Showing posts with label Rohit Tiwari. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rohit Tiwari. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | Renowned: FM News Channel Anchor Ajitesh Mishra Kills Wife (Ep 182 on 25 Mar 2020)

FM News Channel Anchor Kills Wife

(Black Headlines, Ep. 182
The journalist found murdered in her house)
15th October 2019,
Fine noon when Etawah resident retired principal Pramod Kumar Mishra came back to his home at Katra Balsingh after attending a school function. He observed that the gate of their home was already open which was unusual. He called his daughter in law Divya Mishra who was the wife of his youngest son Ajitesh Mishra, for lunch. Ajitesh Mishra was working as a TV Anchor at Noida based new channel FM News. When Divya did not come, he went to her bedroom placed on the third floor of the home.

After entering into Divya's bedroom he terrorized to see that Divya was lying in a pool of blood.

inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion

Crime Patrol | Case 25/2017: Gold businessman Ganesh Kotian found hanging in a hotel's locked room (Episode 788, 789 on 8, 9 Apr 2017)

Case 25/2017
2017 का पच्चीसवां केस
Ganesh Kottian (played by Swapnil Sunil Ajgaonkar) hails from Mangalore, is a gold businessman who is currently in Pune for some delivery related work. He seems to be a little worried and reaches a hotel to stay in. Hotel staff finds no one came out of his room from the last two days and the room is locked with a padlock that does not belong to this hotel. They also observe that the foul smell is coming from this room. Hotel owner calls to police and police find a dead body hanging on the ceiling fan.

The hotel has only one CCTV camera at the corridor attached to Ganesh's room which is focusing on reception. Checking footage of that camera police finds a suspicious person is entering Ganesh's room when he was busy in documentation formality.
That man is wearing a red color T-Shirt, cap, and dark color goggles. Receptionists and footage confirm that the day Ganesh entered into the room, was carrying a green color bag which police could not found in the room after Ganesh's murder. Police are sure that this suspicious first killed Ganesh then flee with his bag.

Police inform Ganesh's wife Chitra and his father about his murder in Mangalore. Ganesh's father tells police that Ganesh was a gold broker who was carrying six-kilogram gold on his trip to Pune. He tells police that they also raised his missing complaint at their area police station where his wife Chitra told police about this six Kg gold. Now, police are sure that Ganesh was killed for this gold only. The person behind him was following him from Mangalore and once he got a chance, he killed Ganesh and disappeared with Six Kg gold.

Further investigation reveals that Ganesh was a Raw Gold broker, rather than a gold businessman. His work was to deliver raw gold to jewelers around India to get Gold jewelry in exchange. He was working for a businessman cum gangster Shankar Anna. Ganesh was a self-made person and he himself made a big bungalow from a small house.

गणेश कोटियान सोने का व्यापारी है जो की अपने बिज़नेस के सिलसिले में मंगलोर से पुणे आया हुआ है। वो कुछ परेशान है और एक लॉज में रुकने के लिए कमरा लेता है। दो दिन तक कोई उसको कमरे से निकलता नहीं देखता है और उसके कमरे में एक ताला लगा दिखाई देता है। कमरे के अंदर से एक अजीब सी बदबू भी आरही है। लॉज का मालिक पुलिस को बुलाता है और ताला खोलने पर पुलिस को गणेश की लाश पंखे से लटकी हुई मिलती है।

लॉज के रिसेप्शन से गणेश के होटल तक जाने वाले गलियारे में पुलिस को एक सीसीटीवी कैमरा लगा दिखाई देता है सो पुलिस उस कैमरा में दो दिन पहले की फुटेज खोजना शुरू करती है जब गणेश लॉज में दाखिल हुआ था। फुटेज में एक बहुत अजीबोगरीब चीज दिखाई देती है की जिस समय गणेश रिसेप्शन पर अपनी डॉक्यूमेंटेशन पूरी कर रहा था ठीक उसी समय उसके पीछे काला चश्मा और टोपी लगाए एक आदमी रिसेप्शनिस्ट और गणेश से नज़रें बचा कर उसी गलियारे की तरफ गया था जिस तरफ गणेश का कमरा था। फुटेज में इस अनजान आदमी की कोई तस्वीर साफ़ नहीं मिलती है मगर पुलिस को ये यकीन ज़रूर हो जाता है की इसी आदमी में गणेश का खून किया और फिर गणेश का बैग लेकर फरार हो गया।

गणेश के घर मंगलौर में उसकी पत्नी और पिता को उसकी हत्या के बारे में सूचित किया जाता है। सबलोग अचंभित है की ये कैसे हो गया। गणेश का पिता बताता है की गणेश एक सोने का व्यापारी था और वो अपनी पत्नी से कह कर निकला था की वो 6 किलो सोना पुणे डिलीवर करने जा रहा है। अब पुलिस को पूरा यकीन हो जाता है की ये हत्या उस 6 किलो सोने के लिए ही की गई है।

