Showing posts with label Gaurav Singh Bhadauria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gaurav Singh Bhadauria. Show all posts

Gaurav Singh: Crime Patrol Actors and Actresses

Most Well Known Star Casts
"I was always fond of Movies that's why I joined theaters. During my childhood I used to do acts in skits and from there I decided that a day I will work in TV Serials. I still go for auditions.",

said TV Actor Gaurav Singh Bhadauria who has played the role of Golu in Color's Devanshi. Gaurav hails from Gwalior where he does theaters and moved towards Mumbai seven years before. Devanshi is a serial that completely based on superstitions. Besides Devanshi he has worked in Sab TV's Krishna Kanhaiya, Chiriyaghar, Crime Patrol, Emotional Atyachar and Secret Diaries, etc. He gives full credit for his career to his mother and father and his willingness to work in Bollywood.

He believes that it is not easy to struggle in Mumbai and also learned that family support is most important during this tough period. He shares that he had given more that 100 auditions and finally started getting TV serials.

Episodes played by Gaurav Singh