Showing posts with label Chirag Mehra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chirag Mehra. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | Case 20/2019: Panna Lal who Died in UP, found alive in Mumbai after 3 years (Ep 98, 99 on 27, 28 Nov 2019 Crime Patrol Satark Season 2)

2019 का बीसवाँ केस
Case 20/2019

(An unusual missing case, Ep. 98, 99)
Gulab and Madhu are married, but their relationship is strained. Madhu dislikes both Gulab and his parents because of a dowry case filed against them. Gulab and his family were greedy for money, and as a result, they demanded dowry from Madhu's parents. Madhu also suspects Gulab of having an affair with a girl whom he speaks to over the phone when no one is around.
In addition to this, Madhu herself is involved in an affair with Birju, her brother's friend, who is an auto driver.

The story takes another turn when Gulab suddenly goes missing. A missing person report is filed, and during the investigation, the police find Gulab's buried motorcycle on a farm. It appears to be a case of kidnapping and murder, and when the police examine Gulab's call records, they discover a number belonging to a Muslim girl named Nagma who disappeared on the same day. The police suspect that Gulab may have eloped with Nagma, and when they track her phone location, they discover that she has changed her name to Nalini and is living with another boy named Dheeraj.
गुलाब की शादी मधू से हुई है मगर दोनों के बीच के संबंध ठीक नहीं हैं। मधू न तो गुलाब को पसंद करती है और न ही उसके मा-बाप को। असल मे उसकी इस नफरत के पीछे गुलाब और उसके परिवार का उसको दहेज को लेकर परेशान करना है। इसके अलावा मधू को ये भी लगता है की गुलाब का किसी और लड़की के साथ अफेर है क्युकी उसने कई बार गौर किया है की उसके मोबाईल पे किसी का फोन आता है जिससे वो छिप छिप के बात करता है।

इन सबके अलावा मधू का भी विक्रांत नाम के एक लड़के से अफेर चल रहा है। विक्रांत मधू के बड़े भाई बिरजू का जिगरी दोस्त है जो की ऑटो चलाता है।

inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion

एक दिन गुलाब अचानक कहीं गायब हो जाता है। उसके न मिलने पर पुलिस उसको खोजती है तो एक खेत मे उसकी बाइक दफन मिलती है जिससे पुलिस का शक इस तरफ जाता है की कहीं गुलाब की हत्या तो नहीं की गई है। मधू पुलिस को बताती है की गुलाब किसी से फोन पे बात करता था। जब पुलिस उस नंबर का पता करती है तो पता चलता है की ये नंबर एक मुस्लिम लड़की नगमा का है। इसके बाद पुलिस को पता चलता है की नगमा भी अपने घर से गायब है। पुलिस का मानना है की गुलाब जरूर नगमा के साथ भाग होगा और जब नगमा की काल डिटेल्स के आधार पर उसको खोजने पुलिस उसके घर जाती है तो पता चलता है की नगमा ने अपना नया नाम नलिनी रखा हुआ है मगर उसके साथ गुलाब नहीं कोई और है।

Crime Patrol | Sanyog - West Bengal girl Nafisa Qureshi rescued by Delhi women commission (Ep 60 on 4 Oct 2019 - Crime Patrol Satark Season 2)

A Coincidence
Tapan recently broke-up with his girlfriend. His girlfriend left him without any reason and he is in depression. He has started drinking also. His parents are worried about him and they are not able to find any solution on this.
In-between Tapan gets into a red light area where owner Nilima patches him with an innocent and beautiful girl Laila. Tapan is heavily drunk and he thinks of Aarti, starts imprecating her. Sad Laila is just listening to him. After this, he often visits Laila. Laila tries to share her problem with him and tells him that her real name is not Laila but Nafisa Qureshi who is brought to the place forcefully. Tapan starts taking her seriously and decides to help the girl.

His father also helps him because he is also happy that his son has came up from depression.

तपन का उसकी गर्ल्फ़्रेंड आरती से ब्रेकप हो गया है. आरती के अचानक उसको छोड़ देने की वजह से वो टूट गया है और शराब पीने लगा है. उसके माँ-पिता उसको लेकर बहुत चिंतित है मगर कोई हल नहीं निकल रहा है.

इसी सबके बीच तपन एक दिन नशे की हालत में एक वेश्यालय पहुँच जाता है. वहाँ कमरे में लैला नाम की लड़की बिलकुल चुपचाप बैठी हुई है. नशे में तपन को लगता है की वो आरती है. वो लैला को उलटा-सीधा सुनाने लगता है और लैला चुपचाप सुनती रहती है. इसके बाद तपन अक्सर लैला के पास आता है. लैला भी उसको अपनी परेशानी बताना चाहती है मगर पहले तपन ध्यान नहीं देता है. आख़िरकार वो तपन को बताती है की उसको असली नाम नफ़ीसा कुरेशी है और वो ज़बरन इस धंधे में लाई गई है. तपन उसकी बात को सिरियसली लेता है और उसकी मदद करने की कोशिश करता है.

इस काम में उसके पिता भी उसका साथ देते हैं क्यूँकि वो ख़ुश हैं की तपन आरती के दुःख से बाहर आ चुका है.

inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion

Crime Patrol | Naasoor - Father kills a rowdy sheeter Gunti Rajesh to avenge daughter's death (Ep 45 - Crime Patrol Satark Season 2 on 13 Sep 2019)

Based on the real story of Rowdy Sheeter Gunti Rajesh from Hyderabad. Rajesh forcibly married Anusha Reddy, daughter of TRS leader Shyam Sundar Reddy. After Anusha came to know that Rajesh is fraud and has already married twice, she filed a criminal case against him. Police arrested Rajesh but soon he came out of bail. Depressed Anusha jumped into Nagarjuna Sagar after she came to know about his bail.
एपिसोड हैदराबाद के एक राउडी शीटर गुंटी राजेश की हत्या पर आधारित है. राजेश ने टी॰आर॰एस॰ लीडर श्याम सुंदर रेडी की बेटी अनुशा रेडी से ज़बरदस्ती शादी की थी मगर जब अनुशा को ये पता चला की शंकर ने पहले भी शादी कर रखी है तो उसने शंकर के ख़िलाफ़ एक पुलिस केस दाख़िल कर दिया. पुलिस ने शंकर को अरेस्ट तो किया मगर जल्दी ही वो वापस आ गया. अनुशा डिप्रेशन में चली गई और फिर एक दिन उसने नागार्जुना सागर में कूद कर आत्महत्या कर डली.

inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion

Courtroom | Saazish - Girl implicates charges of r*pe and blackmailing on her husband and friend (Case 10 on 30, 31 March, 2019)

साल 2006 की बात है जब कृष्णा नगर में रहने वाले इन्शुरन्स एजेंट पंकज चावड़ा और रीना नथानी के बीच प्यार था और इन दोनो ने अपनी मर्ज़ी से वहाँ के एक हनुमान मंदिर में शादी की थी। मंदिर में शादी करने के बाद दोनो ने रेजिस्ट्रार ऑफ़िस में अपनी शादी रेजिस्टर कराई और हनीमून पर उदयपुर और जयपुर गए थे जहाँ उन्होंने दो हफ़्ते बिताए थे। वहाँ से लौटने के बाद रीना कुछ दिन के लिए अपने मायके चली गई और वहाँ जाकर पता नहीं अचानक ऐसा क्या हुआ की उसने अपने पति पंकज और उसके एक दोस्त लोकेश शर्मा के ख़िलाफ़ FIR दर्ज कर दी। लोकेश शर्मा रीना का टीचर भी था। उसका कहना था कि लोकेश शर्मा ने उसके साथ रेप किया और उसके बाद पंकज ने उसे ब्लैक्मेल करते हुए शादी करने पर ज़ोर दिया और ज़बरन शादी की.
FIR दर्ज होते ही पुलिस ने तुरंत ऐक्शन लेते हुए लोकेश शर्मा को अरेस्ट कर लिया जब कि पंकज गिरफ़्तारी के डर से फ़रार हो गया अगर कुछ दिन बाद ही उसने भी सरेंडर कर दिया. पंकज का कहना था कि उसका और रीना का एक अरसे से प्रेमसंबंध था. वो दोनो अलग अलग जाति के हैं इसलिए रीना के घरवाले इस शादी के लिए राज़ी नहीं थे और इसीलिए इन दोनो ने घर छोड़ कर शादी करने का फ़ैसला किया और मंदिर में जाकर शादी रचा ली. उसका कहना था कि ये शादी पूरी तरह से रीना और उसकी मर्ज़ी से ही हुई थी और हनीमून के दौरान रीना के साथ उसे बिलकुल भी ऐसा महसूस नहीं हुआ की वो ऐसा कुछ करने वाली है.

Crime Patrol | Case 78/2017: (Ep 881 on 24 Dec, 2017 Crime Patrol Satark Season 1)

    2017 का अठत्तरवा केस
Case 78/2017

(Ep. 881)

इमरान को एक लड़का एक सुनसान जगह पर साथ में दारू पीने के लिए बुलाता है और फिर अपने एक साथी से साथ मिल कर उसका ख़ून कर देता है. ख़ून करने के बाद वहाँ एक दीवार पे लिख देता है, "तुम तुम हो, तुम मैं नहीं बन सकते". पता चलता है की मरने वाले का नाम इमरान था और वो अपने ऑफ़िस में काम करने वाली एक लड़की हिना से प्यार करता था मगर कुछ समय पहले ही उसका ब्रेकप भी हुआ था.

पुलिस हिना को पूछताछ के लिए बुलाती है. हिना बहुत ही अक्खड स्वभाव की लड़की है जो कि अपनी माँ के साथ ही हमेशा पुलिस के पास आती है. वो पुलिस को अनमने ढंग से जवाब देती है और जाँच में ठीक से सहयोग नहीं करती है.

Imran (player by Chirag Mehra) is invited by friends (played by Alok Kumar and Shikhar Shah), to a remote location for a drinking session. However, with the help of one of his companions, he kills the deceased, who is also named Imran. After the murder, he writes on the wall, "You are what you are, you cannot be me". It is later revealed that the deceased was in love with Hina (played by Sharvi Mota), a colleague from his office, but they had broken up sometime prior."


Crime Patrol | Case 71/2017: Murder case of a 8 year old girl Afreen (Ep 870, 871 on 11, 12 Nov, 2017 Crime Patrol Satark)

Case 71/2017
2017 का इकहत्तरवाँ केस


Online Episode on SonyLiv:

Online Episode on YouTube:

Search Tags:
hasina, Mushtaaq, parvez, afreen, mansi jain, resha, naveen tyagi, nissar khan, suman singh, sudeep sarangi, hitesh pandey, chirag mehra,

Crime Patrol | Case 35/2017: Police solves Lokmanya Tilak Terminus' blind suitcase murder case (Episode 808, 809, 810 on 26, 27, 28 May 2017)

2017 का पैंतीसवां केस
Case 35/2017

This story is based on a suitcase murder case reported in Kurla, Mumbai Jan this year. The dead body of a 12-year boy Randhir (shown as Gopi and played by Breath - Into The Shadow fame Varin Roopani) was stuffed inside a suitcase and was left near Lokmanya Tilak Terminus in Mumbai.

It was a blind murder case for Mumbai police because they did not have any clue except Tailer's tag on the victim's shirt and Company tag on the suitcase.

Police decide to look into all the CCTV footage of the area and then they find a man dragging the case suitcase on a platform. Police spread this CCTV footage and suspect's photos all over their informers and finally arrests him fro Mankhurd, Mumbai.

When the police start interrogating him, he tells police that he only found this suitcase but does not know the kid and who killed him.

Crime Patrol | Case 19/2017: Delhi's Spa girls Swati and Payal's double murder (Episode 779, 780 on 19, 20 March 2017)

2017 का उन्नीसवां केस
Case 19/2017

Mumbai police find the dead body of a girl in a housing society's common area. The girl has murdered slitting throat and dumped in a polythene bag. After a few days, police find another woman torso in a society gutter who has a tattoo on her left wrist.

Police post their photos in newspapers and after few days a boy named Somesh comes to the police station and tells then that he might know this girl. According to him, he received a call from his friend Payal's home that her phone is switched from few days. He also tells police that they both belong to Barasat (Bengal) and a few years back they came to Mumbai in search of work. Later Payal got a job at a spa. Police ask him to identify the body of Payal who has a tattoo on her left hand. Watching the dead body he confirms that she is Payal only.

