Showing posts with label Ravi Singh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ravi Singh. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | Case 29/2019: College student Nikita's mysterious Su!c!de turned murder (Ep 113/114 on 19/20 Dec, 2019 Crime Patrol Satark Season 2)

A shop owner Amit got a sudden call on his phone and the caller tells him that his sister is dead, go and get her dead body. He thinks someone throwing a joke on him because he does not have any sister!

On the other hand, a young girl Nikita goes missing after her college. Her parents raise her missing complaint and the next day police find her dead body hanging on a tree at outskirt area. For the police, it is looking like su!c!de and the same is revealed by the postmortem report as well. The girl was forcibly raped by someone before su!c!de. In further investigation, the police come to know that the girl was having an affair with a college senior Vineet Lokhande. They also come to know that Nikita's last call from her phone was to Amit who is his cousin's brother. When police questions Amit, he tells police that yes that day he got an anonymous call from someone who told him to collect his sister's dead body but he ignored that call.

Further investigation reveals that Amit was having a property dispute with Nikita's father and there is a court case that is running between both parties.

 Aeklavya Tomer, Amit Verma, Anuj Nayak, Arshad Khan, Chandan Rai, Khushi Khan, Kundan Roy, Raaj Gopal Iyer, Raquel Rebello, Ravi Singh, Suman Singh, Ujjwal Chopra, Yash Choudhary, nikita

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Crime Patrol l Case 23/2019: Boy framed himself as Son to get money and killed 14 year old real son Arshad Shaikh (Ep 105, 106 on 9, 10 Dec 2019)

2019 का तेइसवाँ केस
Case 23/209

(Reopened Wounds, Ep. 105, 106)
Dec, 2018 - Burdwan, West Bengal
Aslam is an owner tailoring shop. A day a man named Najeeb comes to him and requests him for some job. He tells him that he comes from Punjab's Ludhiana and his village name is Teekangadh. Aslam also comes from the same place and he left that place 17 years back. At that time his wife Rehana was pregnant. Najeeb tells him that he knows that family. He also tells him that Rehana was blessed with a Boy named Shoaib. He also tells him that Rehana has passed away a few years back.
Shoaib is living with his maternal parents. It's been 2 years now and a day Shoaib suddenly goes missing. His missing complaint is raised and police find his dead body at a deserted place. Postmortem report reveals that Shoaib dies of strangulation.

At the same time, Aslam is also at the same place in Teekamgadh who came to meet his some for the first time. He is trying his mobile number but it is switched off. After waiting for Shoaib he comes back to his home where Najeeb tells him that Shoaib has died the same day when Aslam was in that village. Najeeb thinks Shoaib was killed by his father Aslam.

मुंबई मे अपना कारखाना चलाने वाले असलम के पास एक नजीब नाम का एक आदमी नौकरी मांगने आता है। वो उसको बताता है की वो लुधियाना, पंजाब से है और टीकमगढ़ का रहने वाला है। जगह के बारे मे जान कर असलम ठहर स जाता है। असल मे असलम भी टीकमपुर का ही था जो बहुत साल पहले जब उसकी पत्नी पेट से थी तब उसको छोड़ कर मुंबई आ गया था। वो नजीब को जब अपने बारे मे बताता है तो पता चलता है की वो असलम की पहली पत्नी और उसके परिवार के बारे मे जानता है। वो उसको बताता है की उसकी पहली पत्नी रेहाना से उसको एक बेटा हुआ था जो 17 साल का है। वो उसको असलम की फोटो भी दिखाता है।

इधर टीकमपुर मे शोएब अपने मामा-मामी और नाना-नानी के साथ रहता है। कुछ डेढ़ साल बीत जाते है और एक दिन शोएब अचानक गायब हो जाता है। जब पुलिस उसको ढूँढना शुरू करती है तो उनको शोएब की लाश मिलती है। पोस्ट्मॉर्टेम रिपोर्ट से पता चलता है की शोएब की मौत गला दबाने से हुई है।

ठीक इसी समय असलम भी टीकमगढ़ के एक होटल मे है और अपने बेटे शोएब से पहली बार मिलने आया है। वो शोएब को फोन कर रहा है मगर फोन स्विच ऑफ जा रहा है। काफी इंतज़ार करने के बाद वो वापस लौट जाता है और फिर नजीब उसको बताता है की शोएब की मौत हो गई है। णजीब के अनुसार शोएब को असलम ने मारा है जब वो उससे मिलने टीकमगढ़ गया था।
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Crime Patrol | Case 20/2019: Panna Lal who Died in UP, found alive in Mumbai after 3 years (Ep 98, 99 on 27, 28 Nov 2019 Crime Patrol Satark Season 2)

2019 का बीसवाँ केस
Case 20/2019

(An unusual missing case, Ep. 98, 99)
Gulab and Madhu are married, but their relationship is strained. Madhu dislikes both Gulab and his parents because of a dowry case filed against them. Gulab and his family were greedy for money, and as a result, they demanded dowry from Madhu's parents. Madhu also suspects Gulab of having an affair with a girl whom he speaks to over the phone when no one is around.
In addition to this, Madhu herself is involved in an affair with Birju, her brother's friend, who is an auto driver.

The story takes another turn when Gulab suddenly goes missing. A missing person report is filed, and during the investigation, the police find Gulab's buried motorcycle on a farm. It appears to be a case of kidnapping and murder, and when the police examine Gulab's call records, they discover a number belonging to a Muslim girl named Nagma who disappeared on the same day. The police suspect that Gulab may have eloped with Nagma, and when they track her phone location, they discover that she has changed her name to Nalini and is living with another boy named Dheeraj.
गुलाब की शादी मधू से हुई है मगर दोनों के बीच के संबंध ठीक नहीं हैं। मधू न तो गुलाब को पसंद करती है और न ही उसके मा-बाप को। असल मे उसकी इस नफरत के पीछे गुलाब और उसके परिवार का उसको दहेज को लेकर परेशान करना है। इसके अलावा मधू को ये भी लगता है की गुलाब का किसी और लड़की के साथ अफेर है क्युकी उसने कई बार गौर किया है की उसके मोबाईल पे किसी का फोन आता है जिससे वो छिप छिप के बात करता है।

इन सबके अलावा मधू का भी विक्रांत नाम के एक लड़के से अफेर चल रहा है। विक्रांत मधू के बड़े भाई बिरजू का जिगरी दोस्त है जो की ऑटो चलाता है।

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एक दिन गुलाब अचानक कहीं गायब हो जाता है। उसके न मिलने पर पुलिस उसको खोजती है तो एक खेत मे उसकी बाइक दफन मिलती है जिससे पुलिस का शक इस तरफ जाता है की कहीं गुलाब की हत्या तो नहीं की गई है। मधू पुलिस को बताती है की गुलाब किसी से फोन पे बात करता था। जब पुलिस उस नंबर का पता करती है तो पता चलता है की ये नंबर एक मुस्लिम लड़की नगमा का है। इसके बाद पुलिस को पता चलता है की नगमा भी अपने घर से गायब है। पुलिस का मानना है की गुलाब जरूर नगमा के साथ भाग होगा और जब नगमा की काल डिटेल्स के आधार पर उसको खोजने पुलिस उसके घर जाती है तो पता चलता है की नगमा ने अपना नया नाम नलिनी रखा हुआ है मगर उसके साथ गुलाब नहीं कोई और है।

Crime Patrol | Case 13/2019: Hoshiarpur's 'Surinder Singh Paali Missing case' helped busting fake Passport-Visa Gang (Ep 86, 87 on 2, 3 Nov 2019)

2019 का तेरहवाँ केस
Case 13/2019
(Illegal Actions - Ep. 86, 87)
35 years old Surinderpal Singh Pali was hailing from Hoshiarpur, Punjab. He wanted to have a promising job in Canada and for this, he met with a Passport agent Harminder Singh Shaili. Shaili convinced him that he will help him get his passport and visa and also will send him to Canada and for this, he would have to pay a small amount as an advance. Once he reached Canada, he would have to pay him the rest of the amount. This total amount was approx INR 20 lacs.
After his Passport was ready, he was sent to Bangalore for Visa formality and to board his flight to Canada but soon after reaching Canada, he went missing. His family was not able to trace him.

सुरिन्दर पाल सिंह पाली होशियार पुर का रहने वाला था। उसको नौकरी करने के लिए कनाडा जाना था और इसके लिए वो अपने वीजा और पासपोर्ट बनवाने की जद्दोजहद मे लगा हुआ था। इसी बीच उसकी मुलाकात एक ट्रैवल एजेंट हार्मिन्दर सिंह shaili से हुई जिसने उसको बोला की वो उसका पासपोर्ट बनवाने मे भी उसकी मदद करेगा और कनाडा का वीजा भी लगवाएगा। हार्मिन्दर सिंह का कहना था की वो लोगों को कनाडा और कुछ और यूरोप देशों मे भेजने का काम करता है जिसमे कुछ ही पैसे वो लोग शुरू मे लेते हैं और बाकी की रकम विदेश पहुचने के बाद दी जाती है ।

वो सुरिन्दर को 3 दिसम्बर 2017 को अपने साथ लेकर गया था और उसके बाद से सुरिन्दर का कुछ पता नहीं चल पाया। सुरिन्दर के गायब होने के बाद उसके बहनोई गुरबक्श सिंह ने पुलिस को शिकायत कर के बताया की उसको हार्मिन्दरसिंह उर्फ शैली नाम का एक ट्रैवल एजेंट कनाडा ले जाने के लिए ले गया था और उसके बाद से सुरिंदर तो गायब है ही, वो खुद भी गायब है। पुलिस ने हार्मिन्दर सिंह शैली, जेडी पटेल, संजीव और नरेश पटेल के खिलाफ केस दर्ज किया था।
असल मे इस बीच हुआ ये था सुरिंदर सिंह कनाडा जाने के लिए सही लोगों की बजाए एक गैंग के चक्कर मे पड़ गया था। इन लोगों का मॉडस ऑपरेंड़ी ये था की ये भोले भाले लोगों को विदेश मे नौकरी का झांसा देकर फसाते थे, उनका फर्जी पासपोर्ट और वीजा बनवाते थे और फिर इन लोगों को डॉक्युमेंट्स या फ्लाइट पकड़ने के बहाने से बैंगलोर लाते थे। बंगलोर के छिक्काजाला मे इनका ठिकाना था जहां ये विक्टिम्स.... Know more about the case.

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Online Episode on YouTube:
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Search Tags:Surinderpal Singh, Murder, job racket, bangalore, bagalur, fake passport, fake visa, abduction, abdul kareem rehman qureshi, naresh patil, harminder singh, shaili

Crime Patrol | Case 7/2019: Ragini Goyal (Archana Palangdar) Murder case, Hoshangabad (Ep 76, 77 on 28, 29 Oct 2019)

2019 का सातवाँ केस
Case 7/2019
(Traceless, Ep. 76-77)
Archana Palangdar, 35, was living in Kolkata's Jawaharlal Dutta Road, Uludanga, who had 2 children. Her son was in class 8 while daughter was studying in class 3. Archana's husband Pintu used to work in a car servicing company in Kalikapur.

On 21 September 2018, the police found Archana's body wrapped in a blanket inside a sack of jute in a drain in Anandpur which was identified 4 days later. Archana came out of her house a day ago saying that she is going to for her mobile repair but after leaving from there she did not return. Husband Pintu said that he was not at home when she came out of her house.

Archana was identified by her family members after seeing her photo in the newspaper. It was revealed in the postmortem report that she was strangulated to death.
Archana's mother-in-law said that when she saw her photo in the newspaper, she reached the police station. She came out that day saying that she was going to get her mobile repair, but when she did not return, she wrote her missing complaint at the police station, but could not find anything.

One of her neighbors said that she saw Archana shopping in the market on the same day and she looked absolutely normal and looking at her, there was nothing that any such incident was going to happen to her on the same day.

Archana's son said that she often used to talk to a man on the phone at night. The police had said that they are also filtering the details of Archana's call and may have got a clue from that. The police got the names of 2 people from the phone records, one of whom had befriended her Facebook and the other was her old friend. On the basis of primary investigation, the police believed that Archana had an affair with both of them and it was due to this affair that she would have been murdered.

The police also came to know that Archana had also filed a case of domestic violence against her husband Pintu and the rest of the family 3 years ago, which was later withdrawn. Pintu said that Archana must be provoked by someone, after which she took this step because gradually she herself understood that this was wrong and she herself had withdrawn her complaint. The police had said that Archana was in very close contact with some person for some time, but who was this person was not able to find out and it may be that this unknown person is the link in this case. Because of this, the relationship between husband and wife was very bad and due to this, the suspicion of police was also on Pintu.

Crime Patrol | Aankh Micholi - Housewife Jigna found murdered in a hotel room (Ep 53 on 25 Sep, 2019 Crime Patrol Satark Season 2)

आँख मिचौली
Aankh Micholi
A Girl is found killed in a hotel's room. Her dress-up and prior activities show that she was a call girl. The police are not able to identify the girl and cremated her body.
From other sources, the police come to know that her name was Jigna and she was a housewife in Gujarat.

inside story
Amit Verma, Anuja Walhe, Hiral Mehta, Moin Azam, Ravi Singh, sanjeev tyagi, Saurabh Gogate, Shama Ninawe, Suman Singh, Yash Choudhary,
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Crime Patrol | Tabaahi - Gorakhpur's Rajeshwari aka Rakhi's stubbornness costs her life (Ep 41, 42 - Crime Patrol Satark Season 2 on 9, 10 Sep 2019)


Saloni and her husband Randeep who is a cop in Faridabad are both frustrated with each other. Randeep's friend suggests spending some quality time with Saloni so she can feel easy with him.

Randeep plans a trip to Shimla with Saloni. After 4 says Randeep returns alone. When he asks him about Saloni, he tells Saloni he wanted to stay there for few more days so he came back.

Few days pass, Saloni does not come back. His brother files his missing complaint in Delhi. Delhi police call Randeep for questioning but Randeep also goes missing.

Crime Patrol | Chakravyuh: Money Lender Govind's brutal murder case (Ep 23, 24 - Crime Patrol Satark Season 2 on 14, 15 Aug 2019)

A Puzzle
Govind is a money lender who gives rupees at interest. He is survived by his wife and a daughter. One night, he leaves the house and the next day his body is found on the roadside by the police. He has been killed by stabbing 17 times.

The police come to know about a woman, 'Stella' aka 'Gauri', from whom Govind last spoke on the phone. When the police interrogates Stella, she says that she too had taken money from Govind on interest, for which he had called Govind to take the installment. On the other side, Stella's minor daughter Jenny is being teased by two boys from the locality, whom Jenny is worried about and she tells all this to Stella but soon after this, suddenly both these boys disappear. The police suspect that Stella has a hand behind the disappearance of these two boys and it may be that Stella has killed both of them and she is also behind Govind's murder.

गोविंद का काम रुपए ब्याज पर देने का है. उसके घर में उसके अलावा उसकी पत्नी और एक बेटी है. एक रात वो घर से निकलता है और अगले दिन उसकी लाश पुलिस को सड़क किनारे मिलती है. उसको 17 बार चाक़ू घोप कर मारा गया है. पुलिस को एक महिला स्टेला उर्फ़ गौरी के बारे में पता चलता है जिससे गोविंद की आख़िरी बार फ़ोन पर बात हुई थी. जब पुलिस स्टेला से पूछताछ करती है तो वो कहती है की उसने भी गोविंद से ब्याज पर रुपए लिए थे जिसकी किश्त लेने के लिए उसने गोविंद को बुलाया था.

दूसरी तफ़र स्टेला की नाबालिग़ बेटी जेनी को मोहल्ले के दो लड़के आते-जाते छेड़ते रहते हैं जिनको लेकर जेनी परेशान है और वो ये सब स्टेला को बताती है. मगर फिर अचानक ये दोनो लड़के ग़ायब हो जाते हैं. पुलिस को शक है की इन दोनो लड़कों के ग़ायब होने के पीछे स्टेला का हाथ है और हो सकता है की इन दोनो को स्टेला ने मरवा दिया है और गोविंद की हत्या में भी स्टेला का ही हाथ है.
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Crime Patrol | Case 1/2018: Jilted palval woman Aarti planned to kill boyfriend with a country-made bomb (Ep 884, 885 on 6, 7 Jan, 2018 Crime Patrol Satark Season 1)

2018 का पहला केस
Case 1/2018

(A Killer Woman, Ep. 884-885)
The incident was reported on 3 October 2016 when 65-year-old Babulal (shown as Jaswant Singh and Played by Pankaj Kalra), a resident of village Gulabad, went to sleep on the fields with a friend Dharamlal, a resident of the village on the night of 3 October. The next morning, Babulal was found dead on the terrace of a cellar in the fields. Babulal's throat was stitched with a sharp weapon after tying it with a cot. His partner Dharamlal was also found in a state of unconsciousness on the bed.
During the investigation, Dharampal told the in-charge of Crime Investigation Branch Hodal Abbas Khan that he was fed by a woman named Aarti (shown as Simran Arya and played by Devika Sharma) with some intoxicating substance in the juice. He was accompanied by a man named Pradeep.

घटना 3 अक्टूबर 2016 की है जब पलवल के एक गांव गुलावड़ का रहने वाला 65 वर्षीय बाबूलाल तीन अक्टूबर की रात गांव निवासी धर्मलाल के साथ खेतों पर सोने के लिए गया हुआ था। अगले दिन सुबह बाबूलाल खेतों में बने एक कोठरी की छत पर मृत अवस्था में मिला। उसको चारपाई से बाँध कर गला किसी तेजधार हथियार से रेता गया था। उसका साथी धर्मलाल भी नीचे चारपाई पर बेहोशी की अवस्था में मिला था।

जांच के दौरान अपराध जांच शाखा होडल के प्रभारी अब्बास खान को धर्मपाल ने बताया कि उन्हें आरती नाम की महिला ने जूस में कुछ नशीला पदार्थ मिलाकर पिलाया था। उसके साथ प्रदीप नाम का एक आदमी भी था

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Crime Patrol | Case 58/2017: London NRI trio woman planned to kill adopted kid (Ep 845, 846 on 19, 20 Aug, 2017 Crime Patrol Satark)

2017 का अट्ठावँवा केस
Case 58/2017
(Paris Child Trafficking Case, Maasumiyat se khilwad, Ep. 845, 846)
A lady who lives in paris wants to adopt a boy from poor family in India but during all this, the boy gets kidnapped by few unknown miscreants. The kidnapper attacks on his uncle and then attacks the boy also.

The boy is admitted in the hospital where his condition is now stable but doctors are not able to cure the infection which is being created inside his body. Finally after few days the boy dies.
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Crime Patrol | Tadbir: Double Murder, Basheer and his wife Saira found murdered in their locked home (Episode 707 on 9 Sep 2016)


Saira (played by Aleeza Khan) is a beautiful and young girl who got marry to Basheer (played by Sushil Panday), a property dealer and there is a 19 year age difference between them. Saira is his second wife. Muneer is Basheer's son from his first wife who lives separate from them in Agra. Retired army man Dinesh Singh (played by Pankaj Berry) is their neighbor who has just returned from his native place Varanasi after three days of trip and he has good terms with Basheer.

After coming back to Farizabad he observes that Basheer and Saira both are not present at their home and a foul smell is coming out from Basheer's home which is locked from outside. He informs this to police and when police open the locked door they find Basheer and Saira's dead bodies. Basheer's neck is slitted while Saira was killed choking her neck.

सायरा एक निहायती खूबसूरत लड़की है जो की अधेड़ उम्र के बशीर की दूसरी पत्नी है। बशीर एक प्रॉपर्टी डीलर है और इनदोनो के बीच 19 साल का फर्क है। मुनीर बशीर की पहली पत्नी का बेटा है जो की आगरा में अपने अब्बू और सैरा से दूर रहता है क्योंकि उसको सायरा के चाल-ढाल ठीक नहीं लगते और वो उसको अपनी माँ भी नहीं मानता है।

दिनेश सिंह एक रिटायर्ड आर्मी मैन है जो की बशीर के घर के पास ही रहता है और और तीन दिन बाद यहाँ वापस लौट है। उसके बशीर के साथ अच्छे ताल्लुकात हैं। वाराणसी से फ़िरोज़ाबाद आने के बाद वो ये गौर करता है की बशीर का घर बंद है और घर के अंदर से कुछ सड़ने की महक आ रही है। वो पुलिस को ये बात बताता है और पुलिस आकर घर का दरवाज़ा तोड़ कर देखती है की बशीर और सायरा दोनों की लाशें पड़ी हैं। सायरा को लगा घोट कर मार गया है जबकि बशीर की हत्या गाला काट कर की गई है।

here is a press coverage on this
Aleeza Khan, Basheer, Firozabad, Manish Raj, Nadeem Khan, Pankaj Berry, Ravi Singh, Shafique Ansari, Sulagna Chatterjee, Sushil Panday, Tabassum, agra, muneer, mushtaq, saira, sanjeev tyagi, tadbeer,

Mandi: Mysterious kidnapping of infants (Episode 681, 682 on 9th, 10th July, 2016)

कहानी तेलंगाना राज्य के एक शहर से हैं जहाँ दिहाड़ी मजदूरों के घर से एक के बाद एक तीन बच्चे चुरा लिए जाते हैं। ये चोरी रात के समय होती है जब माँ-बाप और बच्चे गहरी नींद में सो रहे होते हैं। ये लोग झोपड़ों में रहने वाले लोग हैं जिनके यहाँ से किसी बच्चे को चुराना कोई बड़ी बात नहीं हैं।

एक के बाद एक तीन बच्चों की चोरी से पुलिस डिपार्टमेंट में भी हड़कम्प मच जाता है और बात चाइल्ड वेलफेयर कमेटी तक भी पहुचती है इसके बाद एक स्पेशल क्राइम ब्रांच को इस केस की तहकीकात का जिम्मा दिया जाता है। पुलिस अपने खबरियों को एक्टिवेट करती है और हिस्ट्री शीटर्स को भी पकड़ती है मगर कोई सुराग नहीं मिलता है। एक खबरियों का ये कहना है की क्या पता बच्चे चुराने के पीछे का मकसद इनको उनलोगों को बेचने है जिनके बच्चा नहीं है।
तीन महीने बीत जाते हैं फिर एक दिन एक आदमी का फ़ोन पुलिस को आता है जो की बताता है की उसके एक दोस्त ने एक बच्चा गोद लिया है मगर पूछने पर वो ये साफ़ नहीं बता रहा है की बच्चा किस संसथान से लिया या पेपर वर्क ठीक से किया या नहीं।
Case is based on kidnapping cases reported in Hyderabad this year. There were 6 people were arrested by police who used to kidnap small kids belonging to lower class family and sell them to those couples who does not have any kids.

Part 1:
Part 2:

Part 1:
Part 2:

Here is the inside story of the case: