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Showing posts with the label Bharti KumariaShow all
Crime Patrol | Case 44/2017: Conspired with lover Nazneen, Dheeraj kills her husband Ashraf (Episode 824, 825 on 1st, 2nd July, 2017)
Crime Patrol | Case 31/2018 | Income tax Inspector Lokesh Chaudhary's wife Munesh goes missing (Episode never aired on Sony TV)
Crime Patrol | Case 09/2018: Haridwar double murder, father-son's de-composed dead bodies found inside their home (Ep 898, 899 on 24, 25 Feb 2018)
Crime Patrol | Case 80/2017: 55 years old clerk Ashok Gupta brutally killed and looted (Episode 883 on 31 Dec 2017)
Crime Patrol | Case 62/2017: Story of a mentally retarded girl Asha/Rukhsar (Ep 852, 853 on 9, 10 Sep 2017)
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