Showing posts with label Iqbal Azad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Iqbal Azad. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | A Hidden Agenda: Murder of a History Sheeter Vinod Chauhan (Episode 396, 397 on 19, 20 July 2014)

A Hidden Agenda
छुपा मकसद
Rajkot, Gujarat
A history sheeter Vinod Chauhan falls in love with Parul, who is a divorced woman. Parul was divorced after 14 years of her marriage with Anand Mistry. They has a kid also and his name is Harsh. Harsh now lives with Anand but he is shock since her mother left him.

Vinod wants to get rid of all kinds of offenses and want to marry Parul. Vinod is younges among his two brothers who does not live with him but their mother lives with Vinod. Vinod and Parul are busy in doing shoppings of their marriage and Vinod's mother is happy with it.

A day three men suddenly enters Vinod's home. Two of them grabs Parul and Vinod's mother and one kills Vinod slitting his throat. Police is trying to track the case but long time goes. A man who was already a criminal must have many enemies and it was really hard to track the case. Finally they handovers case to Crime Branch.

एक हिस्ट्री शीटर विनोद चौहान को तलाकशुदा पारुल मिस्त्री के प्यार हो जाता है. पारुल आनंद मिस्त्री की पत्नी थी जिसने शादी के 14 साल बाद आनंद को तलाक दे दिया था. आनंद-पारुल का एक बेटा भी है जो की आनंद के साथ रहता है और पारुल के चले जाने से हर्ष हमेशा बहुत गुमसुम रहता है.
Rishina Kandhari and Yashodhan Rana

विनोद जो की आपराधिक छवि का इंसान है, पारुल को लिए वो अपने सभी बुरे काम धंधे छोड़ देना चाहता है. विनोद के दो बड़े भाई भी हैं जो की उससे अलग रहते है और इन तीनो की माँ विनोद के साथ ही रहती है. विनोद पारुल के साथ शादी की तैयारियों के लगा हुआ है. उसकी माँ भी विनोद के इस बदले रूप से बहुत शुश है.

एक दिन अचानक तीन लोग विनोद के घर में आते हैं, उसमे से 2 लोग पारुल और विनोद की माँ को पकड़ते हैं और तीसरा अंदर जाकर विनोद की गाला काट कर हत्या कर देता है. विनोद के हत्या के बाद हंगामा मचा जाता है. पुलिस हर ज़ोर लगाती है की इसकी हत्या कौन कर सकता है. एक आदमी जो पहले से ही अपराधी था उसकी हत्या को लेकर शक की सुई कई तरफ जाती है और बाद में ये मामला क्राइम ब्रांच को सौंप दिया जाता है.

Part 1:
Part 2:

Part 1:
Part 2:

Here is the inside story of the case:

Fraud Baba: Godaman Mukund's plan to bring dead minor girl to life (Episode 366 on 9th May 2014)

फ्राड बाबा
Fraud Baba
9 साल की स्मृति को उसके माँ-बाप मुकुंद बाबा को सौंप देते हैं. मुकुंद बाबा एक माना हुआ बाबा है. लोग उसे भगवन का अवतार मानते हैं और स्मृति के माँ-बाप मुकुंद बाबा के प्रचंड भक्त हैं, वो लोग सबको ये नहीं बताते हैं की स्मृति बाबा के पास है. वो सबको बताते हैं की स्मृति अपनी नानी के यहाँ गई है. स्मृति दो भाइयों की अकेली बहन है और उसका एक भाई उससे बड़ा और दूसरा उससे छोटा है.

करीब 6 महीने बाद स्मृति वापस अपने घर आती है. उसकी दोस्त प्रियानी उसे वापस पाकर बहुत खुश है मगर कुछ दिन बाद वो वापस चली जाती है.
उधर मुकुंद बाबा का एक विज्ञापन लोगों को टीवी और पर्चों में लिखा मिलता है की मुकुंद बाबा कोई बड़ा चमत्कार करने वाला है जिसमे वो एक लड़की को पहले तो चिता पर जलाएगा बाद में वापस उसे जिंदा कर देगा. पुलिस तक भी ये खबर पहुचती है और पुलिस बाबा को धर दबोचती है. पुलिस बाबा से ये उगलवाना चाहती है की आखिर वो किस लड़की को जलने और जिंदा करने की बात कर रहा है.

ये एपिसोड उत्तरी कर्नाटक के ज़ुन्जर्वाद गाँव की एक घटना पर आधारित है. पुलिस के तफ्तीश के दौरान काफी सारी बाते खुल कर सामने आई की आरोपी बाबा के ऊपर पहले से ही कई आरोप हैं. बाबा के ऊपर 2013 के दौरान एक दुष्कर्म का आरोप भी लगा था. 2010 में इसने आत्महत्या के बाद जीवित रहने का ढोंग रचा था.

Crime Patrol | The Insider: Kidnaping of Businessman Virat and Niharika for a ransom of 3 crore (Episode 360 on 25 Apr 2014)

घर का भेदी
The Insider
Virat Khurana (real name Saurabh Ahuja) is a Delhi based businessman. He run a small company which has got a big project recently. His team is working hard to make is successful. Niharika (real name Shivika Chauhan) is a employee of his office as well as she is his fiancee. Soon they are getting marry.

A night Virat, Niharika and Ankit gets kidnapped. Kidnappers calls colleague Shubham Sehgal to manage a ransom of rupee three core. They warns all of them to arrange the money otherwise they will kill all 3 guys. Kidnappers leaves all three after 2 days. After all this Virat asks Shubham how did he managed that big amount, them Shubham explains him that he managed 16 lac from Virat's mother and one crore five lac from his relatives. He was able to arrange only this amount so somehow he convined kidnappers on this amount.

Virat is doubting Shubham why kidnappers called Shubham only and how he managed this big amount in just 2 days. He files a complain to police station and asks police to start their investigation with Shubham.
Based on kidnapping of West Delhi based businessman Saurabh Ahuja. Later four were held for abducting him for 2cr ransom.

Crime Patrol | A Journey of Life: Catholic Priest Sebastian, who donated Kidney to Muslim man Rasad Mohammed (Episode 278, 279 on 3, 4 Aug 2013)

A Journey Of Life
जिंदगी का सफ़र

Another unusual story presented by Crime Patrol Dastak that again teaches us that humanity has no limitations even we are from different communities. Two different person who comes from different faith meets each other in a bus and this meeting changes their lives completely.

Father Sebestian, 41 (played by Iqbal Azad) who is catholic priest from Kottayam, Kerala while Rashad Mohammad (30) (Player by Saurabh Gogate) is from Alappuzha who urgently needs a kidney transplant. Rashad was working at a shop as sales person in Gulf. His earning from Gulf was a big relax for his parent. Rashad's father was running a small stationary shop at Haripad in Alappuzha. His brother was also doing a small job at Haripad. Rashad's parents are patients of Hight Diabities and during their critical time, Rashad's earning was a big support for them.

During 2011 Rashad was feeling that his eye sight is becoming weak. His eye checkup report was good. Another doctor asks him to do a blood test but his blood sugar and cholesterol was also fine. Few more tests revealed that both of his kidneys has problem. His kidneys soon needs a transplant and soon his dialysis will also start. Rashad comes back to his home in India. From then he was borrowing money from his relatives and friends for his dialysis. His both parent were also not able to donate kidney to him as they both a diabetic and heart patients. His brother can not donate his kidney because his blood group is different.

February 25, 2013 was a unforgettable day for Rashad on which he met Father Sebastian in a bus to the hospital. He set next to the father just by chance. Years ago father Sebastian came to know that a person can live with just one kidney. That time he decided that he will donate his one kidney to a deserving person.

"I was also inspired by the story of Father Davis Chiramel, who had donated one of his kidneys to a Hindu. I was waiting for the day when I could also make the same sacrifice."

A man can donate his kidney to a person who has same blood group. Asking Rashad told him that his blood group is A+. Father's blood-group was also same. Now they need to check with the doctor if other items matches. As per medical, a person can donate his kidney to a person with same blood-group with 65% match but in there case medical tests showed 95% match.

After these medical procedures, Rashad's friends and relatives arranged money for his operation which was around 5 lac.

"We may be following different faiths but all of us should remember that there is only one God and He represents love and kindness. And in front of death, there is no religion. I sincerely hope nobody will impose their faith on others and nobody would fight in the name of religion."

"I am a Catholic priest from Chalakuddy; Rasad, a Muslim from Haripad and we met on a bus to Kochi. What a strange coincidence! Without God deciding it, how can this happen? Both of us believe in our respective religions fiercely."

"As per my religious beliefs, there is nothing more than giving one's life to someone and God has given me the opportunity to give a part of my life to a person so that he gets a new lease of life. I am talking about what am doing only because I will be blessed if this can inspire at least one other person."

"Religion never came to my mind when I wanted to help Rasad; the only thoughts I had were of love, peace, brotherhood and humanism."- Father Sebestian.

Online Episode on YouTube:
Part 1:
Part 2:

Online Episode on SonyLiv:

Crime Patrol | Sushma goes missing while trevelling to shirdi (Ep 21 on 8 Jul 2011)

Sushma, residing in Nalasopara, Mumbai, works in a factory. Her husband was very ill, and in such circumstances, she had responsibilities at home and needed to work. As time passed, her husband started recovering. Now, Sushma wants to visit Shirdi so that she can express her gratitude to God. She sets out for Shirdi, but the surprising thing is that she takes all her jewelry with her.

After her departure, when her husband calls her, her mobile phone shows switched off. Eventually, a missing complaint is filed, and the police begin searching for her in hospitals around Shirdi.