Showing posts with label Aprajita Bajaj. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aprajita Bajaj. Show all posts

Crime Patrol Case 14/2019: Dehradun's Kamna Rohilla murder case (Ep 88/89 on 13/14 Nov, 2019 Crime Patrol Satark Season 2)

2019 का चौदवां केस
Case 14/2019
The story is based on the murder case of Kamna Rohilla from Dehradun who was the wife of Transport business owner Rajesh Rohilla. Basically, Rajesh was belonging to Meerut but to set up his business he shifted to Dehradun.
This all started in 2009 when people of our country were relying on PCO booths apart from cell phones because at that time cell phone calls were costly. There was a PCO located at the same premises where Ashok was having his office in Dehradun. This PCO was run by a brother-sister duo and this girl's name was Natasha. Continuous interaction between Ashok and Natasha turned to affection from both sides. But the story took another turn when Natasha's brother's fiance Kaamna got in touch with Ashok. Now Ashok started liking her more than Natasha and later proposed her. Kamna also fell in love with Ashok. She left Natasha's bother for Ashok and now their affair started. This affair started for the next 5 years and in 2014 they both tied a knot. Their family was against their marriage but soon after convincing them, they have an arranged marriage also.

Profile: Bhawna Barthwal

ये कहानी आधारित है देहरादून की एक घटना पर। राजेश रोहिल्ला मेरठ के सरधना का रहने वाला था और देहरादून मे रहकर ट्रांसपोर्ट के बिजनस को संभालता था। उसके मा-बाप और बाकी घर वाले मेरठ मे ही रहते थे। bबिज़्नेस के चलते अशोक का ज्यादा से ज्यादा समय देहरादून मे ही बीतता था।

कहानी की शुरुवात होती है 2009 से जब देश मे मोबाईल काल काफी महगी थी और काल करने के लिए लोग मोबाईल के अलावा PCO का इस्तेमाल भी करते थे। देहरादूनके जिस इलाके मे अशोक का ऑफिस था उसी के सामने एक pco था जो की 2 भाई बहन चलाते थे। इस लड़की का नाम था रेखा। धीरे धीरे अशोक की नताशा के भाई से दोस्ती हो गई और साथ ही साथ उसको नताशा भी भा गई थी। दूसरी तरफ नताशा भी अशोक को पसंद करने लगी थी। दोनों के बीच प्यार की शुरुवात ठीक से हुई भी नहीं थी की एक और कहानी ने जनम ले लिया। कामना नाम की एक लड़की भी अक्सर नताशा के pco पर काल करने आने लागी और देखते ही देखते अशोक का मन नताशा से हट कर कामना पर जा अटका। असल मे कामना नताशा के भाई की गर्लफ्रेंड थी मगर अशोक का मन उसको देख कर कुछ ऐसा लट्टू हुआ की उसने कामना को अपना बनाने की ठान ली। कामना ने भी नताशा के भाई से अपने रिश्ते को पूरी तरह से खतम कर दिया।

2009 से शुरू हुआ ये अफेर आखिरकार 2014 मे इन दोनों की शादी पर जाकर समाप्त हुआ। अशोक ने देहरादून की एक पाश नेहरू कालोनी मे अपना फ्लैट खरीदा। इन दोनों की शादी...KNOW MORE ABOUT THE CASE

inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion

Online Episode on SonyLiv:
Part 1:
Part 2:

Online Episode on MXPlayer:
Part 1:
Part 2:

Online Episode on YouTube (Available in few countries):
Part 1:
Part 2:

Crime Patrol | Murder of pramila and her daughter priya (Episode 41 on 16 Sep 2011)

Pramila Sharma (portrayed by Ankeeta Bhargav), hails from Ghaziabad. She, along with her two young daughters and Ramesh (played by Vishal Mundra), relocated to Agra after selling all her property in Ghaziabad. They rented an apartment owned by a retired military officer known as Subedar Sahab (played by Abhay Bhargav). One day, Subedar Sahab hears the sound of a baby crying coming from inside his rented house. Upon entering, he is devastated to discover that Pramila and her elder daughter Priya have been killed.

The police are immediately notified, and an investigation is initiated.

Santosh Ojha, Ankita Bhargav and Vishal Mundra

Crime Patrol | Case 6/2018: 'Psycho killer' Buddhadeb Behera held in the murders of 6 women (Episode 892, 893 on 3, 4 February 2018)


Maharashtra police encounter a case of a serial killer. An unidentified man whose modus-operandi is weird. The last year 2017 they find a female dead body on Nashik outskirts area. The deceased is unknown to everyone which is a blind murder case for police for now. Police also find some identification documents in the woman's purse and these documents belong to a man. Police's first suspect could be this man but they also think that why a murdered will leave his identification documents on the crime spot!!
A journalist who is covering the incident tells police that she encountered with a similar case in 2014 in Madgoan - Goa. In that case, also the woman was killed in the same manner and that crime spot also had similar documents that were belonging to an unknown person but when police tracked that person and asked her about this murder, he told police that he never been in Madgaon and the documents police found were stolen from him sometime back when he was traveling in a train.
On the other hand, Serial Killer is about to join a construction site in Pune as a labor contractor. He introduced himself as Jagdish Mane and tells that he came from Mumbai. He dislikes Mumbai because of pollution, noise and traffic, etc.

inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion

Police take a psycho specialist Rachna's help in tracking the culprit. She suggests police that this person is obsessed with sex and his motive behind all these murders is only sex. She also suggests police that between 2014 to 2017 he must have committed a few more similar murders. She gives some tips to police about his behavior and police activates their informers for this.

Informers start looking for similar personality in the red light area and finally finds a clue about a man who has similar behavior. On the other hand, Dr. Rachna also tracks some records and comes up with a photograph of a man. This man is Kamlesh who went missing 2 days after his sister-in-law went missing. Kamlesh is married to Pallavi who fell in love with him in a construction site and later they got married.

Now when police ask their informer to go and match Kamlesh's photo with that person, that sex worker identified him.

Part 2: Obsessive Part-1
Part 2: Obsessive Part-2

YouTube (Available in a few countries:
Part 2:
Part 2:

Here is the inside story of the case:

Crime Patrol | Case 79/2017: PWD Employee Mahima Mistry's mysterious murder (Episode 882 on 30 Dec 2017)

2017 का उन्नासीवाँ केस
Case 79/2017

Mahima Mistry is a responsible employee at the government's PWD department who lives alone on rented accommodation. A day when she is absent at her office, her colleagues are surprised because she always shares with them if she has to take leave.

On the other hand the same morning, a rag-picker of that area finds doors of Mahima's home is closed. Something unusual strikes in his mind when he finds the same situation the next day also. He tries to look inside the window and finds Mahima is lying on the floor. Immediately he informs this to other colony members and police is called.

Police find Mahima dead. The primary investigation is saying that she was strangulated. The body is sent to the postmortem. The police do not find anything missing from her home. Her jewelry and money are not stolen, so the murderer did not come to rob her home but came to kill her only for some reason.

More investigation tells that Mahima was a divorcee. She divorced her husband just after a few months of her marriage and its been seven years now. Police also comes to know that Mahima used to give a loan on lower interest to her known people. In fact, she was not paying any rent as her landlord Laxman had also taken a big amount from her and is paying interest every month. Later police come to know that Mahima has given the loan to a few more people in her office as well as in her locality.

This information is awkward for police because a woman who was earning near 22,000/- salary per month, not belonging to any big family, not having any property, etc was having so much money to give loan!

Police gets another shock when they find a Pendrive containing few obscene video shot by Mahima itself. Now the police are confident that on behalf of these videos Mahima must be blackmailing some people who killed her.


Here is the inside story of the case:
Crime Patrol Case 79/2017 Inside Story (Episode 882 on 30th Dec 2017)

Crime Patrol | Ghera: A conspiracy behind drug racket of Punjab (Episode 669 on 11 June 2016)

Harjit Gil is a businessman from Paris who is currently in touch with his two nephews Raghuveer, Pankaj and a friend Manjeet in Chandigarh via WhatsApp. He tells them that next week he will be back from Bangkok to spend some time in Chandigarh and will meet them. All three are waiting for him eagerly but he does not reach there also he is not responding now on WhatsApp too. A week passed but his own home in Chandigarh is still locked.
Pankaj, Raghuveer and Manjeet starts worrying about him and files his missing complain at police station. Police now talks to Harjit's wife in Paris and she tells them that Harjit divorced her 6 years ago without any specific reason. Harjit was willing to leave Paris and wanted to shift to India while his wife was not agreed on this. But they were still in contact with each-other and used to talk often. She talked to him a week ago and he was saying her that he will spend some days in India.

Hiding the truth: Innocent girl Pooja becomes HIV positive becasue her father hid some truth (Episode 327, 328 on 3rd, 4th Jan 2014)

एक छिपी हुई सच्चाई
Hiding the truth

Anit is widow and mother of three who's eldest daughter Pooja is frequently falling ill. Anita is worried and brings her to a doctor. After few checkups doctor is shocked to see that Pooja is HIV positive. Doctor is trying to know how Pooja is HIV positive and what is her case history. Doctor asks Anita to go for a blood test along with her rest two kids.

Their blood test reveals that Anita is also HIV positive but her rest 2 kids a re safe. Doctor asks Anita to get information about her husband's death because earlier she was saying that her husband died of heat attack. If is husband was HIV positive, then probably the disease transferred from her husband to her then to Pooja.

अनीता तीन बच्चो कि माँ है और उसके पति कि मृत्यू बहुत पहले हो चुकी है. उसकी सबसे बड़ी बेटी का नाम पूजा है जो कि बहुत जल्दी जल्दी जल्दी बीमार पद जाती है. कुछ चेक-अप के बाद डॉक्टर ये देख कर अचंभित रेह जाती है कि पूजा एच. आई. वी से पीड़ित है. अब डॉक्टर ये जानना चाहती है कि पूजा को एड्स कैसे हुआ और उसकी बिमारी का मूल कारण क्या है। डॉक्टर अनीता और उसके बाकी दोनों बच्चो को भी ब्लूड टेस्ट के लिए बोलती है.

उनके ब्लूड टेस्ट के बाद पता चलता है कि अनीता के बाकी दोनों बच्चे तो स्वस्थ हैं मगर अनीता भी एच. आई. वी से पीड़ित है. अनीता ने डॉक्टर को बताया था कि उसके पति कि मृत्यु ह्रदय रोग कि वजह से हुई थी मगर डॉक्टर उससे कहती हैं कि उसके मृत्यु कि सही वजह पता करे. अगर उसके पति एच. आई. वी से पीड़ित था तो ये बीमारी उसको उसके पति से ही ट्रांसफर हुई है.

अब अनीता ये पता लगाने के लिए अपने ससुराल जाती है और अपनी सास से पूछताछ करती है.