Showing posts with label Akhil Kataria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Akhil Kataria. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | Case 32/2017: Naina kidnapped by Rohan, returned after 2 years (Episode 802, 803, 804 on 12, 13, 14 May 2017)

2017 का बत्तीसवाँ केस
Case 32/2017

(Missing Jai and Preeti Case, Ep. 802, 803, 804)

Naina has been missing from her home for two years now, and her father believes she was kidnapped by her boyfriend Rohan and three others.

Naina and Rohan, who were 17 and 21 years old respectively, fell in love with each other years ago. Rohan was the relative of Naina's landlord who used to visit his maternal sister in the same locality as Naina's home. However, Naina's father was against their relationship and sent her to Allahabad to stay with her maternal uncle and continue her 12th exams.

One day, Rohan allegedly came to Naina's home when she was alone and kidnapped her at gunpoint with two of his friends. Despite Naina's father's efforts to locate them, the police were unable to find them in either city. However, two years after Naina's kidnapping, she suddenly called her father and told him that Rohan had left her at the Varanasi station. When Naina's uncle went to see her, he discovered that she was pregnant.

When Naina recorded her statement before the police, she revealed that Rohan had raped her repeatedly for the past two years and that she was carrying his child. She also stated that she was held captive in a dark room with little light, and she couldn't tell how much time had passed.

inside story

Case 68/2017: Fake incometax raids Batuk Parmar's home (Ep 864, 865 on 21, 22 Oct 2017)

2017 का अढ़सठवाँ केस
Case 68/2017

(Corruption Kills, Ep. 864 & 865)
बटुक परमार एक साधारण का कर्मचारी है जो कि एक साड़ी की दुकान पर काम करता है. उसके घर में उसके अलावा उसकी पत्नी अल्पा, माँ कोकिल, कोकिला, बेटी पारुल और बेटा दीपेश परमार रहते हैं. साधारण से दिखने वाले इस परिवार पे एक सुबह 7:30 पे इंकमटैक्स डिपार्टमेंट की रेड पड़ती है जिसमें 1 महिला और 4 पुरुष हैं. इनके अलावा एक हवलदार भी है जो कि घर के बाहर खड़ा रहता है.

पूरे घर की तलाशी ली जाती है और फिर एक अल्मारी मिलती है जिसकी चाबी बटुक के पास नहीं है. वो कहता है की ये अल्मारी उसके पिछले मालिक अरविंद सेठ की है और चाबी भी उनके ही पास है. इंकमटैक्स वाले अलमारी को तोड़ने का निर्णय लेते हैं और ताला तोड़ने पर भौचक्के रह जाते हैं. अल्मारी पूरी तरह से रुपयों से भारी पड़ी है जो कि साठ लाख के आसपास हैं.
इसके बाद वो लोग ये सारे रुपए एक बैग में भर कर बटुक को अपने साथ ले जाते हैं और फिर रास्ते में उसको अपना कार्ड थमा कर उससे बोलते हैं की जाकर अपने मालिक को बोले की इस फ़ोन पर कांटैक्ट करे. बटुक भागा-भागा घर पहुँचता है. घर के सारे फ़ोन पहले से ही ज़ब्त किए जा चुके हैं सो वो एक टेलीफ़ोन बूथ से मालिक अरविंद को फ़ोन करके सारी बात बताता है. जब अरविंद सेठ बटुक द्वारा दिए गए कार्ड में वर्णित नम्बर पे कॉल लगाता है तो पाता है की वो नम्बर ग़लत है.

दोनो लोग पुलिस के पास जाते हैं और आगे पता लगाने पर पता चलता है कि ये छापा नक़ली था.

Dincy Vira,Manish Raj,Suman Singh,Rahul Tomar,Kamlesh Oza,Suman Patel,Nishant Singh,Swapnil Ajgaonkar,maruf khan,Mridul Das,Alok Kumar,Akhil Kataria,Shafique Ansari,nissar khan,Nadeem Khan,

Courtroom | Kohra: Man spent 18 months in jail for murder of his living wife (Episode 23 on 21 Apr 2019)

Namit's wife Jyoti is missing since morning. When they are not able to trace her, she raises a police complaint and on the other hand, Jyoti's parents also file FIR against Namit's family that they were asking for dowry from Jyoti and when they said they will not give, they did something wrong with Jyoti. Police arrest Namit and he is now in judicial custody.
After a few days police find a charred female body. After asking for identification from Jyoti's parents, they confirm that it is Jyoti's body who is killed by Namit and his family.

The defense lawyer is finding something fishy in the case when he comes to know that Jyoti never used to keep any mobile phone. From his confidential sources, he comes to know that in-fact Jyoti was using a mobile phone regularly in the absence of everyone's knowledge.

Crime Patrol | Case 20/2018: Rising DJ Tanveer Ansari found killed in his home (Episode 920, 921 on 19, 20 May 2018)

"एक कहावत है की कामयाबी इंसान का दिमाग़ ख़राब कर देती है. कामयाबी तभी तक ख़ुशियाँ लाती है जब तक उस कामयाब इंसान के पैर ज़मीन पर और सही दिशा में रहते हैं. कामयाबी एक चेतावनी भी है जिसको नज़रंदाज कर के ग़लत रास्ते पर जाना बर्बादी ला सकता है."
Lucknow's rockstar DJ Tan's upcoming show is about to rock the city. His rivals a jealous of him that his show is overbooked while their show is getting even half of its popularity but a few days back of his show things turn 360 degrees. His younger brother Nasir reaches Tanveer's home where he lives alone and finds him dead and in a pool of blood. Police are called immediately and primary investigations reveal that the killer must be some of his well-known people because they also find used glasses and a few other pieces of stuff.

Police now asks his rival bands but does not reach any conclusion but few days after they come to know that Tanveer was a married man and his wife's name is Jyoti aka Shabnam who is also a dancer and lives in Mumbai. Few other suspicious and objectionable things found on the crime spot reveals that there was at least a girl who would be there with Tanveen before he was killed. Investigation reveals that Tanveer was having an affair with many girls and it was his hobby to give every of his girlfriend a Muslim name like Mumtaz, Shabana, etc.

Now, these girls are police's prime suspects but further investigation reveals something completely different truth... Know More

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Crime Patrol | Case 11/2018: Allahabad University Scholar shot dead during election campaigns (Episode 902, 903 on 12, 11 March 2018)

2018 का ग्यारहवां केस
Case 11/2018

Nitin Jaiswal (Mandar Jadhav) is a student of research at India's one well-known university. He does not take much interest in Politics while the university's elections are also coming and campaigning is at the peak. He believes that the candidate that gives better clarity on their agenda, will get his vote.

A night coming back from somewhere when he is just opening doors of his room, a man comes from behind and shoots him. Nitin dies on the spot. Nearby people bring him to the hospital but where doctors declared him dead. Murder in between election season points towards a political murder but police want to investigate first before giving any statement.

Police come to know that some time back Nitin's engagement was fixed with a girl Prerna (Sharvi Mota) which was broken after Nitin's denial. Police's prime suspects are Prerna's Father (Aasit Redij) and Brother (Puneet Kumar) but later they come to know that the marriage was broken not because of Nitin but Prerna was in love with some other guy and she requested Nitin to refuse the proposal.

Inside Story

इलाहाबाद विश्वविद्यालय भारत के प्रमुख विश्विद्यालयों में से एक है। यह एक केन्द्रीय विश्वविद्यालय है और आधुनिक भारत के सबसे पहले विश्वविद्यालयों में से एक है। इसे 'ईस्ट के आक्सफोर्ड' नाम से जाना जाता है। अक्टूबर का समय था जब पूरे विश्वविद्यालय में छात्रसंघ चुनाव का माहौल छाया हुआ था। 8 ओक्टोबर की बात है जब ये विश्वविद्यालय शाम के समय एक गोली की आवाज़ से गूँज उठा। जियोग्राफी के एक रिसर्च स्कॉलर को यूनिवर्सिटी से सटे बेली रोड पर गोली मार दी गई थी। पिछले एक हफ्ते में हुई ये दूसरी घटना थी। इससे पहले तारांचद हॉस्टल कैंपस के बाहर बसपा नेता राजेश यादव को गोली से मार दिया गया था और उसके बाद पूरे सिविल लाइन्स में खूब जमकर बवाल हुआ था। इस बार फिर ताराचंद हॉस्टल में ही रह चुके एक स्टूडेंट उपेंद्र यादव की हत्या की गई थी। उपेंद्र ग़ाज़ीपुर के जमानियां गॉंव का रहने वाला था और बहुत ही सिंपल परिवार से था। उसके साथ रहने वाले लड़को का भी यही कहना था की उपेंद्र बहुत की सिंपल इंसान था। वो किसी राजनितिक पार्टी या उससे जुड़े लोगों के संपर्क में भी नहीं रहता था।
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Crime Patrol | Case 3/2018: Social Media Honeytrap behind Viky's kidnapping (Episode 887 on 14 Jan 2018)

2018 का तीसरा केस
Case 3/2018
विकी एक्टर बनना चाहता है और उसके दोस्त सोशल मीडिया के दीवाने हैं. सोशल मीडिया पे दोस्त बनाना, पोस्ट शेयर करना और एक दुसरे से लाइक करवाना इनका रोज़ का टाइमपास है.

कुछ समय से वो पलक नाम के एक लड़की से चैट कर रहा है और उसके पीछे दीवाना सा हो गया है। एक दिन पलक उसको मिलने के लिए बुलाती है. विकी उससे मिलने जाता है मगर फिर लौट के नहीं आता क्युकी वो किडनैप किया जा चुका है और जिस पलक ने उसको फंसाया था वो असल में एक लड़का था. ये लड़का अब विकी के पिता से २० लाख रुपये उसकी फिरौती के मांग रहा है.
Vicky wants to become an actor and his friends are crazy about social media. Making friends on social media, sharing posts and getting likes from each other is their daily time pass.

For some time he is chatting with a girl named Palak and has become crazy about her. One day Palak asks to meet him. Vicky goes to meet him but doesn't come back as he has been kidnapped and Palak, who had implicated him was actually a boy. This boy is now demanding 20 lakh rupees from Vicky's father for his ransom.

Crime Patrol | Case 64/2017: TCS Software Engineer Ankit Chauhan murder case (Ep 856, 857 on 27, 28 Sep 2017 Crime Patrol Satark)

2017 का चौसठवाँ केस
Case 64/2017

(The Tattoo Killer, Ep. 856, 857)

Ankit Chauhan, a 25-year-old software engineer at TCS, was based at the Vaishali, Ghaziabad income tax office, working for TCS. He had been married for just one month when a tragic incident occurred on April 14, 2015. He was on his way home to Prateik Wisteria in Greater Noida with his friend Gagan, when the unfortunate event took place. They were both in Ankit's Toyota Fortuner car.

The attack on Ankit occurred in Noida Sector 76, according to the police. Miscreants in a white sedan car blocked their way and began shooting at Ankit, firing three bullets before fleeing the scene. Eyewitnesses claimed that the car may have been a Honda Accord. Gagan, who was with Ankit, said that the first shot caused him to lose control of the Toyota Fortuner, resulting in a crash into a tree.

As Gagan did not know how to drive, a bystander took control of the car and drove Ankit to Kailash Hospital. Sadly, the doctors declared Ankit dead on arrival. Ankit was on his way back to meet his wife, Ameesha, who worked as a software engineer at Accenture in Sector 135.

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Crime Patrol | Case 40/2017: In Greed of getting Government Job in Railway 4 boys killed cousin and nephew (Episode 817, 818, 819 on 16, 17, 18 Jun 2017)

2017 का चालीसवां केस
Case 40/2017
Sujit Gatta's son Alok Gatta goes missing after leaving for a nearby Atta Chakki. His parents are looking for him but get shocked when they receive a ransom call of rupee 50 lac in the evening. Discussing with the elder brother Bhupendra Gatta, Sujit informs this to the police, and police start the investigation of this kidnapping. Police are unable to find kidnapper's cell phone location and the sim card registration is also fake. A week passes but nothing fruitful appear so the case is now handed over to SIT.
After a week another ransom call comes and kidnapper asks Sujit Gatta to reach a market place with ransom amount. As per police's instructions, Sujit goes to that place but after spending a few hours no kidnapper comes to take the ransom. He comes back empty-handed and then again receives another call from a kidnapper who warns Sujit to stay away from Police. He also tells that he was aware of the police's presence at the spot.

Sujit and his family force police to stay away from the case and again Sujit goes to another place to pay the ransom, unaware of the police's plan. Police again send another team behind Sujit. Kidnappers again identifies police and do not come before Sujit. This time again Sujit comes back empty-handed.
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Series of incidents happening with the family reminds the head of SIT another kidnapping case reported almost a year ago in the nearby area and the victim Rakesh Gatta was also a relative of this Gatta family. Are these cases really connected?

Rakesh Gatta was a medical student who was kidnapped by the same gang. That gang offered him to have a part of the ransom amount and do not share it with anyone but later they killed him. These four members of the gang were students and preparing for bank PO exams together in the same house. Mastermind and the member used to make ransom call was handicapped.