Showing posts with label Ramesh Anna. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ramesh Anna. Show all posts

Game: Inspector Suresh's master plan to trap Ajay, Rajni & Shankar in a double murder (Episode 631, 633 on 5th, 6th March, 2016)

Few months back broker Ramesh Shivraj offered a deal to Ajay, Rajni and Shankar to sell their land to Mutthu Anna for rupees 42.5 lacs. Deal was going good and advance of seven lac rupees and land documents were also signed by both the parties but few days after the deal, broker Ramesh comes with another offer and tells them that Mutthu Anna is not able to pay all remaining amount and can pay only three lac so better be if they keep three Lac rupee for the land.
During court hearings inspector Suresh presents every evidence before the court that Ajay, Rajni and Shankar were completely involved in this double murder even he presents murder weapon and their confession.