Showing posts with label Anjum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anjum. Show all posts

An Escaped Convict: Lucknow triple murder case (Episode 450, 451 on 26th, 28th Dec 2014)

An Escaped Convict
फरार मुजरिम
A factory owner and few workers are shocked to see dead bodies of three persons in factory compound. Dead bodies belongs to two youngsters (real name Riyaz, Ibrahim) and a middle aged woman (real name Zainab ). When they call police, police finds a 6-7 year old kid also at the same place hiding behind a machine. That kid is in trauma and they brings him to hospital. After some time the kid tells that his name is Parvez (real name Saddam).
Investigation reveals that a factory watchman Afzal Baig (real name Rashid alias Zakir and played by Rishi Khurana) is missing who had joined the factory three months back. He was residing here with his wife Anjum (real name Shakeela alias Bitta)who belongs to Moradabad.

After publishing victim's photos to the news papers police gets a call from a man named Laxman. He tell police that this all would be commited by Farhan Qureshi who is a history sheeter. Anjum belongs to same village where Laxman comes from. He also tells police that Anjum was having affair with a criminal Farhan and had run away with him. Later he was wondering to see her here in Lucknow with another man Afzal.

Crime Patrol | In The Name Of Love: Shabnam, the first woman could get hanged since 1947 (Episode 413, 414 on 6, 7 Sep 2014)

In The Name Of Love
प्यार के नाम (Pyar Ke Naam)
2008, Amroha, UP

Here's a possible rephrased version of the article:

Farukh (real name Saleem, played by Saheem Khan) fell in love with Noori (real name Shabnam, played by Prarthana Behere) and proposed to her. She reciprocated his feelings and agreed to marry him. They began to meet and planned to get married soon. One day, Noori told her father Ismail (real name Shaukat Khaton) that she loved Farukh and wanted to marry him. However, Ismail reacted violently, shouting at her, slapping her, and warning her not to pursue the relationship. He even forbade her from continuing her job.

Later, Noori's boss contacted Ismail and inquired about her absence from work. Ismail lied and said that Noori had some family issues and could not come to work. However, the boss insisted that Noori was needed to entertain some clients and pressured Ismail to allow her to work for a few more days. Ismail reluctantly agreed but warned Noori not to meet Farukh.

Click here for the Discovery+ Documentery

Despite Ismail's warning, Noori and Farukh continued to meet and even exchanged a cellphone. During their meetings, Noori became pregnant but did not inform her parents. Instead, she and Farukh planned something shocking to eliminate everyone who stood in the way of their relationship.

inside story

2008, अमरोहा
वेल्डिंग का काम करने वाले एक युवक फारुख को प्यार हो जाता है एक आईटी कंपनी में काम करने वाली नूरी से। वो उसके सामने अपने प्यार का प्रस्ताव रखता है और इंतज़ार करता है नूरी के जवाब का। नूरी उसका ये प्रस्ताव मान लेती है. दोनों के बीच मुलाकाते बढ़ने लगती है और एक दिन नूरी अपने अब्बू इस्माइल से बोलती है की वो फारुख से प्यार करती है और उससे शादी करना चाहती है। इस्माइल उसको मारता है और उसको धमकी देता है की आगे से वो फारुख से किसी भी तरह का कोई नाता न रखे। वो उसकी नौकरी भी छुडवा देता है।
नूरी घर में बंद हो जाती है मगर एक दिन उसके बॉस का फ़ोन उसके अब्बू को जाता है। बॉस उसके अब्बू से उसके बार में पूछता है और अब्बू इस्माइल ये बोल देता है की कुछ निजी मामलों की वजह से नूरी अब नौकरी नहीं करेगी। बॉस जोर देता है की उसको कुछ दिन के लिए नूरी की ज़रुरत है किसी ज़रूरी काम के लिए वो अगर इस्माइल उसको आने दे तो काम अच्छे से हो सकेगा। इस्माइल नूरी को जाने की इजाज़त देता है और ये धमकी भी देता है की वो फारुख से मिलने की सोचे भी न।

नूरी को वापस फारुख से मिलने का मौका मिल जाता है। इनदोनो के मिलने का सिलसिला काफी दिनों तक चलता रहता है और इसी बीच नूरी प्रेग्नेंट हो जाती है। इसके बाद भी वो अपने घर पर कुछ नहीं बताती है और फारुख के साथ मिलकर अपने परिवार को रास्ते से हटाने का एक घिनोना षड़यंत्र रचती है।

Online Episode on YouTube:
Part 1:
Part 2:

Online Episode on SonyLiv:
Part 1:
Part 2:

Here is the inside story of the case: