Showing posts with label Pyumori Mehta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pyumori Mehta. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | Ateet: Colleage dean Satyabhama Randhawa goes missing (Crime Patrol Dial 100 Episode 231 on 31st August, 2016)

Satayabhama Randhava (played by Pyumori Mehta) is appointed as dean at Thhakkar College and she is going to be awarded for her good work but she goes missing just one day before this conferral. After filing her missing complain police comes to know that she is a divorcee and mother of daughter Roohi Randhava (played by Simran Sharma). On meeting Roohi she tell police that she hates her mother because she was the one because of whom she stayed away from her father and now she is living with her father only.
During investigation police also encounters a MMS scandal portraying a teacher from the same college and that teacher tried to commit su!c!de.

Crime Patrol | Zahar: Dhaba owner Kuljeet murdered over dispute with his brother Arjun! (Episode 698 on 19 August 2016)


(Ep. 698, Crime Patrol Satark)
Kuljeet and Arjun are siblings who run a Dhaba together and share the income from it. They are also having a long-running disputed over their share of the business. According to Arjun, Kuljeet was the prime contributor when this Dhaba started and its being years he is paying quite less amount to him. A day when Kuljeet does not return to his home on time, all the people start searching for him and finds his dead body in a car. Police arrest Arjun as the prime suspect as he was having big disputes with his brother Kuljeet. Kuljeet's wife Sunita (played by Pyumori Mehta) also blames him for the murder of Kuljeet.

कुलजीत और अर्जुन सगे भाई है जिन्होंने सालो पहले साथ मिल कर एक ढाबा शुरू किया था। इसी ढाबे का मुनाफा दोनों आपस में बाँट कर चलते हैं। जब ढाबा शुरू हुआ था तब कुलजीत ने अधिक पैसा लगाया था अर्जुन की तुलना में जिसकी वजह से सालों बाद आज भी कुलजीत अर्जुन को मुनाफे का छोटा हिस्सा देता आरहा है और इसी को लेकर उनदोनो की लड़ाई होती रहती है यहाँ तक की हाथ-पाई भी हो चुकी है।

Crime Patrol | Manzil: Frustrated with husband and son, Kavita Jadhav leaves home (Episode 635, 636 on 12, 13 Mar 2016)

The Destination

Middle-aged Kavita (played by Pyumori Mehta) lives with her husband Ravi and son Ajay. She is the sole breadwinner of the household and is disheartened by her husband's alcoholism and her son's joblessness. One day, Kavita leaves for work but never returns.

At an earlier stage, her husband and son are not able to recognize that she has left the home but later when Ajay received sms from Kavita, they come to know that she will not come back. Ajay receives two sms and both times Kavita tells them that she has become frustrated and will never come back to them.

Ravi and Ajay realize they somewhat Kavita was right. She was very disheartened by their irresponsible behavior and living in a nutshell. Ravi raises a police complaint about Kavita's missing but the police tell them this is not a police case if a middle-aged woman left her home on her own but when Ravi requests, the police start the investigation, and they come to know her mobile phone location before her mobile went switched off. They call her boss (played by Jayesh Barbhay) for questioning who was with Kavita for some hours when she left her office that day .

One week goes and during this Ravi gets a security guard job while Ajay starts working as a courier boy.

कविता अपने पति रवि और बेटे रवि के साथ रहती है। पति रवि एक शराबी व्यक्ति है जब की अजय गैर ज़िम्मेदार है। कविता ने कई बार कोशिश की कि अजय कोई नौकरी करे और इसके लिए उसने अजय का इंटरव्यू भी कराना चाहा मगर अजय कामचोरी की वजह से कोई इंटरव्यू देने ही नहीं गया। कविता बहुत परेशान रहती है की वो पूरे घर की ज़िम्मेदारी संभालती है जबकि उसका पति और बेटा अपनी अपनी दुनिया में मस्त रहते है और किसी काम में उसका हाथ नहीं बटाते। कविता उनलोगों को बोल चुकी है की एक दिन वो इन लोगों से तंग आकर घर छोड़ कर चली जाएगी मगर अजय, रवि उसकी बातों पर कोई गौर नहीं करते हैं।

Know More about Pyumori Mehta

एक सुबह कविता घर से निकलती है और शाम तक नहीं लौटती है। पति रवि नशे में धुत है और अजय भी उसके न आने को हलके में ले लेता है। कविता अगले दिन भी नहीं लौट के आती है और अजय के मोबाइल पे कविता का एसएमएस आता है की वो उनलोगों से तंग आ चुकी है घर छोड़ के निकल गयी है और अब वो कभी भी वापस नहीं आएगी। अजय जब उसके नंबर पे कॉल करता है तो उसका नंबर बंद सुनाई देता है। अगली सुबह अजय को फिर से मैसेज आता है की वो कभी भी घर लौट के नहीं आएगी।

अब अजय और रवि को ये एहसास होता है की कविता काफी हद तक सही थी। वो उनलोगों से बहुत परेशान थी और ऐसे में उसका हक़ बनता है की वो घर छोड़ के चली जाए मगर ये बात उनको खाए जा रही है की कविता घर छोड़ कर ही गई है या उसके साथ कुछ गलत तो नहीं हुआ है। दोनों बाप-बेटा पुलिस के पास जाते हैं और सारी बात बताते हैं। पुलिस का ये कहना है की एक एक अधेड़ उम्र की औरत खुद घर छोड़ के गयी है तो ये कोई पुलिस केस नहीं बनता है। मगर रवि के ये कहने पर की वो कविता के ऑफिस का नाम तक नहीं जानती है, पुलिस ये तय करती है की उनको कविता के बारे में पता करना चाहिए।

पुलिस अपनी तफ्तीश की शुरुवात कविता के ऑफिस के जानने वालों से करती है और उसके बॉस को बुलाती है। पूछताछ के बाद बॉस को वापस जाने को बोलती है मगर दोबारा फिर कविता के बॉस को बुलाया जाता है जब पुलिस को कविता के फ़ोन रिकार्ड्स और फ़ोन लोकेशन में कुछ अटपटा दिखता है।

एक हफ्ता बीत जाता है और इस बीच रवि एक जगह पे सिक्योरिटी गार्ड की नौकरी और अजय एक कूरियर कंपनी में नौकरी कर लेता है।

Part 1:
Part 2:

Part 1:
Part 2:

Here is the inside story of the case:

Crime Patrol | What you see in the mirror: Beena's Blind faith on her second husband (Episode 421 on 26 Sep 2014)

What You See In The Mirror
Bina (played by Pyumori Mehta) is mother of a daughter Pragati (played by Shriya Popat). She had taken divorce from her husband when Pragati was eight year old and started living separately. After some years she meets Iqbal and falls in love with him. Iqbal is a married man and father of two daughters. After coming closer to Bina, Iqbal decided to leave his first wife and plan to marry Bina. After marriage he starts living with Bina and Pragati.
Bina's daughter Pragati tells Bina that Iqbal often tries to touch her and harass her which she really does not like. According to Bina, Pragati is lying and she thinks that though Iqbal is her step-father, she does not want to adjust with him and making stories to get rid of him. Few other people also informs Bina about Iqbal's character but Bina ignores it. Bina's sister Rashmi also tells her about Iqbal but she ignores that incident also.

A day Pragati leaves a letter for her mom that now she can not tolerate it anymore and going to commit suicide. When Bina asks these incidents to Iqbal, he again traps Bina and tells her that all these allegations are false.

Pragati Played by Shriya Popat

Art teacher Mahima Arya harassed by School Principal at Army Public School, Jaipur (Episode 117, 118 on 8 Jun 2012)

Mahima Arya (played by Pyumori Mehta) is a School teacher shifted from Lucknow to Jaipur and joined Army Public School as a Art teacher.

Principal Piyush harasses her. All lady teachers of the school take action against him. Most of the school teachers start getting their Termination letters. Even the salary of a lady peon also stops by the school.

A true story based on Jaipur Army Public School case.

Watch the video to know more about the case

Crime Patrol | Bharat bhai's Mysterious Death (Episode 58 on 12 November 2011)

Manisha (played by Pyumori Mehta), is married but continues to have ties with her former childhood sweetheart, Mayur. Mayur frequently comes to visit Manisha when she's by herself, but her father and mother-in-law are opposed to their relationship. However, Manisha's husband Deepak assures them that there is no issue between them.
Bharat, who resides near Manisha's house, disappears after interacting with her. What happened to Bharat and what is his connection with Manisha, Mayur and Deepak?

Crime Patrol: Juhu Double Murder Case Cracked: Two Nepalese Servants Arrested (Episode 43 on 23 September 2011)

Divya (real name Kavita Suchak and played by Pyumori Mehta is wife of Devang who is financial consultant in a US Based firm and most of the days Devang spends in US only. They has 2 children Shashank and Rinki. They has 3 full time domestic help at home named Jairam, Bhola Singh and Guru Singh. Jairam is their 15 year old reliable servent and on his recommendation Kavita hires Guru and Bhola also. They both are basically from Nepal. One day when their children tries to call Divya, she did not pick the call. Children comes to home and with the help of a neighbor they open the door and shocked to see Jairam is lying dead on the floor while Kavita is brutally murdered in the bathroom.
Online Episode on YouTube:
Link 1:
Link 2:
Here is the inside story of the case:

Crime Patrol | Rajesh's wife Sejal's miraculous return from death (Episode 33 on 29 Aug 2011)

Rajesh (real name Ramesh, 37 and played by Rajiv Kumar), resident of Maninagar, Ahemdabad, Gujrat lives with his wife Sejal (real name Kanchan Vinzuda, 34 and played by Pyumori Mehta) and 2 daughters. Rajesh has recently lose his father and he is in shock. He asks Sejal to come with him to outflow his father's ashes into river Narmada.

During Narmada visit, Sejal accidentally falls into the river.

Here is the youtube video