Showing posts with label Milind Wagh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Milind Wagh. Show all posts

Amazon Prime's 'DAHAAD' | Cyanide Mohan's Diary: A Record of His Murder Attempts and Strategy (Crime Patrol Sansani Episode 77)

The web series "Dahaad," available on Amazon Prime, is based on the story of Cyanide Mohan, that features Sonakshi Sinha, Soham Shah, and Vijay Varma in lead roles. In the series, Vijay Varma portrays the character of Mohan as Anand.

Same story has been shown by Color TV's show Shaitaan - A Criminal Mind in 2013. Link is here:
Shaitaan (Colors TV): Story Of A Queer Serial Killer Who Killed Over 20 Girls (Episode 14 On 2nd February 2013)

Mohan Kumar, also known as "Cyanide Mohan," is believed to have killed 20 women in India between 2003 and 2009 by luring them to a hotel room, having sex with them, and giving them a cyanide pill disguised as birth control. Kumar, a former schoolteacher, was sentenced to death in 2013 for three of the murders but had escaped from India and was living in Australia. He was recently arrested in Bali, Indonesia after police received a red notice from Interpol and was tipped off by Australian police. Kumar is now being questioned by Indonesian police and could be deported or extradited to India.

Crime Patrol | Case 24/2019: Mystery behind murder of Kanpur girl Aditi Rawat (Ep 107, 108 on 11, 12 Dec 2019 Crime Patrol Satark Season 2)

2019 का चौबीसवाँ केस
Case 24/2019

(Horror behind the Mask, Ep. 107, 108)
Aditi Rawat's uncle is very strict. He believes in traditional life and wants that girls of his home should be bound under a limit. His daughter Sonali was of open nature who left the home and got married with a guy from another cast few years back. After this incident Sonali never could came back to their home.

On the other hand, Aditi is scared of blank calls coming on her mobile phone. This person is calling her from different PCOs bot does not speak anything. She does not want to share this issue with her parents because of the strictness of her Tauji. She thinks that if she will share this at home, her Tauji will stop her studies. She is only sharing this with her college friend.
A day Aditi goes missing. After filing his missing complaint police comes to know that she was in regular touch of a taxi driver Shahid Baigh. Further investigation shows that was in love with her.

After few days Aditi's dead body is found at a deserted area in Kanpur. It is a blind murder case as per police of that area so they publishes her photos to local news paper who is now seen by Sonali. Sonali immediately reaches police station and identifies the dead body.

Aditi Rawat - Sharvi Mota
Aditi's Uncle - Milind Wagh
Aditi's Father - J B Tripathi
Aditi's Aunty - Anindita Chatterjee
Shahid Baigh - Nikhil Pandey
Sonali - Priyanka Bhole

Sanjeev Tyagi
Suman Singh
Manish Raj Sharma
Prem Kumar
Guruvesh Pandit
Kush Sharma
Neha Agarwal

Crime Patrol: Jackpot - Delhi's Kiran Agarwal murder case took 7 years to solve (Ep 18, 19 - Crime Patrol Satark Season 2 on 7, 8 Aug 2019)

Rashmi Chaudhary is a social worker who resides in a rented flat owned by Jaidev. Jaidev wants to sell this house and when he asks Rashmi to vacate the flat, she files a court case on him and asks him to settle the matter in 1 crore rupee. Jaidev wants to sort out the case but he has no clue how he can do this.

Rashmi's other case is running with his husband who is an actor. She filed a domestic violence case on him. Both cases are being taken care of by the same lawyer Ashutosh (played by Rajiv Kumar). He makes a deal with Jaidev. He tells Jaidev that he will convince Rashmi to Settle matter in 45 lakh and will help them close the case. Jaidev hands-over 45 lakh to him.
After few days Rashmi disappears suddenly. She also leaves letters and emails for his landlord, boss Vikram, and Advocate Ashutosh. She explains that she has got money so she is vacating the house and also leaving the area.

Khushbu, Rashmi's sister is shocked after Rashmi's sudden disappearance. She file her missing complaint at the police station and now police start investigating the case.

सोशल वर्कर रश्मि एक किराए के मकान में रहती थी जो की जयदेव नाम के व्यक्ति का है. जयदेव इस मकान को बेचना चाहता है और जब वो रश्मि को मकान ख़ाली करने को बोलता है तो वो उलटा जयदेव पर केस कर देती है और मकान ख़ाली करने के लिए 1 करोड़ रुपए की माँग कर देती है. जयदेव किसी तरह से मामले को निपटना चाहता है मगर उसे कुछ सूझ नहीं रहा है.

