Showing posts with label Gauri Singh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gauri Singh. Show all posts



List of all the Challenge 24 hours Episodes telecasted during Aug 2023.
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40. anupyogi
31 Aug 2023
In Chandauli, Uttar Pradesh, eight-year-old Dhruv Kumar is kidnapped before his chess competition. The kidnapper demands one crore rupees from Dhruv's parents. Can the police track down the kidnappers and bring Dhruv back safely?



List of all the Crime Patrol Episodes telecasted during April 2021.
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mysterious dream
Episode 404 on 30 Apr 2021
(Crime Patrol Satark - Justice Reloaded)

Crime Patrol Case 10/2019: KANPUR'S DIVYA KAAND - Minor Divya brutally molested to kill (Ep 81/82 on 4/5 Nov, 2019 on Crime Patrol Sarark Season 2)

2019 का दसवां केस
Case 10/2019
10-year-old Shruti (Divya or Anushka) is having heavy bleeding in school. For instance, the school's teacher and maid think it is normal bleeding but then they feel it is not as usual as it should be. Due to excessive bleeding Shruti is now fainted. School maids bring her to hospital and in-between informs her mother. Shruti's mother reaches the hospital and nurses theirs tells her that she was dead on arrival.
What happened to her in school that she couldn't survive? Here is the full story of one of the most shocking cases of UP which took 8 years in getting the final judgment. You will also understand the power of Political goons whose influence on the UP Police was bigger than their sole.

Episode is based a real story of Kanpur in 2010 whose verdict came last year. Divya Bhadauriya was elder daughter of Sonu Bhadauriya who was employed in a mall. The case was one of the most highlighted cases of the nation that year and was known as #DivyaKaand

inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion

Crime Patrol Case 2/2019: Lajpat Nagar girl Pooja Paswan Murder case (Ep 68/69 on 16/17 Oct, 2019 Crime Patrol Satark Season 2)

2019 का केस 2
Case 2/2019
Ranchi's Chandni is an ambitious girl who wants to achieve something big in her life. She wants to go to Mumbai where her elder sister is already leaving with her husband. On the other hand, Chandni's parents are looking for a boy for her. Chandni wants to try her luck in fashion designing. Finally, Chandni gets married to a boy Rajesh and after some time he leaves her married life and shifts to Mumbai.

Time passes and now Chandni is happy in her life but suddenly something happens that ruins all lives surrounding Chandni.

Based on the real story of Lajpat Nagar where a girl belonging to Patna Pooja Paswan was found killed in her rental flat. The investigation by Delhi police came to end when they came to know that the girl was killed by one of her friends Mhd. Sofiyan who was having grudges against her because 6 months back she insulted his girlfriend Naina.

Click this link
to know more about this case.

inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion

Crime Patrol | Tabaahi - Gorakhpur's Rajeshwari aka Rakhi's stubbornness costs her life (Ep 41, 42 - Crime Patrol Satark Season 2 on 9, 10 Sep 2019)


Saloni and her husband Randeep who is a cop in Faridabad are both frustrated with each other. Randeep's friend suggests spending some quality time with Saloni so she can feel easy with him.

Randeep plans a trip to Shimla with Saloni. After 4 says Randeep returns alone. When he asks him about Saloni, he tells Saloni he wanted to stay there for few more days so he came back.

Few days pass, Saloni does not come back. His brother files his missing complaint in Delhi. Delhi police call Randeep for questioning but Randeep also goes missing.

Crime Patrol: Bandish - Goa's gangster Ashvin Rege shot dead (Ep 36, 37 - Crime Patrol Satark Season 2 on 02, 03 Sep 2019)

Ashwin Reggie is a gangster who has a business partner living next door. Although he and his wife Bharti do not have any children, he shares a close bond with his partner's daughter, Komal, who is currently studying in Rome.
One morning, Ashwin and his driver were shot by two individuals posing as police officers. Initially, the police suspected a rival gang whose leader had been killed by Ashwin in the past. However, during their investigation, Komal discloses to the police that Bharti had been having an extramarital affair with her father, which was the motive behind Ashwin's murder.
अश्विन रेगी एक गैंस्टर है जिसका एक पड़ोसी भी है जो की उसका बिज़्नेस पार्ट्नर है. अश्विन की पत्नी का नाम भारती है और दोनो की कोई संतान नहीं है मगर उसके पार्ट्नर की बेटी कोमल इस परिवार के बहुत क़रीब है जो की रोम में पढ़ाई कर रही है.

एक सुबह जब अश्विन कहीं के लिए निकला है तो दो लोग जो कि पुलिस के भेष में है उसकी गाड़ी को रोकते हैं और इससे पहले की वो कुछ समझ पाए वो दोनो अश्विन और उसके ड्राइवर को गोलियों से ढेर कर देते हैं.

पुलिस का पहला शक एक दूसरी गैंग पर जाता है जिसके सरगना को कुछ समय पहले अश्विन ने ख़ुद मौत के घाट उतारा है. इसके बाद पुलिस जब कोमल का बयान लेती है तो वो बताती है की अश्विन की पत्नी भारती और कोमल के पिता के बीच नाजायज़ सम्बंध हैं जिसके चलते उसके पिता ने अश्विन को मरवाया है.

Crime Patrol | Chakravyuh: Money Lender Govind's brutal murder case (Ep 23, 24 - Crime Patrol Satark Season 2 on 14, 15 Aug 2019)

A Puzzle
Govind is a money lender who gives rupees at interest. He is survived by his wife and a daughter. One night, he leaves the house and the next day his body is found on the roadside by the police. He has been killed by stabbing 17 times.

The police come to know about a woman, 'Stella' aka 'Gauri', from whom Govind last spoke on the phone. When the police interrogates Stella, she says that she too had taken money from Govind on interest, for which he had called Govind to take the installment. On the other side, Stella's minor daughter Jenny is being teased by two boys from the locality, whom Jenny is worried about and she tells all this to Stella but soon after this, suddenly both these boys disappear. The police suspect that Stella has a hand behind the disappearance of these two boys and it may be that Stella has killed both of them and she is also behind Govind's murder.

गोविंद का काम रुपए ब्याज पर देने का है. उसके घर में उसके अलावा उसकी पत्नी और एक बेटी है. एक रात वो घर से निकलता है और अगले दिन उसकी लाश पुलिस को सड़क किनारे मिलती है. उसको 17 बार चाक़ू घोप कर मारा गया है. पुलिस को एक महिला स्टेला उर्फ़ गौरी के बारे में पता चलता है जिससे गोविंद की आख़िरी बार फ़ोन पर बात हुई थी. जब पुलिस स्टेला से पूछताछ करती है तो वो कहती है की उसने भी गोविंद से ब्याज पर रुपए लिए थे जिसकी किश्त लेने के लिए उसने गोविंद को बुलाया था.

दूसरी तफ़र स्टेला की नाबालिग़ बेटी जेनी को मोहल्ले के दो लड़के आते-जाते छेड़ते रहते हैं जिनको लेकर जेनी परेशान है और वो ये सब स्टेला को बताती है. मगर फिर अचानक ये दोनो लड़के ग़ायब हो जाते हैं. पुलिस को शक है की इन दोनो लड़कों के ग़ायब होने के पीछे स्टेला का हाथ है और हो सकता है की इन दोनो को स्टेला ने मरवा दिया है और गोविंद की हत्या में भी स्टेला का ही हाथ है.
inside story

Case 4/2017: Jharkhand's Adivasi minor girl servant found locked in almirah (Episode 575 on 13th January, 2017)

2017 का चौथा केस
Case 4/2017

An NGO along with the Gurgaon police rescued this girl from the Krishna Coloney. The girl was having the marks of injuries all over her body.

