Showing posts with label Kiran. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kiran. Show all posts

Dhongi: Caterer Ashok Goyal exposed as a History Sheeter (Episode 525, 526 on 3rd, 4th July 2015)

The Imposter
Ashok Goyal is a caterer by profession with a friend in partnership. In a function, he falls in love with Kiran. He proposes her and after convincing Kiran's parents, both get to marry each other. Ashok tells them that he is all alone and has no family background. Kiran and her parents do not know anything about Ashok but they trust him, so this marriage happens.
Its been 6 months, they are living happily and Kiran is now four months pregnant. A night their doorbell rings. Kiran is shocked to see that it is a crime branch raid at their home. Crime Branch officials find a costly gun there. They arrest Ashok and tells Kiran that Ashok is a history-sheeter and police want to know why he bought this gun and what is his motive.

Azad Ansari aka Charls, Rinki Singhvi
Azad Ansari and Rinki Singhvi

Crime Patrol | The Missing Links: Connection between two missing people and a Land Scam (Episode 355, 356 on 11, 12 April 2014)

HIV positive Ramdas Kale, 43 is missing from Sinner. His cousin Ganesh Kale files a missing complain about him at police station. Same year another lady Nirmala Wagh is also missing from Pune. Her daughter Shalini files her missing complain at a police station there. There is a legal fight is going on between Nirmala and her husband.

After 3 years, a lawyer Vijay Tambat and his wife Suvarna Tambat sales their land to a construction businessman Kiran Salunke. During the deal, two guys tells Kiran that this land belongs to Ramdas Kale, who is missing from few months. In the deal, land is registered on Suvarna's name, but a problem arises when registrar office sees that land's papers having death certificate of Suvarna, while suvarna is alive. Being a lawyer, Vijay Tambat follows legal processes and cancels the death certificate through the court. Court also asks police to investigate the issue because someone must be killed to prove Suvarna dead.

Police is shocked of missing Ramdas Kale, and now the papers of his land deal are showing a death certificate of alive woman. Ganesh Kale is saying that land was never sold, then how it can be sold to Kiran? Where are both missing people now?

Masterminds: E T Rajavel & Mohana

सिन्नर से 43 का रामदास काले लापता है. उसका चचेरा भाई गणेश काले उसकी मिस्सिंग कंप्लेंन दर्ज करता है. उसी साल पुणे से निर्मला वाघ नाम की महिला भी गायब हो जाती है जो की अपने पति के खिलाफ एक मुकदमा लड़ रही थी. उनकी बेटी शालिनी उनकी मिस्सिंग कंप्लेंन दर्ज़ करती है.

3 साल बाद वकील विजय ताम्बट और उसकी पत्नी सुवर्णा ताम्बट नासिक के बहार अपनी एक ज़मीन कंस्ट्रक्शन बिजनेसमैन किरण सालुंके को बेचते हैं. बेचने से ठीक पहले दो लड़के किरण को बताते हैं की ये ज़मीन रामदास काले की है जो की मिस्सिंग है. ज़मीन सुवर्णा काले के नाम पर है, मगर ज़मीन के पेपर्स में एक समस्या कड़ी होती है. रजिस्ट्रेशन ऑफिस में ज़मीन के पेपर्स में सुवर्णा का डेथ सर्टिफिकेट लगा मिला है जबकि सुवर्णा जिंदा है. लॉयर विजय ताम्बट कोर्ट से डेथ सर्टिफिकेट रद्द करवा देता है और पुलिस को कोर्ट से इस मसले की जांच करने का आदेश भी मिलता है. कोर्ट के अनुसार सुवर्णा तम्बत को मारा हुआ साबित करने के लिए ज़रूर किसी को मारा गया होगा.

पुलिस हैरान है की एक तरफ रामदास काले के मिस्सिंग होने के बाद भी उसकी ज़मीन बेचीं जा रही है और दूसरी तरफ ये डेथ सर्टिफिकेट की गुत्थी. सारा मसला है क्या? अगर ये ज़मीन रामदास काले ने नहीं बेचीं है तो फिर इसे कैसे किरण को दुबारा बेचा जा रहा है? दोनों मिस्सिंग लोग अब कहाँ है?

Part 1:
Part 2:

Part 1:
Part 2:

Here is the inside story of the case:

Crime Patrol | A Shot in the Dark: Woman shot dead on Karwa Chauth (Episode 308 on 26 Oct 2013)

निशाने का रहस्य
A Shot in the Dark

On the night of Karwa Chauth a married woman Kiran found dead suddenly when she was playing cards with her friends on the terrace of a Restaurant in Chandigarh. Her friends were unable to identify whats wrong with her when she forcefully put her head on the table. First her friends thought that she is making fun of them, then after watching spots of Blood the called hotel staff and then police.

Hotel staff immediately brought her to hospital but doctor declares the she is no more and she was already dead when they brought her to Hospital.

करवा चौथ के रात कुछ महिलाएं एक रेस्टोरेंट की टेरेस पर ताश खेल रहीं हैं. सारी औरतें एक मेज के चारों और बैठी हैं. तभी उनमे से एक महिला अचानक अपना सर मेज पर पटक देती है. उसकी दोस्तों को लगता है की वो कोई मज़ाक कर रही है मगर ध्यान से देखने पे पता चलता है की उसके सर से खून निकल रहा है. कोई कुछ समझ नहीं पता है. महिला को तुरंत अस्पताल ले जाया जाता है जहाँ डॉक्टर बताते हैं की उसकी मृत्यु अस्पताल आने से पहले हो चुकी है और उसके सर में गोली लगी है.

पुलिस तफ्तीश में पता चलता है की वो गोली एक राइफल से चलाई गई है. मगर पुलिस से समझने में नाकाम है की आखिर किसी को पता क्यों नहीं चला जब उसको वो गोली लगी.

Crime Patrol | A Cruel Lesson: Professor Sanjiv's wife Rachna goes missing (Episode 274 on 26 July 2013)

एक क्रूर सबक़
A Cruel Lesson
Rachna Verma (real name Kiran, 28 and played by Melissa Pais), wife of professor Sanjiv Verma (real name Amarjeet Singh, 30, played by Kuldeep Dubey) has a strained relationship with her husband. She leaves home with a unknown guy (real name Akbarali Warsi, 20) without informing anyone. She leaves a letter for her husband that she is in love with someone else and is unhappy with her married life so she finally has taken this decision.
Sanjiv i shocked to read the letter that his wife has his 8 year old son and him. Sanjiv files a FIR about her missing and finally they get dead body of Rachna.