Showing posts with label Orissa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Orissa. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | The Scoop War: Murder of an honest journalist Anurag Pradhan (Episode 453, 454 on 3, 4 Jan 2015)

The Scoop War

Anurag Pradhan (real name Tarun Acharya, 29 and played by Gyanendra Tripathi) is an honest and successful journalist in a local TV Channel. An evening while returning from home someone attacks him. The attacker slits his throat and Anurag dies on the spot. Doctor in the hospital declares that he is dead.

Anurag were three brothers and he was the middle one. Suresh Pradhan (played by Ranjan Sehgal) is his elder brother who is an advocate. Anurag and Suresh both are married and live together in a joint family. The family has a good understanding among everyone but there is a conflict between Suresh and his cousin Chintan Pradhan (played by Sriraj Singh). Chintan has alleged that he was beaten badly by Suresh's men while he was sleeping at his home. He also had warned Suresh's family that a day he will take revenge.

Anurag's family is sure that the attack was planned by Chintan due to family rivalry. Also Chintan is missing and his phone is switched off from the day Anurag was murdered. Some how police reaches Chintan and arrests him. He tells police that he had conflicts with Suresh but not with Anurag, he did not murder Anurag but he escaped because he was afraid of being caught. He must have surrendered after real accused found. After doing some investigations police lets him go but while he leaves, he tells police that they should now focus on relation between Suresh and Anurag and it is quite possible that Suresh planned murder of his younger brother.

Gyanendra Tripathi as Late Tarun Acharya

Crime Patrol | Bonded Labors: Contractor Kailash chops off labor's hands (Episode 379, 380 on 7, 8 June 2014)

Village Chakrapada, Orrisa.
Affected by poverty, the villagers are seeking alternative options. They meet brokers Gopal and Karan, who promise them better work in Raipur. Raman, Debashish, Urvashi, Vikas, Sampat, Chirag, Adinath, Makrand, Damini, Radhika, and Poonam agree to go to Raipur with Gopal and Karan. The brokers take them to Kundarmal, where they are handed over to contractor Kailash. Kailash pays each laborer twenty thousand rupees, with Gopal and Karan taking five thousand each as commission. They assure the villagers that they will send their earnings home.
Kailash then takes them to a brick kiln, but there is no immediate work available. Satya, whom Kailash meets there, arranges for them to work in Hyderabad. Satya buys train tickets for them, surprising them with the destination, as they know it's far from their village. Despite their concerns, Satya insists they board the train because they've already been paid.

During the journey, while Satya is asleep, they quietly disembark at an unknown station. They decide to split up and take different routes. Debashish, Raman, Urvashi, and her son Vikas board a train back to Raipur. When Debashish and Raman go to check the train schedule upon arrival in Raipur, they are apprehended by Kailash's men.
उड़ीसा के चक्रपाड़ा गॉव के लोग गरीबी से त्रस्त है तभी गॉव में दो दलाल करन और गोपाल आते हैं. वो दोनों गॉव वालों को रायपुर में एक अच्छी नौकरी का लालच देते हैं. रमन, देबाशीष, उर्वशी, विकास, संपत, चिराग, आदिनाथ, मकरंद, दामिनी, राधिका और पूनम ज़िंदगी को बेहतर बनाने के लिए गोपाल और करन के साथ रायपुर जाने को तैयार हो जाते हैं. वो दोनों उनको कुंदरमल ले जाते हैं जहाँ उन सबको कैलाश नाम के एक ठेकेदार के हवाले कर दिया. कैलाश गोपाल और करन को हर मजदूर के लये बीस हज़ार देता है. गोपाल और करन अपने अपने हिस्से की कमीशन पांच-पांच हज़ार रूपए रख लेते हैं। और वादा करते हैं की सभी गॉववालो का हिस्सा उनके घरवालों तक पंहुचा दिया जायेगा। इनमे से कुछ लोग रूपए अपने पास रख लेते हैं।