Showing posts with label Neena Singh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Neena Singh. Show all posts

InHuman: People indulging in witchcraft and Black Magic kills minor Sakshi (Episode 407 on 16 Aug 2014)

अमानवीय​ ​
This episode of Crime Patrol​ Satark focuses on a mindless practice of black magic, witchcraft​ , and superstitious practices in today's 21st century. This episode explores how Dhongi, Tantrik ​takes advantage of innocent people who don't hesitate to do such kind of activities.
​Kashi is a widow and mother of three kids. Sakshi is one of them. She is an intelligent girl and likes teaching. Meenal, a neighborhood of Kashi fights with Kashi's family almost daily. She also tantrums Kashi that her husband passed away because of her. Meenal's mother-in-law is a famous prophet and is obliged by many people in the village. Kashi is a mother of three while Meenal could not become a mother after the age of 30. This is also a reason she is jealous of Kashi.

An evening Sakshi suddenly goes missing. Her mother raises complaints to the police station with her brother and the police start the investigation.

क्राइम पेट्रोल का ये एक और एपिसोड प्रकाश डालता है भारत के उस हिस्से पर जो की आज भी अन्धिश्वास और कला जादू जैसी धरनों में विश्वास रखता है। उत्तर प्रदेश के एक गाँव की कहानी जिसमे एक नाबालिग लड़की की बलि दे दी जाती है एक तांत्रिक के झांसे में आकर।

काशी के तीन बच्चे हैं जिनमे से एक साक्षी है। साक्षी दो भाइयों में अकेली बहन है जिसे उसकी माँ ने पालपोस कर बड़ा किया है और साक्षी के पिता की मृत्यु बहुत पहले ही हो चुकी है। साक्षी एक समझदार और होनहार लड़की है जिसे शिक्षण का काम भी पसंद है और वो बच्चों को पढ़ाती भी है।

​साक्षी के घर के पास रहने वाली मीनल का हर रोज़ साक्षी की माँ कशी से झगडा होता रहता है। वो कशी को इस बात का तन भी देती है की काशी अपने पति को खा गई है। मीनल की सास भगवान् की बहुत बड़ी भक्त है और लोग उसको बहुत मानते हैं। एक तरफ जहाँ काशी के तीन बच्चे हैं, मीनल 30 के पार होने के बाद भी उसकी कोई संतान नहीं है जिसको लेकर वो कशी से इर्ष्या रखती है।

एक शाम अचानक साक्षी गायब हो जाती है। उसकी माँ अपने भाई के साथ उसके गुमशुदा होने की रिपोर्ट पुलिस में करती है।

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Crime Patrol: Embraced - Daughter's left by a mother raised by School Principal Prahlad Thakur (Episode 390, 391 on 5th, 6th July 2014)

