Showing posts with label Jhuma Biswas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jhuma Biswas. Show all posts

Crime Patrol Case 16/2019: Telangana's Nithari Kaand. Man killed 3 girls, buried in an abandoned well (Ep 91/92 on 18/19 Nov, 2019 Crime Patrol Satark Season 2)

2019 का सोलहवां केस
Case 16/2019
(Disguise, Ep. 91, 92)
Three girls from a village go missing where two were minor and third was a graduate student. First girl Durga went missing in 2016 and then rest on the two went missing this year. Let's watch how police unfolded this mysterious case and know the real story behind the episodes.
तेलंगाना के एक गाँव से एक के बाद एक 3 लड़कियां गायब होती हैं। इनमे से 2 लड़कियां नाबालिग थी जब की सबसे बाद मे गायब हुई लड़की दुर्गा ग्रैजवैशन की छात्रा थी।पुलिस की जांच के बाद पता चलता है की ये तीनों लड़कियों को रेप कर के मार दिया गया था और इन तीनों की लाश गाँव के बाहरी ओर स्थित एक पुराने कुएं मे मिलती है।

inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion

Crime Patrol | Tabaahi - Gorakhpur's Rajeshwari aka Rakhi's stubbornness costs her life (Ep 41, 42 - Crime Patrol Satark Season 2 on 9, 10 Sep 2019)


Saloni and her husband Randeep who is a cop in Faridabad are both frustrated with each other. Randeep's friend suggests spending some quality time with Saloni so she can feel easy with him.

Randeep plans a trip to Shimla with Saloni. After 4 says Randeep returns alone. When he asks him about Saloni, he tells Saloni he wanted to stay there for few more days so he came back.

Few days pass, Saloni does not come back. His brother files his missing complaint in Delhi. Delhi police call Randeep for questioning but Randeep also goes missing.

Crime Patrol | Fizool: Woman commits su!c!de after her personal video goes viral (Ep 13, 14 - Crime Patrol Satark Season 2 on 21 Jul, 01 Aug 2019)

The Insignificant
Kanchan is the mother of a kid who lives with her husband Vishal. Apart from them, Vishal also has parents in the house. Vishal comes from an ordinary family when Kanchan's father is a wealthy man, due to which Kanchan has a habit of fulfilling expensive hobbies and often has a quarrel with husband Vishal.

A day suddenly she goes missing with her son and then the police find his son at a tea shop on the banks of a river. The shop owner tells the police that the lady came to his shop, asked for a phone call after which he went towards the river.
The next day, the police also find the body of a crook in the area who shot him. Has been killed.
कंचन एक बच्चे की माँ है तो की अपने पति विशाल के साथ रहती है. घर में इनके अलावा विशाल के माता-पिता भी हैं. विशाल एक साधारण परिवार से आता है जब की कंचन के पिता पैसे वाले हैं जिसकी वजह से कंचन को महंगे शौक़ पूरा करने की आदत है और इसको लेकर पति-पत्नी के बीच अक्सर नोक-झोंक होती रहती है.

एक दिन अचानक कंचन अपने 4 साल के बेटे के साथ ग़ायब हो जाती है और फिर पुलिस को उसका बेटा एक नदी के किनारे एक दुकान पे मिलता है. वो चाय की दुकान वाला बताता है की कंचन उसकी दुकान पे आइ थी और उसके फ़ोन करने के लिए दुकानवाले से फ़ोन माँगा था उसके बाद वो नदी की तरफ़ चली गई.

इसके अगले ही दिन पुलिस को इलाक़े में एक बदमाश की लाश भी मिलती है जिसको गोली मार दी गई है.

inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion

Crime Patrol | Case 25/2018: Hyderabad, Woman's multilated body found near a construction site (Episode 928, 929 on 17 June 2018)

Two suspicious bags are found near a construction site. People of that area decide to call the police as the bags could have a bomb. Police are called and bomb diffusion staff comes over. They confirm that the bags have human body parts rather than a bomb. The dead body is sent to autopsy.

Post-mortem report reveals that organs belong to a lady who was eight months pregnant. With a few graphic experts, police get a photo of this lady and circulate over the city. Not getting any lead, police announces a reward for the person who helps them solve the mystery. Police also starts searching for all hospitals and the nursing homes where that lady could have gone for consultation. They also call gynecologists and eight to nine months pregnant women to find some clue but nothing fruitful is found.

Finally, they find CCTV footage of the vicinity where two-person are carrying the same bags on a bike. The bike is driven by a man while a woman is sitting on back holding both the bags. They start circulating photos of this footage to their informers and finally, they find the owner of that bike who is saying that he is sold this bike a few months back to another man...

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ये हत्याकांड इसी साल 29 जनवरी को हैदराबाद में रिपोर्ट हुआ था. एक महिला की बॉडी के टुकड़े कोंडापुर के श्रीराम नगर में थे. इसके बाद पोस्ट्मॉर्टम से ये भी पता चला की ये महिला 8 महीने गर्भ से थी. ग्रेटर हैदराबाद म्यूनिसिपल कॉर्परेशन का कहना था की वहाँ के दो सफ़ाई कर्मचारियों चिनाइयाँ और रमाइया ने ये दो बोरे यहाँ पड़े देखे थे जिनमे से ज़बरदस्त बदबू आ रही थी. बोरों में ख़ून भी लगा दिख रहा था जिसको देख कर उन्होंने सोचा की आसपास के कसाई घर वाले पहले अक्सर चिकन और पिग से बचा हुआ मलबा यहाँ फेंक देते थे और ऐसा ही कुछ होगा मगर जब उन्होंने इनमे से एक बोरे को खोला तो डोनो के होश उड़ गए. बोरे में महिला का काटा गया शरीर रखा था. GHMC स्टाफ़ ने तुरंत इसकी सूचना पोलिस को दी और पोलिस ने अपना काम शुरू कर दिया. पोलिस ने वहाँ पहुँच कर दोनो बोरों को खोल कर ये कन्फ़र्म किया की बोरों में किसी महिला के ही बॉडी पार्ट्स भरे हैं, मगर अभी ये कहना मुश्किल था की ये बॉडी परत एक ही महिला के हैं या एक से अधिक लोगों को मारा गया है. एक बोरे में महिला का सर और धड़ था जब कि दूसरे में उसके बाक़ी अंग थे. मारने वाले के पहले इन अंगों को एक पालीथींन में रखा फिर उन पोलिथींन को इन बोरों में भरा था...

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Online Episode on SonyLiv:
Part 1: Cut Into Pieces 1
Part 2: Cut Into Pieces 2

Online Episode on YouTube:
Part 1:
Part 2:

Here is the inside story of the case:

Crime Patrol | beauty queen Neha is in Relationship with her friend Seema!! (Episode 13 on 10 Jun 2012)

LUCKNOW, Nov 18: 
"I won the miss Meerut beauty queen crown because of my mother", Priyanka Singh (characterized as Neha and played by Swati Kapoor) announced on the stage when she achieved the title of Miss Meerut 2005.
Just after three years she again faces media persons and announces, "yes I killed my mother and father myself!"

swati kapoor, sudeepta singh

Online Episode on Dailymotion:
Online Episode on Sonyliv:
Here is the inside story of the case

Crime Patrol | A Lesson: 13 year boy Dilshan murder Case at Chennai Cantonment (Episode 79, 80 on 27, 28 January 2012)

On July 3, 2011, a 13-year-old boy was shot dead while trying to steal some almonds from an almond tree inside the Chennai cantonment area (Shown as Bairagarh, Bhopal). After his death, Chief Minister Jayalalitha announced a compensation of Rupee 5 lakh to his parents from the chief minister relief fund.
After 7 days of challenging investigation finally, CB-CID (lead played by Harsh Khurana) cracked the case. R Shekhar, ADG, CB-CID informed the media that an Ex-Army officer confessed to killing Dilshan. Retired Lt Col Kandasamy Ramraj shot Dilson with his own private rifle.
The case took less than 1 year to get justice. Chennai high court decided Life imprisonment to Col. Kandasamy Ramraj (कंडास्‍वामी रामराज).

inside story

Part 1 and Part 2 (Hindi):

Read and Watch the full story here-