ganesh's wife Chitra and his father about his murder in Mangalore. Ganesh's father tells police that Ganesh was a gold broker who was carrying six-kilogram gold on his trip to Pune. He tells police that they also raised his missing complaint at their area police station where his wife Chitra told police about this six Kg gold. Now, police are sure that Ganesh was killed for this gold only. The person behind him was following him from Mangalore and once he got a chance, he killed Ganesh and disappeared with Six Kg gold.

Further investigation reveals that Ganesh was a Raw Gold broker, rather than a gold businessman. His work was to deliver raw gold to jewelers around India to get Gold jewelry in exchange. He was working for a businessman cum gangster Shankar Anna. Ganesh was a self-made person and he himself made a big bungalow from a small house.

गणेश कोटियान सोने का व्यापारी है जो की अपने बिज़नेस के सिलसिले में मंगलोर से पुणे आया हुआ है। वो कुछ परेशान है और एक लॉज में रुकने के लिए कमरा लेता है। दो दिन तक कोई उसको कमरे से निकलता नहीं देखता है और उसके कमरे में एक ताला लगा दिखाई देता है। कमरे के अंदर से एक अजीब सी बदबू भी आरही है। लॉज का मालिक पुलिस को बुलाता है और ताला खोलने पर पुलिस को गणेश की लाश पंखे से लटकी हुई मिलती है।

लॉज के रिसेप्शन से गणेश के होटल तक जाने वाले गलियारे में पुलिस को एक सीसीटीवी कैमरा लगा दिखाई देता है सो पुलिस उस कैमरा में दो दिन पहले की फुटेज खोजना शुरू करती है जब गणेश लॉज में दाखिल हुआ था। फुटेज में एक बहुत अजीबोगरीब चीज दिखाई देती है की जिस समय गणेश रिसेप्शन पर अपनी डॉक्यूमेंटेशन पूरी कर रहा था ठीक उसी समय उसके पीछे काला चश्मा और टोपी लगाए एक आदमी रिसेप्शनिस्ट और गणेश से नज़रें बचा कर उसी गलियारे की तरफ गया था जिस तरफ गणेश का कमरा था। फुटेज में इस अनजान आदमी की कोई तस्वीर साफ़ नहीं मिलती है मगर पुलिस को ये यकीन ज़रूर हो जाता है की इसी आदमी में गणेश का खून किया और फिर गणेश का बैग लेकर फरार हो गया।

गणेश के घर मंगलौर में उसकी पत्नी और पिता को उसकी हत्या के बारे में सूचित किया जाता है। सबलोग अचंभित है की ये कैसे हो गया। गणेश का पिता बताता है की गणेश एक सोने का व्यापारी था और वो अपनी पत्नी से कह कर निकला था की वो 6 किलो सोना पुणे डिलीवर करने जा रहा है। अब पुलिस को पूरा यकीन हो जाता है की ये हत्या उस 6 किलो सोने के लिए ही की गई है।

खबरियों को एक्टिव करने पर एक खुफिया खबर सामने आती है की गणेश सोने का व्यापारी नहीं बल्कि कच्चा सोना डिलीवर करने वाला एक ब्रोकर था को शंकर नाम के आदमी के लिए काम करता था और कच्चे सोने के बदले सोने के जवाहरात लाकर डिलीवर करता था। गणेश एक सेल्फ मेड आदमी था जिसने अपने दम पर ही एक छोटी सी कोठी से एक बड़ा बँगला खड़ा किआ था। पुलिस को एक और बात हैरान करने वाली लगती है की गणेश की बीवी को सिर्फ इतना पता था की गणेश सोने की डिलीवरी का काम करता है, उसे ये बिलकुल भी नहीं पता था की गणेश एक ब्रोकर या स्मगलर है।

Inside Story:
Thrissur, Kerala gold businessman Satish Raju M was found hanging at Chembur, Mumbai's Kamla Lodge. His body was recovered from the room he was staying and the room was found locked from outside. Hotel's staff told police that when they found Raju is not picking their call and missing from the last three days, they alerted police about this.

Jadtaa: Dehradun's Triple murder includes 2 women and a man (Episode 704 on 2nd September, 2016)


(Ep. 95, Crime Patrol Dial 100)
राधा और मालती जंगल से लकड़ी बीन कर लेकर बेचने का काम करती है। एक सुबह दोनों निकलती हैं मगर वापस नहीं आती। काफी समय तक उनके ना आने के बाद मालती का पति और बाकी गाँव वाले पुलिस में खबर करते हैं और पुलिस भी उनको जंगल में ढूंढना शुरू कर देती है। काफी देर तक जंगल में ढूंढने के बाद पुलिस को मालती, राधा और एक आदमी की लाशें मिलती हैं। मालती की लाश पेड़ पे लटकी मिलती है और पुलिस ये कयास लगाती है की मारने वाले ने मालती का खून कर के आत्महत्या दिखाने की कोशिश की है। राधा के सर पे किसी चीज से जोरदार वार करके उसको मारा गया है। पुलिस का पहला शक मालती के पति की दूसरी पत्नी पर जाता है जो की साथ में ही रहती थी और मालती से बहुत चिढ़ती थी। गाँव वालों में कोई भी नहीं जानता की ये आदमी कौन है जिसकी लाश इनदोनो के साथ मिली है।

Kahan hai Priya: One year long wait of 4 year old missing minor Priya (Episode 580, 581 on 31st Oct, 1st Nov 2015)

प्रिया गरीब माँ-बाप की ४ साल की बेटी है। एक शाम वो खेलते खेलते गायब हो जाती है। प्रिया की मिसिंग कम्प्लेन लिखे जाती है और पता चलता है की प्रिया को आखिरी बार मोहल्ले के ही दो लड़कों के साथ देखा गया था। पुलिस उन्दोनो को पकड़ती है तो वो लोग बताते हैं की प्रिया उनके पीछे-पीछे उनके घर तक आगई थी। वो दोनों नशे में धुत थे तो उन्होंने उसको अपने पास ही सुला लिया। सुबह जब नींद खुली तो प्रिया को देख कर वो डर गए और प्रिया को लेकर उसको उसके घर पहुचाने निकल पड़े। वो प्रिया को लिए ही थे की उन्होंने देखा की मोहल्ले वाले और प्रिया का पिता सबलोग बात कर रहे हैं की प्रिया को अगवाह करने वाले को वो छोड़ेगे नहीं। वो लोग डर गए और किसी को कुछ पता न चले इसलिए उसे रेलवे स्टेशन पर ऐसे ही छोड़ आये।

पुलिस रेलवे स्टेशन की फुटेज तलाशना  शुरू करती है तो उसमे दिखता है की प्रिया एक काले कपडे पहने आदमी के साथ है। पुलिस बहुत पता लगाने की कोशिश करती है मगर उस आदमी का कुछ पता नहीं चलता है। एक साल बीतने के बाद प्रिया के माँ-बाप कोर्ट केस फाइल करते हैं और केस मुंबई क्राइम ब्रांच को सौंपा जाता है।

Crime Patrol | Ties that Bind: Double murder of mother and daughter (Episode 452 on 2nd Jan 2015)

रिश्तों का बंधन
Ties that Bind
Kinargunj, 2015
Mukul is a resident of Kinargunj but works at Mumbai. He is eldest among two sisters. One of his sister Sonakshi (played by Sarika Dhillon) is married and other one Komal (real name Heena Grover and played by Sabina Jat) is about to get marry. Whole family is busy in preparation of her marriage. Sonakshi lives in Kinargunj with her husband while Komal and mother Shanti (real name Usha Grover played by Reshma Merchant) lives together in their home. An evening Mukul tries her mother's number many times but she do not pick his call. He is very nervous because usually he talks to his mother daily but it is first time that noone is picking his call. He calls Sonakshi and she tells him that he will go to meet them next day. When she reaches home, she is shocked to see that her mother Shanti and Komal both are murdered. Komal is dead and lying-in on floor of her bedroom while mother Shanti is in her bedroom. A word "Yog" written by Komal's blood on the wall of her bedroom where she is lying-in. Looks like Komal tries to hint name of the murdered. When police starts investigation, they comes to know that there was an electrician Yogesh who was working at their home few months back and he was caught red handed while peeping inside Komal's bedroom. He also used to stare at Komal. Watching his activities he was banished from home.

Now police starts searching electrician Yogesh.
किनारगंज, 2015
मुकुल किनारगंज का रहना वाला है और मुंबई ने नौकरी करता है. वो दो बहनों में सबसे बड़ा है और अपनी बड़ी बहन सोनाक्षी की शादी करवा चुका है जो की उससे एक साल छोटी है और अब परिवार छोटी बहन कोमल की शादी में व्यस्त है. एक शाम को अपनी माँ को कई बार फ़ोन करता है मगर फ़ोन नहीं उठ रहा है. वो काफी घबराया हुआ है क्युकी ऐसा पहले कभी भी नहीं हुआ था. वो सोनाक्षी को फ़ोन करके बोलता है की वो घर जाकर पता करे की माँ फ़ोन क्यों नहीं उठा रही है. वो जब घर जाती है तो देख कर घबरा जाती है की उसकी माँ और कोमल दोनों की बुरी तरह से हत्या कर दी गई है.

Crime Patrol | Shootout: Jamshedpur serial murders and shootouts (Episode 433, 434 on 15, 16 November 2014)

The city is in the grip of terror due to a spate of sudden shootouts. Four individuals are responsible for these attacks, but the police have been unable to track them down. Their targets are wealthy individuals, and it's particularly strange that they do not steal anything from their victims before fleeing the scene. Unfortunately, two people have already lost their lives in these attacks, and the police have been unable to make any headway in their investigation.

One of the four individuals responsible for the shootings is a man named Balraj. When he's at home, he often stands in front of a mirror and talks to himself. On one occasion, while Balraj was sitting in a hotel with his accomplices, a senior police officer approached him and gave him some money. Despite this, the police have been unable to identify any suspects.

However, the police did receive an anonymous tip from a woman who claimed that one of the members of the gang was actually a police officer. Despite this lead, the police are still struggling to identify the perpetrator.

JAMSHEDPUR July 27, 2014