Showing posts with label Bhumika Chheda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bhumika Chheda. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | Khalish: Crime Branch took 10 months to solve Shikha Makwana's blind murder case (Episode 699, 700 on 20, 21 Aug 2016)

Ajay Waghle finds a female dead body near a road and he informs the police. Police find that the victim has tattoos on both the hands, On the one hand, there is a name "Shilpa" is written and on the other hand "Jai Mata Rani" is written. For police, it is a blind murder case and for now, they only have a name Shilpa which might not belong to the victim. Police start investigating all missing reports matching with the case but can not finds anything. They also activate their informers' network but does not get success.

Eight months pass and police are still clueless. Finally, an informer informs them that the victim was from Himmat Nagar and her full name is Shilpa Makwana.

अजय वाघले नाम के आदमी को सड़क के किनारे एक महिला की लाश दिखाई देती है। वो पुलिस को सूचित करता है और पुलिस को लाश की बाहों पर टैटू गुदा हुआ दिखता है जिस पर शिल्पा और जय माता रानी लिखा है। पुलिस के लिए ये एक ब्लाइंड मर्डर केस है जिसमे उनके पास सिर्फ एक नाम है जो की हो सकता है मारने वाले का खुद का नाम न हो। आस-पास के पुलिस स्टेशन में लाश की खबर पहुचाई जाती है और पुलिस अपने खबरियों को भी एक्टिवटे करती है मगर कुछ हाथ नहीं लगता है। ऐसे ही आठ महीने बीत जाते हैं और तब जाकर पुलिस को एक खबरी से पता चलता है की मारने वाली का नाम शिल्प मकवाना है और वो हिम्मत नगर की रहने वाली थी जो की लाश मिलने की जगह से सिर्फ बीस किलोमीटर दूर है।


Crime Patrol | Jungleraaj: Delhi Shocker, Two girls killed of resisting eve-teasing (Crime Patrol Dial 100 Episode 8 on 5 Nov 2015)

Delhi is shocked to see two back to back murders in East Delhi area. Both the deceased are young girls. An incident takes place when a girl Maithli is coming back to her home, few guys on an Auto Rickshaw comes and teases her. They tries to take out her Dupatta (Scarf) but dupatta stuck in her neck. In result the girl get dis-balanced and starts dragging with the speed of auto. Her Dupatta stretches so badly that her throat gets chocked and she dies.
Police has started their investigation but in the meanwhile another bad news comes from Mayur Vihar area where a girl dies of stabbing multiple time. Witnesses told police that the girl tries to escape but duo, who killed her, chased her on bike and stabbed her to death.

Crime Patrol | Darkinaar: Murder of PWD employee Renuka Tyagi (Episode 478 on 6 March 2015)

Renuka Tyagi is a PWD employee who lives with her son and daughter-in-law. She has a daughter also who is also married and live in her in-law's home. Renuka tyagi often used to spend some time on her husband's burial and a day while she is again on the same place, a man comes and shoot her on his head and runs away.
​रनुका ​त्यागी एक पी.डब्लू.डी. कर्मचारी हैं जो की अपने बेटे और बहुत के साथ रहती हैं. रेणुका की एक बेटी भी है जो की अपने ससुराल में रहती है। रेणुका त्यागी अक्सर अपने पति की समाधी पर जाती रहती थी और एक दिन जब वो अपने पति की समाधि पर थी तभी पीछे से कोई आकर उनके सर में गोली मार के फरार हो जाता है।

Sulagna Chatterjee, Bhumika Chheda, Crime Patrol, Actress
Bhumika Chheda

Close to the Heart: Seven year old kid Vikky goes missing (Episode 435 on 21st November 2014)

Close to Heart
दिल के करीब
Vikky is a 7 year old naughty kid who likes to play seek and hide with his mother. A day he goes missing while playing with a neigbhor's son Rajdeep. Her mother thinks he is again playing some game but he really goes disappear. Mother informs his father Dalpreet and he starts searching the kid. He also files an police complain about Vikky's missing. Police starts search him and activates his informers also. During the whole incident Dalpreet finds one shoe of vikky.

विक्की एक सात साल का शरारती बच्चा है. लुका-छिपी का खेल उसे पसंद है और इसी को लेकर वो कई बार अपनी मम्मी को परेशान करता रहता है. एक दिन अचानक जब तो घर के बहार पड़ोस के बच्चे राजदीप के साथ खेल रहा है तभी तो गायब हो जाता है. उसकी माँ को लगता है की वो मज़ाक कर रहा है मगर वो सच में गायब हो जाता है. विक्की के पिता दलप्रीत उसको ढूंढना शुरू करते हैं मगर वो नहीं मिलता. उसके गायब होने की सूचना पुलिस को भी देते हैं और पुलिस उसको ढूंढना शुरू करती है. पुलिस अपने खबरियों को भी काम पे लगाती है. इसी बीच एक खेत के पास दलप्रीत को विक्की के एक पैर का जूता मिलता है.
Bhumika Chheda

Here is the inside story of the case:

Crime Patrol | The Victim: Cop's son Sunil cheats Aarti in love (Episode 401, 402 on 2, 3 Aug 2014)

The Victim
23-year-old Aarti Tiwari (played by Shruti Kanwar) is a call center employee who travels to her office by auto rickshaw. A morning while waiting for an auto, a guy passing from the same way asks her for lift. He asks her if she is getting delayed, she can sit on his bike and he will drop her to the office. Aarti is hesitating but sits on his bike. That guy drops her at her office. He asks Aarti her name and tells his name Sunil.

Sunil drops Aarti to her office many times after that day. Aarti shares this with her friend and colleague Sakshi (played by Bhumika Chheda