Showing posts with label Rohit Budakoti. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rohit Budakoti. Show all posts

Case 7/2018: 19 year old employed girl Rakhi Bhamaria goes missing while returning from the shop (Episode 894, 895 on 10th, 11th Feb, 2018)

A father is looking for his missing daughter who did not return after she left for her shop a day before. He also asks the shop owner who tell him that Mamta Khandekar left the shop near 6pm with her two other colleagues.
After searching for her sometimes, he finds her dead near a nullah. A number of injuries can be seen on her body.

After reporting to the police, they also find her cycle 200 meters away from the crime spot. The postmortem reveals that the victim was brutally gang-raped before she was murdered and at least two people have raped her.

Police’s prime suspect is Mamta's father who did not search for her daughter during the night and came home and slept. Their other suspect was shop owner because Mamta went missing from his shop but after Mamta’s colleagues confirm that let left the shop together in the evening near 6pm, the police are now looking for other possibilities.

3 months pass but police are not able to find any clue.

inside story
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Behrupiya: Vishal found murdered after his broken relationship with Preeti (Crime Patrol Dial 100 Episode 116 on 23rd March, 2016)


Vishal is a college student who was in love with his classmate Preeti from last few years but suddenly decided to optout from this relationship. Preeti tried hard to convince him but he did not agree. They comes to meet for the last time and the very next day Vishal's deadbody was found at a deserted place.
Police's prime suspect is Preeti because their relationship was broken also Preeti was the owner of the stole used as a murder weapon. When police investigates the case deeply, they comes to know that Vishal was in love with another girl through social networking site Facebook. This girl could be the main reason behind their breakup and when police start finding that girl, they comes to know that it was a fake Facebook profile.