Showing posts with label Karan Sharma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Karan Sharma. Show all posts

Case 45/2017: Dead body recovered from a septic tank after four months of murder (Episode 823 on 7th July, 2017)

2017 का पैतालिसवाँ केस
Case 45/2017

(Deadbody in Water/Septic Tank, Ep. 823)
An NRI couple returns from Dubai after their mother and enters into their home after a long period. The wife goes to the kitchen to make tea but she finds a foul smell is coming out from the tap water which is coming from a water tank on the top of the house.
Another couple Kabeer and Sheetal live on the upper floor so this couple goes to meet them and ask them how this smell is coming, but their flat is closed. They find something suspicious and calls the police. When the police come, they find a dead body is floating inside the water tank. Police collect this couple's contacts and call their maternal uncle.

Crime Patrol | Case 42/2017: Former politician's daughter in law Shot dead, son injured, CCTV DVR stolen (Episode 821, 822 on 24, 25 June 2017)

2017 का बयालीसवाँ केस - मौत की धमकी
Case 42/2017 - The Death Threat
Brick kiln owner Ranjan Chauhan is a wealthy and strong man who lives with her wife and his son Sooraj Chauhan is a medical student who lives in a college hostel. Ranjan Chauhan suggests Sooraj leave the medical line, come back home and take charge of his father's business who is already running well. As his father's request, Sooraj leaves his medical college life and comes back to home and start learning and taking care of his business.
On the other hand in Allahabad Kajal is trying to get admission into a college for further studies. Kajal lives with her younger brother at her maternal uncle's home. Years before her parents were passed away in an accident till then her uncle is taking care of siblings.

Time goes on and somehow Kajal gets marry to Sooraj. Sooraj's family does not put any demand on Kajal's family and now they both have a kid also.

In 2015 Sooraj's father Ranjan Chauhan had a fight with another contractor Shukla of the same area. He warns him to take some money and leave the contract but Shukla denies it. In anger, Ranjan Chauhan Shoots him dead. After the incident Ranjan and his two other companions are absconding but finally, police arrest them. Ranjan tries to negotiate with the police officer but he puts him behind the bar with a strong charge sheet.

inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion

Here Sooraj is scared of being killed by Shukla's sons who must come and take revenge for their father's murder. A day when Sooraj comes back from a restaurant with her wife Kajal, three assailants enter the vicinity and start firing at the couple. Kajal dies on the spot while Sooraj is badly injured.

Now police arrest Shukla's son in the murder case of Kajal.

Part 1:
Part 2:

Part 1: The Death Threat - 1
Part 2: The Death Threat - 2

Here is the inside story of the case:
Search Tags:
Bhavna Chaudhary, Meerut, Ganna Samiti Election, contract killing, six lac supari, Bhadaoda Gang, Brijsheel Chaudhary, Prashant Chaudhary, Rahul Dev, Narendra Murder, Shootout

Crime Patrol | Angarey: Businessman Pawan Dahiya's charred skeleton found inside his burnt car (Episode 714, 715 on 24, 25 Sep 2016)


Police finds a burnt skeleton inside a completely burnt car. They also finds a burnt laptop bag and assume that a person put the fire on this laptop separately after or before burning the car. They only have two clues, one is victim's rings and other that last digit of car's number plate has '6' number.

Police could easily track victim's identity once his father and younger brother approaches a police station to file missing complain of his son Pawan Dahiya who is missing from last night. They confirms Pawan's ring and car in which his dead body was found.

Pawan Dahiya was businessman and few days back he was threatened by his office's employee's fiancee Tarun who also warned him that he will burn him.

Akansha Sareen, Sarika Dhillon, Shirin Sewani

Crime Patrol | Dwand: Thrilling story of a politician's family ends with four murders (Dial 100 Episode 152, 153, 154 on 24, 25, 26 May 2016)


This tale delves into the internal power struggles within the family of Atal Singh, a prominent figure in Uttar Pradesh's business and political spheres. Atal's sons, Kedar Singh and Veer Singh, along with his widow daughter Mridula Singh, reside together. Kedar, married to Richa, engages in an affair with journalist Shweta (played by Jiya Shankar). Meanwhile, Richa seeks a physical relationship with Veer. Veer, in love with Anita from their village, faces his own challenges.

The plot takes a sharp turn as villagers discover Anita's body, followed by the police finding Shweta's body in Kedar's car trunk. Kedar, now on the run, insists he wasn't present when Shweta was killed. However, the story's tension escalates with two more family murders, leaving the mystery unresolved.

Jiya Shankar
Jiya Shankar (जिया शंकर)

Pratikriya: Businessman Sujit Parihar shot with point blank in broad daylight in a crowded market (Episode 645, 646 on 8th, 9th April, 2016)


Sujit Parihar is a successful businessman who attacked by some assailants in a crowded market with a point-blank range. The doctor also tells police that he was shot on his head and his survival chances are very rare. Police are shocked to know that how someone can attack and flee in so much crowded market and nobody has seen him! They start their investigation with that market but do not get any clue.

Sujit dies after a few days so now police start asking the person with whom he was having a business rivalry. Sujit was a wealthy businessman and he was having many disputes with people. It was Sujit's hobby to invest in any small or big business. He also bought restaurants in the 60%-40% partnership where he was taking 60% of the income. Besides this, a beautiful lady Priya Gupta was also her business partner who was owing to a flower shop. Police are trying to relate motive behind his murder with Sujit's this business where he was taking 40% of the partnership while Priya was taking 60%. Police were also being suspicious of Priya because no one in Sujit's office was aware of his this business.

सुजीत परिहार एक व्यापारी है जिस पर देसी कट्टे से भरे बाजार में हमला होता है। अस्पताल में डॉक्टर बताते हैं की सुजीत के सर पर गोली लगी है और बिलकुल नज़दीक से हमला किया गया है। ये अजीब बात है की इतनी भीड़ में कैसे कोई हमला कर के फरार हो गया! पुलिस अपनी छानबीन उसी मार्किट से शुरू करती है मगर किसी ने भी वहां पे हमलावर को गोली चलाते हुए नहीं देखा है। कुछ दिन बाद सुजीत की मृत्यु हो जाती है। अब पुलिस पहले को सुजीत के सभी जान्ने वालों से पूछताछ शुरू करती है। पुलिस अपने घेरे में उनलोगों को लेती है जिनके साथ सुजीत की अनबन चल रही थी। सुधीर एक पैसे वाला और दबंग बिजनेसमैन था और रुपये पैसे को लेकर उसकी कैस लोगों से अनबन चल रही थी। सुजीत को जो भी बिज़नेस अच्छा लगता था वो उसमे पैसे लगा देता था। उसने रेस्टोरेंट भी ख़रीदे थे जिनमे वो 60% हिस्सा रखता था और बाकी हिस्सा रेस्टोरेंट चलाने वाले को देता था। इसके अलावा सुजीत की और बिज़नेस में हिस्सेदारी थी जिसमे प्रिया गुप्ता नाम की महिला उसकी हिस्सेदार थी। पुलिस के लिए एक चौंकाने वाले बात ये भी थी की इस बिज़नेस के बारे में सुजीत के ऑफिस में कोई नहीं जानता था, यहाँ तक की उसकी पत्नी भी नहीं और ये एक अकेला बिज़नेस था जिसमे सुजीत 40% हिस्सा लेता था और प्रिया को 60% हिस्सा मिलता था।

Part 1:
Part 2:

Part 1: voSUwXsWVck
Part 2:

Here is the inside story of the case:

Crime Patrol: A Saga of Revenge | Contract killing of Aruna Sampath (Episode 315, 316 on Nov 22 & 23 2013)

A Saga Of Revenge
बदले की महाभारत

52 years old Aruna Sampath (Samajwadi Party worker Shammi Kohli from Agra played by Sujata Kumar) is a powerful politician in Kanpur, visiting from Kanpur to Varanasi by bus. Bus stops at a Dhaba on Kanpur -Varanasi highway (she was murdered on Agra-Lucknow rout). Most of the passengers get down to have some refreshments. During this period two unknown persons on a bike come inside the bus and shoot Aruna Sampath. No one has a single clue about the murderers but a Paan Wala tells police that he saw 2 men on the bike at the same time. Police inform Aruna's son Prithvi in Kanpur.

Mohit Bhardwaj, Shivani Chakraborty, Preeti, sanjeev tyagi, Shubha Saxena, Kohli, Puneet Channa, Sujata Kumar, Karan Sharma, agra, Sudeep Sarangi, naveen saini, gaurav, Rohit Tiwari, Nitin Gupta

Investigation reveals a series of doubts and uncertainties. Aruna was having bad relation with her daughter-in-law Anju (real name Preeti) who was having an extramarital affair and was living with her father in Meerut from the last 2 years. Her younger brother Ritesh was also having an affair.

Let's unfold the mystery with Inside Story of the case.

Crime Patrol | Unclaimed Bodies: Wrongly claimed dead body for insurance claim (Episode 235, 236 on 19, 20 Apr 2013)

लावारिस लाशें
Unclaimed Bodies
स्कूल के लौटते हुए तीन बच्चे देखते हैं की एक आदमी एक बस से उतरता है और उसी बस से टक्कर खा कर गिर जाता है. वो बुरी तरह से ज़ख़्मी है. बच्चे रास्ते में जाती एक जीप को रोकते हैं. उस जीप का चालाक और बच्चे मिल कर उस आदमी को उठाते हैं और अस्पताल ले जाते हैं. उस आदमी का खून काफी नेह चूका होता है. डॉक्टर काफी कोशिश करते हैं मगर उसकी मौत हो जाती है. डॉक्टर पुलिस को सूचित करते हैं, पुलिस उसके शव को मुर्दाघर भेज देते हैं और उसकी लाश को लावारिस लाशो की श्रेणी में दाल देती है. उस आदमी की फोटो अख़बार में भी दी जाती है और मौत के करीब 10 दिन बाद 2 आदमी अनिल, धरम और एक औरत शिवानी आकार बताते हैं की ये लाश गोपाल सिंह की है जो की कुछ दिन से गुमशुदा था और उसकी पत्नी का नाम कविता है. वो लोग उसके शव को साथ ले जाते हैं और कुछ दिन बाद वापस आकार उसके पंचनामा और पोस्टमॉर्टेम रिपोर्ट ले जाते हैं और फिर उसका डेथ सर्टिफिकेट भी बनवाते हैं.
दूसरी और जोधपुर पुलिस दीपक नाम के एक शख्स को काफी अरसे से तलाश कर रही है. करीब 6 महीने बाद उनको दीपक के सेलफोन के स्विचऑन होने की सिग्नल मिलते हैं. पुलिस तफ्तीश करती है तो पता चलता है की दीपक का मोबाइल वही बच्चा इस्तेमाल कर रहा है जिसने गोपाल सिंह को अस्पताल पहुचने में मदद की थी. पूछने पर वो बच्चा बताता है की ये सेलफोन उसी गोपाल सिंह का है जो की अस्पताल ले जाते समय जीप में गिर गया था.

जांच करने पर पता चलता है की जो लोग उस लाश को गोपाल सिंह की लाश बता कर ले गए उसका असली नाम दीपक प्रसाद है और वो एक पुजारी का बेटा है. START CAST: Sudeep Sarangi Shahab Khan Sudeepta Singh Amano Dhyan Sachin Tyagi Gulshan Pandey Bharat Chawda

Crime Patrol | Dowry: Man drives 4 states to dump wife's body (Episode 78 on 21 Jan 2011)


(Crime Patrol Dastak, Ep. 78)
Geeta is elder sister-in-law of Seema (Real name Nilam). They lives at Mulund. One day suddenly manoj (Real name Pradip Singh), brother of Seema gets call from geeta that Seema get accident and she is in emergency and reach to her as soon as possible. Manoj tries to get connect with geeta's husband Vivek (Real name Priyesh) but vivek does not respond to his phone call.
Later seema informs police that the whole family was going to Silvasa factory for a Pooja. Factory is owned by vivek . Vishal (Real name Nilesh), who is elder brother of Vivek denies seema to come with them. Vishwanath (Real name Harishshankar), father of Vivek and Vishal calls a close friend Ratan singh (Real name Omprakash Lalthaprasad Tiwari) to arrange some fake post mortem report of Seema but Ratan Singh denies. Vishwanath offers Ratan a big amount of money but he still denies.

What is the reason of Seema's murder?
Why they travels four states to dump Seema's body?