Showing posts with label Preeti. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Preeti. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | Pretense: Actress missing, social networking involved, love angle...yet no crime! (Episode 345, 346 on 7th, 8th March 2014)


44 वर्षीय नंदिता करमाकर एक थिएटर आर्टिस्ट है जिसका एक बेटा भी है. नंदिता और उसके पति के बीच का रिश्ता अच्छा नहीं है. दोनों को ये लगता है की दोनों का ही विवाहेतर संबंध है.

पुलिस को कसारा घाट के पास एक कार मिलती है जिसमे तलाशी लेने पर पुलिस को एक्ट्रेस नंदिता करमाकर का कुछ सामान मिलता है. उन्हें नंदिता का मोबाइल फ़ोन भी मिलता है. पुलिस मोबाइल की सहायता से नंदिता के पति तक पहुचती है और पता करने की कोशिश करती है की सारा माजरा क्या है और कार के अन्दर से नंदिता कहाँ गई. पुलिस उनलोगों की तलाश करती है जिन्होंने सबसे पहले इस कार को देखा था और उसके बाद ये पता करती है की ये कार किसके नाम पर है. पुलिस को ये जान कर हैरानी होती है की कार कुछ ही दिन पहले सेकंड हैण्ड खरीदी गई थी.

Poonam Rajput

पुलिस उस आदमी तक पहुचती है जिसने ये कार खरीदी थी. सख्ती से पूछ-ताछ करने पर कुछ ऐसी तथ्य सामने आते हैं जो सभी को हैरान करते हैं. आइये देखिये की ये सारा रहस्य है क्या. क्या नंदिता मर चुकी है? अगर हाँ तो उसकी लाश कहाँ है!

 Alka Punewar

Maksad: 50 Year old woman Pratibha Satkari Assulted, Murdered, House robbed (Episode 603, 604 on 8th January, 2016)

A middle aged doctor Omkar Satkari's wife Pratibha Satkari is brutually killed by to young boys while she was showing them a room of their home for rent. Police investigation reveals that the murder is done by some known person who robbed their house after they killed her. Postmortem repots also reveals a shocking truth that this middle aged woman Pratibha was assaulted before murder.
After Omkar's son gets news of her mother's murder, he reaches his home from Ghaziabad with her wife Preeti. Police is trying to find every angle of the murder. They asks Omkar's another tenant also who are also two young boys living in another room on rent at the same house. Police starts tracking all call details of Omkar and Pratibha and finds a number of a taxi driver. finally police tracks him, arrests him and starts interrogating him. That taxi driver tells police that his taxi, cash and phone was looted by two young boys and he got it back except cash after few hours. He immediately turned off that number and issued a new one.

Brother's revenge from his Sister over Property (Episode 561 on 25th Sep, 2015)

Dinesh Sahu and Anita Sahu are children of Narmada. Narmada used to live near her daughter's home because she had desputes running with her son Dinesh. Its been 20 years she left her own home where Dinesh and his second wife lives. She left home with Dinesh's few year old son Prasad from his first wife. Dinesh second wife clearly denied that Prasad does not belong to her so she will not take care of her any more.
When Narmada passed away, Dinesh did not come to attend her funeral. All the people are looking for Dinesh to come and take at least her last responsibility but Dinesh does not come.

Crime Patrol | Trouble Shooting: Attack on a teacher Girdhar Bisht (Episode 436, 437 on 22, 23 Nov 2014)

Trouble Shooting
मुसीबत का हल

Girdhar Bisht, originally from Bindampur Village, is employed as a school teacher in Dehradun. He prefers spending his holidays in the comfort of his home. Girdhar's household is a joint family, comprising not only himself and his wife but also his brother's family. His brother has two daughters: the elder, Preeti (real name Shwetha Chandrashekar Haarigency, 22, portrayed by Vinita Joshi Thakkar), and the younger, Nootan (real name Sushma Chandrashekar Haarigency, portrayed by Sabina Jat). Girdhar's only son resides abroad.

Preeti, who struggled academically and dropped out of college, is romantically involved with Ajit Jogi (real name Ravi Shankar Naukudakar, 22, portrayed by Saheem Khan), a notorious individual with a criminal record, primarily for burglaries. Despite her family's strong opposition, Preeti's relationship with Ajit persists. In an attempt to mitigate the situation, the family decides to send Preeti to stay with her uncle, Girdhar Bisht, but she returns home shortly thereafter.

During one of his travels from his hostel to his residence, Girdhar Bisht is ambushed by two assailants on a motorcycle who shoot him at close range. Despite being gravely injured, Girdhar manages to summon help by contacting the hospital before losing consciousness. Subsequently, he is transported to the hospital by ambulance, and the police notify his family after discovering his identification card at the scene of the incident.

Another significant event involving Preeti occurred during her college years. A fellow student named Johny Garg (played by Chirag Mehra) developed romantic feelings for her and expressed a desire to marry her, a sentiment known to nearly everyone in their college community.

गिरधर बिष्ठ देहरादून के एक स्कूल में टीचर है जो की बिन्दमपुर गाँव से सम्बन्ध रखते हैं. अपनी नौकरी के चलते वो छुट्टियों में अपने घर आते जाते हैं. घर पर उनकी पत्नी और उनके अलावा उनका भाई और उसका परिवार रहता है. गिरधर बिष्ठ एक एक बेटा है जो की देश से बाहर रहता है. उनके भाई की दो बेटियां हैं. बड़ी का नाम प्रीती और छोटी का नाम नूतन है. प्रीती कुछ बिगडैल टाइप की है जिसका चोरी चाकरी करने वाले एक छोटे मोटे अपराधी से चक्कर है जो की उसके घर वालों को बिलकुल भी पसंद नहीं है और इसके चलते वो उसको उसके ताऊ गिरधर के साथ देहरादून रहने के लिए भेज देते हैं मगर कुछ समय बाद प्रीती वापस आ जाती है.

कॉलेज में छुट्टी होने पर गिरधर एक दिन अपने स्कूटर से देहरादून से अपने घर के लिए जा रहे थे की अचानक एक बाइक पर सवार दो लोगों में से एक उनपर गोलियां चालाता है. गिरधर बिष्ठ को गोलियां लगती हैं और वो सड़क पर बुरी तरह से गिर पड़ते हैं. बेहोश होते होते वो एम्बुलेंस को फ़ोन कर देते हैं. कुछ समय बाद एम्बुलेंस आ जाती है और उनको अस्पताल के जाती है. उसके आईडी कार्ड के आधार पर उनके घर पर सूचित किया जाता है.

Compassion: Trafficked Minor girl Kajal rescued with help of Rupa (Episode 378 on 6th June 2014)

Rupa is going to Jodhpur with her husband in a Volvo bus. While she is on her seat, she notices that a minor girl who is looks like from a backward area is also sitting near her. A woman who came to seeoff her is standing before her who is warning her not to get down from the bus till she reaches Jodhpur and someone in Mahaveer Chowk Jodhpur will come to bring her with themselves.
That girl is looking scared and nervous. Rups tries to talk to her then she tells her name Kajal and age 21 while she looks minor. Rupa has a feeling that Kajal is a trafficked girl who can be used or already a victim of child labour.

She calls Preeti on her phone. Preeti (played by Sarika Dhillon) is NGO worker. After this Rupa follows Preeti.

रूपा अपने पति के साथ दिल्ली से जोधपुर वॉल्वो बस से जा रही है. अपनी सीट पर बैठने के बाद वो ध्यान देती है की उसके साथ वाली सीट पर एक देहाती सी लड़की बैठी है जिसको एक औरत सख्ती से समझा रही है की उसे अकेले ही जोधपुर तक जाना है और इस बीच न तो वो बस से उतरे और न ही किसी से बात करे. जोधपुर की महावीर चौक पर कुछ लोग उसे लेने आ जायेंगे.

वो लड़की बहुत डरी हुई है और परेशान भी लग रही है. रूपा उससे बातचीत शुरू करने की कोशिश करती है. वो लड़की अपना नाम काजल बताती है और उम्र 21 साल बताती है जब की उसकी उम्र कम है. रूपा को शक होता है की वो लड़की अपनी उम्र गलत बता रही है और ये चाइल्ड-ट्रैफिकिंग का मामला है.

वो अपने मोबाइल से अपनी दोस्त प्रीती को दिल्ली में फ़ोन करती है. प्रीती दिल्ली में एक NGO की कार्यकर्ता है. उसके बाद प्रीती उसको जो जो बोलती है, रूपा वो सब करती जाती है.

Crime Patrol: A Saga of Revenge | Contract killing of Aruna Sampath (Episode 315, 316 on Nov 22 & 23 2013)

A Saga Of Revenge
बदले की महाभारत

52 years old Aruna Sampath (Samajwadi Party worker Shammi Kohli from Agra played by Sujata Kumar) is a powerful politician in Kanpur, visiting from Kanpur to Varanasi by bus. Bus stops at a Dhaba on Kanpur -Varanasi highway (she was murdered on Agra-Lucknow rout). Most of the passengers get down to have some refreshments. During this period two unknown persons on a bike come inside the bus and shoot Aruna Sampath. No one has a single clue about the murderers but a Paan Wala tells police that he saw 2 men on the bike at the same time. Police inform Aruna's son Prithvi in Kanpur.

Mohit Bhardwaj, Shivani Chakraborty, Preeti, sanjeev tyagi, Shubha Saxena, Kohli, Puneet Channa, Sujata Kumar, Karan Sharma, agra, Sudeep Sarangi, naveen saini, gaurav, Rohit Tiwari, Nitin Gupta

Investigation reveals a series of doubts and uncertainties. Aruna was having bad relation with her daughter-in-law Anju (real name Preeti) who was having an extramarital affair and was living with her father in Meerut from the last 2 years. Her younger brother Ritesh was also having an affair.

Let's unfold the mystery with Inside Story of the case.

Who Killed Shweta: Father held for murdering daughter (Episode 229 on 5th Arp 2013)

Shweta (real name Preeti) is murdered. She was younger among her elder sister Tanuja (real name Neha and played by Simran Khanna). She died of drowning in water in her bathroom's small tub. Her mother and brother-in-law raises complain that she was killed by his father Anand Pal (real name Bhim Singh and played by Pankaj Berry), who is a archaeologist. Shweta was in love with Hussain (real name Saqib and played by Sandit Tiwari) and their relation was not accepted by her father. Anand was also not in favour of his elder daughter Tanuja who also did love marriage and after the marriage couple was living at Anand's home.
On the other hand Anand is saying that he did not kill his daughter and this all is conspiracy of his wife (real name Shashi), daughter Tanuja and son-in-law.