कल्पना तिवारी मेरठ के एक गाँव में रहती है. उसकी 2 बच्चियां पायल और छाया हैं और पति खेती करता है. कहानी शुरू होती है कल्पना के घर से. उसका पति उससे कह रहा है की वो घर से बाहर न जाया करे. इसके बाद कल्पना अपनी बच्चियों को बोलती है की वो उसके साथ चले. बच्चियों के पूछने पर वो कहती है की वो उनको उनकी नानी के घर ले कर जा रही है.
वो अपनी दोनों बच्चियों को लेकर बिहार के एक शहर में पहुचती है. पहुचने के बाद वो दोनों बच्चियों को चेतना विद्यालय नाम के एक स्कूल में ले जाती है जिसे प्रह्लाद ठाकुर चलते हैं. वैसे तो प्रह्लाद उस घर के मालिक थे जिसमे अभय सिंह अपना स्कूल चलते थे मगर अभय सिंह को पारिवारिक जिम्मेदारियों के चलते स्कूल छोड़ने पर प्रह्लाद ठाकुर को ये स्कूल चलाना पड़ता है जिसको वो अपने परिवार के साथ मिलकर पूरे समर्पण के साथ चला रहे हैं. कल्पना प्रह्लाद ठाकुर से बात करती है की वो उसकी दोनों बच्च्यों को उनके हॉस्टल में रख ले और उन्हें पढाये. वो बच्चियों को अपने साथ नहीं रखना चाहती क्यों की उसका पति बच्चियों को पसंद नहीं करता है और उसकी सास भी इसके पक्ष में नहीं है. वो वादा करती है की वो हर महीने बच्चियों से मिलने आया करेगी और हर महीने उसकी फीस भी देने को तैयार है. प्रह्लाद मना करते हैं की वो इन बच्चियों को यहाँ नहीं रख सकते क्योकि वो बहुत छोटी हैं और उनके हॉस्टल के अनुकूल नहीं हैं. कल्पना के बहुत कहने पर प्रह्लाद मान जाते हैं और उन बच्चियों को अपने साथ रख लेते हैं. प्रह्लाद कल्पना से बच्चियों का जन्म प्रमाण पत्र मांगते हैं मगर कल्पना कहती है की वो अगली बार ज़रूर के आएगी.

कल्पना चली जाती है और फिर काफी समय तक उसका फ़ोन नहीं मिलता है. प्रह्लाद और उनका परिवार दुविधा में है की क्या किया जाए मगर तभी कल्पना आ जाती है. वो जन्म प्रमाण पत्र तब भी नहीं लेकर आती है. वो बच्चों से मिल कर जाती और फिर से उसका मोबाइल बंद हो जाता है. बच्चियों अपनी माँ से मिलने को आतुर हैं मगर कल्पना का कोई पता नहीं. इस बार कल्पना एक साल बाद आती है और पूछने पर बताती है की उसका पति जेल में था तभी वो नहीं आ पाई. कल्पना वापस चली जाती है और फिर कभी वापस नहीं आती है. सालों बीत जाते हैं......

Story starts from Kalpana Tiwari's (real name Shikha and Namita Panday and played by Neena Singh) home. Her husband (real name Ashok Kumar Panday) is not allowing her to go out of the home. Later she asks her daughters Payal (real name Rimjhim) and Chhaya (real name Anjali) to come with her. Asking where they are going, Kalpana tells them that they will go to their grannies home.

She reaches Bihar's Chetna Vidyalaya with her both daughters. Chetna Vidyalaya is a primary school run by Abhay Singh but due to family crisis he handovers it to owner of school's building, Prahlad Thakur (real name Avineshwar Singh). Prahlad Thakur and his whole family is fully dedicated towards taking care of school and students. Kalpana is convincing Prahlad Thakur to keep both of her daughters to his hostel. She does not want to keep them with her because her husband does not like them. Her mother-in-law is also against their studies. She promises Prahlad that she will come to meet them every month also will pay their justified fees. Prahlad is not agree with this because both the girls are so small to get admitted in his hostel. When Kalpana tells him other reasons also that she wants their bright future which will never be possible in her village. Finally Prahlad agrees with their admission and allows her to leave both daughters there. He asks Kalpana about their Birth Certificates but Kalpana says she will bring it when she will come next time.

Kalpana goes back and her cellphone goes out of reach. Prahlad and his family are confused what to do next, but they are still taking care of the duo well. Suddenly Kalpana comes but she still did not bring Birth Certificates. She meets Payala and Chhaya and goes back promising that after 1 week she will come again and will bring them to her home for few days. After she goes, her phone is again becomes not reachable. Her daughter are eagerly willing to meet her but she does not come.

Now she comes after one year and tells Prahlad that hes husband was in jail so she could not come to meet them. Kalpana goes back again and years passes, she does not come back.......