Police arrested the couple under IPC 323, 506, 374, 344 and 34.

The girl said she was served only 2 breads throughout the day and when the child welfare people brought her to the home of the chairperson of Child Welfare Committee (CWC), Shakuntala Dhull’s residence, she girl snatched the biscuite as she was not able to control her hunger.

The girl belong to Gumla village in Jharkhand. That they when the police raided that house, she was kept lock inside an almirah.

The police came into action after a complaint of one of the neighbours who informed police about some mysterious noise of a girl comes from that home.

inside story

Crime Patrol | Kasoor: Seven killed in a shootout in Delhi restaurant (Crime Patrol Dial 100 Episode 212 on 28 July 2016)


This episode based on a gruesome murder of seven people in a Delhi Restaurant. A couple who was having lunch in that restaurant also gets shooted which kills lady and her daughter on spot while the bullet hits man on his shoulder so he survives. When police starts investigation of the case he comes to know that it was a political supari killing in which a lady Roshni Chautala (played by Gauri Singh)

दिल्ली के एक रेस्टोरेंट में दिनदहाड़े एक शूटआउट होता है जिसमे सात लोग मारे जाते हैं। मारने वालों में एक बेक़सूर परिवार की माँ और बेटी भी है जो की वहां खाना खाने आये थे और शूटआउट का शिकार हो गए। एक होगी इस मारने वाले बच्चे के पिता को भी लगी है मगर वो बच गए हैं क्युकी गोली उनकी कंधे पे लगी थी। पुलिस तफ्तीश में पता चलता है की ये एक राजनैतिक षड़यंत्र था जिसका निशाना एक पॉलिटिशियन को मारना था और इसके पीछे रौशनी चौटाला नाम की एक महिला भी है।

Dhamki: Engineering Student Deepika's grand mother brutually murdered (Episode 600 on 20 November, 2015)

ये वारदात है चेन्नई की. 21 साल की कनिमोझी एक लड़के से काफ़ी लम्बे समय से प्यार करती थी और उसी से शादी भी करना चाहती थी. उसके इस सम्बंध के बारे में कनिमोझी की दादी मंगलम को पता चल गया था.
पुराने विचार की मंगलम को ये रिश्ता मजूर नहीं था. कनिमोझी अक्सर देर रात तक अपने बॉफ़्रेंड से बातें करती रहती थी जो की दादी को बिलकुल भी रास नहीं आता था और वो कनिमोझी की शादी अपने दूर के रिश्ते में करना चाहती थी.

कनिमोझी का कहना था की उस रात जब घर में सिर्फ़ कनिमोझी और उसकी दादी थे तब घर में कुछ बदमाश घुस आए जिन्होंने दादी की हत्या कर दी.

Crime Patrol | Jamun: Minor Jamun held captive in a child daycare home (Crime Patrol Dial 100 Episode 18 on 16 Nov 2015)

8 year old Jamun is an adorable kid of her parents. She belongs to a poor family and after her mother pass away, her father accepts proposal of a young couple and gives her over to them in hope there she will get good care and bright future.

After Jamun has been shifted to their home, they starts taking her as a domestic help and starts torturing her.

8 साल की जामुन अपने माँ-बाप की लाड़ली थी। उसकी माँ उसको बहुत ख़याल रखती थी जिसकी हार्टअटैक से मृत्यु हो गई थी। उसका और उसके पिता का जीवन गरीबी में बीत रहा था इसलिए उसके पिता उसकी अच्छी परवरिश के लिए एक दंपत्ति को सौंप देते हैं। वो लोग जामुन को अडॉप्ट करते हैं और अपने घर ले आते हैं।

जामुन को ले जाने के बाद वो उसकी परवाह करने के बजाये उसके साथ नौकरों जैसा बर्ताव करते हैं।

Gauri Singh aka Harmeet Kaur