Now, police investigate more information at Payal's rented flat. Payal's neighbors tell them that she was living with her roommate Swati but not seen around from the last couple of days. At the flat, they find passports of Payal and Swati and now police confirm that another dead body that they found at the common area of that society belongs to Swati.

inside story
Payal and Swati played by Melanie Pais and Kshitisha Soni

दिल्ली की एक हाउसिंग सोसाइटी में सुबह के समय एक सफाई कर्मचारी को काले रंग का एक बड़ा बैग दिखाई देता है। जब वो उस बैग को उठाने की कोशिश करता है तो उसको शक होता है की इस बैग के अंदर कूड़ा न होकर कुछ और ही है। लोगों के कहने पर वो बैग को खोलता है तो सब ये देख कर घबरा जाते हैं की बैग के अंदर एक जवान लड़की की लाश है जिसका गला काटा गया है। पुलिस इस लड़की की शिनाख्त कर भी नहीं पाई है की उनको एक और हाउसिंग सोसाइटी के गटर में एक और लड़की की लाश मिलती है जिसका सर गायब है और बाएं हाथ में एक टैटू का निशान है।

पुलिस शिनाख्त के लिए न्यूज़ पेपर्स में इनदोनो लड़कियों की फोटो छपवाती है जिसमे दूसरी लड़की के हाथ का टैटू छपा है। कुछ दिन बाद सोमेश नाम का एक लड़का पुलिस को आकर बताता है की वो इस टैटू वाली लड़की उसकी दोस्त पायल है और वो इसको जानता है जो की उसके ही शहर बारासात की है और उनदोनो के बीच कभी कभी बात-चीत होती रहती है। एक दिन पहले ही पायल की बहन का फ़ोन आया था जो की ये कह रही थी की ये पायल अपना फ़ोन नहीं उठा रही है। सोमेश को ये शक हुआ की न्यूज़ पेपर में छपा टैटू वाला फोटो इसी का तो नहीं है ये पता करने वो पुलिस स्टेशन आया। लाश को देखने के बाद ये तय हो जाता है की बिना सर वाली लड़की की लाश पायल की ही है।

पुलिस पायल के रूम पे जाकर चेक करती है तो वहां पर पायल और उसकी दोस्त स्वाति के पासपोर्ट मिलते हैं। पासपोर्ट में लगी फोटो के ये भी कन्फर्म होता है की पुलिस को जो लाश पहले मिली थी वो स्वाति मित्रा की है।

Part 1:
Part 2:

Part 1: Case 19/2017 Part 1
Part 2: Case 19/2017 Part 2

Here is the inside story of the case:
Search Tags: Munirka double murder, Arjun Thapa, Sonam, sewer, New Delhi, Delhi, Mini Sangama, Neha, Meghalaya, Jeevan, Nepal, Sushma alias Sonam, Assam, Nayesha, Govind, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, RP Upadhyay, joint commissioner of police, Arjun

Crime Patrol | Case 14/2017: Kotak Mahindra Bank Cashier Ravi Kumar murdered with a lethal injection (Episode 772 on 3 March 2017)

2017 का चौदहवाँ केस
Case 14/2017

Similar story featured by Crime Patrol Dial 100
Episode 465, Allahabad Murder Case
Featuring Ankita Dubey, Anurag Gupta, Sushil Tyagi, Inam Ul Haq

Police arrest Physiotherapist Dinesh Kaushal in case of an assault. Dinesh attacked banker Praveen Jaiswal in the market while he was leaving for his home from his office. When Praveen was about to take an auto-rickshaw for his home, suddenly Dinesh came from the back and injected a syringe on his neck.

Local people who saw him injecting immediately chased him and gave him to the police. On the other hand, Praveen was admitted to the hospital where according to doctors his condition is serious. Doctors are saying that the syringe injected to him had a lethal combination of Anaesthesia medicines. On interrogation, Dinesh tells police that he stole these medicines from a hospital's inventory a month back.
inside story

Crime Patrol | Armaan: 24 Year old Surbhi Rajput shot dead outside her guest house (Episode 747, 746 on 16, 18 December 2016)

Surabhi Rajput (real name Sandhya Bhatia and played by Ahsaas Channa)is 24 year old young girl who works as receptionist in a moter vehicle showroom. A morning when she is coming back to her guest house after morning walk, shot dead by two unknown assailants riding a bike. They fires three bullets on Sarabhi from back and she dies immediately on spot. Her friend Sangita who was also coming back with her narrowly escapes in this attack. Surbhi was living as a paying guest with her two other roommates in a guest house.
Investigation reveals that Surbhi left her home in Hrishikesh six years back when she was 18 years old and came here in Dehradun. She was a frank girl who wanted to live her life on her own. She used to bunk classes when she was in school. Many times she was caught red-handed but she never cared about this. Escaping school and smoking has become her hobby. She came into touch with a guy Rohan when she was 17 years old but their relationship did not go last because Surabhi announced that she was just doing time pass with him and never wanted to marry him.

Surabhi decided to leave her home when she turned 18 because she knew that now she is the owner of her life and is independent to take any decision.

सुरभि राजपूत एक मोटर कंपनी में रिसेप्शनिस्ट का काम करती है। एक सुबह मॉर्निंग वॉक के दौरान उसकी तीन गोली मार कर हत्या कर दी जाती है। सुरभि अपनी दो और दोस्तों के साथ पेइंग गेस्ट के तौर पे एक गेस्ट हाउस में रहती है। उस समय वो अपनी दोस्त संगीता के साथ मॉर्निंग वॉक से वापस आरही थी जब दो बाइक सवारों ने उसकी गोली मार कर हत्या कर दी। हमले में संगीता बाल-बाल बची मगर सुरभि की तत्काल मौत हो गई। 


Crime Patrol | Besudh: Moradabad's inter-religion marriage ended with a honour killing (Episode 734, 735 on 11, 12 Nov 2016)

Village Benia, Moradabad, UP

Pradeep Gupta's marriage is fixed with Ashima but he put another demand of a car. Ashima’s parents can not afford it so the marriage gets canceled. But Pradeep does not tell real reason behind his refusal from the marriage. Neither he tells this to his parents nor his best friend Imran. Two months later Pradeep is caught red handed with a muslim girl Nazia Baig in a farm. Nazia’s father Kasim and uncle Aslam slams Pradeep’s family and Pradeep to stay away from their daughter. Village Panchayat somehow settles the matter but after one month Pradeep and Nazia run away from their home and settles in Nalasopara area, Mumbai.

Nazia is now Pradeep’s and spouse and her name is now Aarti. Another woman Nusrat is coming to meet Nazia from last two days but Nazia's doors are locked. She asks her neighbour about them but she tells Nusrat that she does not have any idea about the couple. A strange thing which she notices that Nazia’s phone is ringing inside their flat and a foul smell has also started coming from the flat. They calls police and after unlocking the flat they finds dead bodies of Nazia and Pradeep who were killed by slitting their throat.

प्रदीप गुप्ता आशिमा नाम की एक लड़की से शादी तय होने के बाद शादी करने से मना कर देता है। प्रदीप शादी तोड़ने की वजह न अपने माँ-बाप को बताता है और न ही अपने सबसे अच्छे दोस्त इमरान को। दो महीने बाद प्रदीप को उसी गाँव के एक खेत में नाज़िया बेग नाम की एक लड़की के साथ पकड़ा जाता है। नाज़िया के अब्बू कासिम और चाचा असलम प्रदीप और उसके परिवार पर सख्ती से बरस पड़ते हैं। मामला पंचायत तक जाता है। पंचायत इस मामले को शान्ति से सुलझा देती है मगर नाज़िया और प्रदीप अपने-अपने घर से भाग जाते हैं और नाला-सोपारा, मुम्बई में जाकर शादी कर के बस जाते हैं।

Be-Tarteeb: Engineer Nasik girl Madhuri Satam's mysterious murder (Episode 711, 712 on 17th, 18th September, 2016)

A colony in Mumbai is shaken with three sudden incidents in which two person were killed and one was badly injured. Two of them were Security guards and one of them was died after a brutal attack. Other security guard also passes through similar attack but doctors saves his life. He tells police that someone came in the middle of night and attacked him from back so he could not recognise number of attacker or their face.
Few days after these attacks in the middle of night a man named Shambhu suddenly observes a man is coming down through his balcony. He shouts and asks his security guard to catch him but that man flees. Jayesh, who is living just above Shambhu's flat asks Shambhu about the incident but when Jayesh tries to come out of his room, he finds his room is locked from out side. He is knocking the door but Madhuri, his sister who sleeps in the drawing room does not open the door. Jayesh is scared and asks Shambhu and few other society members to come from stairs and knock the door from out side. Madhuri does not open the door from out side too. Finally they decides to break the door and when they enter into Jayesh's drawing room, they finds Madhuri in a pool of blood.

sonakshi more, sabina jat

Sanak: Snapdeal employee Dipti Sarna kidnapping case (Episode 656, 657 on 13th, 14th May, 2015)

Also shown by Crime Patrol Dial 100, The Burning Cases.

Priya Saxena is a well settled girl in Lucknow who works in a BPO. She is about to get a marry with a guy and both are comfortable with each other. From last few days Priya is feeling that someone is stalking at her. She is pretty much confident that it is not just her hallucination. She shares this with her fiancee as well as her parent but all are saying that it not more than a hallucination.
An evening while returning from her office her auto-rickshaw gets punctured and she gets another auto in which a woman is already sitting. She gets that auto-rickshaw starts moving towards her home but suddenly two more men come on their way and capture Priya. Priya cries for help but they push that another girl out of the rickshaw and runs away taking Priya.
Dipti Sarna Played by Sareeka Dhillon in the Crime Patrol Dial 100 Version
press conference video on the case

Crime Patrol | Ahankaar: Techie kills wife because she wanted to do MBA and Job (Episode 622 on 18 February 2016)


घटना ग्रेटर नॉएडा के क्रॉसिंग रिपब्लिक एरिया की है. ग़ौर ग्लोबल विलिज में रहने वाला मोहित शर्मा और गुड़गाँव की एक कम्पनी में सॉफ़्ट्वेर एंजिनीर था और उसकी और उसकी पत्नी रुचि की लव मैरिज थी. उसका कहना था कि सालों पहले जब वो कम्प्यूटर्ज़ में मास्टर्स कर रहा था उस समय रुचि साइयन्स में मास्टर्स कर रही थी.

जब दोनो के बीच अफ़ेर शुरू हुआ तो दोनो परिवारों के बीच काफ़ी तना-तनी का माहौल रहा और दोनो को ही बहुत विरोध का सामना करना पड़ा और इसी के चलते दोनो ने ही शादी करने का फ़ैसला कर लिया जिससे कि रुचि की मास्टर्स पूरी नहीं हो पाई. शादी के बाद इन दोनो के बीच इसी बात को लेकर अक्सर बहस हुआ करती थी.

Crime Patrol | Aakarshan: Housewife Lata Agarwal (Gatki Devi) Murdered and son kidnapped (Episode 604, 605 on 10 January 2016)

Lata Agrawal (played by Simran Khanna) is a housewife who lives with her husband Arvind who is a garment trader and a 2 year old kid. An evening while returning from her shop he gets an unknown person's call from his wife's mobile. He tells him that his wife is lying injured at the home and he has kidnapped his son. He has to pay ransom if he wants his son back.

Scared Arvind immediately calls a woman at his neighbor and asks her to check his home. When that woman reaches Arvind's home, she finds the main door open. Going inside the home she finds that Lata is lying unconscious in a pool of blood and her throat is slit. When Arvind reaches home he finds that Lata is dead.
Simarn Khanna as Lata

Part 1:
Part 2:

Part 1:
Part 2:

Here is the inside story of the case:
Search Tags: Cops crack Nala Sopara murder in six hours, akarshan, Nala Sopara police, Suresh Nemaram Prajapati, Ambalal Devasi Singh,

Laparwaah: Delhi Shocker, Girl abducted to teach a lesson (Crime Patrol Dial 100 Episode 12 on 10th Nov, 2015)

