Showing posts with label Raaj Singh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Raaj Singh. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | Besudh: Moradabad's inter-religion marriage ended with a honour killing (Episode 734, 735 on 11, 12 Nov 2016)

Village Benia, Moradabad, UP

Pradeep Gupta's marriage is fixed with Ashima but he put another demand of a car. Ashima’s parents can not afford it so the marriage gets canceled. But Pradeep does not tell real reason behind his refusal from the marriage. Neither he tells this to his parents nor his best friend Imran. Two months later Pradeep is caught red handed with a muslim girl Nazia Baig in a farm. Nazia’s father Kasim and uncle Aslam slams Pradeep’s family and Pradeep to stay away from their daughter. Village Panchayat somehow settles the matter but after one month Pradeep and Nazia run away from their home and settles in Nalasopara area, Mumbai.

Nazia is now Pradeep’s and spouse and her name is now Aarti. Another woman Nusrat is coming to meet Nazia from last two days but Nazia's doors are locked. She asks her neighbour about them but she tells Nusrat that she does not have any idea about the couple. A strange thing which she notices that Nazia’s phone is ringing inside their flat and a foul smell has also started coming from the flat. They calls police and after unlocking the flat they finds dead bodies of Nazia and Pradeep who were killed by slitting their throat.

प्रदीप गुप्ता आशिमा नाम की एक लड़की से शादी तय होने के बाद शादी करने से मना कर देता है। प्रदीप शादी तोड़ने की वजह न अपने माँ-बाप को बताता है और न ही अपने सबसे अच्छे दोस्त इमरान को। दो महीने बाद प्रदीप को उसी गाँव के एक खेत में नाज़िया बेग नाम की एक लड़की के साथ पकड़ा जाता है। नाज़िया के अब्बू कासिम और चाचा असलम प्रदीप और उसके परिवार पर सख्ती से बरस पड़ते हैं। मामला पंचायत तक जाता है। पंचायत इस मामले को शान्ति से सुलझा देती है मगर नाज़िया और प्रदीप अपने-अपने घर से भाग जाते हैं और नाला-सोपारा, मुम्बई में जाकर शादी कर के बस जाते हैं।

Crime Patrol | Double Corssed: Businessman Vijay Bakshi's body found inside Bed Box (Episode 430, 431 on 8 & 9 Nov 2014)

Double Crossed
डबल क्रॉस्ड
Foul smell is coming out of a society flat from last two days in Ghaziabad UP. A man living near that flats informs police about this. He tells them that owner of the flat lives somewhere outside India and this flat was given on rent through a broker Jagdish.
Police call broker and he tells that he allotted that flat to a man named Arvind Shukla on rent. He arranges the key of the flat to the police. Entering the flat police finds the dead body of an aged man inside a bed-box. Police send decease's photo to broker Jagdish but he confirms that this body is not Arvind Shukla. Police call Arvind Shukla but his number is switched off. Though it is a blind murder case, police publish deceased photos to newspaper for identification.

A lady in Mumbai named Sunita identifies the body. She calls her friend Kavita Sharma that police found dead body of Vijay Bakshi. Kavita Sharma is divorced wife of Vijay Bakshi who got divorced 2 years before. She lives with his daughter Archana (played by Shriya Popat) and runs a Gift Shop in Mumbai. Neither Sunita nor Kavita calls to police that they know the person who died. Daughter Archana also does not take an interest in the matter.

Later police get a call from a property consultant Sandeep Ahuja who informs the police that he knows whose body is that. He tells them that deceased Vijay Bakshi was a wealthy businessman and they have worked together for 4-5 months. Through Ahuja police reach Kavita also but she directly denies of taking any responsibility of the case. She also tells that she didn't even take any compensation from Bakshi while getting a divorce. Police tell Kavita that her daughter Archana is nominated in most of the properties of Bakshi.

Further investigation reveals that this murder was conspired by Arvind Shukla, Shoaib, Ejaaz, Satish Gupta and a call girl Rupali Sethi...

गाज़ियाबाद, उत्तर प्रदेश के एक सोसाइटी फ्लैट से किसी चीज की सड़ने की दुर्गन्ध आ रही है. उसी फ्लैट के पास वाले फ्लैट का एक निवासी पुलिस को फ़ोन कर के बताता है की उसके पास के फ्लैट से पिछले 2 दिन से बदबू आरही है. वो पुलिस को बताता है की फ्लैट का मालिक तो विदेश में रहता है मगर फ्लैट एक ब्रोकर जगदीश ने किराए पर किसी को दिलवाया था.

पुलिस ब्रोकर को कॉल करती है तो वो बताता है की वो फ्लैट अरविन्द शुक्ला नाम के एक शख्स को उसने किराये पर दिलवाया था. वो पुलिस तक उस फ्लैट की चाभी पहुचवाता है. अन्दर जाने पर पुलिस को एक डबलबेड के अन्दर एक आदमी की लाश मिलती है. ब्रोकर बोलता है की ये लाश अरविन्द शुक्ला की नहीं है. पुलिस अरविन्द शुक्ला को फ़ोन लगाती है मगर उसका फ़ोन स्विचऑफ है. फ़िलहाल पुलिस के लिए ये लाश लावारिस है सो वो उसकी फोटो न्यूज़ पेपर्स में देते हैं.