Showing posts with label Mahesh Sharma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mahesh Sharma. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | Murder of a School Master And Kushti Player Jai Kumar (Episode 88 on 25 February 2012)

The school teacher Jaykumar from Hisar is a talented individual who also has a passion for wrestling. One evening, while returning from his school, he is shot dead. Everyone is astonished as to why someone would kill an innocent person like Jaykumar. The police's first suspicion falls on two close friends of Jaykumar, Krishna and Manish, who have been missing since his murder.

Case 7/2018: 19 year old employed girl Rakhi Bhamaria goes missing while returning from the shop (Episode 894, 895 on 10th, 11th Feb, 2018)

A father is looking for his missing daughter who did not return after she left for her shop a day before. He also asks the shop owner who tell him that Mamta Khandekar left the shop near 6pm with her two other colleagues.
After searching for her sometimes, he finds her dead near a nullah. A number of injuries can be seen on her body.

After reporting to the police, they also find her cycle 200 meters away from the crime spot. The postmortem reveals that the victim was brutally gang-raped before she was murdered and at least two people have raped her.

Police’s prime suspect is Mamta's father who did not search for her daughter during the night and came home and slept. Their other suspect was shop owner because Mamta went missing from his shop but after Mamta’s colleagues confirm that let left the shop together in the evening near 6pm, the police are now looking for other possibilities.

3 months pass but police are not able to find any clue.

inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion

Crime Patrol | Case 17/2017: Ludhiana's Land Dealer Surender Arora Murder case (Ep 776, 777 - 10, 11 March)

2017 का सत्रहवां केस
Case 17/2017
A villager of Sadar Nagar, Ludhiana area finds a male dead body at a deserted land. When the police arrive, people of that area tell them that the deceased is Property Dealer Surendar Arora. The Police find his mobile phone with him but his car is missing.
Initial investigation police come to know that a few months back 2 people tried stealing his car but could not do. First police grab these two guys and interrogate them that why did they kill Surendar. Both are denying that they did not execute this murder plan but police are still interrogating them. One of Surendar's friends Rajnish Gill tells police that from the last few days he was in touch with Dr. Nupur Bansal which whom he was taking treatment of Migrain. Asking Surendar's parents they tell police that they do not have any idea about this doctor and treatment.

Dr. Nupur's husband is a forest officer who lives in Dehradun and now Dr. Nupur and her husband are police's first suspects. Maybe Nupur's husband killed Surendar on having illicit relations with his wife!

On the other hand, Surendar's wife, who is an NRI, goes back to New York after Surendar's cremation.

inside story

प्रॉपर्टी डीलर सुरेंदर अरोड़ा का बेरहमी से क़त्ल होता है। उसकी लाश एक खाली ज़मीन पर पाई जाती है जिसको देखने वाले देखते पहचान लेते हैं। पुलिस तफ्तीश शुरू करती है तो पता चलता है की सुरेंदर की पत्नी न्यूयॉर्क, अमेरिका में रहती है और सुरेंद्र का वहां आना-जाना लगा रहता है मगर पिछले काफी लंबे समय से वो यहीं है और लैंड डीलिंग का काम कर रहा है। सुरेंदर की हत्या के अगले ही दिन उसकी पत्नी रेखा अपने बच्चे के साथ न्यूयॉर्क से भारत आती है और अंतिम-संस्कार होने के बाद वापस चली जाती है।

सुरेंदर के कॉल रिकार्ड्स में ऐसा कुछ भी नहीं मिलता है जिसपर शक किया जा सके मगर उसका एक दोस्त आशीष गिल पुलिस को ये बताता है की सुरेंदर का एक डॉक्टर नूपुर बंसल के साथ कुछ चल रहा था। पुलिस खबरियों से पता करती है जो वो बताते हैं की नूपुर का पति फारेस्ट अफसर है जो की ज़्यादातर बाहर रहता है और ज़रूर सुरेंद्र और डॉक्टर नूपुर के बीच कुछ चल रहा था।

Media Coverage:

Part 1:
Part 2: and

Part 1: Case 17/2017 Part 1
Part 2: Case 17/2017 Part 2

Here is the inside story of the case:

Crime Patrol | Case 3/2017: Baghpat, U.P's three police constable murdered along with three family members (Episode 755, 756 on 7, 8 January 2017)

2017 का तीसरा केस
Case 3/2017

Farmer Dinesh Paswan is brutally murdered by the Shukla gang because he did not pay extortion money to them. Siblings Rajiv and Mukesh Shukla are the founder of this gang and are wanted in the murder case of Paswan. Paswan's father is the main witness in the case but they kill him along with his wife early morning while 2 police constable was also allocated to protect them. Now police trigger their investigation to capture Shukla brothers but they are still away from them.

Gaurav is also a farmer in the village and Veeru is his younger brother. A day while he is working at his farm Mukesh Shukla comes and warns him to pay him 10 lac till tomorrow morning otherwise he would have to pay for this. Gaurav shares this with his family and decides to report it to the police. Veeru is suggesting he not to pay any extortion money otherwise they goons will keep on coming to harras them. The next morning Gaurav tells police that Shukla's brother is targeting him. Shukla is now on alert but after few days they shoot Gaurav in the day board light in the market in front of his mother.

After this murder, Veeru decides to take revenge from them and takes some advice from his friend Prabhakar Bhaiya. After a few days, a gang of few people finds that place where the Shukla gang is residing. All of a sudden they reach there and shoots Rajiv Shukla and few of his companions dead. Mukesh Shukla succeeds to escape from the place but his one leg is badly injured because of the bullet. Later he gets caught by police.

Mukesh is in jail but in the mean time, two guys enter into Gaurav-Veeru's home while Veeru is at her farm with his father. They guys shoot her mother, sister along three constables who were there to protect the family. In this shootout Veeru's mother, sister, and two constables die, the third constable is unconscious and fourth was already left to the farm with Veeru. Mukesh is shocked to know that who took his revenge from Veeru's family without informing him.

inside story

Crime Patrol | Bekhabar: Four kids Karan, Mukti, Nisha and Rani mysteriously goes missing (Episode 725 on 21 Oct 2016)


करन और उसकी बहन मुक्ति, रानी और उसकी बहन निशा के माता पिता मज़दूर तबके से आते हैं जो कि रोज़ पास के एक सरकारी स्कूल में जाते हैं। एक सुबह जब वो स्कूल के लिए निकलते हैं तो वापस नहीं लौटते हैं। उनके माता-पिता हर संभव जगह पर बच्चों को ढूँढते हैं मगर वो नहीं मिलते। यहाँ तक कि वो लोग बच्चों के स्कूल जाकर भी पता करते हैं मगर कुछ पता नहीं चलता।

पुलिस में कम्प्लिएंट की जाती है और पुलिस भी हर संभावित कोशिश करती हैं इन बच्चों को ढूँढने की मगर कुछ पता नहीं चल पता। वो लोग स्कूल जाकर ये कन्फर्म करते हैं कि वो लोग उस दिन स्कूल आये थे मगर उसके बाद किसी को कुछ नहीं पता।

पुलिस जगह-जगह छापे मारती है और पता करने कि कोशिश करती है की कौन और कहाँ बच्चों को ले ज़ाया गया होगा। ये फिरौती का केस नहीं हो सकता क्यूकी इन मज़दूर तबके के लोगों के बच्चों को कोई किडनैप कर के फिरौती में क्यों उम्मीद रखेगा।

इसी प्रकार लंबा समय बीत जाता है। इसी प्रकार केस के सीनियर इंस्पेक्टर गोयल का प्रमोशन और ट्रांसफ़र हो जाता है मगर उनके निकालने से ठीक पहले पुलिस को एक लीड मिलती है।

Udaan: Highschool Student Rachna helped 10 year old Namita in her rescue from Brothel (Episode 677 on 1st July, 2016)

Rachna is an average student of hi-school. Her parents keeps shouting at her over her studies. These days Mumbai's climate is awesome and she likes to spend sometime sitting on her room's window. From last few days she is observing that a girl of her age comes to garden before her room's window, spends 30-35 mins there sitting alone and goes back. That girl does not talk to anyone and spends whole time all alone in the garden.
Ranchna is curious to know about her that where does she comes from and why she looks so alone! An evening shoe goes to meet her. She tells her name Namita and Rachna keeps meeting her for weeks. Finally an evening Namita tells her about her life that she belongs to Nasik and was sold to a woman names Farida by her own mother two years ago. Now she lives with Farida at her home and does flesh trade from her home. She was pushed to this work when she was a small kid. At that time Farida used to take commission from her mother Laxmi and two years before after her mother sold her, her mother started taking commission from Farida.

Rangmanch: Contract Killing of Real Estate broker Girish Kaushal (Episode 640, 641 on 26th, 27th March, 2016)

A Stage
Girish Kaushal is a politician who has a travel agency also runs a real estate business. Girish is the father of two daughters Madhuri and Shweta and his eldest son died of an accident a few months ago. Girish is getting threatening calls from unknown numbers and that guy is warning him to pay 3 crore rupee as extortion money otherwise he will kill him. Girish is avoiding these calls because he knows that his business will lead him to such kinds of calls often. This extortionist's name is Vinay Parihar who gets arrested by police during a raid in a brothel. Police arrest his brother and him under the arms act.

Crime Patrol | Gade Murde: A political murder case turns to revenge (Episode 515 on 5th June 2015)

गड़े मुर्दे
Old Wounds
Mahesh Goyal is a star campaigner of Lok Jagran Party who was attacked by two person while he was driving his bike. One of the attackers stabs him and he dies in the hospital. His political party blames other party leaders Chandan and Kasturi for this attacks. Kasturi is the candidate for coming election.

Whole city starts burning in the rage of this murder and Mahesh's party files complains against Chandan. When police asks chandan, he denies that he does not relate with this murder because during political season he can not plan sich kind of wrong activity which will be bad for his party.
When police starts investigating Mahesh phone call details, they get number of a married woman Puja Jaiswal whom Mahesh talked with till four days before the murder. During questioning Puja tells police that she was not satisfied with his husband's behaviour and was having extramarital affair with Mahesh. She tells police she stopped Mahesh for four day because she was going out of her home in some family things.

When police activates their informers, they reveals a showking truth that Mahesh was a foppish kind of person who used to teas married women who comes to his garment shop for their children's school dresses.

Crime Patrol | A Nation Awakens: Nirbhaya dies after 13 days long fight for life (Episode 296, 297 on 21, 22 September 2013)

The Nation Awekens
देश जाग उठा
Controversial Statements by well-known people after the incident
"She should have taken God's name and could have held the hand of one of the men and said ‘I consider you as my brother', and should have said to the other two 'Brother I am helpless, you are my brother, my religious brother.' In other words, if she's begged for forgiveness and cited the fraternity of man and called to God for help, all would have been well. Bapu's spokesperson later responded to criticism of his statements by saying that women who get assaulted bear a fraction of the responsibility.

(Hindustan Times)

On making girls in the tropical southern citywear overcoats so men won’t be driven mad with lust: "The meeting resolved to introduce overcoats for girl students, operate special buses for them and ban mobile phones in schools. Our government is committed to ensuring safety of women, particularly girl students."

Puducherry Education Minister T Thiagarajan

(Hindustan Times)

Rajasthan BJP lawmaker Banwari Lal Singhal, a MLA in Rajasthan has demanded a banon skirts as uniform in schools to keep girls away from "men's lustful gazes". Alwar (Urban) legislator Banwari Lal Singhal has written a letter to the state chief secretary C K Mathew, demanding that skirts should be replaced by trousers or salwar-kameez. "The intention of this demand is to keep girl students away from men's lustful gazes and for their comfort in hot and cold weather conditions,"


"If you keep petrol and fire together then it will burn. There should be a law to ensure that there should be no ‘nangapan' (nudity). Those who wear less clothes should also be banned." Also, paraphrased: fashion and nudity are responsible for the current situation in India. And in rural India, "girls don't go searching out for boyfriend(s)." It goes on: "I support death penalty for the Delhi rapists but there should also be a law that women should not wear less clothes and roam around with boys who are not their relatives. What is the need for roaming at night with men who are not relatives? This should be stopped." To be fair, here is the response from his son Farhan: "We are a cosmopolitan family, I have five sisters, they are educated, they drive and roam around in cars, we have always respected girls as equals and is that how it should be."

Abu Asim Azmi, state president of the Maharashtra Samajwadi Party (India Today)
"Those who claim to be students - I can see many beautiful women among them - highly dented-painted - they're giving interviews on TV, they've brought their children to show them the scenes. I have grave doubts whether  they're students, because women of that age are generally not students."
(Note: by dented-painted, we generally understand this to mean that they're either
  • a) a bit older and therefore need to be made up to look attractive, 
  • b) they're like a car after a repair job, or 
  • c) they're generally made up, and somehow not serious about their protests against the climate of assault and lack of prosecution in India.
Congress MP Abhijit Mukherjee (son of President Pranab Mukherjee)
(Financial Express)

"Only when Sitaji crossed the Lakshman rekha, she was kidnapped by Ravan. If Sitaji (woman) crosses the Lakshman rekha, then "Sitaharan" (crime against them) is bound to take place as Ravans are out there." Here's the background on that, along with one hell of a deconstruction of the plight of women "alone in the forest," by Nilanjana Roy. Vijayvargiya withdrew his remark under pressure, by the way.

Madhya Pradesh BJP leader Vijayvargiya

(Deccan Chronicle)

"Harm can come on  a person if the stars are in adverse positions … We have no answer to this, only an astrologer can predict."

Chhattisgarh Home Minister Nanki Ram Kanwar
(India Today)

"A husband and wife are involved in a contract under which the husband has said that you should take care of my house and I will take care of all your needs. I will keep you safe. So, the husband follows the contract terms. Till the time, the wife follows the contract, the husband stays with her, if the wife violates the contract, he can disown her."

Villages that embody the spirit of "Bharat" rather than "India" don't produce a culture of this crime. That's something that you see in areas in which western culture's poison has seeped into Indian souls, most notably in urban areas.

Mohan Bhagwat (chief of right-wing organisation Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh)

"To my understanding,  consumption of fast food contributes to such incidents. Chowmein leads to hormonal imbalance evoking an urge to indulge in such acts."
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee: "Earlier if men and women would hold hands, they would get caught by parents and reprimanded but now everything is so open. It's like an open market with open options."

Jitendar Chattar (leader of a Khap Panchayat)

"When a group of men intend to commit this, they will do it. The victim should save herself for bringing the perpetrators to book … Had the girl simply surrendered (and not resisted) when surrounded by six men, she would not have lost her intestine. Why was she out with her boyfriend at 10 pm?"

Dr. Anita Shukla, scientist at the Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya
(Indian Express)

"Co-education should be abolished and proper education facilities meant exclusively for women should be available at all level of education. Educational institutions should prescribe sober and dignified dress for girls."

Jamaat-E-Islami Hind (Islamist organisation).
Statement released by Secretary General Nusrat Ali
(Times of India)

"Why do housewives and school going girls need mobiles? It encourages them to make futile small talk and get connected with people outside their homes."

MP Rajpal Saini
(Reuters, citing others)

After Mumbai Similar type of case
"Women needed to pay attention to their clothes to avoid these kind of assaults. Women should not be too influenced by television"

Naresh Agarwal
Samajwadi Party leader and Rajya Sabha MP

Part 1: 07-Nov-2015---Crime-Patrol---A-Nation-Awakens-1
Part 2: 08-Nov-2015---Crime-Patrol---A-Nation-Awakens--2

Other Links:
Here is the inside story of the case:
Other Tags: Damini, Nirbhaya, Veera, Jyoti

Crime Patrol: Mastermind duo behind murder of Arun Tikku, father of actor Anuj Tikku (Episode 123, 124, 125 on Jun 29, 30 and July 1 2012)

The same story again shown by Crime Patrol Dial 100 (Episode 708 on 7th Feb, 2018)

This episode is based on the Arun Tikku murder case solved by the Mumbai police. Click here for the Navin Batra murder case of October 27th, 2012

Arun Tikku (portrayed as Amar Batra and played by Abhay Bhargav) is the father of Anuj Tikku (represented as Abhishek Batra, who is a Bollywood actor). Before he became an actor, Anuj Tikku worked as a media marketer and radio jockey in Delhi. Anuj is an only child and currently lives in Mumbai while his parents reside in Delhi.

The motive behind the murder was to take control of Anuj Tikku's 50 Crore property located in Lokhandwala Mumbai, which was under his father Arun's name.
A few days after the murder, police arrested Anuj Tikku, but he denied being involved in the murder and claimed ignorance of the events.

The investigation revealed that struggling actress and model Simran Sood (shown as Monica Suri, portrayed by Parul Chaudhary), who lived in a rented apartment near Anuj's home and was a friend of his, was involved in the case. It was discovered through interrogation that Simran's boyfriend Vijay Palande (cast as Varun Suri or Vikram Deshmukh and played by Mitil Jain) was the mastermind behind the murder.
inside story

Crime Patrol | Dowry: Man drives 4 states to dump wife's body (Episode 78 on 21 Jan 2011)


(Crime Patrol Dastak, Ep. 78)
Geeta is elder sister-in-law of Seema (Real name Nilam). They lives at Mulund. One day suddenly manoj (Real name Pradip Singh), brother of Seema gets call from geeta that Seema get accident and she is in emergency and reach to her as soon as possible. Manoj tries to get connect with geeta's husband Vivek (Real name Priyesh) but vivek does not respond to his phone call.
Later seema informs police that the whole family was going to Silvasa factory for a Pooja. Factory is owned by vivek . Vishal (Real name Nilesh), who is elder brother of Vivek denies seema to come with them. Vishwanath (Real name Harishshankar), father of Vivek and Vishal calls a close friend Ratan singh (Real name Omprakash Lalthaprasad Tiwari) to arrange some fake post mortem report of Seema but Ratan Singh denies. Vishwanath offers Ratan a big amount of money but he still denies.

What is the reason of Seema's murder?
Why they travels four states to dump Seema's body?

Crime Patrol | Accidental death of ganpat shirole uncovered as murder (Episode 19 on 1 July 2011)

गणपत शिरोले एक पियक्कड़ आदमी है जो अपना सारा पैसा दारू में उड़ा रहा है और आये दिन अपनी पत्नी से झगड़ा करता है। उसके एक बेटी विद्या और एक बेटा राघव भी हैं। गणपत राव को औरतों का भी शौक़ है जिसके चलते वो आए दिन कोठों पर जाता रहता है। एक रात वो वापस अपने घर नहीं आता तो उसकी पत्नी उसकी मिसिंग कंप्लेंट लिखवाने पुलसी स्टेशन जाती है। वहाँ पता चलता है कि पुलिस को हाईवे पार एक आदमी की लाश और उसकी बाइक मिली है। पुलिस सविता को लेकर उसी जगह पर पहुचती है जहां ये पता चलता है कि ये लाश गणपत की ही है। देखने में ये एक एक्सीडेंट का केस लग रहा है मगर पोस्टमार्टम रिपोर्ट में पता चलता है कि ये एक मर्डर है।

कुछ समय पहले तक ये परिवार एक ग़रीब परिवार हुआ करता था मगर एक पुश्तैनी ज़मीन बिकने के बाद उसके पैसे गणपत शिरोले अमीर हो गया मगर उसको शराब की बुरी लत भी लग गई। सविता चाहती है कि वो शराब को छोड़ दे और पहले जैसी सीधी-सादी ज़िंदगी में लौट जाये।

Minal Bal
Ganpat Shirole is a man who is squandering all his money on alcohol and quarreling with his wife every day. He has a daughter, Vidya, and a son, Raghav. Ganpat also has a penchant for women, which leads him to visit brothels regularly. One night, when he doesn't return home, his wife goes to the police station to file a missing complaint. There, she learns that the police have found the body of a man and his bike across the highway. The police, taking Savita along, reach the spot, and it is revealed that the deceased is none other than Ganpat. Initially assumed to be an accident, the post-mortem report later confirms it as a murder.

Not long ago, this family used to be a poor one, but after selling ancestral land, Ganpat Shirole became wealthy. However, his newfound riches also led him to develop a harmful addiction to alcohol. Savita wants him to quit drinking and return to the simple and straightforward life they once had.

Online episode on Dailymotion:

Online episode on Sonyliv:

Here is the inside story of the case:

Crime Patrol | Season 4 | 20 year old Radhika Tanwar shot dead in broad daylight (Episode 1, 29 Apr 2011)

First episode of Crime Patrol Season 4.

20 year old Sarika (real name Radhika Tanwar and played by Gulki Joshi) was shot dead by a unknown person (played by Mahesh Sharma).

She was with his friend Ashish (real name Aditya) around 10:30 in the morning and was just climbing down the foot-over bridge when a unknown person came from backside and shoots her. Aditya tried to chase that assailent but he ran away rapidly.

Radhika Tanwar and played by Gulki Joshi