A young girl Anjali Sharma (played by Raquel Rebello) is kidnapped from her home on Diwali night. Before her kidnap, a conversation was going on with her cousin Neetu and her Anjali was quite upset with her. Neetu was trying to convince her on some matter and was asking her to forget older things.
There are three guys who kidnapped Anjali. Ankur is one of them and is known to Divya while other one is an old history sheeter Satbeer. Third one is Raj who is friend of both the guy. After they kidnaps Anjali, Ankur is driving the car and and he is pretty nervous. He does not want to reveal his identity because Anjali can recognize him.
Kusumita Tiwari,Raquel Rebello,malini sen gupta,delhi,Anuj Nayak,Sanya Sharma,anuj sharma,Sanjay Bhatiya,Pankaj Upadhyay,Chirag Mehra,Veena Kapoor,Reshma Merchant,

Child Abuse: Minor Neha Sexually explioted by own father (Episode 552 on 5th Sep, 2015)

Neha, a 13 year old kid is looking upset on something. She does not communicate with anyone in her school. Her school organizes a councelling session with help of a NGO and session help students understanding sexual abuse. These small kids should understand if someone is doing something wrong with them. After taking the session, Neha gives a letter to her teacher and after reading that letter, her teacher becomes completely shocked.

What was written in that letter?

Crime Patrol | Inkaar: Murder of 23 year old hospital receptionist Meenal (Episode 526, 527 on 4, 5 July 2015)

23 year old Meenal Gavde (real name Reshma Birje and Played by Sonakshi More) is a receptionist in a hospital in Mumbai. She lives with her brother Rishabh while her parents lives at their hometown. Meenal is a beautiful girl and few guys of same locality try to harass her daily. Another guy who is from some other locality also follows her daily and tries to talk to her. He tells Meenal that he loves her and want to marry her but Meenal avoids him.
Rohan and Raj are very close friends of Rishabh who daily used to meet Meenal and Rishabh. Meenal is close to Rohan and she tells him about those eve-teasers. Rohan goes to meet them. He warns them not to harras her again also fights with them.

Character of Meenal was
played by
Sonakshi More

Crime Patrol | Ties that Bind: Double murder of mother and daughter (Episode 452 on 2nd Jan 2015)

रिश्तों का बंधन
Ties that Bind
Kinargunj, 2015
Mukul is a resident of Kinargunj but works at Mumbai. He is eldest among two sisters. One of his sister Sonakshi (played by Sarika Dhillon) is married and other one Komal (real name Heena Grover and played by Sabina Jat) is about to get marry. Whole family is busy in preparation of her marriage. Sonakshi lives in Kinargunj with her husband while Komal and mother Shanti (real name Usha Grover played by Reshma Merchant) lives together in their home. An evening Mukul tries her mother's number many times but she do not pick his call. He is very nervous because usually he talks to his mother daily but it is first time that noone is picking his call. He calls Sonakshi and she tells him that he will go to meet them next day. When she reaches home, she is shocked to see that her mother Shanti and Komal both are murdered. Komal is dead and lying-in on floor of her bedroom while mother Shanti is in her bedroom. A word "Yog" written by Komal's blood on the wall of her bedroom where she is lying-in. Looks like Komal tries to hint name of the murdered. When police starts investigation, they comes to know that there was an electrician Yogesh who was working at their home few months back and he was caught red handed while peeping inside Komal's bedroom. He also used to stare at Komal. Watching his activities he was banished from home.

Now police starts searching electrician Yogesh.
किनारगंज, 2015
मुकुल किनारगंज का रहना वाला है और मुंबई ने नौकरी करता है. वो दो बहनों में सबसे बड़ा है और अपनी बड़ी बहन सोनाक्षी की शादी करवा चुका है जो की उससे एक साल छोटी है और अब परिवार छोटी बहन कोमल की शादी में व्यस्त है. एक शाम को अपनी माँ को कई बार फ़ोन करता है मगर फ़ोन नहीं उठ रहा है. वो काफी घबराया हुआ है क्युकी ऐसा पहले कभी भी नहीं हुआ था. वो सोनाक्षी को फ़ोन करके बोलता है की वो घर जाकर पता करे की माँ फ़ोन क्यों नहीं उठा रही है. वो जब घर जाती है तो देख कर घबरा जाती है की उसकी माँ और कोमल दोनों की बुरी तरह से हत्या कर दी गई है.