Showing posts with label Jatin Shah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jatin Shah. Show all posts

Wilful Blindness: 70 year old Eknath Tawde murdered by his son Prasad Tawde (Episode 444 on 12 Nov 2014)

Wilful Blindness
Retired Eknath Tawde hires a taxi toward his brother’s home. He has some injury on his head because the driver is watching him pressing his head by his hand. Once the taxi reaches its destination, the taxi driver asks him to get down of the taxi but Eknath does not respond. He notices that Eknath is unconscious so he calls the police. Police bring him to the hospital where the doctor tells him that he had a severe head injury and has passed away.
Police traces and calls his brother Ramakant with help of Eknath’s mobile phone. He tells police that Eknath’s son Prasad Tawde attacked him on his head and after this, he talked to Ramakanth and told that he is reaching his home. Police calls Prasad but he is in an intoxicated state and does not pick call. When police reach Eknath’s home, the door of the home are locked and their neighbor tells police that in the morning itself police already has taken Prasad with them. When police ask another police station then they come to know that Prasad’s fiancee Ketki lodged an FIR of blackmailing against both of them. Prasad was blackmailing her over some private photos. According to Ketki, Prasad has already extorted a huge amount from her and now he was again trying to get more money. He has warned Ketki that if she does not arrange money for him he will upload her private photos to internet.

Drunken Prasad is not in a condition of giving any statement. The police bring him to the other police station with them and trie to ask why he killed his father.

Jilted Mumbai film maker Jerrit G John (Tony Simon) throws acid on his girlfriend Supriya's face (Ep 185/186 on 1/2 Dec 2012)

Tony Simon (real name Jerrit G. John and played by Jatin Shah) is a new cycling partner in Supriya's (real name Aryanka Hosbetkar and played by Vaibhavi Upadhaya) cycling group. Supriya is a 24 years Physiotherapist while Tony is a 41-year-old ad filmmaker.

Supriya does not know him but he approaches him via friendbook (Facebook) and sends her friend request. Supriya accepts and they start talking and meeting each other. Finally Tony proposed to her.

But after few days Tony throws acid on Supriya's face in the night when he comes to meet her in her home.

Watch the video to know more about the case

Online Episode on Youtube:

Online Episodes on YouTube (Available in few countries):
Part 1:
Part 2:

Online Episodes on YouTube Link 2:
Part 1: 
Part 2: Crime Patrol | Revenge Of A Jilted Lover

Here is the inside story of the case: Other Tags: acid, attack, bandra, facebook, film maker, friendsbook, Jerrit G. John, kanitkar, mumbai, supriya, tony, worly,

Crime Patrol | Desire: Brutal murder attempt on Vice principal Smita Sharma (Episode 174, 175 on 3, 4 Nov 2012)

Smita Gagan Sharma (played by Geetanjali Mishra) is the wife of Gagan Sharma (played by Jatin Shah) who is a bank employee. Smita is a vice-principal of a school in Bhopal. Smita and Gagan have the difference between them and don't like each other anymore.

A day after spending some time is her school she moves towards the highway. She is waiting for someone but comes back. After sometimes some people of that area find Smita's brutally injured and her throat is slitted and bleeding.

People reports police (lead played by Sanjeev Tyagi) and police find that Smita is still alive. Police brought her to the hospital and now she is in a coma. Further investigation reveals that driver Ramesh (played by Manmohan Tiwary) is somewhere involved in the attack.

Renu Mishra,gagan,Jatin Shah,geetanjali mishra,Manmohan Tiwary,Tarun Mishra,smita,Fatehpurva Primary School,sanjeev tyagi,Gauria village,
Geetanjali Mishra

स्मिता एक स्कूल की वाईस प्रिंसिपल है. उसके पति का नाम गगन शर्मा है जो की एक बैंक कर्मचारी है. पति पत्नी की आपस में बनती नहीं है और दोनों एक दुसरे को बिलकुल भी पसंद नहीं करते हैं.

एक दिन अपने स्कूल में कुछ समय बिताने के बाद स्मिता वहां से निकलती है. रोड के किनारे किसी का इंतज़ार करने के बाद वो वापस लौट जाती है. इसके कुछ ही समय बाद वहां के लोग स्मिता को उसकी कार के अन्दर खून से लथपथ पाते हैं. उसकी गला काट कर हत्या करने की कोशिश हुई है और वो बेहोश है.

Mumbai City hospital doctor caught doing fake practice from 6 years (Episode 128 on 8th July 2012)

The episode shows story of a fake doctor maqbool who stole identity of his former classmate Dr. Siraj Rafeeq Moinnuddeen Jaffer

Real name are:
Dr. Siraj Jaffer (Real)- Dr Meraj Shaikh (played by Harsh Khurana)
Dr. Siraj Jaffer (Fake)- Zuber Qureshi (played by Jatin Shah)

Varun is doing his internship from Mumbai city hospital under Dr. Siraj Jaffer. After finishing internship he goes back to Nagpur and meets another ENT doctor with the same name. He is shocked to see that both doctor's middle name is also same!
He explains this to ENT doctor Siraj and tell him that he has seen that doctor's degree also and he is also from the same college named Amarawati Medical college of Nagpur university.

What happens next when he explains him about Mumbai city hospital doctor?