Father Ashok with Rimjhim and Anjali

A Child's Fees: Surrogacy, an alternative to child adoption (Episode 272 on 19 July 2013)

एक बच्चे की फ़ीस
A Child's Fees
Chanda (played by Neena Singh) belong to a lower class family in Mumbai who works as a maid in several homes. Her husband (played by Chandresh Singh) is a factory worker and their monthly income is not more that ten thousand. The couple has 2 kids. Their economic condition is not strong even Chanda is conscious about her kids and they are studying in a very big school. The couple is hard to pay fees of their kids and the fees is becoming over due.
School administration warns her to pay fee on time otherwise they can terminate their kids schooling. Chanda starts over work also asks for big amount near 40,000 rupee to the people where she works. His husband is also trying to arrange money but they get disappointed. Finally Nakul is dismissed from the school. Chanda does not want her kids will suffer throughout their lives as she suffer during her childhood. During her childhood she was willing to get educated but due to her family condition, her parents didn't carried her study. One of lady where Chanda works, tell her a way to earn money. She sends Chanda to a Doctor and doctor describes her about Surrogacy.

Crime Patrol | Well planned murder of Divya Prajapati, daughter of Retired police inspector (Episode 196, 197 on 29, 30 Dec 2012)

Divya was also in a relationship with a guy named Ravi Nayar. Police suspects him but he explains that he was always ready to get marry with her.

A day Surendra Prajapati finds Divya dead. Case looks like a su!c!de case but he forces police to approach crime branch for investigation of the case because her cellphone as well as some jewellery was also missing during this. Investigation reveals that Surendra's behaviour was not good with his wife and daughters. That was the reason his wife left the home few years back.

Actress Neena Singh

Crime Patrol | Grade Three student Raju gets beaten by father regularly, Commits Su!c!de (Episode 31 on 12 August 2011)

Raju is a grade three student who arrives at school an hour early and stays for an hour after school ends. He appears to be constantly depressed and anxious. His class teacher and school principal have attempted to speak with him about his behavior, but Raju remains tight-lipped. Consequently, they contact Raju's father, who comes to the school.

It is soon revealed that Raju's father regularly beats him, causing his persistent despondency. The school takes immediate action to protect Raju, including informing the appropriate authorities and providing him with the support he needs to recover from the abuse he has suffered.

Crime Patrol | Sushma goes missing while trevelling to shirdi (Ep 21 on 8 Jul 2011)

Sushma, residing in Nalasopara, Mumbai, works in a factory. Her husband was very ill, and in such circumstances, she had responsibilities at home and needed to work. As time passed, her husband started recovering. Now, Sushma wants to visit Shirdi so that she can express her gratitude to God. She sets out for Shirdi, but the surprising thing is that she takes all her jewelry with her.

After her departure, when her husband calls her, her mobile phone shows switched off. Eventually, a missing complaint is filed, and the police begin searching for her in hospitals around Shirdi.

Ruchika Girhotra Legacy: A Call for Systemic Reforms to Protect Victims of Sexual Crimes (Crime Patrol Sansani, Episode 78, 79)

The Ruchika Girhotra case, which occurred in Haryana, India in 1990, is a well-known instance of molestation and su!c!de. At the age of 14, Ruchika was molested by a senior police officer and president of the Haryana Lawn Tennis Association, SPS Rathore. Despite her family filing a complaint against Rathore, the police did not take action against him, and he continued to harass and intimidate Ruchika and her family.

Ruchika faced further difficulties in 1993 when she was expelled from her school under pressure from Rathore, and charged with theft and criminal intimidation. The harassment and trauma she faced became unbearable and she committed su!c!de in December of that year.
Ruchika Girhotra & DGP SPS Rathod

The case gained attention after Ruchika's friend and fellow tennis player, Aradhana Gupta, came forward with her own story of harassment by Rathore. After a prolonged campaign by Ruchika's family and activists, the case was reopened in 2009 and Rathore was convicted and sentenced to six months in jail in 2010. However, he was released on bail shortly after and has not served his full sentence.