Showing posts with label Mohak Meet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mohak Meet. Show all posts

Case 34/2017: Divorcee Hina shot dead at her home by two assailants (Episode 806, 807 on 20th, 21st May, 2017)

2017 का चौतीसवाँ केस
Case 34/2017

Story is surrounded with two real sister who are completely different from each other. Hina is a simple girl who does not like fashion and want to live life as a normal indian girl, on the other hand Farheen wants to become independent girl. She likes to play with boys, want to wear western dresses and a open minded girl who want to live life on her own. Time passes and both the girl gets marry with two boys. They both now has family responsibilities on their shoulders. Hina, who is taking care of her home well, disliked by her husband because she is not like today's girls. On the other hand Farheen's husband starts disliking her because she want to live in his home on her ways.

Equations between both the girls and their husbands starts becoming worsen and a time comes when they both gets divorce and comes back to their home.

A day when only Farheen, Hina and their mother were staying at home, suddenly two people comes and shoots Hina on her head with point blank range and runs away. Farheen immediately rushes to her father's shop to tell him about the murder. They reaches home and finds Hina dead in a pool of blood.

Sonam-Hina murder case Delhi, Shatri Park, Seelam Pur

Part 1:
Part 2:

Part 1: Case 34/2017 Part 1
Part 2: Case 34/2017 Part 2

Here is the inside story of the case:

Crime Patrol | Case 30/2017 : History sheeter Satyen goes missing after held in a murder case (Episode 798 on 30th Apr, 2017)

2017 का तीसवां केस
Case 30/2017
Satyen stays with his elder brother Laxman and his wife. Burglary has becomes Satyen's hoby and he has got arrested number of times. Every time Laxman has to arrange money for his bail. Laxman and his wife are trying to make him understand that he should understand his responsibilities and should start working somewhere. For this he asks Satyen's childhood friends Pankaj and Jagdish to arrange a good job for him. Finally Satyen gets driver's job at a taxi dealer's shop and starts driving vehicle.
Laxman is now relaxed that his younger brother is now on track but a day Satyen goes missing. He does not return to his home in the evening. Next day Laxman goes to his office to ask about him, he comes to know that yesterday was off for Satyen's shift, while Laxman's wife is saying that he left home in the morning saying he is going on his duty. In the evening Pankaj tell Laxman that Satyen is again arrested by the police in a murder case. Yesterday when they were playing cards in the cab, suddenly two police constable came and took away Satyen with them.

Laxman decides that this time he will not go for his bail. One month goes and now Laxman's wife insists him to go and meet Satyen. When Laxman goes and meet police officials, he comes to know that Satyen was not arrested by them and his case must be registered somewhere else in Mumbai.

Be-Tarteeb: Engineer Nasik girl Madhuri Satam's mysterious murder (Episode 711, 712 on 17th, 18th September, 2016)

A colony in Mumbai is shaken with three sudden incidents in which two person were killed and one was badly injured. Two of them were Security guards and one of them was died after a brutal attack. Other security guard also passes through similar attack but doctors saves his life. He tells police that someone came in the middle of night and attacked him from back so he could not recognise number of attacker or their face.
Few days after these attacks in the middle of night a man named Shambhu suddenly observes a man is coming down through his balcony. He shouts and asks his security guard to catch him but that man flees. Jayesh, who is living just above Shambhu's flat asks Shambhu about the incident but when Jayesh tries to come out of his room, he finds his room is locked from out side. He is knocking the door but Madhuri, his sister who sleeps in the drawing room does not open the door. Jayesh is scared and asks Shambhu and few other society members to come from stairs and knock the door from out side. Madhuri does not open the door from out side too. Finally they decides to break the door and when they enter into Jayesh's drawing room, they finds Madhuri in a pool of blood.

sonakshi more, sabina jat

Gumraah: Four students Amit, Sandhu, Aradhi and Preetpal goes missing (Crime Patrol Dial 100 Episode 217 on 8th August, 2016)

Four students from Punjab Amit, Sandhu, Aradhi and Preetpal are missing. They all were good friends who became drug addicted. When police start searching for them, the also finds that Preetpal was youngest brother among his two brothers who died few time back due to drug addiction. Police investigation also finds that young girl Aradhi's mother was killed by someone at her home.
Aradhi played by Senaya Sharma
ये कहानी चार कॉलेज के छात्रों की है जो की लापता हैं। इन चारों का नाम है अमित, संधू, अराधि और प्रीतपाल। पुलिस को छानबीन से पता चलता है की इन तीनो को ड्रग्स की लत लग गई थी जिसके चलते अराधि जिस्मफरोशी का धंधा करने लगी थी जब की बाकी तीनो में कुछ न कुछ गलत काम करने लगे थे। पुलिस को अराधि की माँ की लाश उनके घर में मिलती है और उसके बाद ये भी पता चलता है की प्रीतपाल तीन भाइयों में सबसे छोटा था और उसके बाकी दोनों भाइयों की सालों पहले मृत्यु हो चुकी है।



Bhedbhav: Bright dalit student killed over having crush with girl from upper caste (Episode 665 on 3rd June, 2016)

Student of class 11 Gaurav (real name Nitin and played by Mohak Meet) is a bright student who topped the district in his hi-school exams. Gaurav gets kidnapped by few goons while he was in his school. They kidnap him and start torturing him. On the other hand, his parents start worrying for him.
His father starts searching for him in the village and someone tells him that he got kidnapped on instructions of the Sarpanch of the village because he was having affair with his teenage daughter. Gaurav’s mother also tells him in detail that for a long time he was in love with the girl and promised to marry her after he will become an army officer.

Varchasva: Pandit Dashrath gets Life Imprisonment in Hunger of Power and Position (Episode 624 on 21 February, 2016)


Among four borthers, 65 year old Pandit Dashrath Chaubey (real name Brij Bihari and played by Pankaj Berry) is Brahmchaari priest whose ambition is to become head priest of a temple in the village. Village is devided among two powerful people. One wants to appoint Dashrath as head priest while other one wants another priest Gagan from a nearby village. They wants Gagan as priest because he is far relative of existing head priest of the temple.

Time passes and now Dashrath is 87 year old. After Gagan becomes head priest, Dashrath's supporters comes to know that Gagan is a married man who shown himself unmarried to become head priest. Dashrath's supporters files a case in the court against Gagan but court denies the case saying the it is a personal matter of Villagers. A Panchayat election is announced for the judgement which goes in favour of Gagan and Gagan remains head priest. Fire to become head priest of temple is still firing inside Dashrath's heart and then they decides to teach them a lesson.

Story is based on Maharajgunj's priest Brij Bihar who got life imprisonment after a shootout happens in the village in which 4 people were killed. Brij Bihar wanted to become Mahant of Jagannath Temple and for which he decide to vanish Bhagwant Pandey's son Ramanujdas who was mahant at that time.

पंडित दशरथ चौबे चार भाइयों में सबसे छोटे हैं जिनका मन बचपन से ही पूजा-पाठ में लगता रहा है. उन्होंने में बचपन में ही ये फैसला लिया था की वो आजीवन ब्रह्मचारी रहेंगे. वो गाँव के मुख्य पुजारी से आधीन रहकर एक योग्यवान पुजारी बनते हैं जिनका पूरे गाँव में बहुत सम्मान है. दशरथ चौबे की आयु पैंसठ वर्ष के आस-पास होती है जब गाँव के कुछ दबंग लोग ये निर्धारित करते हैं की गाँव के मुख्य मंदिर के पुजारी के बाद दशरथ चौबे को मंदिर का मुख्य पुरोहित बनाया जाए. दशरथ चौबे के बचपन का सपना था पीठ का मुख्य पुरोहित बनना जो की अब साकार होने वाला है मगर गाँव का दूसरा पक्ष इसको सिरे ने नकार देता हैं क्यों की मंदिर के पुरोहित का कोई रिश्तेदार ही मंदिर का अगला पुरोहित बन सकता है. सबलोग गगन जो की मंदिर के पुरोहित का रिश्तेदार है, को मंदिर का मुख्य पुरोहित बनाते हैं जबकि गगन पास के गाँव में रहता है. दशरथ चौबे को ये जानकार अघात पहुचता है.

दशरथ चौबे को एक बार फिर से मुख्य पुरोहित बनने की उम्मीद दिखाई देती है जब ये पता चलता है की गगन शादीशुदा है जबकि पुरोहित के पद पर कोई शादीशुदा आदमी नहीं बैठ सकता है. वो लोग इस मसले को लेकर कोर्ट में जाते हैं मगर कोर्ट केस को अस्वीकार कर देता है ये कह कर की ये मंदिर और गाँव वालों का आपसे मामला है और इसमें कोर्ट दखल नहीं दे सकता है. कोर्ट ये सलाह देती है की गाँव की पंचायत चुनाव कराये मामले का हल स्वयं निकाले. गाँव में चुनाव होते हैं और नतीजा गगन के पक्ष में जाता है.

इस समय पंडित दशरथ चौबे की आयु सत्तासी वर्ष के आसपास थी जब उनके पक्ष के लोगों ने मिल कर ये फैसला लिया की अब ये सम्मान की लड़ाई है जो की आर-पार से लड़ी जाएगी और इन सब के चलते पंडित दशरथ चौबे भी बन्दूक उठा लेते हैं.

Brij Bihari played by Pankaj Berry


Here is the inside story of the case:

Crime Patrol | Ghaat: Blackmailed over facebook lands engineering student to commit su!c!de (Crime Patrol Dial 100 Episode 95, 16 February 2016)


(Ep. 95, Crime Patrol Dial 100)
Two engineering college students and friends Vivek and Mehul tries to commit su!c!de. On the other hand their college is facing cases of burglary inside to college premises.

After Vivek commit su!c!de attempt, police is trying to understand his behavior before the incident. Her mother tells them that from last few days his behavior was weird. He is spending all his day with his laptop inside his room. When police investigates his laptop, they finds that Vivek was in touch with a foreigner girl and was having porn chat with her. He was also sharing his obscene videos with her on live video chat. In the meanwhile when police is looking into his case, another student Mehul also makes a su!c!de attempt.

Crime Patrol | Rihaee: Son bails mother after nineteen years of Imprisonment (Episode 543 on 14 Aug 2015)


49 year old Meena Awasthi (played by Trishna Mukherjee) got lifetime imprisonment 19 year back in a murder case. She got punishment on basis of circumstantial evidences. The case could have been challenged in the High Court 19 years ago but no one did because no one came to take responsibility of this case, neither husband nor her father-in-law.

When Meena went into prison, she was pregnant and her son Madhav born in the jail itself and later he was sent to children's home. Now Madhav has grown up and working in a cloth factory. He often goes and meet her mother in jail and willing to bring her out of there. One of Meena's companion in jail is getting bail and she tells her about an advocate from Allahabad Court Satyaved Dixit who took her case. Meena tells Madhav about Satyaved and Madhav goes to meet him.

Satyaved goes through the entire case history and assures Madhav that his mother will soon be released.

Daldal: Sushil and Karan's master plan to earn easy money (Episode 485, 486 on 21th, 22th March 2015)

Karan is good in studies. He is younger to her sister and only son of his parents. His father's earning is not very good and the family is going through economic crisis. They all has their expectations from Karan only that after finishing his studies he will take care of all of them. His sister is eligible for marriage but could not get marry till now due to cash crunch.
Karan is also worrying about situation of his home. In all his tensions he comes closer to his friend Sushil who is spoiled brat and addicted to drugs. He tells Karan that he also has so much issues in his life but he does not take worry about anything. In his company Karan also gets habitual of bad things.

Now their exams are coming but they are not a bit prepared. Sushil plans to buy question papers before exams but the duo needs 30,000/- for that. Now Sushil makes a master plan so earn easy money.

Piyali P Munshi

Banished: Boycotted kids forced to live in a graveyard near their parent's graves (Episode 411 on 31st Aug 2014)

Four kids of a village in Varanasi are living in a graveyard near their parent’s graves. They have their own home still villages forced then to live there after the death of their mother and father. Their real uncle is also responsible for their shifting to the graveyard. Why the innocent kids are living there? What crime did they make, villagers boycotted them!

Crime Patrol | Senior citizen Navraj Kwatra Murdered in his photo studio (Episode 171, 172 on 27, 28 Oct 2012)

Navin Batra (real name Navraj Kwatra) is a professional photographer. Shooting and creating portfolios of models for free is his hobby even sometimes he pays models for shooting. He has 6 properties in Mumbai and lives there alone. His wife lives in Delhi and children abroad.

A day when he was alone as his studio at Borivali, two courier boy Pranay Ghosh and Chirag Dhawde comes and kills him.

Police investigation finds few objectionable things at his studio.

Watch the video to know more about the case

Online Episode on YouTube:
Part 1:
Part 2:

Here is the inside story: