Showing posts with label Pankaj Kalra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pankaj Kalra. Show all posts

Crime Patrol: Uljhan - Murder mystery of Naina Kirodiwal and her missing family solved after 2 years (Ep 16, 17 - Crime Patrol Satark Season 2 on 5, 6 Aug 2019)

साल 2019.
A boy who is very scared, repeatedly calling the police station and trying to say something, but is unable to say because of some fear. He is taking the name of "Sonali" but is not saying anything more than this. Who is this Sonali and how is this boy related to her?
You will have to go back 2 years to know this. The police find the body of a girl on the banks of a canal. A taxi is also standing near the corpse, which is probably belong to that girl. On the basis of the registration number of this car, the police find the house of the owner of the car and then it is known that this entire family was missing for 2 days and today the police has brought this news of Sonali.
The first guess of the police is that Sonali must have been killed under Honor Killing and after killing, the remaining people of the house have hidden somewhere. But one thing also to observe that each and every thing at home is intact. They did not even touch anything before leaving the home. Even cash and jewellery in the house remain the same. So how can this family be doing survival wherever they are!
2 years pass and now the police get a clue under this boy who helps in solving the case.
inside story
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एक लड़का जो की बहुत डरा हुआ है, बार बार पुलिस स्टेशन में फ़ोन कर के कुछ कहने की कोशिश कर रहा है मगर डर की वजह से कह नहीं नहीं पा रहा है. वो किसी सोनाली का नाम ले रहा है मगर इससे अधिक कुछ नहीं बोल रहा. कौन है ये सोनाली और इस लड़के का उससे क्या सम्बंध है?

Case 12/2018: Shootout at Varanasi market. Businessman Mohan Nigam died on spot (Episode 904, 905 on 17th, 18th March 2018)

2018 का बारहवां केस
Case 12/2018
A market area in Varanasi is suddenly shake​n​ by four rounds of fire. That was near 8:30 in the evening when the area’s electricity was cut due to a storm. When other shop owners come, finds a 50-year-old businessman Suresh Verma is shot dead and lying in a pool of blood. The businessman was shot at point-blank range and dies on the spot.
Police investigation reveals that he was having bitter terms with his younger brother and property was the reason behind this rivalry. First police call his brother for questioning. Their second suspect is Suresh Verma’s employee who was missing exactly at the time when Suresh Verma was shot. He tells police that he left shop early because due to power cut and storm he was assuming no customer will come.

Doing more investigation police comes to know that there was another guy was raking the area from the last few days who was not seen after the shootout.

Suresh Verma’s terms with his brother in law who was his helper in his business were also not good. Suresh Verma used to treat him like his servant.

Inside Story
ये घटना पिछले साल 28 अगस्त की है। बनारस के चौक थाने के पीछे राजादरवाजा में रात 8:30 के आसपास झोले के होल सेल बिजनेसमैन ५० वर्षीय मोहन निगम की उनकी दूकान में घुस कर गोली मार कर हत्या कर दी गई थी। क्राइम स्पॉट पर .32 बोर के दो खोखे बरामद किये थे। वारदात को जब अंजाम दिया गया उस समय इलाके में तेज बारिश के वजह से बिजली चली गई थी और ज़्यादातर दुकाने बंद होने लगी थी। इलेक्ट्रीशियन बिजली को दुरुस्त करने भी पहुंच गए थे की तभी अचानक पूरा इलाका गोलियों की गड़गड़ाहट से गूँज उठा। वारदात के तुरंत बाद वहां के लोगों ने दो लोगों को बगल की गली से भागते हुए भी देखा था।

inside story

Crime Patrol | Case 10/2018: Mystery behind the missing case of Arjun (Ep 900, 901 on 3, 4 Mar, 2018 Crime Patrol Satark)

2018 का दसवाँ केस
Case 10/2018

(Gone Missing, Ep. 900, 901)

अर्जुन मिश्रा, बड़ा भाई राजन, बहन अंकिता और माँ बाप का एक छोटा सा परिवार है. बहन शादीशुदा है और अपने पति के साथ रहती है. अर्जुन एक रात घर वापस नहीं लौटता. उसके घर वालो को उसकी चिंता होने लगती है तो वो लोग पुलिस का दरवाज़ा खटखटाते हैं. पुलिस अर्जुन के 2 दोस्तों ललित और एक और दोस्त से पूछताछ करती है क्युकी अर्जुन उस रात उन्हीं लोगों के साथ आखिरी बार एक होटल में खाना खाते देखा गया था.

पुलिस अपने खबरियों को भी काम पर लगाती है तो एक चौकाने वाली बात सामने आती है की अर्जुन पुलिस के लिए खबरी का काम करता था. उसके दोस्त ये भी बताते हैं की वो लोगों के बहुत काम आता था. किसी भी तरह का विवादित मामला बहुत आसानी से सुलझा देता था. इसी तरह से एक खबरी से पुलिस को एक और चौकाने वाली खबर मिलती है की कुछ समय पहले अर्जुन को बेगुसराई पुलिस ने एक बैंक रॉबरी में धर दबोचा था.

अब पुलिस के लिए ये समझना मुश्किल हो रहा है की असल में अर्जुन अच्छा आदमी था या बुरा. पुलिस की तफ्तीश को ६ महीने बीत जाते हैं मगर अर्जुन का कुछ भी पता नहीं चलता है. अर्जुन का बड़ा भाई राजन पुलिस थाने के सामने धरना देना शुरू कर देता है और दबाव डालता है की अर्जुन मिसिंग केस सीबीआई को दिया जाए.

Crime Patrol | Case 3/2018: Social Media Honeytrap behind Viky's kidnapping (Episode 887 on 14 Jan 2018)

2018 का तीसरा केस
Case 3/2018
विकी एक्टर बनना चाहता है और उसके दोस्त सोशल मीडिया के दीवाने हैं. सोशल मीडिया पे दोस्त बनाना, पोस्ट शेयर करना और एक दुसरे से लाइक करवाना इनका रोज़ का टाइमपास है.

कुछ समय से वो पलक नाम के एक लड़की से चैट कर रहा है और उसके पीछे दीवाना सा हो गया है। एक दिन पलक उसको मिलने के लिए बुलाती है. विकी उससे मिलने जाता है मगर फिर लौट के नहीं आता क्युकी वो किडनैप किया जा चुका है और जिस पलक ने उसको फंसाया था वो असल में एक लड़का था. ये लड़का अब विकी के पिता से २० लाख रुपये उसकी फिरौती के मांग रहा है.
Vicky wants to become an actor and his friends are crazy about social media. Making friends on social media, sharing posts and getting likes from each other is their daily time pass.

For some time he is chatting with a girl named Palak and has become crazy about her. One day Palak asks to meet him. Vicky goes to meet him but doesn't come back as he has been kidnapped and Palak, who had implicated him was actually a boy. This boy is now demanding 20 lakh rupees from Vicky's father for his ransom.

Crime Patrol | Case 1/2018: Jilted palval woman Aarti planned to kill boyfriend with a country-made bomb (Ep 884, 885 on 6, 7 Jan, 2018 Crime Patrol Satark Season 1)

2018 का पहला केस
Case 1/2018

(A Killer Woman, Ep. 884-885)
The incident was reported on 3 October 2016 when 65-year-old Babulal (shown as Jaswant Singh and Played by Pankaj Kalra), a resident of village Gulabad, went to sleep on the fields with a friend Dharamlal, a resident of the village on the night of 3 October. The next morning, Babulal was found dead on the terrace of a cellar in the fields. Babulal's throat was stitched with a sharp weapon after tying it with a cot. His partner Dharamlal was also found in a state of unconsciousness on the bed.
During the investigation, Dharampal told the in-charge of Crime Investigation Branch Hodal Abbas Khan that he was fed by a woman named Aarti (shown as Simran Arya and played by Devika Sharma) with some intoxicating substance in the juice. He was accompanied by a man named Pradeep.

घटना 3 अक्टूबर 2016 की है जब पलवल के एक गांव गुलावड़ का रहने वाला 65 वर्षीय बाबूलाल तीन अक्टूबर की रात गांव निवासी धर्मलाल के साथ खेतों पर सोने के लिए गया हुआ था। अगले दिन सुबह बाबूलाल खेतों में बने एक कोठरी की छत पर मृत अवस्था में मिला। उसको चारपाई से बाँध कर गला किसी तेजधार हथियार से रेता गया था। उसका साथी धर्मलाल भी नीचे चारपाई पर बेहोशी की अवस्था में मिला था।

जांच के दौरान अपराध जांच शाखा होडल के प्रभारी अब्बास खान को धर्मपाल ने बताया कि उन्हें आरती नाम की महिला ने जूस में कुछ नशीला पदार्थ मिलाकर पिलाया था। उसके साथ प्रदीप नाम का एक आदमी भी था

inside story

Case 74/2017: Mystery behind Dhananjay Chaudary's Missing (Ep 876/877 on 9/10 Dec, 2017 Crime Patrol Satark Season 1)

2017 का चौहत्तरवा केस
Case 74/2017

(Ep. 876, 877)
धनंजय चौधरी रेजिस्ट्रार ऑफ़िस में एक सीनियर ऑफ़िसर है. एक शाम वो अपनी पत्नी को फ़ोन कर के बोलता है की उसकी जान ख़तरे में है और वो बहुत घबराया हुआ है. उसके बाद उसका फ़ोन ऑफ़ हो जाता है और अगले 2 दिन तक उसका कोई पता ना मिलने के बाद उसकी पत्नी आरती पुलिस में उसकी मिसिंग कम्प्लेंट लिखवती है. वो ये भी बताती है की धनंजय अपने बॉस रंजित चौहान से बहुत परेशान था क्यूँकि वो हर दिन उसको परेशान कर रहा था. आरती का कहना है की रंजित एक घूसखोर ऑफ़िसर है और उसका पर्दा ना फ़ाश हो जाए इसलिए रंजित ने धनंजय को ग़ायब करवा दिया है.

जल्दी ही पूरा मामला मीडिया में तूल पकड़ लेता है और मीडिया के अनुसार धनंजय एक करप्ट ऑफ़िस के ख़िलाफ़ एक विसलब्लोअर था तभी उसको ग़ायब करवा दिया गया है और दूसरी तरफ़ रंजित और धनंजय के कुछ पुराने बॉस ये कह रहे हैं की धनंजय एक धूसख़ोर कर्मचारी था और उसके ख़िलाफ़ एक पुलिस एंक्वरी भी चल रही है और उसी से बचने के लिए उसने ये सारा प्लान बनाया है.

Case 59/2017: (Ep 847 on 25 Aug, 2017 Crime Patrol Satark Season 1)

    2017 का उनसठवाँ केस
Case 59/2017

(Ep. 847)
Naresh Sharma is a political party worker who is murdered in the morning when he is on the walk. A newspaper man first notices him lying on the road and informs the police. There is a ruckus in his party over the murder of Naresh and the leader of his party insists on the police by saying that the opposition is behind the killing of the Naresh.

At first the police thinks that this is a political murder, but after some investigation, they deny that there is any political connection to this murder case.


Crime Patrol | Case 42/2017: Former politician's daughter in law Shot dead, son injured, CCTV DVR stolen (Episode 821, 822 on 24, 25 June 2017)

2017 का बयालीसवाँ केस - मौत की धमकी
Case 42/2017 - The Death Threat
Brick kiln owner Ranjan Chauhan is a wealthy and strong man who lives with her wife and his son Sooraj Chauhan is a medical student who lives in a college hostel. Ranjan Chauhan suggests Sooraj leave the medical line, come back home and take charge of his father's business who is already running well. As his father's request, Sooraj leaves his medical college life and comes back to home and start learning and taking care of his business.
On the other hand in Allahabad Kajal is trying to get admission into a college for further studies. Kajal lives with her younger brother at her maternal uncle's home. Years before her parents were passed away in an accident till then her uncle is taking care of siblings.

Time goes on and somehow Kajal gets marry to Sooraj. Sooraj's family does not put any demand on Kajal's family and now they both have a kid also.

In 2015 Sooraj's father Ranjan Chauhan had a fight with another contractor Shukla of the same area. He warns him to take some money and leave the contract but Shukla denies it. In anger, Ranjan Chauhan Shoots him dead. After the incident Ranjan and his two other companions are absconding but finally, police arrest them. Ranjan tries to negotiate with the police officer but he puts him behind the bar with a strong charge sheet.

inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion

Here Sooraj is scared of being killed by Shukla's sons who must come and take revenge for their father's murder. A day when Sooraj comes back from a restaurant with her wife Kajal, three assailants enter the vicinity and start firing at the couple. Kajal dies on the spot while Sooraj is badly injured.

Now police arrest Shukla's son in the murder case of Kajal.

Part 1:
Part 2:

Part 1: The Death Threat - 1
Part 2: The Death Threat - 2

Here is the inside story of the case:
Search Tags:
Bhavna Chaudhary, Meerut, Ganna Samiti Election, contract killing, six lac supari, Bhadaoda Gang, Brijsheel Chaudhary, Prashant Chaudhary, Rahul Dev, Narendra Murder, Shootout

Crime Patrol | Case 31/2017: Bhopal Shocker, Udayan Das kills, entombs live-in partner Akanksha Sharma on a marble platform (Ep 799, 800, 801 on 5, 6, 7 May 2017)

2017 का इकत्तीसवाँ केस
Case 31/2017

Shown by India Alert (Dangal TV) also in Jan 2020
Ranchi, Jharkhand

Nupur Saha was thrilled to receive a job offer in London, which was facilitated by her friend Rajat. Rajat also helped her with the visa documentation. Nupur bid farewell to her parents at the railway station before leaving for London. However, after arriving in London, she stopped answering her parents' phone calls, causing them to worry.

They were only able to communicate with her through WhatsApp and Facebook chats. Nupur explained that she was busy with work and did not have time to talk. Her parents were uncomfortable when Nupur started praising Rajat, who was always pictured with her in her Facebook photos of London. Nupur also revealed that she and Rajat were staying together in the same flat. She never spoke to her parents on the phone, only through messaging.

After a month, Nupur informed her parents that Rajat was coming to India to visit them and stay at their home in Ranchi. Rajat arrived in Ranchi, but when Nupur's parents tried to ask him about their daughter, he avoided the topic. He stayed for a few days before returning to London. After Rajat's departure, Nupur stopped responding to her parents' messages, and Rajat did not answer their calls. When he finally answered, he was inebriated and verbally abused Nupur's brother over the phone. Nupur's parents decided to seek help from the police.

inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion

Crime Patrol | Hisaab: Factory owner Lalit Malik stabbed and killed in his room (Episode 750, 751 on 24, 25 Dec, 2016)


Lalit and Chander Malik are the real brothers who lives with their mother. Lalit's marriage was broken 8 years back. 8 years back he got married to Sudha but she left him because she wanted to continue her job in Chandigarh while Lalit wanted her to stay here to take care of his family. They have a kid as well who now lives with Sudha. Chandra is also married and his wife Nisha lives in the same house.

As per their daily routine, their mother comes to their home to serve morning tea but finds Lalit dead. Lalit was stabbed to death. Lalit's family is the police's prime suspect. They also find a broken door lock. Lalit was running a factory while Chandar was taking care of their farms.

The family is financially well settled so maybe someone killed him because of property! Sudha is also Police's suspect, maybe she got him killed for property!

Diya Makhija

ललित मालिक और चन्दर मालिक सगे भाई हैं जो की अपनी माँ के साथ एक ही मकान में रहते हैं। ललित बड़ा भाई है जिसकी शादी टूट चुकी है। आठ साल पहले उसकी शादी सुधा से हुई थी मगर सुधा उसका घर छोड़ कर चली गई क्योंकि वो चंडीगढ़ बैंक में नौकरी करना चाहती थी मगर ललित चाहता था की वो यहां हरियाणा में ही उसके घर में रहे और घर की देखभाल करे। ललित और सुधा का एक बेटा भी है जो सुधा के साथ ही रहता है। दूसरी तरफ चन्दर भी शादीशुदा है और उसकी पत्नी निशा भी उसी घर में रहती है।

एक सुबह पांच बजे रोज़ की तरह ललित की माँ उसके लिए ​चा​ए लेकर उसके कमरे में पहुचती है और ललित को मरा हुआ पाती है। ललित को कई बार चाक़ू घोप घोप कर मारा गया है। जांच के दौरान पुलिस को पहला शक ललित के घर वालों पे ही जाता है। उनको घर के मुख्य दरवाज़े की कुण्डी भी काटी गई मिलती है। पुलिस को ये भी पता चलता है की ललित एक फैक्ट्री चलता है जब की चन्दर खेत और बागों का काम देखता है।

घर में पैसे की कोई कमी नहीं है और हो सकता है ये हत्या जायदाद के लिए की गई हो! पुलिस को सुधा पर भी शक होता है, हो सकता है ये हत्या सुधा ने जायदाद के लिए करवाई हो।

Part 1:
Part 2:

Part 1:
Part 2:

Belagaam: Robbers gang rape woman and stabs husband, father-in-law in Jodhpur's posh colony (Episode 732, 733 on 5th, 6th November, 2016)

One of the most interesting cases of Crime Patrol Satark
जोधपुर, राजस्थान
चार नकाबपोश रात के अँधेरे में जीतेन्द्र चौधरी के घर में किचन की बालकॉनी तोड़ कर घुसते हैं। पहले वो लोग दोनों बाप और बेटे को रस्सी से बाँध कर बुरी तरह से मारते हैं और उसके बाद जीतेन्द्र की पत्नी कंचन को भी बाँध कर उससे एक एक कर के दुराचार करते हैं और घर लूट कर भाग जाते हैं। भागने के लिए वो लोग जीतेन्द्र की कार का इस्तेमाल करते हैं जो की बाद में शहर से बाहर पुलिस को मिल जाती है। जीतेन्द्र पहले पुलिस से छुपाने की कोशिश करता है की उसकी पत्नी से साथ गैंग रेप हुआ है मगर शोभा खुद-बा-खुद पुलिस को बता देती है और जिन दो लोगो के चेहरे उसने देखे थे उनका स्केच बनवाने में पुलिस की मदद करती है।

कई हफ्ते बीत जाते हैं मगर पुलिस को इस वारदात का कोई सुराग नहीं मिल पता है। केस की फाइल देश के सभी राज्यों में भेजी जाती है और आखिरकार हरियाणा के फरीदाबाद में ऐसा ही एक पुलिस केस पता चलता है जहाँ करीब नौ महीने पहले चार लोगों ने किचन के रास्ते से घर में घुस कर डकैती डाली थी और इस डकैती के दौरान भी एक गैंग रेप किया था। जिस लड़की के साथ उन्होंने दुराचार किया था वो पुलिस को बताती है की उसने इनमे से तीन का चेहरा काफी कायदे से देखा था और वो अब भी उनका स्केच बनवाने में मदद कर सकती है।
Bhakti Rathod, Ahsaas Channa, Trishna Mukherjee

Crime Patrol | Lakeer: Murder of Furniture contractor Rahul Mathur (Episode 695 on 12 Aug 2016)

Jalandhar police find the dead body of a young man on the outskirts of the city. They find his wallet near his body in which his Aadhaar Card showing his name Rahul Mathur (played by Nishant Singh). Police reach the place that is mentioned on his Aadhaar Card and asks his mother and younger brother to reach the hospital. Finding Rahul's dead body in the hospital's mortuary both son and mother break down.

Rahul's mother tells police that from quite some time he was in touch with a girl and she often observed him talking to her over the phone. When police investigate his call records they find a number that belongs to that girl's father. Now police talks to that girl Komal and calls Komal, his brother, and father to the police station.
पुलिस को सुनसान इलाके में एक यूवक की लाश मिलती है। इलाके की तलाशी लेने पर उसका खाली पर्स पास ही पड़ा मिलता है और पर्स में यूवक का आधार कार्ड मिलता है जिसमे  उसका नाम राहुल माथुर लिखा है। आधार कार्ड पर लिखे पते के अनुसार पुलिस राहुल माथुर के घर पहुचती है और उसकी माँ और छोटे भाई को अस्पताल आने को कहती है। अस्पताल में मुर्दागृह में राहुल की लाश देख कर माँ और बेटे बुरी तरह से टूट जाते हैं।

राहुल की माँ पुलिस को बताती है की राहुल कल शाम को सीतापुर (यू.पी.) के लिए निकला था फिर उसके साथ ये हादसा स्टेशन से इतनी दूर कैसे हो गया। वो ये भी बताती हैं की राहुल किसी लड़की के संपर्क में काफी दिन से था और उससे अक्सर फ़ोन पे बात करता रहता था। राहुल के फ़ोन रिकॉर्ड छानने के बाद पुलिस को एक फ़ोन नंबर मिलता है जिसकी तफ्तीश करने पर पता चलता है की ये फ़ोन उस लड़की कोमल के पिता का है जिससे राहुल अक्सर बात करता था।

Based on a Ludhiana murder case. Victim Gaurav was killed by his past business guru.

Ketan Kshrisagar, Nishant Singh and Raquel Rubello

Kolahal: Pragati goes missing two days before Ex Boyfriend Alok's marriage (Episode 652 on 1st May, 2016)

Alok and Pragati (real name Arzoo Singh & played by Shriya Popat) love each other and want to get married but their family is against it because they both come from the same village and belonging to equal clan so in that way they are bothered and sister. Alok is adjusting with the situation but Pragati does not want to leave her. Alok's marriage fixes with another girl Preeti and it is an arranged marriage. Alok is agree to get married to Preeti but Pragati is still against his decision.
Two days before Alok's marriage, Pragati goes missing. Her parents files her missing complaint in the police station and the police start the investigation.
new coverage of the case

Crime Patrol | A Case of Dowry, Domestic violence and injustice (Episode 23 on 15 July 2011)


After marrying Chirag, Smruti, a qualified Dental Practitioner, faces a distressing situation when he starts physically abusing and tormenting her for financial gain. Overwhelmed by the recurring torture, Smruti turns to antidepressant medication to cope. Eventually, the police become aware of Chirag's extortion attempts directed at Smruti and her parents. What course of action will the police take next?

Crime Patrol | Lieutenant Jerome Mathew kills Neeraj Grover after seeing actress Monica Susiraj lying naked with him (Episode 28 on 30 July 2011)

The episode is based on the Neeraj Grover (shown as Suraj) murder case, which is considered one of the most horrifying murder cases in India. Neeraj Grover, a young man from Uttar Pradesh, moved to Mumbai to pursue a career in the television industry. He was working as a creative executive director for a TV show and was auditioning for a new series called "Mahabharat".

Neeraj befriended Maria Monica Susairaj (shown as Sonia and played by Monica Khanna), a Kannada actress, during auditions. Their friendship turned into a romantic relationship. However, Maria was engaged to a naval officer named Emile Jerome Mathew (shown as Jacob), who became possessive and jealous of Neeraj. On the night of May 6, 2008, Neeraj went to Maria's apartment to help her settle in. Emile found out and demanded that Neeraj leave. A heated argument ensued, and in a fit of rage, Emile stabbed Neeraj to death.

After the murder, Maria and Emile dismembered Neeraj's body and disposed of it. They changed the upholstery of the apartment and bought supplies to destroy evidence. Meanwhile, Neeraj's family and friends grew concerned when they couldn't reach him and reported him missing to the police. Suspicion fell on Maria, and during the investigation, the police discovered bloodstains and other evidence in her apartment.

As the investigation progressed, inconsistencies in Maria's statements and evidence led to her confession of the murder. Emile was also arrested. The trial lasted for several years, and in July 2011, Emile was found guilty of culpable homicide not amounting to murder.

Also there is a movie Not A Love Story by Ram Gopal Verma casting:

Mahie Gill as Anusha Chawla
Deepak Dobriyal as Robin Fernandes
Zakir Hussain
Ajay Gehi as Ashish Bhatnagar
Darshan Jariwala
Neil Bhoopalam
Ganesh Yadav
Prabhleen Sandhu as Anju
Rasika Joshi

Sonia, played by Monica Khanna