रश्मि का इसके अलावा एक और केस अपने पति के साथ चल रहा है जो की ऐक्टर है. उसने अपने पति पर घरेलू हिंसा का केस किया हुआ है. इन दोनो केस को उसका एक ही वक़ील देख रहा है. उसका वक़ील जयदेव के साथ एक डील करता है. वो जयदेव को बोलता है की वो रश्मि से बात कर के 45 लाख में ये केस बंद करवा देगा. जयदेव राज़ी हो जाता है और 45 लाख आशुतोष को दे देता है.

इसके बाद रश्मि एक दिन अचानक ग़ायब हो जाती है. वक़ील आशुतोष, उसके बॉस विक्रम सिंघल और जयदेव को वो अलग अलग चिट्ठी और ईमेल छोड़ जाती है की उसको रुपए मिल गए हैं इसलिए वो मकान ख़ाली कर रही है.

रश्मि के अचानक ग़ायब होने से उसकी बहन ख़ुशबू सकते में है. वो पुलिस में रश्मि के ग़ायब होने की कम्प्लेन दर्ज कराती है और फिर पुलिस अपने तरीक़े से केस की छानबीन करना शुरू कर देती है.
inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion
Online Episode on SonyLiv:
Part 1:
Part 2:

Online Episode on YouTube (Available in few countries):
Part 1:
Part 2:

Online Episode on MXPlayer:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Search Tags: New Delhi, Kiran Agarwal, lawyer killed girl, modal town

Crime Patrol | Well Planned Murder of Retired bank manager Ramakrishna Pai (Episode 94 on 17 March 2012)

Ramakrishna Pai is a senior bank manager at National People’s bank who is soon going to retier. He residing at Ghatkopar Mumbai. He often misses his village and will soon shift to village after he retires.

His wife has left for Pune to meet her daughter Rohini. He is alone to takes daily meal at a hotel near to his residence. A night while he is alone at home, two guys attacks him. They slits his throat and steels Mrs. Pai’s jewellery and cash worth INR 25,000.

Online Episode on Dailymotion:

Here is the inside story of the case:

Crime Patrol | Case 21/2019: The Jolly Joseph Case, Six murders in one family over 14 years by daughter-in-law (Ep 100, 101, 102 on 2, 3, 4 Dec 2019)

2019 का बीसवां केस
Case 20/2019

(Monika Gomes Case)
(Vicious Habit, Ep. 100, 101, 102)

जॉली अपने रास्ते में आने वाले हर शक्स को मिटा देना चाहती थी। उसको लड़कियों से नफ़रत थी और उसके अगले प्लान में वो अपनी ननद रेंजी की दोनों बेटियों को मारने वाली थी जिससे कि आगे चल कर उसके आगे आवाज़ बुलंद करने वाला कोई ना हो...

Based on Kerala's Cyanide killer Jolly Joseph. Woman who killed 6 members of her family for property and money.

In the village of Kudathai in the Kozhikode district of Kerala, a family experienced a haunting for 14 years. Between 2002 and 2016, six members of the Ponnamattam family died under mysterious circumstances. The first death occurred in 2002, when 57-year-old retired school teacher Annamma Thomas suddenly collapsed and died. Her husband Tom Thomas, who was retired from the education department, passed away six years later. In 2011, their 42-year-old businessman son Roy Thomas allegedly committed su!c!de. Three years later, Annamma's brother Mathayu Mazzadiel also died. A month later, 2-year-old Alfine Shaju, a relative of the family, died. The last death was in 2016 of Saily Shaju, Alphine's mother. Upon investigation, it was discovered that during each incident, Roy's wife Jolly Joseph aka Jolly Amma Thomas was present. Despite her reputation as a loving daughter-in-law, caring wife, and devout churchgoer, suspicions arose about her involvement in the deaths.

The case took a turn when, in June 2019, Rojo Thomas, Jolly's brother-in-law, who was the husband of her deceased brother Roy Thomas, filed a secret police complaint against her from US. He could not believe that Roy would have committed su!c!de after his death in 2011. Furthermore, he wanted to examine the will prepared by his father in 2008, which gave Jolly the ancestral house and 35 cent land (one-third of an acre) in her name.

Upon investigating Rojo's complaint, the Kozhikode Police soon reached Jolly. When presented with some evidence, Jolly confessed to committing all six murders in the family by administering cyanide poison.

inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion

On October 5th of the same year, Jolly was arrested, along with two other individuals. One of them was a 44-year-old relative of the family, MS Mathau, who managed a jewelry store. The other was a 47-year-old named Prajikumar, who supplied the cyanide poison to Jolly and managed a jewelry cleaning store.

Jolly was born into a Catholic family in Vajwara, which is 300 km south of Kozhikode, in the Idukki district. After completing her education, she attended a parallel institute. According to an old friend, Jolly had a friendly and open nature and enjoyed spending time with others. In 1987, Jolly visited Kudathai Village, where she met Roy Thomas at a housewarming ceremony. Ranji Thomas, Roy's sister, stated that Jolly was liked by everyone and that her parents and brother-in-law loved her very much.