खबरियों को एक्टिव करने पर एक खुफिया खबर सामने आती है की गणेश सोने का व्यापारी नहीं बल्कि कच्चा सोना डिलीवर करने वाला एक ब्रोकर था को शंकर नाम के आदमी के लिए काम करता था और कच्चे सोने के बदले सोने के जवाहरात लाकर डिलीवर करता था। गणेश एक सेल्फ मेड आदमी था जिसने अपने दम पर ही एक छोटी सी कोठी से एक बड़ा बँगला खड़ा किआ था। पुलिस को एक और बात हैरान करने वाली लगती है की गणेश की बीवी को सिर्फ इतना पता था की गणेश सोने की डिलीवरी का काम करता है, उसे ये बिलकुल भी नहीं पता था की गणेश एक ब्रोकर या स्मगलर है।

Inside Story:
Thrissur, Kerala gold businessman Satish Raju M was found hanging at Chembur, Mumbai's Kamla Lodge. His body was recovered from the room he was staying and the room was found locked from outside. Hotel's staff told police that when they found Raju is not picking their call and missing from the last three days, they alerted police about this.

Uljhan: 3 year old Dia found murdered in a washing machine (Crime Patrol Dial 100 Episode 162 on 9th June, 2015)

3-year-old Dia is the only daughter of Sharad and Jahnvi. Both of then are working parents and during day time their maid Pinki takes care of Dia. One noon two other maid finds water with some reddish content is flowing out of Sharad-Jahnvi's locked flat. They immediately call society representative to open the locked flat because they has duplicate keys of the flat also.
In meanwhile Sharad and Jahnvi also reach their flat and after unlocking the flat they are shocked to see Dia died running inside the washing machine.

Shyamli: A Dark complexion girl getting harassed over dark skin (Crime Patrol Dial 100 Episode 131 on 18th April, 2016)

dead body found in a jungle. Police investigation reveals that the was getting frustrated because of taunts from her husband and mother-in-law over her dark complexion. Her husband marries without seeing her face to face and he thinks that she will be as beautiful as her younger sister.

After too much harassment her husband give her divorce and after few days she found dead. Investigation also reveals that she was in touch with a skin specialist and after questioning that doctor, he tells police that Shyamli was a very nice lady and from few days someone was blackmailing her over something.
Shyamli played by Parul Chauhan

Hatasha: Rajasthan- Two children abducted and killed in the same manner (Episode 613, 615 on 30th, 31st January, 2016)


Mamta (played by Shiju Kataria) is mother of two minor daughters who lives with her husband, father-in-law and mother-in-law. Her elder daughter's name is Jugni. A day she brings Jugni with her while going to market. While on road tow men on bike attacks her, drags off Jugni from her and runs away. Mamta is not able to do anything except crying for help. She explains this incident with her family and her family starts blaming her. Family reaches police station to file FIR of the incident. In the mean time traumatized Mamta get admitted into the hospital.
Modus operandi of the incident is very much similar to a kidnap and murder case of a minor kid in Jodhpur a few months back. Sibling Sailesh Kaushik (played by Harsh Vashisth) and Rajesh Kaushik were main suspect of the case so police shows their photos to Mamta and Mamta confirms that Jugni was abducted by the duo.

Police is looking for the duo from a long time. Shailesh Kaushik was a businessman and a customer in the bank of bank Manager Bhavin (played by Saurabh Agarwal) who kidnapped Bhavin's son for ransom. After kid's kidnapping news spread into the media, he killed the kid and went absconding.

Mamta played by Shiju Kataria
ममता राजस्थान के एक छोटे से गाँव में अपने पति और सास, ससुर के साथ रहती है. उसकी दो बच्चियां है और बड़ी का नाम जुगनी है। एक दोपहर ममता घर के मार्किट के लिए निकलती है और जुगनी को अपने साथ ले जाती है। वो पैदल रास्ते में ही होती है की अचानक दो लोग बाइक पे सवार होकर आते हैं, जुगनी को ममता से छीनते हैं और भाग जाते हैं। ममता चिल्लाने के सिवा कुछ नहीं कर पाती। वो घर आकर अपने पति और सास-ससुर को बताती है। पुलिस में रिपोर्ट लिखाई जाती है और इसी बीच सदमे की वजह से ममता अस्पताल में भर्ती हो जाती है।

पुलिस को शक होता है की ये घटना कुछ महीने पहले जोधपुर में हुए एक बच्चे के अपहरण से मिलती जुलती है और जब पुलिस ममता को उस घटना के मुख्य संदिग्ध शैलेश और राजेश कौशिक की फोटो दिखाती है तो ममता उनको पहचान लेती है।

Crime Patrol | Daasi: Prabhudasi/Devadasi tradition of outskirt areas of South India (Episode 610, 611 on 23, 24 Jan 2016)

क्राइम पट्रोल का ये एपिसोड प्रकाश डालता है दक्षिण भारत के अति पिछड़े इलाकों में चली आ रही की एक सैकड़ों साल पुराणी प्रथा देवदासी पर जिसको की यहाँ प्रभू दासी के रूप में दिखाया गया है. देवदासी का मतलब होता है भगवान् की सेवा करने वाली.

देव - भगवान्
दासी- सेवा करने वाली

Dhanashri Kadgaonkar

इस प्रथा के अनुसार एक देवदासी की माँ अपनी बेटी को एक मंदिर में दान कर देती है और फिर उस पर मंदिर का पूरा अधिकार होता है. बेटी को मंदिर में दान देने की इस प्रथा को पोट्टूकट्टू बोलते हैं जो की बहुत हद् तक एक शादी की तरह होती है जिसमे लड़की की शादी की पुरुष या लड़के से करने के बजाये भगवन से की जाती है. इस पूजा के दौरान एक साथ बहुत सारी लड़कियों का सामूहिक विवाह भगवान् से किया जाता है. विवाह के बाद मंदिर के पुजारी इन लड़कियों को भीख मांगने का काम सौपते हैं जो की इस लड़कियों का मुख्य काम होता है और इससे मिले पैसों से ही वो लोग अपना घर भी चलाती है. लड़की की माँ लड़की के जवान होने की प्रतीक्षा करती है और लड़की के 14-15 साल के होने पर अगर कोई धनी व्यक्ति उसको पसंद कर लेता है तो वो उसको खरीद लेता है और लड़की पूरी तरह से उसकी हो जाती है. इस दौरान भी कोई पुरुष लड़की से विवाह नहीं कर सकता है क्युकी वो लड़की भगवान् की पत्नी है. लड़की की माँ की पूरी कोशिश यही रहती है की देवदासी को कोई व्यक्ति खरीद ले जिससे की माँ और बेटी दोनों का जीवन अच्छे से बीत जाए.

एक देवदासी का धर्म होता है पुरुष को सुखी रखना और इसके लिए वो कितने भी पुरुषों से सम्बन्ध बना सकती है. देवदासी का पुत्र होने पर वो अपना जीवन अपने हिसाब से बिता सकता है मगर पुत्री होने पर उसको भी देवदासी ही बनना पड़ता है और देवदासी को इस बात से कोई मतलब नहीं होता है की उसकी संतान का पिता कौन है.

भले ही ये प्रथा सैकड़ों साल पुरानी है मगर इस प्रथा के माध्यम से लड़कियों को वेश्यावृत्ति में डाला जाना ही इस प्रथा के पहरेदारों का प्रथम लक्ष्य था. उस समय में देवदासी बनने के बाद लड़की को नृत्य और संगीत की शिक्षा दी जाती थी मगर जैसे जैसे समय आगे बढ़ा इस प्रथा ने मूल वेश्यावृत्ति के रूप ले लिया. इसको समाप्त करने के लिए सरकार ने लगातार कई प्रयास किये हैं जिससे की इस अन्धविश्वास को जड़ से मिटाया जा सके मगर रिसर्च कहती है की ये प्रथा अभी भी मध्यप्रदेश के अति पिछड़े क्षेत्रों में धड़ल्ले से चल रही है.

Part 1:
Part 2:

Part 1:
Part 2:

Ghaav: 16 years old Shweta commit su!c!de, leaves a note (Episode 606 on 15th January, 2016)

कहानी आधारित है सैंटक्रूज़ के वकोला की एक घटना से जहाँ 16 साल की एक लड़की ने योन उत्पीड़न से तंग आकर डिप्रेशन में आत्महत्या कर ली थी और साथ ही एक सूयसायड नोट छोड़ कर गई थी. ये लड़की विले पर्ले कॉलेज से बीकॉम की छात्रा थी और वारदात के समय वो घर पर अकेली थी.
उस रात 9:30 बजे जब उसकी माँ वापस घर लौटी तो उन्होंने पाया की घर का दरवाज़ा अंदर से बंद है मगर अंदर से कोई आहट भी नहीं मिल रही है जिसके चलते उन्होंने अपने पति को बुला कर दरवाज़ा तुड़वाया और फिर पाया कि उनकी बेटी मर चुकी है.

लड़की के पास मिले सूयसायड नोट में दो लोगों के बारे में लिखा था जो की लगातार उसका योन-शोषण करते रहे जिसके चलते उसने ये क़दम उठाया.

Pehchaan: Sunil Khare wants justice for his identity (Episode 562, 563 on 26th, 27th Sep 2015)

Sunil Khare was a student of engineering who recently killed someone in open. He is arrested and screaming that he wants to know his identity. He wants to know his full name in the FIR and wants to know his true identity.
Sunil's full name is Sunil Purushottam Khare and his father's name is Purushottam Khare who died recently. His mother's name is Vidya. His younger sister has got married. Police investigation reveals that Vidya was Purushottam's second wife and they went marry a long back when Purushottam's first wife was not well. According to the Hindu religion, it is illegal to marry a woman without divorcing earlier wife and because of this Vidya is not able to get a land in Nasik which was given to Purushottam by his father.

Purushottam's family never accepted Vidya and at the time of their marriage, they denied their relationship. According to them Vidya was just like a mistress of Purushottam who now wants to grab Purushottam's land.

Sunil played by Mayur More

Crime Patrol | Apharan aur Hatya: 16 year old Arjun Kidnapped and Murdered (Episode 559, 560 on 19, 20 Sep 2015)

Arjun and Shankar are real brothers and Shankar is elder among them. Their sister Sujata is married and live at another place. Shankar has fine-tuning with his maternal uncles and his maximum time spends at their home. On the day of Diwali he decides to attend Diwali pooja at his uncle's home which his father does not like. But he leaves his home's pooja and attends at his uncle's home.

Sankar finds an unknown girl there and falls in love with her. Her name is Sakshi. Their affair starts and they decide to get married. Both the families are ok with this relation but after Sakshi's father comes to know that Shankar is less educated and does not do anything, he denies their relation and decides not to marry Sakshi with Shankar.

Shankar's uncles help them getting marry and they get married after running away from their homes. They start their married life in Lucknow and his uncle helps him getting a small job also. Both the families decide not to have any relation with the couple.

Time flows and 2 years pass. Shankar's brother Arjun decides to carry on his studies from his sister Sujata's home. A day his uncle's son Ajeet comes to meet them and asks Arjun to come with him. He wants Arjun will meet his Uncle and Aunty. Arjun comes with him for two days but when Sujata calls them after 2 days, Ajeet does not pick the phone. After she calls him so many times, Ajeet talks to her and asks her to give him 15 lac rupee ransom.

अर्जुन शंकर का छोटा भाई है। दोनों भाइयों में बहुत बनती है। इनके अलावा इनकी एक बहन भी है जिसकी शादी हो चुकी है। शंकर का उसके मामाओं के घर बहुत आना जाना है, यहाँ तक की वो दिवाली की रात भी अपने पिता से लड़ झगड़ कर अपने मामा के यहाँ पूजा में चला जाता है।

पूजा से समय मामा के घर में शंकर को एक लड़की दिखाई देती है जिसका नाम है साक्षी। शंकर का दिल साक्षी पर आ जाता है। दोनों का मामला धीरे धीरे आगे बढ़ता है और बात शादी तक पहुचती है। दोनों परिवारों को इस शादी से कोई दिक्कत नहीं है मगर जब साक्षी के घरवालों को ये पता चलता है की शंकर कोई काम धाम नहीं करता है और कम पढ़ा लिखा है तो वो शादी से मना कर देते हैं। उनको शादी के लिए मनाने की बहुत कोशिश की जाती है मगर वो इस शादी को राज़ी नहीं है।

शंकर और साक्षी शंकर के मामाओं की मदद से भाग कर शादी कर लेते हैं और बिहार से बाहर लखनऊ में जाकर रहने लगते हैं जहाँ उसके मामा उसकी नौकरी लगवा देते हैं। दोनों के घर वाले उन्दोनो से सारे सम्बन्ध ख़तम कर लेते हैं और शंकर के मामाओं से भी सम्बन्ध खत्म कर लेते हैं।

Crime Patrol | Nishaana: 16 year old teenager Victim Aamir molested by Sakeena (Episode 546, 547 on 21, 22 Aug 2015)

Sakeena (real name Rahat Zakira Khan and played by Dhruvee Haldankar) is a divorcee and mother of teenager Sameer. Their financial condition is good. Sameer's friend Aamir (played by Mausam Dubey) and other few friends use to hang out together at Aamir's home.

Sakeena takes special care of Aamir and used to give him financial help too. A day Aamir reached Sameer's home for party and Sakeena dissolves something into Aamir's drink. His other friends go their home and Aamir becomes unconscious. Sakeena takes advantage of him and becomes physical with Aamir. When Aamir wakes up, she blackmails Aamir by saying that he has r@ped her. She also shows a video clip that she made herself with Aamir. She blackmails Aamir over having a regular physical relation with her.
Initially, Aamir feels embarrassed but as well as the time flows, Sakeena becomes his hobby and he also starts having fun with her.
Sakeena or Rahat Zakira Khan
played by Dhruvee Haldankar

Shikwa: Sofia (Tia) Parashar found killed, childhood friends goes missing (Episode 537, 538 on 31st July, 1st Aug, 2015)

Delhi, July 2015
A foul smell is coming from a flat. A nearby resident is sure that this smell does not belong to gas or something burnt. He calls up the police. Police break the lock and enter the flat. They find the dead body of a girl inside a wardrobe. A neighbor tells police that she is Sofia Parashar (real name Tia and played by Vidhi Pandya) who was living with her two friends John and Kareem. Police first call the landlord then reaches the showroom where Sofia works.

Every known person is praising Sofia. Investigation reveals that Sofia, John, and Kareem were brought up together in an orphanage home in Gurgaon. Police find all the three cellphones switched off. Police informers are also not able to give police any clue about missing guys. Police find Aditya's phone number from Sofia's phone records and they call him for inquiry. Aditya gets shocked after knowing about Sofia because Sofia and Aditya were in love with each other. He first met Sofia in her Bike Showroom when he came there to buy a bike for him. They became friends first then started loving each other. Sofia also introduced him to John and Kareem and Aditya was pleased to see their friendship.
Investigating that Orphanage home reveals that these all three kids having their family also. Sofia was admitted to the orphanage home by her moth while John and Kareem were left by their brother and father. Everyone who knows them is saying that John and Kareem can never hurt Sofia and they were very good friends. Now police start thinking in another angle where all three might get harmed by the fourth person who could be Aditya also. Maybe Aditya first killed Sofia and missing John and Kareem is Aditya's mind game!

Ankahee: Mother murdered, daughter Kaanchi found sleeping on road divider (Episode 535, 536 on 25th, 26th July 2015)

A lady named Shikha Das finds a little girl lying on a road divider. She goes to that girl and after shaking her she finds that the girl was sleeping there between the road. She asks her name and kid tells her name Kaanchi. The kid is not able to tell Shikha more than this. Shikha brings that girl to nearest police station. Police observes a tattoo on Kaanchi's arm which is now a clue for police. They shows her photo of a lady and tries to understand whether Kaanchi knows this lady or not. After watching the photo Kaanchi calls "Aai" (Mother). She is still not able to tell anything above this.

Crime Patrol | Khu∂khu̷shi: Atul Desai's mysterious accident turn to murder (Episode 531, 532 on 17th, 18th July, 2015)

अतुल देसाई और हार्दिक देसाई सगे भाई हैं और इन दोनों को पत्नियां भावना और नताशा भी सगी बहने हैं। इनदोनो भाइयों का जॉइंट बिज़नेस है हार्डवेयर का और आसपास के इलाके में भी इनको जानने वाले बहुत लोग हैं। दोनों भाइयों की अच्छी बनती है और कारोबार भी अच्छा चल रहा है मगर एक दिन अतुल देसाई का शव रोड के किनारे पाया जाता है जब की वो दूकान से घर की तरफ अपना खाने का टिफिन लेकर निकलता है।
उसके शव को लोग पहचान लेते हैं और पुलिस (प्रमुख अफसर का निसार खान द्वारा निभाया गया है)  को इख़्तेला करते हैं। पुलिस को पहले तो ये नार्मल हिट एंड रन केस लगता है मगर पोस्टमॉर्टेम रिपोर्ट ये बताती है की अतुल के सर से खून निकलने की वजह एक्सीडेंट नहीं बल्कि देसी कट्टे की गोली है जिसे पॉइंट जीरो रेंज से चलाया गया है। अब ये केस एक्सीडेंट केस से हत्या में बदलता दिखता है। पुलिस पूछताछ के लिए हार्दिक को बुलाती है। इसके बाद भावना और नताशा को भी बुलाया  जाता है मगर कोई वजह समझ नहीं आती है।

पुलिस के खबरी बताते हैं की कुछ समय पहले अतुल और हार्दिक का अपने एक दोस्त से अपनी कार को लेकर झगड़ा हुआ था। अब पुलिस उन्दोनो को पुलिस स्टेशन बुलाती है। वो दोनों बताते हैं की हाँ उनका अतुल से झगड़ा हुआ था मगर कार को अतुल को बेच देने के बाद से उनका अतुल से कोई लेना देना नहीं रहा। पुलिस कुछ दिन बाद दोबारा  उन्दोनो को बुलाती है मगर उनमे से एक का ठीक उसी तरह से खून हो जाता है जैसे अतुल का हुआ था।

Disesteem: Partially burnt voter id card helped police to identify deseased Harihar Kamath (Episode 192 on 10th Apr 2015)

Harihar Kamath is a marriage broker who helps parents and families and getting their child to marry a suitable person. A day he gets a call from a man Mangesh, he tells him that he can arrange money for him so Harihar has to come with him. They both reach a forest through Bike and then train. After reaching there, Mangesh strangulates Harihar to death. After Harihar dies, Mangesh burns him off with Petrol.
Few forest guards find Harihar's corps there. They inform to police and police only find a burnt card near his body. Forensic experts confirm that it is a Voter ID card of either the victim or the murderer. After investigating the voter id card police finds a clue that this body might belong to Harihar Kamath and after reaching his home, Harihar's family confirms that this body belongs to Harihar.

Buried Deep: Missing security company supervisor Jaiprakash found dead (Episode 465, 466 on 31st Jan, 1st Feb 2015)

Buried Deep
Villagers are scared of seeing a hanging skeleton on a tree. They think this is done by some haunting spirit. Police finds a id-card near that tree which shows name of Jai Prakash Parmar, a security agency supervisor.
Story goes 6 months back. Jaiprakash Parmar (real name Mahendra Meena) is living with his wife Avantika (real name Santosh and played by Sonica Handa) and two kids. Its been 16 years of his marriage and they are living happily. A morning Jaiprakash leaves for his office saying that he will comeback after 2 days. Just after leaving from his home he meets his friend Suman who is also going somewhere. He asks her to come together in an auto rickshaw and then he will get down at his office.

One other hand there is another family of Madhu, Sushil (played by Chandresh Singh) and their 2 kids living in the same area. Madhu is elder sister of Jaiprakash and Jaiprakash and Sushil are working in same security agency.

That day passes and in the evening when Avantika tries Jaiprakash's mobile number, she finds it switched off. She tries many times but does not get any response. She asks Sushil then Sushil tells her that Jaiprakash did not reach office today and office colleagues does not have any information about him.

Avantika, Sushil and Madhu raises a missing complaint at police station. Initial investigation reveals that last location of Jaiprakash's mobile was his home only. Later police finds Jaiprakash's mobile phone in his bathroom. Police considers it a case where Jaiprakash left his home on his own and he must have planned for this.

Six months passes and now after police finds a skeleton and an id-card they goes for DNA test on skeleton which matches with Jaiprakash's kids. It is now confirm that skeleton belongs to Jaiprakash. Police is confused because it was a perfect murder, then why murdered brought back skeleton from its grave?
Sonica Handa in Crime Patrol
Sonica Handa

Crime Patrol | Ties that Bind: Double murder of mother and daughter (Episode 452 on 2nd Jan 2015)

रिश्तों का बंधन
Ties that Bind
Kinargunj, 2015
Mukul is a resident of Kinargunj but works at Mumbai. He is eldest among two sisters. One of his sister Sonakshi (played by Sarika Dhillon) is married and other one Komal (real name Heena Grover and played by Sabina Jat) is about to get marry. Whole family is busy in preparation of her marriage. Sonakshi lives in Kinargunj with her husband while Komal and mother Shanti (real name Usha Grover played by Reshma Merchant) lives together in their home. An evening Mukul tries her mother's number many times but she do not pick his call. He is very nervous because usually he talks to his mother daily but it is first time that noone is picking his call. He calls Sonakshi and she tells him that he will go to meet them next day. When she reaches home, she is shocked to see that her mother Shanti and Komal both are murdered. Komal is dead and lying-in on floor of her bedroom while mother Shanti is in her bedroom. A word "Yog" written by Komal's blood on the wall of her bedroom where she is lying-in. Looks like Komal tries to hint name of the murdered. When police starts investigation, they comes to know that there was an electrician Yogesh who was working at their home few months back and he was caught red handed while peeping inside Komal's bedroom. He also used to stare at Komal. Watching his activities he was banished from home.

Now police starts searching electrician Yogesh.
किनारगंज, 2015
मुकुल किनारगंज का रहना वाला है और मुंबई ने नौकरी करता है. वो दो बहनों में सबसे बड़ा है और अपनी बड़ी बहन सोनाक्षी की शादी करवा चुका है जो की उससे एक साल छोटी है और अब परिवार छोटी बहन कोमल की शादी में व्यस्त है. एक शाम को अपनी माँ को कई बार फ़ोन करता है मगर फ़ोन नहीं उठ रहा है. वो काफी घबराया हुआ है क्युकी ऐसा पहले कभी भी नहीं हुआ था. वो सोनाक्षी को फ़ोन करके बोलता है की वो घर जाकर पता करे की माँ फ़ोन क्यों नहीं उठा रही है. वो जब घर जाती है तो देख कर घबरा जाती है की उसकी माँ और कोमल दोनों की बुरी तरह से हत्या कर दी गई है.

Crime Patrol | Multiple Threats: Double Murder, Headless Bodies of Somesh and Meenu found (Episode 445, 446 on 13, 14 Dec 2014)

Multiple Threats
चौतरफा खतरा
Dr. Pankaj Chopra, wardboy Somesh Shukla and nurse Meenu Jha (played by Jia Mustafa) are working in Dr. Saklani's hospital. Both Meenu and Somesh are very close to Dr. Chopra because they had previously worked together in another hospital and after that hospital was closed, on Dr. Chopra’s recommendations MD Saklani hired rest two also. Meenu leaves for some work with a Dr. Chopra. When Somesh gets information about their departure, he also takes leave from Dr. Saklani and moves from hospital.
Next day a villager finds a dead body inside a sailcloth bag. He informs police and police finds a male headless body inside that bag. They also finds another headless body of a woman at the same place and that body is also headless. Now police starts looking for their heads and they finds them inside a pond near the bodies were found. Postmortem reports confirms that these heads belongs to same bodies. They starts looking for any missing complain related to couple and finally they gets confirmation that these bodies are belongs to a ward boy Somesh and nurse Meenu who were married and were working in a same hospital.
udham naga, uttarakhand, vijay pal gangwar, nisha sharma, dehradun
Police was shocked to know that they were not actually married while they were sharing same room and were living like a married couple. Somesh was married but his wife was living with his parents at his native place while Meenu was a divorcee.

Now police starts their investigation with Meenu's Ex-Husband and also they are looking for that missing senior doctor who was with Meenu when she left form the hospital.

सोमेश शुक्ला और मीनू झा एक ही अस्पताल में वार्डबॉय और नर्स की पोस्ट पर कार्यरत हैं. मीनू और उसके सीनियर डॉक्टर छुट्टी लेकर साथ में निकलते हैं. दूसरी तरफ जब सोमेश को उनकी छुट्टी के बारे में पता चलता है है तो वो भी छुट्टी लेता है.

अगले दिन गाँव के एक आदमी को सुबह एक बोरे में एक लाश दिखती है. वो पुलिस को बुलाता है और तब पता चलता है की ये लाश किसी आदमी की है और उसका सर गायब है. उसी जगह पर पुलिस को एक और लाश मिलती है जो की किसी लड़की की है. उसका भी सर गायब है. पुलिस गोताखोरों को बुला कर पास के तालाब में इनके सर ढूंढवाना शुरू करती है. तालाब के अन्दर दोनों सर मिलते हैं. पुलिस को शक है की ये डबल मर्डर है या डबल-डबल मर्डर है. पोस्टमॉर्टेम पर पता चलता है की ये दोनों लाशों के सर और धड़ मैच कर रहे हैं. पुलिस रेगंनपुर की सारी मिसिंग कंप्लेंट तलाशती है और घूमफिर के उन्हें पता चलता है की ये लाशें वार्डबॉय सोमेश और मीनू की हैं.

सोमेश के घरवाले उसके गायब होने की मिसिंग कंप्लेन दर्ज करवा चुके थे. पुलिस को ये जान कर ताज्जुब होता है की सोमेश और मीनू अस्पताल में पत्नी-पत्नी के तरह रहते थे जब की वो दोनों शादी शुदा थे. सोमेश की पत्नी सोमेश के गाँव में उसके परिवार के साथ रहती थी जबकि मीनू एक तलाकशुदा है.

पुलिस अब मीनू के पति से पूछताछ करती है और मीनू के साथ गायब हुए सीनियर डॉक्टर का पता लगाना भी शुरू करती है.

Incident took place in September, 2014 at Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand. Deceased Vijay Pal Gangwar was working as a compounder in a private hospital while woman was identified as Nisha Sharma who was working as a nurse in same hospital. They both hails from Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh. Duo’s dismembered bodies were found near the Nagar Sagar Dam in Udham Singh Nagar, about 270 km from Dehradun.

Part 1:
Part 2:

Part 1:
Part 2:

Here is the Inside story of the case:

Wilful Blindness: 70 year old Eknath Tawde murdered by his son Prasad Tawde (Episode 444 on 12 Nov 2014)

Wilful Blindness
Retired Eknath Tawde hires a taxi toward his brother’s home. He has some injury on his head because the driver is watching him pressing his head by his hand. Once the taxi reaches its destination, the taxi driver asks him to get down of the taxi but Eknath does not respond. He notices that Eknath is unconscious so he calls the police. Police bring him to the hospital where the doctor tells him that he had a severe head injury and has passed away.
Police traces and calls his brother Ramakant with help of Eknath’s mobile phone. He tells police that Eknath’s son Prasad Tawde attacked him on his head and after this, he talked to Ramakanth and told that he is reaching his home. Police calls Prasad but he is in an intoxicated state and does not pick call. When police reach Eknath’s home, the door of the home are locked and their neighbor tells police that in the morning itself police already has taken Prasad with them. When police ask another police station then they come to know that Prasad’s fiancee Ketki lodged an FIR of blackmailing against both of them. Prasad was blackmailing her over some private photos. According to Ketki, Prasad has already extorted a huge amount from her and now he was again trying to get more money. He has warned Ketki that if she does not arrange money for him he will upload her private photos to internet.

Drunken Prasad is not in a condition of giving any statement. The police bring him to the other police station with them and trie to ask why he killed his father.

Crime Patrol | In The Name Of Love: Shabnam, the first woman could get hanged since 1947 (Episode 413, 414 on 6, 7 Sep 2014)

In The Name Of Love
प्यार के नाम (Pyar Ke Naam)
2008, Amroha, UP

Here's a possible rephrased version of the article:

Farukh (real name Saleem, played by Saheem Khan) fell in love with Noori (real name Shabnam, played by Prarthana Behere) and proposed to her. She reciprocated his feelings and agreed to marry him. They began to meet and planned to get married soon. One day, Noori told her father Ismail (real name Shaukat Khaton) that she loved Farukh and wanted to marry him. However, Ismail reacted violently, shouting at her, slapping her, and warning her not to pursue the relationship. He even forbade her from continuing her job.

Later, Noori's boss contacted Ismail and inquired about her absence from work. Ismail lied and said that Noori had some family issues and could not come to work. However, the boss insisted that Noori was needed to entertain some clients and pressured Ismail to allow her to work for a few more days. Ismail reluctantly agreed but warned Noori not to meet Farukh.

Click here for the Discovery+ Documentery

Despite Ismail's warning, Noori and Farukh continued to meet and even exchanged a cellphone. During their meetings, Noori became pregnant but did not inform her parents. Instead, she and Farukh planned something shocking to eliminate everyone who stood in the way of their relationship.

inside story

2008, अमरोहा
वेल्डिंग का काम करने वाले एक युवक फारुख को प्यार हो जाता है एक आईटी कंपनी में काम करने वाली नूरी से। वो उसके सामने अपने प्यार का प्रस्ताव रखता है और इंतज़ार करता है नूरी के जवाब का। नूरी उसका ये प्रस्ताव मान लेती है. दोनों के बीच मुलाकाते बढ़ने लगती है और एक दिन नूरी अपने अब्बू इस्माइल से बोलती है की वो फारुख से प्यार करती है और उससे शादी करना चाहती है। इस्माइल उसको मारता है और उसको धमकी देता है की आगे से वो फारुख से किसी भी तरह का कोई नाता न रखे। वो उसकी नौकरी भी छुडवा देता है।
नूरी घर में बंद हो जाती है मगर एक दिन उसके बॉस का फ़ोन उसके अब्बू को जाता है। बॉस उसके अब्बू से उसके बार में पूछता है और अब्बू इस्माइल ये बोल देता है की कुछ निजी मामलों की वजह से नूरी अब नौकरी नहीं करेगी। बॉस जोर देता है की उसको कुछ दिन के लिए नूरी की ज़रुरत है किसी ज़रूरी काम के लिए वो अगर इस्माइल उसको आने दे तो काम अच्छे से हो सकेगा। इस्माइल नूरी को जाने की इजाज़त देता है और ये धमकी भी देता है की वो फारुख से मिलने की सोचे भी न।

नूरी को वापस फारुख से मिलने का मौका मिल जाता है। इनदोनो के मिलने का सिलसिला काफी दिनों तक चलता रहता है और इसी बीच नूरी प्रेग्नेंट हो जाती है। इसके बाद भी वो अपने घर पर कुछ नहीं बताती है और फारुख के साथ मिलकर अपने परिवार को रास्ते से हटाने का एक घिनोना षड़यंत्र रचती है।

Online Episode on YouTube:
Part 1:
Part 2:

Online Episode on SonyLiv:
Part 1:
Part 2:

Here is the inside story of the case:

Crime Patrol | A Hidden Agenda: Murder of a History Sheeter Vinod Chauhan (Episode 396, 397 on 19, 20 July 2014)

A Hidden Agenda
छुपा मकसद
Rajkot, Gujarat
A history sheeter Vinod Chauhan falls in love with Parul, who is a divorced woman. Parul was divorced after 14 years of her marriage with Anand Mistry. They has a kid also and his name is Harsh. Harsh now lives with Anand but he is shock since her mother left him.

Vinod wants to get rid of all kinds of offenses and want to marry Parul. Vinod is younges among his two brothers who does not live with him but their mother lives with Vinod. Vinod and Parul are busy in doing shoppings of their marriage and Vinod's mother is happy with it.

A day three men suddenly enters Vinod's home. Two of them grabs Parul and Vinod's mother and one kills Vinod slitting his throat. Police is trying to track the case but long time goes. A man who was already a criminal must have many enemies and it was really hard to track the case. Finally they handovers case to Crime Branch.

एक हिस्ट्री शीटर विनोद चौहान को तलाकशुदा पारुल मिस्त्री के प्यार हो जाता है. पारुल आनंद मिस्त्री की पत्नी थी जिसने शादी के 14 साल बाद आनंद को तलाक दे दिया था. आनंद-पारुल का एक बेटा भी है जो की आनंद के साथ रहता है और पारुल के चले जाने से हर्ष हमेशा बहुत गुमसुम रहता है.
Rishina Kandhari and Yashodhan Rana

विनोद जो की आपराधिक छवि का इंसान है, पारुल को लिए वो अपने सभी बुरे काम धंधे छोड़ देना चाहता है. विनोद के दो बड़े भाई भी हैं जो की उससे अलग रहते है और इन तीनो की माँ विनोद के साथ ही रहती है. विनोद पारुल के साथ शादी की तैयारियों के लगा हुआ है. उसकी माँ भी विनोद के इस बदले रूप से बहुत शुश है.

एक दिन अचानक तीन लोग विनोद के घर में आते हैं, उसमे से 2 लोग पारुल और विनोद की माँ को पकड़ते हैं और तीसरा अंदर जाकर विनोद की गाला काट कर हत्या कर देता है. विनोद के हत्या के बाद हंगामा मचा जाता है. पुलिस हर ज़ोर लगाती है की इसकी हत्या कौन कर सकता है. एक आदमी जो पहले से ही अपराधी था उसकी हत्या को लेकर शक की सुई कई तरफ जाती है और बाद में ये मामला क्राइम ब्रांच को सौंप दिया जाता है.

Part 1:
Part 2:

Part 1:
Part 2:

Here is the inside story of the case: