Showing posts with label Sabina Jat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sabina Jat. Show all posts

NETFLIX | Indrani Mukerjea story - buried truth | Crime Patrol | Nirmamta: 2015's Sensational Sheena Bora murder case (Dial 100 Episode 674, 675 on 21, 22 Dec 2017)

A Ruthless Mother

The murder of Sheena Bora has left us with numerous lingering questions. While many secrets have been unveiled, one particular query persists: why did Indrani Mukherjee, who had attained success in every aspect of her life and hailed from one of Mumbai's most esteemed families, choose to take the life of Sheena? Certainly not for financial gain! So, what compelled her to commit such a heinous act?"

Mumbai, 2015
Ex-Police Commissioner Rakesh Maria came to know about some illegal arms deal. His operation was on flow and during the operation, police arrested a car driver from whom police found a 7.66 mm pistol. When police asked him from where did he get this pistol, he was unable to clarify. He also did not have any license for this pistol. First, he said that he found it somewhere unclaimed. 

When police started interrogating him, he opened a secret behind a sensational murder case and hearing that police were completely shocked. This driver's name was Shyamwar Rai and who was Mumbai's well-known business tycoon Indrani Mukherjee's persona driver. He told police that he was involved in Indrani's sister Sheena Bora's murder in 2012 and during the entire game plan Indrani gave him this pistol.

inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion

He told police that there was another man who was also involved in the crime and after killing her sister Sheena in her car, they brought her to Raigarh's forest area and burnt her off. They also buried her. Police were shocked but they did not have any evidence related to this heinous crime. Commissioner Maria nearly spent 3 months collecting evidence and it was time for him to arrest Indrani Mukherjee. Indrani's husband Peter Mukherjee has worked with "Star India" between 1993 to 2007. He was the one behind mega-success of "Kaun Banega Crorepati" and "Kyunki...Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi..."

Indrani got married to Peter in 2002. Peter was then 46 years old while Indrani was 16 years younger to him i.e. 30. According to Peter Indrani was a single mother. She told him that she left his husband after disputes from whom she became the mother of Vidhie. At the time of their marriage, Vidhie was 5 years old. During 2007 Peter and Indrani launched their joint venture INX media. Well-known TV Channel 9X and other TV channels were started under this venture. Indrani was appointed a chairperson of the company. INX media made them the owner of the worth property of 800 crores.

Everything was going well in the family but suddenly a day a girl named Sheena and her brother Mikhail reached Indrani's home to meet her. They were a great surprise for Indrani. Indrani introduced them as her sister and brother to Peter and Peter invited them to stay with them in the same home. Sheena and Mikhail started living there and there Sheena met with Peter's son Rahul Mukherjee. They became good friends and later fell in love with each other. Indrani was not accepting their relationship and planned to eliminate Sheena from their lives.

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Part 2:

Part 1:
Part 2:

Crime Patrol | Rahasya: Mysterious disappearance of a domestic help Razia (Crime Patrol Dial 100)

A Secret
...मौलवी ने ना सिर्फ़ रज़िया कि हत्या की, बल्कि उसको कर टुकड़ों में बाँट कर छोटे टुकड़ों को वो टॉयलेट में समय-समय पर बहता रहा और बड़े हिस्सों को उसके घर से दूर एक खेत में दफ़्न कर आया.

ल-रेहान नाम की एक रिहायशी कॉलोनी में कई सारे मुस्लिम परिवार रहते है. एक सुबह घर के सभी लोग नीचे इकट्ठा होकर कॉलोनी के सीवर में आरही दुर्गंध के बारे में बात कर रहे हैं. A-विंग के लोग B-विंग वालों साफ सफाई को लेकर आरोप लगा रहे हैं और B-विंग वाले लोग A-विंग वालों पर.

कॉलोनी के एक बुजुर्ग मौलवी कासिम साहब सबको ये राय देते हैं की नगरपालिका के सफाई कर्मचारियों को बुला कर यहां की सफाई कार्रवाई जाए। सफाई कर्मचारियों को बुलाया जाता है और वो लोग सीवर की सफाई शुरू करते हैं। सफाई करते हुए सफाई कर्मचारी तब बुरी तरह से घबरा जाते हैं जब सीवर की गन्दगी में उनको एक कटी हुई हथेली मिलती है। पुलिस को बुलाया जाता है और पुलिस कॉलोनी के लोगों से पूछताछ शुरू कर देती है।

पुलिस की तफ्तीश चल रही है इसी बीच इलाके के एक नाले में किसी लाश के कुछ टुकड़े मिलते हैं। पुलिस वो टुकड़े फोरेंसिक में देती हैं और तब ये कंफर्म होता ये टुकड़े और कॉलोनी में मिला हाथ का टुकड़ा एक ही लाश के है जो कि एक औरत की है। पुलिस को इन टुकड़ों के साथ एक अंगूठी और कुछ गहने भी मिलते हैं।

दूसरी ओर कॉलोनी में एक बूढ़ी औरत रोती हुई आती है। वो बताती है कि उसकी बेटी रजिया पिछले कई दिन से लापता है और रजिया इसी कॉलोनी में काम करने आती थी। पुलिस को कुछ शक होता है। वो लोग उस औरत को नाले में से मिले अंगूठी और गहने दिखाती है तो वो महिला बताती है कि ये सब उसकी बेटी रजिया के ही है।

Case 7/2018: 19 year old employed girl Rakhi Bhamaria goes missing while returning from the shop (Episode 894, 895 on 10th, 11th Feb, 2018)

A father is looking for his missing daughter who did not return after she left for her shop a day before. He also asks the shop owner who tell him that Mamta Khandekar left the shop near 6pm with her two other colleagues.
After searching for her sometimes, he finds her dead near a nullah. A number of injuries can be seen on her body.

After reporting to the police, they also find her cycle 200 meters away from the crime spot. The postmortem reveals that the victim was brutally gang-raped before she was murdered and at least two people have raped her.

Police’s prime suspect is Mamta's father who did not search for her daughter during the night and came home and slept. Their other suspect was shop owner because Mamta went missing from his shop but after Mamta’s colleagues confirm that let left the shop together in the evening near 6pm, the police are now looking for other possibilities.

3 months pass but police are not able to find any clue.

inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion

Case 69/2017: Missing girl Hina Khan found buried in a farm (Ep 866/867 on 28/29 Oct, 2017 Crime Patrol Satark)

2017 का उन्हत्तरवा केस
Case 69/2017

मंत्रीपुर के एक खेत में मेढ़ तोड़ते समय एक लड़की की लाश मिलती है जिसका चेहरा बुरी तरह से कुचला गया है जिससे की उसकी पहचान ना हो सके. पलीस जब उस लड़की के बारे में जानकारी इकट्ठा करना शुरू करती है तो उनको इलाक़े में कहीं भी किसी लड़की के ग़ायब होने की ख़बर नहीं मिलती. आसपास के गाँव में ख़बरियों को लगाया जाता है और फिर दूसरे गाँव की पुलिस से हिना खान नाम की एक लड़की के ग़ायब होने की ख़बर मिलती है. उसके माता-पिता को बुला कर ये कन्फ़र्म कराया जाता है की लाश पर जो कपड़े हैं वो हिना के ही हैं और उस दिन हिना अपने कॉलेज के लिए निकली थी और फिर लौट के नहीं आई. परिवार वालों और उसकी दोस्तों आरज़ू और नग़मा का भी कहना है उसका कभी भी किसी भी लड़के से चक्कर नहीं रहा और वो कॉलेज में सिर्फ़ पढ़ाई करने जाती थी और कुछ नहीं.

इसी तहक़ीक़ात के दौरान गाँव में एक और अजीबो-ग़रीब घटना घटती है. गाँव के एक इलाक़े में आसमान से पत्थरों की बारिश होती है जिसके बीच छोटे से बच्चे आदि का अपहरण हो जाता है.

While breaking the rams in a farm in Mantripur, the body of a girl is found whose face has been crushed badly so that she cannot be identified. When the police starts collecting information about that girl, they do not get news of any girl missing anywhere in the area. The news is put in the surrounding village and then the police of another village gets the news of the disappearance of a girl named Hina Khan. Her parents are summoned to confirm that the clothes on the corpse belong to Hina and that day Hina left for her college and did not come back again. Family members and her friends say that she never had an affair with any boy and she only went to study in the college, nothing else.

During this investigation, another strange phenomenon happens in the village. In one area of ​​the village, there is a rain of stones from the sky between which a small kid Aadi is abducted.
Online Episode on SonyLiv:

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aadi, nishikan dixit, neelam das, urmila kanojia, mantripur, nagma syed, hina khan, aarzu, bhavin bhanushali, arshad khan, ravi singh, nazar khan

Crime Patrol | Case 14/2017: Kotak Mahindra Bank Cashier Ravi Kumar murdered with a lethal injection (Episode 772 on 3 March 2017)

2017 का चौदहवाँ केस
Case 14/2017

Similar story featured by Crime Patrol Dial 100
Episode 465, Allahabad Murder Case
Featuring Ankita Dubey, Anurag Gupta, Sushil Tyagi, Inam Ul Haq

Police arrest Physiotherapist Dinesh Kaushal in case of an assault. Dinesh attacked banker Praveen Jaiswal in the market while he was leaving for his home from his office. When Praveen was about to take an auto-rickshaw for his home, suddenly Dinesh came from the back and injected a syringe on his neck.

Local people who saw him injecting immediately chased him and gave him to the police. On the other hand, Praveen was admitted to the hospital where according to doctors his condition is serious. Doctors are saying that the syringe injected to him had a lethal combination of Anaesthesia medicines. On interrogation, Dinesh tells police that he stole these medicines from a hospital's inventory a month back.
inside story

Be-Tarteeb: Engineer Nasik girl Madhuri Satam's mysterious murder (Episode 711, 712 on 17th, 18th September, 2016)

A colony in Mumbai is shaken with three sudden incidents in which two person were killed and one was badly injured. Two of them were Security guards and one of them was died after a brutal attack. Other security guard also passes through similar attack but doctors saves his life. He tells police that someone came in the middle of night and attacked him from back so he could not recognise number of attacker or their face.
Few days after these attacks in the middle of night a man named Shambhu suddenly observes a man is coming down through his balcony. He shouts and asks his security guard to catch him but that man flees. Jayesh, who is living just above Shambhu's flat asks Shambhu about the incident but when Jayesh tries to come out of his room, he finds his room is locked from out side. He is knocking the door but Madhuri, his sister who sleeps in the drawing room does not open the door. Jayesh is scared and asks Shambhu and few other society members to come from stairs and knock the door from out side. Madhuri does not open the door from out side too. Finally they decides to break the door and when they enter into Jayesh's drawing room, they finds Madhuri in a pool of blood.

sonakshi more, sabina jat

Crime Patrol | Ghar Wapsi: Duo Brothers beheads sister over her love affair (Episode 683 on 15 July 2016)

घर वापसी
Ghar Wapsi

Two brothers Nawed and Shahil Farooqui of Kasimgarh in Uttar Pradesh beheads their own sister Amina in front of the whole village warns the village that no one will not even think to follow Amina.

अमीना नावेद और साहिल की बहन है जिसकी हत्या खुद नावेद और साहिल कर देते हैं। वो दोनों अमीना को सारे गाँव वालों के सामने घसीटते हुए लाते हैं और सबके सामने उसका सर धड़ से अलग कर देते हैं। इसके अलावा वो गाँव वालों को चेतावनी भी देते हैं की जैसी ज़ुर्रत अमीना ने की है वैसी कोई करने का सोचे भी नहीं वर्ना उसका अंजाम भी यही होगा।

Nakamiyaab: Pankaj Sinha's master plan to eliminate wife Geeta Sinha (Episode 623, 625 on 20th, 21st February, 2016)

Pankaj Sinha lives in Patna with his wife and a child. According to his wife Geeta Sinha, he is an ideal husband, but Pankaj is actually plotting to kill Geeta. Pankaj had an affair with Geeta's cousin Nisha four years ago, which started when Geeta came to her home to take care of Geeta during her pregnancy. Geeta came to know about this affair in time and after Geeta created a ruckus, everything was handled.
Geeta thinks Pankaj and Nisha has no connction now, but even after four years of their marriage, Pankaj and Nisha continue their relationship and both are in constant contact with each other.

It is Holi and Pankaj is talking with some criminals as to why those people have not been able to finish Geeta yet. This contract killing planted by Pankaj has so far attempted to kill Geeta thrice but has not been successful so far. After failing three times, Pankaj himself makes a master plan to kill Geeta and plans a Nalanda picnic trip with her brother-in-law's family and her family.
Aditi Asija, Dolphin Dubey, Gyanendra Tripathi, Rajeev Bhardwaj, Sabina Jat, Vikas Salgotra, anmol, bihar, geeta, nisha, pankaj, sanjeev tyagi, varanasi

Human Trafficking: 17 year old Priya brought to Mumbai brothel by boyfriend Baapi (26th October, 2015)

ह्यूमन ट्रैफ़िकिंग
Human Trafficking
प्रिया नाबालिग है और अपनी माँ के साथ रहती है। उसकी माँ उसको लेकर बहुत सख्त है। प्रिया एक लड़की बापी से प्यार करती है और शादी करना चाहती है मगर उसकी माँ ऐसा नहीं होने देना चाहती है। बापी उसको बहला-फुसला कर मुंबई लेकर भाग जाता है। उसकी परेशान माँ पुलिस में प्रिया की मिसिंग कम्प्लेन दर्ज कराती है और बापी के बारे में भी बताती है।
इन्वेस्टीगेशन शुरू होने पर पता चलता है की प्रिया ह्यूमन ट्रैफिकिंग में फंस गई है। बापी उसको मुंबई लेकर एक औरत से मिलवाता है जिसको वो अपनी बहन बताता है मगर वो औरत प्रिया को वेश्यावृत्ति के लिए दबाव डालती है।

बंगाल पुलिस मुंबई पुलिस की सहायता से उसी एरिया में राइड डालती है और फिर शुरू होती है बापी और प्रिया को ढूंढने की जद्दोदहत।

Anti Social Network: Brutal murder of businessman Premvir Bajwa (Episode 475, 476 on 27th, 28th Feb 2015)

एंटी सोशल नेटवर्क
Anti Social Network
Premvir Bajwa is a businessman and is a short tempered man. He often fights with his wife Kulbeen and daughter Anchal. He behaves badly with his daughter and stops her using Internet because according to him use of Internet will bring her on a wrong path. He also did not buy mobile phone for Anchal.
A day when Premvir is sitting with his businessman friend, six men comes with shovel and spade and attacks Premvir. Premvir tries to runaway from the place but he could not succeeds and collapses on spot. All masked attackers runs away from the place.

Police starts their investigation with one of the person who was having business revelry with Premvir but he gets shocked when police tells him that Premvir is murdered. Police questions Premvir's wife Kulbeer and she tells him about Premvir's bad behaviour for her daughter and herself. She tells police that by nature Premvir was really very bad man and he had so many people in his life who hates him. She also tells that he often used to beat both of them.

Police investigation reveals that they both used to fight with each other and they also finds a five year old case where Kulbeer lodged a police complain against Premvir that he beats him badly. Some how police managed to made a compromised between them. Now police tries to find out what the other things Kulbeer is trying to hide from them.

प्रेमवीर बजवा एक बिजनेसमैन है जो की बहुत सख्त मिजाज़ का है. आये दिन उसका उसकी बीवी कुलबीर और बेटी आँचल से झगडा होता है. उसको उसकी बेटी का इन्टरनेट पे काम करना बिलकुल भी पसंद नहीं है और इसी वजह से उसने आँचल को मोबाइल भी खरीद कर नहीं दिया है. छोटी छोटी बातों पर कुलबीर को डांटना और मारना उसकी आदत है और कभी कभी वो आँचल पर भी हाथ उठता है।

Crime Patrol | Ties that Bind: Double murder of mother and daughter (Episode 452 on 2nd Jan 2015)

रिश्तों का बंधन
Ties that Bind
Kinargunj, 2015
Mukul is a resident of Kinargunj but works at Mumbai. He is eldest among two sisters. One of his sister Sonakshi (played by Sarika Dhillon) is married and other one Komal (real name Heena Grover and played by Sabina Jat) is about to get marry. Whole family is busy in preparation of her marriage. Sonakshi lives in Kinargunj with her husband while Komal and mother Shanti (real name Usha Grover played by Reshma Merchant) lives together in their home. An evening Mukul tries her mother's number many times but she do not pick his call. He is very nervous because usually he talks to his mother daily but it is first time that noone is picking his call. He calls Sonakshi and she tells him that he will go to meet them next day. When she reaches home, she is shocked to see that her mother Shanti and Komal both are murdered. Komal is dead and lying-in on floor of her bedroom while mother Shanti is in her bedroom. A word "Yog" written by Komal's blood on the wall of her bedroom where she is lying-in. Looks like Komal tries to hint name of the murdered. When police starts investigation, they comes to know that there was an electrician Yogesh who was working at their home few months back and he was caught red handed while peeping inside Komal's bedroom. He also used to stare at Komal. Watching his activities he was banished from home.

Now police starts searching electrician Yogesh.
किनारगंज, 2015
मुकुल किनारगंज का रहना वाला है और मुंबई ने नौकरी करता है. वो दो बहनों में सबसे बड़ा है और अपनी बड़ी बहन सोनाक्षी की शादी करवा चुका है जो की उससे एक साल छोटी है और अब परिवार छोटी बहन कोमल की शादी में व्यस्त है. एक शाम को अपनी माँ को कई बार फ़ोन करता है मगर फ़ोन नहीं उठ रहा है. वो काफी घबराया हुआ है क्युकी ऐसा पहले कभी भी नहीं हुआ था. वो सोनाक्षी को फ़ोन करके बोलता है की वो घर जाकर पता करे की माँ फ़ोन क्यों नहीं उठा रही है. वो जब घर जाती है तो देख कर घबरा जाती है की उसकी माँ और कोमल दोनों की बुरी तरह से हत्या कर दी गई है.

Crime Patrol | Trouble Shooting: Attack on a teacher Girdhar Bisht (Episode 436, 437 on 22, 23 Nov 2014)

Trouble Shooting
मुसीबत का हल

Girdhar Bisht, originally from Bindampur Village, is employed as a school teacher in Dehradun. He prefers spending his holidays in the comfort of his home. Girdhar's household is a joint family, comprising not only himself and his wife but also his brother's family. His brother has two daughters: the elder, Preeti (real name Shwetha Chandrashekar Haarigency, 22, portrayed by Vinita Joshi Thakkar), and the younger, Nootan (real name Sushma Chandrashekar Haarigency, portrayed by Sabina Jat). Girdhar's only son resides abroad.

Preeti, who struggled academically and dropped out of college, is romantically involved with Ajit Jogi (real name Ravi Shankar Naukudakar, 22, portrayed by Saheem Khan), a notorious individual with a criminal record, primarily for burglaries. Despite her family's strong opposition, Preeti's relationship with Ajit persists. In an attempt to mitigate the situation, the family decides to send Preeti to stay with her uncle, Girdhar Bisht, but she returns home shortly thereafter.

During one of his travels from his hostel to his residence, Girdhar Bisht is ambushed by two assailants on a motorcycle who shoot him at close range. Despite being gravely injured, Girdhar manages to summon help by contacting the hospital before losing consciousness. Subsequently, he is transported to the hospital by ambulance, and the police notify his family after discovering his identification card at the scene of the incident.

Another significant event involving Preeti occurred during her college years. A fellow student named Johny Garg (played by Chirag Mehra) developed romantic feelings for her and expressed a desire to marry her, a sentiment known to nearly everyone in their college community.

गिरधर बिष्ठ देहरादून के एक स्कूल में टीचर है जो की बिन्दमपुर गाँव से सम्बन्ध रखते हैं. अपनी नौकरी के चलते वो छुट्टियों में अपने घर आते जाते हैं. घर पर उनकी पत्नी और उनके अलावा उनका भाई और उसका परिवार रहता है. गिरधर बिष्ठ एक एक बेटा है जो की देश से बाहर रहता है. उनके भाई की दो बेटियां हैं. बड़ी का नाम प्रीती और छोटी का नाम नूतन है. प्रीती कुछ बिगडैल टाइप की है जिसका चोरी चाकरी करने वाले एक छोटे मोटे अपराधी से चक्कर है जो की उसके घर वालों को बिलकुल भी पसंद नहीं है और इसके चलते वो उसको उसके ताऊ गिरधर के साथ देहरादून रहने के लिए भेज देते हैं मगर कुछ समय बाद प्रीती वापस आ जाती है.

कॉलेज में छुट्टी होने पर गिरधर एक दिन अपने स्कूटर से देहरादून से अपने घर के लिए जा रहे थे की अचानक एक बाइक पर सवार दो लोगों में से एक उनपर गोलियां चालाता है. गिरधर बिष्ठ को गोलियां लगती हैं और वो सड़क पर बुरी तरह से गिर पड़ते हैं. बेहोश होते होते वो एम्बुलेंस को फ़ोन कर देते हैं. कुछ समय बाद एम्बुलेंस आ जाती है और उनको अस्पताल के जाती है. उसके आईडी कार्ड के आधार पर उनके घर पर सूचित किया जाता है.

Crime Patrol | Gundaraj - G@ng r@pe victim teenage Vidya becomes a political toy (Episode 358, 359 on 19, 20 Apr 2014)


Another story of lust, brutality and hooliganism in our country. The case puts a question mark on what we learned after the Nirbhaya case! Since that was a case of Delhi where people are so aware that from the start of the incident the case was covered by media, but do you know these kinds of cases have become a usual thing in small cities and villages!

 Story of Vidya, who became a victim of five men’s lust. They kidnapped her, had fun with her, again kidnapped her and put her on a railway track and finally burnt her. The daughter of a member of the taxi driver’s union was harassed several times by local goons. After her kidnap and attack, the family filed FIR at the police station but police took it lightly. Her family still saying, the case could have been tackled if the police would have taken their responsibility on time. They never took any strong action against the men since they filed the first FIR. Police also lied that the family’s second FIR was just of molestation, not the actual crime. Police wrote the FIR was in Bangla which could not be well understood by the family.

After she burnt, when family members requested hospital doctors to allow them to transfer her another hospital, the doctor said they will not be responsible if anything wrong happens during the transfer. She was kept in a hospital that did not have a Burn Unit. According to the police, the girl was pregnant when she was burnt. Kolkata police’s initial guess was she tried to do su!c!de, but after her statement, it was revealed that she was attacked by two men who put kerosene on her burned her. She was 80% burned.

 During Feb the case was handed over to DIG, CID Damyanti Sen. Justice Dipankar Dutta also allowed her to select her own team to monitor the investigation at every stage. For your information, IPS Damyanti Sen also solved the Park Street case of a middle-aged woman who was an ex-call center employee at Kolkata (Rita Gomez Case).

पश्चिम बंगाल के गाँव रुई बागची के पांच गुंडे जिनकी गुंडागर्दी के साए में पूरा गाँव जी रहा है. अपने बाबा की सुबह की चाय के लिए दूध लेने घर से निकली विद्या इनके गंदे इरादों का शिकार हो जाती है. विद्या के घर वाले उसकी गुमशुदगी की रिपोर्ट पुलिस थाने में लिखवाते हैं मगर पुलिस वाले इसको गंभीरता से नहीं लेते. कुछ गाँव के बताने पर विद्या बहुत ही ख़राब हालत में एक खेत में मिलती है.
Amit Roy, Boloram Das, Chetanya Adib, Damayanti sen, gang rape, kolkata, Kundan Roy, Madhyamgram, Muzaffar Khan, pregnant, rita gomez, Sabina Jat, Ujjwal Chopra, vidya, west bengal
Vidya played by Sabina Jat
रात को FIR दज करने के बाद जब विद्या अपने घर लौट रही होती है तो एक बार फिर वही गुंडे उसे उसके माता पिता के सामने एक बार फिर उठा कर ले जाते हैं. बिरजू नाम का युवक उसे फिर अपनी हवस का शिकार बनता है. जब वो बेहोश हो जाती है तो वो लोग उसे एक रेलवे ट्रैक पर छोड़ आते हैं. विद्या रेलवे पुलिस द्वारा बचा ली जाती है. मीडिया और लोगों के दबाव के बाद पांचो अपराधियों को पुलिस गिरफ्तार कर लेती है.

विद्या के घर को पुलिस सुरक्षा मिलती है मगर घर के बाहर निकलने पर उन लोगों को केस वापस लेने के लिए धमकियाँ मिलनी शुरू हो जाती हैं. विद्या के घर वाले डरे हुए हैं और मजबूरी में स्थिति से दूर चले जाने का मन बनाते हैं और गाँव छोड़ कर विद्या के मामा के यहाँ चले जाते हैं, मगर कुछ समय बाद वहां भी उन लोगों को धमकियाँ मिलने लगती है और आखिरकार विद्या पर एक बार और आखिरी हमला होता है.

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