Showing posts with label Nishant Singh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nishant Singh. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | Case 23/2017: Mystery behind a missing married girl Shikha (Ep 785, 786 on 1, 2 Apr, 2017 Crime Patrol Satark Season 1)

2017 का तेइसवाँ केस
Case 23/2017

(Family Boundaries, Ep. 785/786)

A young man from the village, Sumit, loves Shikha. When he proposes to her, Shikha scolds him, but eventually, one day, she agrees. Since they come from different castes, they know their families will never accept their marriage. So, they run away and get married but are later caught. In front of the village council, it is declared that their marriage is invalid, and Shikha is sent back to her home.

Shikha and Sumit are separated, but then suddenly, Shikha goes missing. The police first suspect Sumit, but he knows nothing about it. Finally, after a few days, the police find Shikha's body in a ruin outside the village.

A village youth Sumit likes Shikha. When he proposes to her, Shikha scolds at him but then one day finally she agrees. Both come from different casts, so they know that their family will never accept their marriage, so they run away from home and get married but are caught later. It is decided in front of the village panchayat that the marriage of these two is invalid and Shikha is sent back to her house. Shikha and Sumit split up, but suddenly Shikha disappears after that. The police's first suspicion is on Sumit, but Sumit knows nothing about it. Finally, a few days later, the police find Shikha's corpse at an abandoned place in the outer village.

Case 68/2017: Fake incometax raids Batuk Parmar's home (Ep 864, 865 on 21, 22 Oct 2017)

2017 का अढ़सठवाँ केस
Case 68/2017

(Corruption Kills, Ep. 864 & 865)
बटुक परमार एक साधारण का कर्मचारी है जो कि एक साड़ी की दुकान पर काम करता है. उसके घर में उसके अलावा उसकी पत्नी अल्पा, माँ कोकिल, कोकिला, बेटी पारुल और बेटा दीपेश परमार रहते हैं. साधारण से दिखने वाले इस परिवार पे एक सुबह 7:30 पे इंकमटैक्स डिपार्टमेंट की रेड पड़ती है जिसमें 1 महिला और 4 पुरुष हैं. इनके अलावा एक हवलदार भी है जो कि घर के बाहर खड़ा रहता है.

पूरे घर की तलाशी ली जाती है और फिर एक अल्मारी मिलती है जिसकी चाबी बटुक के पास नहीं है. वो कहता है की ये अल्मारी उसके पिछले मालिक अरविंद सेठ की है और चाबी भी उनके ही पास है. इंकमटैक्स वाले अलमारी को तोड़ने का निर्णय लेते हैं और ताला तोड़ने पर भौचक्के रह जाते हैं. अल्मारी पूरी तरह से रुपयों से भारी पड़ी है जो कि साठ लाख के आसपास हैं.
इसके बाद वो लोग ये सारे रुपए एक बैग में भर कर बटुक को अपने साथ ले जाते हैं और फिर रास्ते में उसको अपना कार्ड थमा कर उससे बोलते हैं की जाकर अपने मालिक को बोले की इस फ़ोन पर कांटैक्ट करे. बटुक भागा-भागा घर पहुँचता है. घर के सारे फ़ोन पहले से ही ज़ब्त किए जा चुके हैं सो वो एक टेलीफ़ोन बूथ से मालिक अरविंद को फ़ोन करके सारी बात बताता है. जब अरविंद सेठ बटुक द्वारा दिए गए कार्ड में वर्णित नम्बर पे कॉल लगाता है तो पाता है की वो नम्बर ग़लत है.

दोनो लोग पुलिस के पास जाते हैं और आगे पता लगाने पर पता चलता है कि ये छापा नक़ली था.

Dincy Vira,Manish Raj,Suman Singh,Rahul Tomar,Kamlesh Oza,Suman Patel,Nishant Singh,Swapnil Ajgaonkar,maruf khan,Mridul Das,Alok Kumar,Akhil Kataria,Shafique Ansari,nissar khan,Nadeem Khan,

Crime Patrol | Pretense: Actress missing, social networking involved, love angle...yet no crime! (Episode 345, 346 on 7th, 8th March 2014)


44 वर्षीय नंदिता करमाकर एक थिएटर आर्टिस्ट है जिसका एक बेटा भी है. नंदिता और उसके पति के बीच का रिश्ता अच्छा नहीं है. दोनों को ये लगता है की दोनों का ही विवाहेतर संबंध है.

पुलिस को कसारा घाट के पास एक कार मिलती है जिसमे तलाशी लेने पर पुलिस को एक्ट्रेस नंदिता करमाकर का कुछ सामान मिलता है. उन्हें नंदिता का मोबाइल फ़ोन भी मिलता है. पुलिस मोबाइल की सहायता से नंदिता के पति तक पहुचती है और पता करने की कोशिश करती है की सारा माजरा क्या है और कार के अन्दर से नंदिता कहाँ गई. पुलिस उनलोगों की तलाश करती है जिन्होंने सबसे पहले इस कार को देखा था और उसके बाद ये पता करती है की ये कार किसके नाम पर है. पुलिस को ये जान कर हैरानी होती है की कार कुछ ही दिन पहले सेकंड हैण्ड खरीदी गई थी.

Poonam Rajput

पुलिस उस आदमी तक पहुचती है जिसने ये कार खरीदी थी. सख्ती से पूछ-ताछ करने पर कुछ ऐसी तथ्य सामने आते हैं जो सभी को हैरान करते हैं. आइये देखिये की ये सारा रहस्य है क्या. क्या नंदिता मर चुकी है? अगर हाँ तो उसकी लाश कहाँ है!

 Alka Punewar

Crime Patrol: Khamoshi - The mystery behind Megha Guleria's sucide unfolded after 14 years (Ep 63, 64 on 9, 10 Oct, 2020 Crime Patrol Satark Season 2)


(The Silence, Ep. 63, 64)

Megha Guleria is married into a good family. She has a son also and her husband and mother-in-law take good care of her. Despite all the goodness in this family, one night Megha suddenly leaves her house with a box of kerosene oil and in the morning people find her corpse in the field.

Her family members are unable to understand why Megha took such a big step when everything was going well in her family. Due to suspicion, Megha's in-law's get arrested and then the police investigates the matter for years but cannot find anything.

मेघा गुलेरिया की शादी एक अच्छे परिवार में हुई है. उसका एक बेटा भी है और पति और सास-ससुर उसका अच्छा ख़याल रखते हैं. इस परिवार में सबकूछ सही चलते हुए भी एक रात अचानक मेघा अपने घर से कैरोसिन का एक डिब्बा लेकर निकल जाती है और सुबह खेत में लोगों को उसकी लाश मिलती है.

उसके घरवाले ये समझ ही नहीं पा रहे हैं की मेघा ने इतना बड़ा कदम क्यू उठाया जब की उसके परिवार में सभी कुछ अच्छा चल रहा था. शक के चलते पुलिस मेघा ने घर वालों को अरेस्ट करती है और फिर पुलिस सालों तक इस मामले की जाँच करती है मगर कुछ मिल नहीं पाता.

Raquel Rebello,Monika Chowdhury,Nishant Singh,Sudeep Modak,revathi iyer,Shama Ninawe,Aasit Redij,Neeraj Singh,Cindrella D Cruz,Abbas Ghaznavi,

Crime Patrol | Bodyguard: The Tragic Killing of Prahalad Chaudhary's Daughter Jahnvi's Bodyguard (Ep 28, 29 - Crime Patrol Satark Season 2 on 21, 22 Aug 2019)

The story revolves around the tragic murder of a young man named Pramod, who worked as a bouncer at a mall in Gurugram. He lived in ChamanPura village, Jhajjar, Haryana. One night, while he was sleeping in his room, he was tragically shot and killed. His mother, who was sleeping in another room, thought the sound was just a tire burst when the incident occurred at around 4:30 in the morning.
असल कहानी हरियाणा के झज्झर इलाके के चमनपुरा गॉंव के एक बाउन्सर प्रमोद की हत्या पर आधारित है जो की गुरुग्राम के एक शॉपिंग माल मे काम करता था। प्रमोद को तब गोली मारी गई थी जब वो अपने घर मे सो रहा था। उसकी मा ने सुबह 4 बजे जब गोली की आवाज सुनी तो उसको ये लगा की वो किसी गाड़ी के टायर फटने की आवाज होगी इसलिए वो अपने कमरे मे ही निश्चिंत हो कर सो गई मगर थोड़ी देर बाद जब उसने प्रमोद के कमरे ने उसको जाकर देखा तो उसको लहूलुहान पाया। प्रमोद की मा गॉंव मे आंगनवाड़ी वर्कर है।

Crime Patrol | Case 11/2018: Allahabad University Scholar shot dead during election campaigns (Episode 902, 903 on 12, 11 March 2018)

2018 का ग्यारहवां केस
Case 11/2018

Nitin Jaiswal (Mandar Jadhav) is a student of research at India's one well-known university. He does not take much interest in Politics while the university's elections are also coming and campaigning is at the peak. He believes that the candidate that gives better clarity on their agenda, will get his vote.

A night coming back from somewhere when he is just opening doors of his room, a man comes from behind and shoots him. Nitin dies on the spot. Nearby people bring him to the hospital but where doctors declared him dead. Murder in between election season points towards a political murder but police want to investigate first before giving any statement.

Police come to know that some time back Nitin's engagement was fixed with a girl Prerna (Sharvi Mota) which was broken after Nitin's denial. Police's prime suspects are Prerna's Father (Aasit Redij) and Brother (Puneet Kumar) but later they come to know that the marriage was broken not because of Nitin but Prerna was in love with some other guy and she requested Nitin to refuse the proposal.

Inside Story

इलाहाबाद विश्वविद्यालय भारत के प्रमुख विश्विद्यालयों में से एक है। यह एक केन्द्रीय विश्वविद्यालय है और आधुनिक भारत के सबसे पहले विश्वविद्यालयों में से एक है। इसे 'ईस्ट के आक्सफोर्ड' नाम से जाना जाता है। अक्टूबर का समय था जब पूरे विश्वविद्यालय में छात्रसंघ चुनाव का माहौल छाया हुआ था। 8 ओक्टोबर की बात है जब ये विश्वविद्यालय शाम के समय एक गोली की आवाज़ से गूँज उठा। जियोग्राफी के एक रिसर्च स्कॉलर को यूनिवर्सिटी से सटे बेली रोड पर गोली मार दी गई थी। पिछले एक हफ्ते में हुई ये दूसरी घटना थी। इससे पहले तारांचद हॉस्टल कैंपस के बाहर बसपा नेता राजेश यादव को गोली से मार दिया गया था और उसके बाद पूरे सिविल लाइन्स में खूब जमकर बवाल हुआ था। इस बार फिर ताराचंद हॉस्टल में ही रह चुके एक स्टूडेंट उपेंद्र यादव की हत्या की गई थी। उपेंद्र ग़ाज़ीपुर के जमानियां गॉंव का रहने वाला था और बहुत ही सिंपल परिवार से था। उसके साथ रहने वाले लड़को का भी यही कहना था की उपेंद्र बहुत की सिंपल इंसान था। वो किसी राजनितिक पार्टी या उससे जुड़े लोगों के संपर्क में भी नहीं रहता था।
inside story

Crime Patrol | Case 65/2017: Naini's Divya Tiwari murder case (Ep 858, 859 on 30 Sep, 1 Oct, 2017 Crime Patrol Satark Season 1)

2017 का पैसठवाँ केस
Case 65/2017

(The Masked Gunman, Ep. 858, 859)
Divya Tiwari's family included her mother Nisha Tiwari, one brother Rajneesh Tiwari and the other brother Rajat Tiwari. Rajneesh used to study in a coaching there while Rajat was preparing for the competitions. Divya did her BCA from Kashi Vidyapeeth in Varanasi after 12th and then she started preparing for banking. He used to go to a coaching school near the Civil Line's Company Garden for the last one month. He made a pass of the city bus and the coaching time was from 11 am to 3 pm.

On 3 September 2015, when Divya was shot and killed on the Arail-Mawya Road adjacent to the Omaxe City while she was returning from coaching. People told the police that 3-4 boys shot him after getting down from the car. The same night, police arrested a boy Mohit Jain and his businessman father Manoj Jain for interference.

दिव्या तिवारी के परिवार में उसकी माँ निशा तिवारी, एक भाई रजनीश तिवारी और दूसरा भाई रजत तिवारी थे. रजनीश वहीं एक कोचिंग में पढ़ता था जब की रजत कॉम्पटिशन की तैयारी कर रहा था. दिव्या ने इंटर ने बाद वाराणसी के काशी विद्यापीठ से BCA किया और फिर वो बैंकिंग की तैयारी करने लगी. वो पिछले एक महीने से सिविल लाइन के कम्पनी बाग़ के पास एक कोचिंग में पढ़ने जाती थी. उसने सिटी बस का एक पास बनवा रखा था और कोचिंग का समय 11 बजे से 3 बजे का था.
inside story
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Case 59/2017: (Ep 847 on 25 Aug, 2017 Crime Patrol Satark Season 1)

    2017 का उनसठवाँ केस
Case 59/2017

(Ep. 847)
Naresh Sharma is a political party worker who is murdered in the morning when he is on the walk. A newspaper man first notices him lying on the road and informs the police. There is a ruckus in his party over the murder of Naresh and the leader of his party insists on the police by saying that the opposition is behind the killing of the Naresh.

At first the police thinks that this is a political murder, but after some investigation, they deny that there is any political connection to this murder case.


Crime Patrol | Case 48/2017: UP Shocker, Su!c!de or Murder? Four siblings killed in 7 years (Episode 830, 831 on 15, 16 July 2017)

Based on duo brother's murder case in Jhansi, Uttar pradesh.

Hailing from Baruasagar, Anil Pateria killed Deepak on September 11 2016 and threw his body in a canal. Police registered that case a accidental death. Sanjay, a cousin of Deepak was suspicios about Deepak's murder ad when he questioned Sanjay, Sanjay now hatched a plan to finish him as well. He took help of his brother-in-law Raju and killed Sanjay. According to police, a lady named Sudha Sharma accompanied them was also involve in these murders. Police also revealed that Anil also murdered Sanjay's wife in 2009 and his brother-in-law in 2011.
Mohan Jaiswal is the only son of mother Pushpa who was found hanging at a desolated place and was spotted by his friends. It is looking like a su!c!de case but police also find some used glasses of alcohol which is looking suspicious. On investigating the case, the police come to know that this unfortunate family already have gone through two deaths of Neeta and Arvind in 2009 and 2011 who were Mohan's cousins and now his sudden death is also looking suspicious.
Mohan was five siblings and as per police records, this was third death but they get a shock when Mohan's mother tells them that Neeta-Arvind's brother Prateek was also found dead just a month before and it was a case of accidental death! When the police start investigating their call records, they come to know that Neeta's husband Rakesh Jaiswal, Prateek, and his another cousin Rahul they all were connected to a woman Kamini who was Prateek's maternal cousin's wife. Now police call Kamini and her husband Mukesh for questioning.

inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion
Priya Shinde, Crime Patrol
Sudha Sharma as Kamini
Played by Priya Shinde

Anil Pateria as Rakesh
Played by Boloram Das

Akhilesh Sharma as Rahul
Played by Azad Ansari

Rajendra Sharma as Kapil
Played by Aftab Alam

Brijendra Sharma as Mukesh
Played by Sudeep Sarangi

Crime Patrol | Case 40/2017: In Greed of getting Government Job in Railway 4 boys killed cousin and nephew (Episode 817, 818, 819 on 16, 17, 18 Jun 2017)

2017 का चालीसवां केस
Case 40/2017
Sujit Gatta's son Alok Gatta goes missing after leaving for a nearby Atta Chakki. His parents are looking for him but get shocked when they receive a ransom call of rupee 50 lac in the evening. Discussing with the elder brother Bhupendra Gatta, Sujit informs this to the police, and police start the investigation of this kidnapping. Police are unable to find kidnapper's cell phone location and the sim card registration is also fake. A week passes but nothing fruitful appear so the case is now handed over to SIT.
After a week another ransom call comes and kidnapper asks Sujit Gatta to reach a market place with ransom amount. As per police's instructions, Sujit goes to that place but after spending a few hours no kidnapper comes to take the ransom. He comes back empty-handed and then again receives another call from a kidnapper who warns Sujit to stay away from Police. He also tells that he was aware of the police's presence at the spot.

Sujit and his family force police to stay away from the case and again Sujit goes to another place to pay the ransom, unaware of the police's plan. Police again send another team behind Sujit. Kidnappers again identifies police and do not come before Sujit. This time again Sujit comes back empty-handed.
inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion
Series of incidents happening with the family reminds the head of SIT another kidnapping case reported almost a year ago in the nearby area and the victim Rakesh Gatta was also a relative of this Gatta family. Are these cases really connected?

Rakesh Gatta was a medical student who was kidnapped by the same gang. That gang offered him to have a part of the ransom amount and do not share it with anyone but later they killed him. These four members of the gang were students and preparing for bank PO exams together in the same house. Mastermind and the member used to make ransom call was handicapped.

Crime Patrol | Case 14/2017: Kotak Mahindra Bank Cashier Ravi Kumar murdered with a lethal injection (Episode 772 on 3 March 2017)

2017 का चौदहवाँ केस
Case 14/2017

Similar story featured by Crime Patrol Dial 100
Episode 465, Allahabad Murder Case
Featuring Ankita Dubey, Anurag Gupta, Sushil Tyagi, Inam Ul Haq

Police arrest Physiotherapist Dinesh Kaushal in case of an assault. Dinesh attacked banker Praveen Jaiswal in the market while he was leaving for his home from his office. When Praveen was about to take an auto-rickshaw for his home, suddenly Dinesh came from the back and injected a syringe on his neck.

Local people who saw him injecting immediately chased him and gave him to the police. On the other hand, Praveen was admitted to the hospital where according to doctors his condition is serious. Doctors are saying that the syringe injected to him had a lethal combination of Anaesthesia medicines. On interrogation, Dinesh tells police that he stole these medicines from a hospital's inventory a month back.
inside story

Crime Patrol | Lakeer: Murder of Furniture contractor Rahul Mathur (Episode 695 on 12 Aug 2016)

Jalandhar police find the dead body of a young man on the outskirts of the city. They find his wallet near his body in which his Aadhaar Card showing his name Rahul Mathur (played by Nishant Singh). Police reach the place that is mentioned on his Aadhaar Card and asks his mother and younger brother to reach the hospital. Finding Rahul's dead body in the hospital's mortuary both son and mother break down.

Rahul's mother tells police that from quite some time he was in touch with a girl and she often observed him talking to her over the phone. When police investigate his call records they find a number that belongs to that girl's father. Now police talks to that girl Komal and calls Komal, his brother, and father to the police station.
पुलिस को सुनसान इलाके में एक यूवक की लाश मिलती है। इलाके की तलाशी लेने पर उसका खाली पर्स पास ही पड़ा मिलता है और पर्स में यूवक का आधार कार्ड मिलता है जिसमे  उसका नाम राहुल माथुर लिखा है। आधार कार्ड पर लिखे पते के अनुसार पुलिस राहुल माथुर के घर पहुचती है और उसकी माँ और छोटे भाई को अस्पताल आने को कहती है। अस्पताल में मुर्दागृह में राहुल की लाश देख कर माँ और बेटे बुरी तरह से टूट जाते हैं।

राहुल की माँ पुलिस को बताती है की राहुल कल शाम को सीतापुर (यू.पी.) के लिए निकला था फिर उसके साथ ये हादसा स्टेशन से इतनी दूर कैसे हो गया। वो ये भी बताती हैं की राहुल किसी लड़की के संपर्क में काफी दिन से था और उससे अक्सर फ़ोन पे बात करता रहता था। राहुल के फ़ोन रिकॉर्ड छानने के बाद पुलिस को एक फ़ोन नंबर मिलता है जिसकी तफ्तीश करने पर पता चलता है की ये फ़ोन उस लड़की कोमल के पिता का है जिससे राहुल अक्सर बात करता था।

Based on a Ludhiana murder case. Victim Gaurav was killed by his past business guru.

Ketan Kshrisagar, Nishant Singh and Raquel Rubello

Crime Patrol: Band Mutthi | A Jewellery Shop Robbery case unfolds a blind murder case (Episode 634 on 11th March, 2016)

The story begins with a burglary case involving the robbery of a jewelry shop by unidentified perpetrators. The police, in an effort to gather information about recent gold transactions in the city, reach out to their informants. One informant informs them that a man named Vinay has recently visited several jewelry shops to inquire about the current price of gold. Based on this information, the police apprehend Vinay as their initial suspect.

During the interrogation, the police inquire about the gold that Vinay was attempting to sell and whether it was connected to the robbery. Vinay clarifies to the police that he did not acquire any gold through illegal means. He explains that he was inquiring about gold prices because he has a family wedding approaching, and he needs to arrange some funds for it. Additionally, Vinay discloses to the police that one of his friends has been involved in something wrong, and as a result, he has been dealing with undisclosed emotional distress for quite some time.

Police arrests his friends and after interrogating they unfolds truth behind a year old blind murder case which police could never solved.

कहानी शुरू होती है एक ज्वेलरी शॉप में चोरी के केस से। चोरी के बाद पुलिस अपने खबरियों को एक्टिवटे करती है और एक खबरी बताता है की विनय नाम का एक आदमी शहर की कई ज्वेलेर्री शॉप पे जाकर सोने-चांदी का भाव पता करता रहता है। पुलिस उसको पकड़ती है और सख्ती से पूछताछ शुरू करती है की उसके पास कहाँ से सोना आया जिसे वो बेचना चाहता है! तगड़ी पूछताछ के दौरान वो बताता है की उसके घर में एक शादी है जिसकी वजह से वो ये सब जानकारी ले रहा है। वो बताता है की उसने कुछ भी गलत नहीं किया है मगर उसका एक दोस्त है जिसने कुछ गलत किया है और लम्बे समय से बहुत ज़्यादा डरा हुआ है।

पुलिस उसके दोस्त को अरेस्ट करती है और पूछताछ करने पर वो एक साल पहले हुए एक ब्लाइंड मर्डर केस के बारे में बताना शुरू करता है।


Search Tags: jitesh solanki, mohit patil, anju, anjali, UP, vikram, mukesh

Karz: Fatehabad - UP, Isurance agent provokes man to kill father (Episode 618 on 12th, Feb 2016)

कहानी है यूपी के फ़तेहाबाद के बूठन कलाँ गाँव की जहाँ की 50 साल के ओंकार सिंह नाम के एक वृद्ध की किसी गाड़ी के नीचे आ जाने से मृत्यु हो गई थी. पोस्ट्मॉर्टम रिपोर्ट में ये पता चला था कि घटना के वक़्त ओमकार सिंह गहरे नशे में थे.
पोलिस के और गहराई से जाँच करने के बाद ओमकार सिंह का बेटा और उसका एक दोस्त जो की इन्शुरन्स एजेंट था, शक के घेरे में आए थे.

Loot: Rupee 3 crore looted from a security van. Driver involved (Episode 593, 594 on 13th, 14th Nov, 2015)

नदेव बशीर एक महत्वाकांक्षी युवक है। वो काम समय में ज़्यादा रुपये कमाना चाहता है। वो एक सिक्योरिटी एजेंसी में काम करता है जिनका काम बैंक के रुपये को एक जगह से दूसरी जगह वैन में पहुचना है। नवेद कुछ प्लान बनता है। एक दिन वैन बैंक से निकलती है जिसमे चार लोग हैं। वो लोग चाय पीने के लिए रुकते हैं। चाय में कुछ मिला होने की वजह से तीन लोग बेहोश हो जाते हैं। थोड़ी देर बाद उनमे से एक ड्राइवर को होश आता है. वो देखता है की नवेद वैन में नहीं है और बाकी दोनों लोग बेहोश पड़े हैं। वो उन दोनो को जगाने की कोशिश करता है मगर कोई नहीं उठता। वैन में रखे चार में से तीन बक्से खाली है और तीसरे में ताला पड़ा है। किसी तरह आधी बेहोशी में वो वैन को ड्राइव कर के उन दोनो को अस्पताल पहुचता है। सिक्योरिटी कंपनी के मैनेजर को फ़ोन किया जाता है। वो बैंक मैनेजर के साथ अस्पताल पहुचता है। बैंक मैनेजर बताता है की वैन में तीन करोड़ रुपये थे जिनमे से एक बक्सा बचा है जिसमे 75 लाख होने चाहिए।

Crime Patrol | Conspiracy Unearthed: Chain snaching gang investigation turns to a murder case (Episode 442, 443 on 6, 7 Dec 2014)

Conspiracy Unearthed

Kolhapur is struck with terror by a chain snatcher gang. They are doing their activity fearlessly in public. Till now police is not able to trace them and after number of cases police increases their patrolling in the city.

Two bikers flee after an incident. A police inspector is trying to chase them but he fails. Later same police inspector finds two guys Shekhar and Prasad are harassing a Bhelpuri seller. Police inspector thinks they guys might come from the same gang so they arrest them for inquiry. After some questioning police separate them and start questioning again. Shekhar tells police that he is just a student and they both were just making fun of that peddler. He also tells police that Prasad has left studies and he does not do anything. Now police trap Prasad. He tells him that Shekhar has told everything about him, so now it's his turn, to tell the truth. Scared Prasad tells police that he is innocent while Shekhar came back to Kolhapur a few days back after committing a murder in Pune. It was totally shocking news for Police so now police starts interrogating Shekhar.

The Loot: A booty of Rupees 60 Lac (Episode 283, Aug 16 2013)


The Loot

Balram (real name Kacchru Meshram) is a senior citizen, who is father of 2 daughters and wants to sell his 5 acre land to distribute money to his daughter for their future. Damodar (real name Bandu Wankhede) is known to him and he is interested in buying his land. The deal fixes with 60 lac rupees and Damodar arranges the money for this.

While Balram, his nephew, his daughter Kalpana are going for the deal 3 guys attacks on them and takes away the bag of money from Kalpana and runs away. Immediately Balram, Damodar who is injured in the attack files complain to the police.



And here is the inside story of the case:
Other Tags: kuhi, mauda, nagpur, sixty lac, mukesh yadav, praveen, rajesh bapat, ashish, kalpana, sandeep, damodar bhau, jagdish, kaamthi, madhu, balram, nitesh, Kacchru Meshram, Bala Pelle, Avinash Kale, Mangesh Bhusari, Bhushan Bawankar, Mangesh Bawankule

Crime Patrol | Abetment to Su!c!de: Meghna, an airhostess harassed to commit suicide (Episode 170, 171 on 13, 14 July 2013)

हत्या या आत्महत्या
Abetment to su!c!de
(The case was also portrayed by Colors TV's Shaitaan - A Criminal Mind.)

Meghna Chandra (played by Vaibhavi Upadhyaya) is a 17-year-old girl who visits an airline company for an interview. Initially, she is rejected due to being a minor (under 18 years of age), but later she is selected by the owner of the company, Harish Puri (played by Akshay Anand). Harish starts taking an interest in her and gifts her a car. When he visits her home, he also gives gifts to her family. Meghna starts getting closer to Harish and falls in love with him, despite him being a married man with a daughter around Meghna's age.

Meghna becomes pregnant and pressures Harish to get married, but he explains to her that he got married at a very young age and now wants to end his marriage. He tells her that he is trying to manage everything and promises to marry her soon, so for now, he asks her to abort the baby.

Later, Harish's airline business begins to suffer losses, and he sends Meghna to his other office in Bangalore as General Manager. There, she meets a girl named Bhawna (played by Monica Khanna) who asks about their relationship. Bhawna accuses Meghna of sleeping with Harish and they get into a fight. When Meghna tries to complain to the police, Bhawna reveals that she is Harish's wife.

मेघना चंद्रा, जिसकी उम्र 18 साल है एयर होस्टेस के इंटरव्यू के लिए एक कंपनी में जाती है. पहले उसको ये कह कर रिजेक्ट कर दिया जाता है की वो अभी उम्र में काफी छोटी है, मगर बाद में कंपनी का मालिक हरीश पूरी उसे इस नौकरी के लिए रख लेता है. धीरे धीरे हरीश, जो की उम्र में मेघना से काफी बड़ा है, मेघना में बहुत दिलचस्पी लेने लगता है. वो मेघना को एक मेहेंगी कार गिफ्ट करता है और जब भी मेघना के घर जाता है तो सबके लिए गिफ्ट्स लेकर जाता है.

18 साल की उम्र की मेघना को हरीश से प्यार होने लगता है. जबकि वो जानती है की हरीश उससे बहुत बड़ा है, विवाहित है और उसकी एक बेटी भी है. हरीश मेघना से शारीरिक सम्बन्ध भी बनता है जिससे वो गर्भवती हो जाती है. जब मेघना हरीश पर शादी के लिए दबाव डालती है तो हरीश उसे उसे बच्चा गिराने को बोलता है और बताता है की वो अपनी बीवी से जल्द ही तलाक ले लेगा क्यों की उसकी शादी बहुत ही काम उम्र में हो गई थी और वो अपनी बीवी को पसंद नहीं करता है.

कुछ समय बाद हरीश की एयरलाइन्स कंपनी घाटे में जाने लगती है तो वो मेघना को अपने बैंगलोर के एक होटल में जनरल मैनेजर की पोस्ट पर रख देता है. वहां उसकी मुलाकात भावना से होती है. भावना उससे उसके और हरीश के सम्बन्ध के बारे में पूछती है. वो मेघना से गलत शब्द प्रयोग करती है और लड़ती है. मेघना तंग आकर उसके खिलाफ पुलिस कम्प्लेन दर्ज कर देती है मगर पोिलके के सामने भावना पुलिस को ये बताती है की वो हरीश की पत्नी है.

Euthanasia: The Tragic Tale of Sonali Mukherjee: A Survivor's Journey After an Acid Attack (Episode 146, 147 on 24, 25 Aug 2012)


The story begins with a press conference featuring a girl named Mitali Das (real name Sonali Mukherjee and portrayed by Veebha Anand), who demands justice from the government or death. The incident takes place in the year 2003.

The year 2003
Mitali is a talented girl who becomes exasperated when three boys from her locality repeatedly harass her. When her father and brother confront the boys, they accuse Mitali of having a bad character. One day, when the boys attempt to harass her again, other people intervene and stop them.

About a month later, while Mitali and her family are sleeping on the terrace, the three boys sneak up and throw sulfuric acid on her. Mitali's father is played by Sanjeeva Vats.

Case History