Over time, Roy experienced business difficulties, trying his hand at the ready-made garment and engine oil distributor businesses, both of which failed. He eventually became dependent on his family, and Annamma controlled all household expenses and was known to be strict.

Crime Patrol | Daasi: Prabhudasi/Devadasi tradition of outskirt areas of South India (Episode 610, 611 on 23, 24 Jan 2016)

क्राइम पट्रोल का ये एपिसोड प्रकाश डालता है दक्षिण भारत के अति पिछड़े इलाकों में चली आ रही की एक सैकड़ों साल पुराणी प्रथा देवदासी पर जिसको की यहाँ प्रभू दासी के रूप में दिखाया गया है. देवदासी का मतलब होता है भगवान् की सेवा करने वाली.

देव - भगवान्
दासी- सेवा करने वाली

Dhanashri Kadgaonkar

इस प्रथा के अनुसार एक देवदासी की माँ अपनी बेटी को एक मंदिर में दान कर देती है और फिर उस पर मंदिर का पूरा अधिकार होता है. बेटी को मंदिर में दान देने की इस प्रथा को पोट्टूकट्टू बोलते हैं जो की बहुत हद् तक एक शादी की तरह होती है जिसमे लड़की की शादी की पुरुष या लड़के से करने के बजाये भगवन से की जाती है. इस पूजा के दौरान एक साथ बहुत सारी लड़कियों का सामूहिक विवाह भगवान् से किया जाता है. विवाह के बाद मंदिर के पुजारी इन लड़कियों को भीख मांगने का काम सौपते हैं जो की इस लड़कियों का मुख्य काम होता है और इससे मिले पैसों से ही वो लोग अपना घर भी चलाती है. लड़की की माँ लड़की के जवान होने की प्रतीक्षा करती है और लड़की के 14-15 साल के होने पर अगर कोई धनी व्यक्ति उसको पसंद कर लेता है तो वो उसको खरीद लेता है और लड़की पूरी तरह से उसकी हो जाती है. इस दौरान भी कोई पुरुष लड़की से विवाह नहीं कर सकता है क्युकी वो लड़की भगवान् की पत्नी है. लड़की की माँ की पूरी कोशिश यही रहती है की देवदासी को कोई व्यक्ति खरीद ले जिससे की माँ और बेटी दोनों का जीवन अच्छे से बीत जाए.

एक देवदासी का धर्म होता है पुरुष को सुखी रखना और इसके लिए वो कितने भी पुरुषों से सम्बन्ध बना सकती है. देवदासी का पुत्र होने पर वो अपना जीवन अपने हिसाब से बिता सकता है मगर पुत्री होने पर उसको भी देवदासी ही बनना पड़ता है और देवदासी को इस बात से कोई मतलब नहीं होता है की उसकी संतान का पिता कौन है.

भले ही ये प्रथा सैकड़ों साल पुरानी है मगर इस प्रथा के माध्यम से लड़कियों को वेश्यावृत्ति में डाला जाना ही इस प्रथा के पहरेदारों का प्रथम लक्ष्य था. उस समय में देवदासी बनने के बाद लड़की को नृत्य और संगीत की शिक्षा दी जाती थी मगर जैसे जैसे समय आगे बढ़ा इस प्रथा ने मूल वेश्यावृत्ति के रूप ले लिया. इसको समाप्त करने के लिए सरकार ने लगातार कई प्रयास किये हैं जिससे की इस अन्धविश्वास को जड़ से मिटाया जा सके मगर रिसर्च कहती है की ये प्रथा अभी भी मध्यप्रदेश के अति पिछड़े क्षेत्रों में धड़ल्ले से चल रही है.

Part 1:
Part 2:

Part 1:
Part 2:

Crime Patrol | Pratishtha : Love marriage turns family killing (Episode 501, 502 on 1st, 2nd May 2015)

Amar and Asha loves each other and wants to get marry. Amar belongs to a big family who has their recongnition in the society while Asha comes from a low class family. Amar's father is against their relation because according to him Asha and her mother both has relation with other men. Still they are in touch and get marry to each other.

Few years has passed. They are now parent of 2 kids but during this their relation also got bitter.

Sushant Kandya and Meenakshi Arya

Crime Patrol | Double Life: Jai Kumar Prasad & Milind Rege - R*p*st Bitti Mohanty Arrested After Jumping Parole for 7 Years (Episode 243, 244, 245 on 10th, 11 & 12 May 2013)

दोहरी ज़िंदगी
Double Life
Milind Rege (fake name used by Bitty Raghav Rajan) is an employee at PKND Growth Consultants who is working there for the last few years. He lives with his roommate Shree Ram. His performance is good so his boss Devendra Parthsarthy is happy with him. Devendra is in chaos after getting an anonymous letter about the real identity of Milind.

The letter mentions a web URL of the crime branch and describes he is working at Devendra's office with a fake identity and his real name is Jai Kumar Prasad (real name Bitty Mohanty). Jai was convicted of r*p*ing a german lady (in 2005) and he went missing after going out of the jail on parole. Devendra asks Shree Ram about him and after this, he meets Bangalore Police and describes all this.

Police (lead played by Sanjeev Tyagi) starts an investigation and finds that all his documents and address of local guardian is fake.

Crime Patrol: Khap Panchayat - The Indian Taliban (Episode 163, 164 on 6th, 7th Oct 2012)

Kishan Ram (portrayed by Abhay Kabir), the son of Keval Ram (portrayed by Sanjeev Tyagi), entered into a marital union with Asmita (portrayed by Priya Malik) during their childhood when Asmita was 12 years old and Kishan was 14 years old. As time passed, Kishan secured a teaching job in Jodhpur and is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Education (BEd) degree.

During his stay in Jodhpur, Kishan becomes aware that he was involved in an unlawful and archaic Indian tradition called Child Marriage or Baal Vivah. He now understands that, according to the Indian constitution, Child Marriage is illegal and if either the boy or the girl involved in the marriage doesn't wish to continue, they can dissolve the marriage once they turn 18 years old.

Kishan communicates to Keval that he doesn't wish to honor this marriage and desires to end his relationship with Asmita. Keval Ram supports his decision. Asmita's father, Lala Ram, seeks the intervention of the Panchayat known as Khaap Panchayat.

Art teacher Mahima Arya harassed by School Principal at Army Public School, Jaipur (Episode 117, 118 on 8 Jun 2012)

Mahima Arya (played by Pyumori Mehta) is a School teacher shifted from Lucknow to Jaipur and joined Army Public School as a Art teacher.

Principal Piyush harasses her. All lady teachers of the school take action against him. Most of the school teachers start getting their Termination letters. Even the salary of a lady peon also stops by the school.

A true story based on Jaipur Army Public School case.

Watch the video to know more about the case

Crime Patrol | A Lesson: 13 year boy Dilshan murder Case at Chennai Cantonment (Episode 79, 80 on 27, 28 January 2012)

On July 3, 2011, a 13-year-old boy was shot dead while trying to steal some almonds from an almond tree inside the Chennai cantonment area (Shown as Bairagarh, Bhopal). After his death, Chief Minister Jayalalitha announced a compensation of Rupee 5 lakh to his parents from the chief minister relief fund.
After 7 days of challenging investigation finally, CB-CID (lead played by Harsh Khurana) cracked the case. R Shekhar, ADG, CB-CID informed the media that an Ex-Army officer confessed to killing Dilshan. Retired Lt Col Kandasamy Ramraj shot Dilson with his own private rifle.
The case took less than 1 year to get justice. Chennai high court decided Life imprisonment to Col. Kandasamy Ramraj (कंडास्‍वामी रामराज).

inside story

Part 1 and Part 2 (Hindi):

Read and Watch the full story here-

Engineering student Monica Murder Case, Nagpur (Episode 49 on 14th October 2011)

The case is portrayed by Shaitaan - A Criminal Mind also.

Sensational Monica (full name Monica Kirnapure played by Divya Bhandari) murder case in Nagpur. Monica was a engineering student at Nagpur who was living in a hostel. On March 11, 2011 around 10:30 she left for her college. She was near her college when 2 knife-wielding men on bike came and attacked on her. Everyone on the road was just watching the incident when Monica was crying for help. After the murder killer washed his hand and knife at same place with a threatened warning for all other of not disclosing anything to police. One bystander among several people came to help her and brought her to the hospital where doctors declared her dead.
The case was a challenge for the police department and it took 12 day to reveal the fact and reason behind the killing.

Crime Patrol | Dr. Shastri's Prenatal Determination Clinic busted (Episode 25 on 22 July 2011)

The issue of a skewed gender ratio in India is a major problem, caused by the widespread practice of prenatal gender determination tests, which allow parents to abort female fetuses. Illegal clinics operating throughout the country perpetuate this practice, as evidenced by the story of Mallika, who was pressured to abort her daughter due to the results of a prenatal test. These clinics charge a fee, with higher charges for examining baby boys, reinforcing the preference for male children.

resham thakaar

Couple visits Dasgaon's (Maharashtra) Dr. Shastri's clinic for a prenatal test. After finding the baby girl, the doctor aborts the baby.

Fees of doctors during the test were 10,000/- and 40,000/-. 10,000/- for test and aborting girl and 40,000/- for examining the baby boy.