Showing posts with label Raj Singh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Raj Singh. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | Case 23/2017: Mystery behind a missing married girl Shikha (Ep 785, 786 on 1, 2 Apr, 2017 Crime Patrol Satark Season 1)

2017 का तेइसवाँ केस
Case 23/2017

(Family Boundaries, Ep. 785/786)

A young man from the village, Sumit, loves Shikha. When he proposes to her, Shikha scolds him, but eventually, one day, she agrees. Since they come from different castes, they know their families will never accept their marriage. So, they run away and get married but are later caught. In front of the village council, it is declared that their marriage is invalid, and Shikha is sent back to her home.

Shikha and Sumit are separated, but then suddenly, Shikha goes missing. The police first suspect Sumit, but he knows nothing about it. Finally, after a few days, the police find Shikha's body in a ruin outside the village.

A village youth Sumit likes Shikha. When he proposes to her, Shikha scolds at him but then one day finally she agrees. Both come from different casts, so they know that their family will never accept their marriage, so they run away from home and get married but are caught later. It is decided in front of the village panchayat that the marriage of these two is invalid and Shikha is sent back to her house. Shikha and Sumit split up, but suddenly Shikha disappears after that. The police's first suspicion is on Sumit, but Sumit knows nothing about it. Finally, a few days later, the police find Shikha's corpse at an abandoned place in the outer village.

Crime Patrol Case 28/2019: Sibling daughters Kajal, Payal and Suman shot dead in mid night (Ep 112 on 18 Dec 2019 Crime Patrol Satark Season 2)

2019 का अट्ठाईसवां केस
Case 28/2019

(Relations turned lethal, Ep. 112)

Three brothers Gyan, Kundan and Sumit are having property dispute with their cousins. A day the rival family warns them that they will not spare them because they sold their land without their consent. Family is scared so they plans to runaway from their home for some time. They asks their daughters Kajal, Payal and Suman to stay at home for sometime and they will bring they also very soon.
That night all three daughter are shot dead while they were sleeping on their bed. Postmortem report reveals that all three consumed some seductive thing before going to sleep that why there were no sign of any movement when they were shot.

Emir Shah, Hiral Mehta, Moin Azam, Nida Khan, Raj Singh, Rajiv Kumar, Riya Rawal, Rose Khan, Samidha Kokabankar,

एक परिवार की तीन लड़कियों काजल, पायल और सुमन की गोली मार कर हत्या कर दी जाती है. ये हत्या तब की जाती है जब तीनो घर में अकेली थी. पोस्ट्मॉर्टम रिपोर्ट से पता चलता है की इनकी हत्या से पहले इन तीनो को खाने में नशील पदार्थ दिया गया था जिससे की मौत के समय तीनो के शरीरों में कोई भी हलचल नहीं हुई थी.

इस परिवार में 3 भाई रहते हैं ज्ञान चौहान, कुंदन और सुमित जिनकी इनके चचेरे भाइयों से ज़मीन को लेकर दुश्मनी है. एक शाम इनके चचेरे भाई इनपर हमला करने की धमकी देते हैं जिसके डर से ये तीनो भाई, इनकी पत्नी और बेटा घर से भाग कर कहीं और निकाल जाते हैं. घर में तीनो लड़कियों को छोड़ जाते हैं और ये बोल कर जाते हैं की वो इन तीनो को भी जल्द ही लेने आएँगे.

Online Episode on SonyLiv:

Online Episode on MXPlayer:

Online Episode on YouTube (Available in few countries):

Crime Patrol Case 4/2019: Institute owner Phoolkumari killed 3 years after murder of husband Raju Saw (Ep 71/72 on 21/22 Oct, 2019 on Crime Patrol Satark Season 2)

2019 का चौथा केस
Case 4/2019
Vaibhav and his wife Aarti are running an institute successfully for last few years. A night when Vaibhav is wrapping up all the things with his assistants, few assailants suddenly enter the institute and hostages them in a room. The ties all three on chairs in one room then bring Vaibhav to another room.
A few hours pass, Vaibhav's wife Aarti is worrying about him because his phone is also not connecting. Midnight she reaches the institute and finds Vaibhav's 2 assistant detained in a locked room. They explain the entire incident to Aarti and tries to find Vaibhav in other rooms but couldn't found.

A police complaint is filed and next day police find Vaibhav's dead body outskirts of the city.
Police investigation reveals that Aarti was the mastermind of it and they put her behind the bar along with her companion. The case takes another turn when aarti also got murdered years after this incident when she was out on bail working in her institute.

Based on a real incident of Ramgarh, Jharkhand where DRS Technical Institute director Raju Saw was abducted and killed the same evening. Police arrested his wife Phoolkumari and her paramour as the main accused and Court also convicted them in the murder of Raju Saw. The case did not end here only. After 3 years of this murder, Phoolkumari was also murdered when she was in her office.

inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion

Crime Patrol | Gardish - Under-trial criminal shot dead in a hospital (Ep 58 on 2 Oct 2019 - Crime Patrol Satark Season 2)

Bad Time
Four under trial criminals are admitted in a government hospital. In the same ward another person is also admitted whom a doctor comes to visit and he has covered his face with mask. This doctor writes some medicines on a small paper and asks his wife to bring these medicines from pharmacy. When that lady shows that medicine name to at the pharmacy, pharmacy guy is shocked to see a fake name is written on it.

In between that doctor shoots a patient at bed no 6. None in the ward was able to hear noise of firing because the shooter attached silencer on the gun.

एक सरकारी अस्पताल के जनरल वार्ड में एक साथ चार अपराधी भारती हैं जो अपनी अपनी समस्याओं का इलाज करवाने आए हैं. इसी वार्ड के एक मरीज़ के पति को डॉक्टर विज़िट करने आता है जो की मुँह पर नक़ाब लगाए हुए है. इस मरीज़ की पत्नी से ये डॉक्टर एक पर्चे पर कुछ दावा लिख कर लाने को बोलता है. वो महिला जब मेडिकल स्टोर पर जाकर पर्ची दिखाती है तो पता चलता है उस पर्ची पर लिखा है "अक्कड़-बक्कड़".

इसी बीच जब वो महिला मेडिकल स्टोर पे है तो वही आदमी जो डॉक्टर की वेश-भूषा में है, सायलेन्सर लगी बंदूक़ से 6 नम्बर बेड पर लेते मरीज़ को गोली मार देता है. 3 गोलियाँ मारने के बाद उस मरीज़ की तत्काल मृत्यु हो जाती है.

Online Episode on SonyLiv:

Case 69/2017: Missing girl Hina Khan found buried in a farm (Ep 866/867 on 28/29 Oct, 2017 Crime Patrol Satark)

2017 का उन्हत्तरवा केस
Case 69/2017

मंत्रीपुर के एक खेत में मेढ़ तोड़ते समय एक लड़की की लाश मिलती है जिसका चेहरा बुरी तरह से कुचला गया है जिससे की उसकी पहचान ना हो सके. पलीस जब उस लड़की के बारे में जानकारी इकट्ठा करना शुरू करती है तो उनको इलाक़े में कहीं भी किसी लड़की के ग़ायब होने की ख़बर नहीं मिलती. आसपास के गाँव में ख़बरियों को लगाया जाता है और फिर दूसरे गाँव की पुलिस से हिना खान नाम की एक लड़की के ग़ायब होने की ख़बर मिलती है. उसके माता-पिता को बुला कर ये कन्फ़र्म कराया जाता है की लाश पर जो कपड़े हैं वो हिना के ही हैं और उस दिन हिना अपने कॉलेज के लिए निकली थी और फिर लौट के नहीं आई. परिवार वालों और उसकी दोस्तों आरज़ू और नग़मा का भी कहना है उसका कभी भी किसी भी लड़के से चक्कर नहीं रहा और वो कॉलेज में सिर्फ़ पढ़ाई करने जाती थी और कुछ नहीं.

इसी तहक़ीक़ात के दौरान गाँव में एक और अजीबो-ग़रीब घटना घटती है. गाँव के एक इलाक़े में आसमान से पत्थरों की बारिश होती है जिसके बीच छोटे से बच्चे आदि का अपहरण हो जाता है.

While breaking the rams in a farm in Mantripur, the body of a girl is found whose face has been crushed badly so that she cannot be identified. When the police starts collecting information about that girl, they do not get news of any girl missing anywhere in the area. The news is put in the surrounding village and then the police of another village gets the news of the disappearance of a girl named Hina Khan. Her parents are summoned to confirm that the clothes on the corpse belong to Hina and that day Hina left for her college and did not come back again. Family members and her friends say that she never had an affair with any boy and she only went to study in the college, nothing else.

During this investigation, another strange phenomenon happens in the village. In one area of ​​the village, there is a rain of stones from the sky between which a small kid Aadi is abducted.
Online Episode on SonyLiv:

Online Episode on YouTube:
Search Tags:
aadi, nishikan dixit, neelam das, urmila kanojia, mantripur, nagma syed, hina khan, aarzu, bhavin bhanushali, arshad khan, ravi singh, nazar khan

Case 34/2017: Divorcee Hina shot dead at her home by two assailants (Episode 806, 807 on 20th, 21st May, 2017)

2017 का चौतीसवाँ केस
Case 34/2017

Story is surrounded with two real sister who are completely different from each other. Hina is a simple girl who does not like fashion and want to live life as a normal indian girl, on the other hand Farheen wants to become independent girl. She likes to play with boys, want to wear western dresses and a open minded girl who want to live life on her own. Time passes and both the girl gets marry with two boys. They both now has family responsibilities on their shoulders. Hina, who is taking care of her home well, disliked by her husband because she is not like today's girls. On the other hand Farheen's husband starts disliking her because she want to live in his home on her ways.

Equations between both the girls and their husbands starts becoming worsen and a time comes when they both gets divorce and comes back to their home.

A day when only Farheen, Hina and their mother were staying at home, suddenly two people comes and shoots Hina on her head with point blank range and runs away. Farheen immediately rushes to her father's shop to tell him about the murder. They reaches home and finds Hina dead in a pool of blood.

Sonam-Hina murder case Delhi, Shatri Park, Seelam Pur

Part 1:
Part 2:

Part 1: Case 34/2017 Part 1
Part 2: Case 34/2017 Part 2

Here is the inside story of the case:

Crime Patrol | Bhram: Man murdered, thrown out and immolated (Episode 541, 542 on 9, 10 Aug 2015)


The police find a burnt body that was set on fire recently, still emitting flames. Meanwhile, in the same area, two brothers named Fazal and Sajid are looking for their elder brother Imran, who is missing. Imran used to live separately with his third wife, Rabia, and currently, there's no news of either Sabiha or Imran.

The police ask them to have a look at the burnt body. Fazal and Sajid's father identify the body as that of Imran's. The police then begin their investigation and start searching for Rabia.

Sone ki zameen: Murder of senior advocate Suraj Shukla (Episode 505, 506 on 9th, 10th May 2015)

Golden Land
सोने की ज़मीन

Advocate Suraj Shukla is a lawyer by profession and is in his 50s. His uncle is also a lawyer by profession and due to his age, he does not want to continue as advocate and hands over one of his cases to Suraj.

Suraj Shukla leaves for court as usual and does not return till night. Family members are nervous because it has never happened before. They also tries Suraj's phone but it is switched off. When a police report is lodged, the police get to know about two people who were seen with Suraj Shukla for the last few days.

Sooraj was last seen in the court and the CC TV camera mounted on the same side gives the police a photo of the two people. The police is taking action only when the news of the body of a middle-aged man from another police station comes. When the police arrive to investigate, after identification, it is known that the he is Suraj.
Sone ki zameen: Murder of senior advocate Suraj Shukla (Episode 505, 506 on 9th, 10th May 2015)

Abducted: In one sided love, Arun abducts Meghna, Gandhi Nagar - Gujrat (Episode 263 on 28 June 2013)

Arun Chauhan (real name Dara Hardayal Singh, a passout of IIT Mumbai and played by Raj Singh) comes Gandhinagar to meet Meghna (played by Ojaswi Oberoi). Meghna is Lucknow based girl who is in job at Gandhi Nagar. He tell Meghna that from the coaching classes al Allahabad he is in love with her. He proposes her but she denies. He tries to convince her many times but she always denies him and finally he shouts at him in front of his father.

Barasat minor girl Zeenat bring to mumbai brothel (Episode 133, 134 on July 21st-22nd 2012)

Similar story can be found here also:

The Marriage Trade: Wrong calls lands minor into bride trafficking
(Episode 462, 643 on 24th, 25th Jan 2015)
Barasat girl Zeenath (played by Vinita Joshi Thakkar) is good in study. She comes first in her class so she gets a mobile phone as a gift from his Abbu and Bhai. One day he starts getting call from a unknown guy, named Afzal (played by Raj Singh). Afzal proposed her that he loves here and want to marry her. In the trap Afzal convinces Zeenat that he has business in mumbai so run away from his home and will get marry as reaching mumbai.
After reaching mumbai, zeenath founds herself into brothel. What happens after that? Read here the original story of the Barasat case and watch Crime Patrol version of the case.

बारासात की रहने वाली ज़ीनत पढाई में बहुत अच्छी है. वो हमेशा अपने क्लास में फर्स्ट आती है इसलिए उसके अब्बू और उसके भाई ने उसको एक मोबाइल फ़ोन खरीद के दिया है. एक दिन अचानक उसके मोबाइल पर एक अनजाने नंबर से एक लड़के की कॉल आना शुरू हो जाती है। पहले तो वो ध्यान नहीं देती है मगर बाद में धीरे धीरे उसकी उस लड़के से बात चीत शुरू हो जाती है। वो लड़का अपना नाम अफज़ल बताता है। मोबाइल पे बातों के बाद दोनों की मुलाकाते शुरू हो जाती हैं। अफज़ल उसको प्रोपोज करता है और उसको बोलता है की वो उससे शादी करना चाहता है।

Crime Patrol | School Teacher Anupama Sarkar's Shocking Death in a Bomb Blast (Episode 54 on 28 Nov 2011)

IED Blast

Anupama Sarkar is a school teacher in Madhavri, who is a divorcee. She lives alone in a rented flat. She got divorce immediately after her marriage because her husband was still in love with his previous girlfriend Reena.

While separation Amit promises him to return all her assets he has even once there are away. In the same sequence she receives a courier from a courier boy. Courier mentions her Ex-husband's name as sender and when she opens this courier, a blast happens that kills Anupama.

Police investigation releaves that it was IED which is mostly used by Maoist groups and this IED is also made by an expert.

Anupama's parents are blaming her Ex-husband Amit Sengupta for this incident. Police is also suspicious about some personal angle, rather than maoist activity.

Nagram senior citizen Ganga and Radha mishra murdered (Episode 16 on 18th June 2011)

Mar 17, 2009, 08.54pm IST
Based on the real-life incident of Nagram. The victims were identified as Hardware Lal and his wife Umaria.
Thanks To:

"LUCKNOW: Three of the six accused of killing a senior citizen couple in Nagram between the intervening night of March 13 and 14 were arrested on Tuesday. Those nabbed identified themselves as Tinna, Shivlal and Malti Devi."
