Showing posts with label Samar Katyan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Samar Katyan. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | Case 11/2017: Three persons of a family killed pushing cab into canal (Episode 766, 767, 768 on 10, 11, 12 February 2017)

2017 का ग्यारहवाँ केस
Case 11/ 2017
Younger brother Mukesh comes in touch with Baba Kaleem and Kaleem assures him that their all problems will vanish if they will visit few Dargah. The family, except Kishan and his wife, starts visiting Dargaah with Baba Kaleem. In the meantime, some circumstances arise and Baba Kaleem suggests family visit Fakeerdaula's Dargah which is quite far from their home. Family plans to go there and finally a morning they all except Kishan and his wife, leaves for Fakeerdaula's Dargah. Next morning few villagers find a vehicle sunk into the canal and this vehicle was carrying few people also in it. Police find three bodies in the vehicle and rest of the person among Jahnvi, Baba Kaleem and driver is missing.
मुकेश और किशन दो सगे भाई हैं और इनकी जाह्नवी इनकी छोटी बहन है। इनके पिता लकवा के मरीज़ हैं जिनका बायां शरीर पूरा लकवाग्रस्त है। पूरे परिवार में सभी का एक दुसरे से खासा लगाव है और सभी चाहते हैं की पिता पहले की तरह स्वस्थ हो जाएँ और इसके लिए किशन के अलावा सभी दवाओं से ज़्यादा दुआओं पे विश्वास करने लगे हैं जो की किशन को बिलकुल भी पसंद नहीं है। किशन का मानना हैं की पिताजी को जगह जगह मंदिर और दरगाहों पे टहलाने के बजाये अगर ठीक से इलाज करवाया जाए तो उनकी सेहत पे ज़्यादा अच्छा फर्क पड़ेगा।
inside story

Crime Patrol | Case 20/2019: Panna Lal who Died in UP, found alive in Mumbai after 3 years (Ep 98, 99 on 27, 28 Nov 2019 Crime Patrol Satark Season 2)

2019 का बीसवाँ केस
Case 20/2019

(An unusual missing case, Ep. 98, 99)
Gulab and Madhu are married, but their relationship is strained. Madhu dislikes both Gulab and his parents because of a dowry case filed against them. Gulab and his family were greedy for money, and as a result, they demanded dowry from Madhu's parents. Madhu also suspects Gulab of having an affair with a girl whom he speaks to over the phone when no one is around.
In addition to this, Madhu herself is involved in an affair with Birju, her brother's friend, who is an auto driver.

The story takes another turn when Gulab suddenly goes missing. A missing person report is filed, and during the investigation, the police find Gulab's buried motorcycle on a farm. It appears to be a case of kidnapping and murder, and when the police examine Gulab's call records, they discover a number belonging to a Muslim girl named Nagma who disappeared on the same day. The police suspect that Gulab may have eloped with Nagma, and when they track her phone location, they discover that she has changed her name to Nalini and is living with another boy named Dheeraj.
गुलाब की शादी मधू से हुई है मगर दोनों के बीच के संबंध ठीक नहीं हैं। मधू न तो गुलाब को पसंद करती है और न ही उसके मा-बाप को। असल मे उसकी इस नफरत के पीछे गुलाब और उसके परिवार का उसको दहेज को लेकर परेशान करना है। इसके अलावा मधू को ये भी लगता है की गुलाब का किसी और लड़की के साथ अफेर है क्युकी उसने कई बार गौर किया है की उसके मोबाईल पे किसी का फोन आता है जिससे वो छिप छिप के बात करता है।

इन सबके अलावा मधू का भी विक्रांत नाम के एक लड़के से अफेर चल रहा है। विक्रांत मधू के बड़े भाई बिरजू का जिगरी दोस्त है जो की ऑटो चलाता है।

inside story
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एक दिन गुलाब अचानक कहीं गायब हो जाता है। उसके न मिलने पर पुलिस उसको खोजती है तो एक खेत मे उसकी बाइक दफन मिलती है जिससे पुलिस का शक इस तरफ जाता है की कहीं गुलाब की हत्या तो नहीं की गई है। मधू पुलिस को बताती है की गुलाब किसी से फोन पे बात करता था। जब पुलिस उस नंबर का पता करती है तो पता चलता है की ये नंबर एक मुस्लिम लड़की नगमा का है। इसके बाद पुलिस को पता चलता है की नगमा भी अपने घर से गायब है। पुलिस का मानना है की गुलाब जरूर नगमा के साथ भाग होगा और जब नगमा की काल डिटेल्स के आधार पर उसको खोजने पुलिस उसके घर जाती है तो पता चलता है की नगमा ने अपना नया नाम नलिनी रखा हुआ है मगर उसके साथ गुलाब नहीं कोई और है।

Crime Patrol Case 16/2019: Telangana's Nithari Kaand. Man killed 3 girls, buried in an abandoned well (Ep 91/92 on 18/19 Nov, 2019 Crime Patrol Satark Season 2)

2019 का सोलहवां केस
Case 16/2019
(Disguise, Ep. 91, 92)
Three girls from a village go missing where two were minor and third was a graduate student. First girl Durga went missing in 2016 and then rest on the two went missing this year. Let's watch how police unfolded this mysterious case and know the real story behind the episodes.
तेलंगाना के एक गाँव से एक के बाद एक 3 लड़कियां गायब होती हैं। इनमे से 2 लड़कियां नाबालिग थी जब की सबसे बाद मे गायब हुई लड़की दुर्गा ग्रैजवैशन की छात्रा थी।पुलिस की जांच के बाद पता चलता है की ये तीनों लड़कियों को रेप कर के मार दिया गया था और इन तीनों की लाश गाँव के बाहरी ओर स्थित एक पुराने कुएं मे मिलती है।

inside story
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Crime Patrol Case 14/2019: Dehradun's Kamna Rohilla murder case (Ep 88/89 on 13/14 Nov, 2019 Crime Patrol Satark Season 2)

2019 का चौदवां केस
Case 14/2019
The story is based on the murder case of Kamna Rohilla from Dehradun who was the wife of Transport business owner Rajesh Rohilla. Basically, Rajesh was belonging to Meerut but to set up his business he shifted to Dehradun.
This all started in 2009 when people of our country were relying on PCO booths apart from cell phones because at that time cell phone calls were costly. There was a PCO located at the same premises where Ashok was having his office in Dehradun. This PCO was run by a brother-sister duo and this girl's name was Natasha. Continuous interaction between Ashok and Natasha turned to affection from both sides. But the story took another turn when Natasha's brother's fiance Kaamna got in touch with Ashok. Now Ashok started liking her more than Natasha and later proposed her. Kamna also fell in love with Ashok. She left Natasha's bother for Ashok and now their affair started. This affair started for the next 5 years and in 2014 they both tied a knot. Their family was against their marriage but soon after convincing them, they have an arranged marriage also.

Profile: Bhawna Barthwal

ये कहानी आधारित है देहरादून की एक घटना पर। राजेश रोहिल्ला मेरठ के सरधना का रहने वाला था और देहरादून मे रहकर ट्रांसपोर्ट के बिजनस को संभालता था। उसके मा-बाप और बाकी घर वाले मेरठ मे ही रहते थे। bबिज़्नेस के चलते अशोक का ज्यादा से ज्यादा समय देहरादून मे ही बीतता था।

कहानी की शुरुवात होती है 2009 से जब देश मे मोबाईल काल काफी महगी थी और काल करने के लिए लोग मोबाईल के अलावा PCO का इस्तेमाल भी करते थे। देहरादूनके जिस इलाके मे अशोक का ऑफिस था उसी के सामने एक pco था जो की 2 भाई बहन चलाते थे। इस लड़की का नाम था रेखा। धीरे धीरे अशोक की नताशा के भाई से दोस्ती हो गई और साथ ही साथ उसको नताशा भी भा गई थी। दूसरी तरफ नताशा भी अशोक को पसंद करने लगी थी। दोनों के बीच प्यार की शुरुवात ठीक से हुई भी नहीं थी की एक और कहानी ने जनम ले लिया। कामना नाम की एक लड़की भी अक्सर नताशा के pco पर काल करने आने लागी और देखते ही देखते अशोक का मन नताशा से हट कर कामना पर जा अटका। असल मे कामना नताशा के भाई की गर्लफ्रेंड थी मगर अशोक का मन उसको देख कर कुछ ऐसा लट्टू हुआ की उसने कामना को अपना बनाने की ठान ली। कामना ने भी नताशा के भाई से अपने रिश्ते को पूरी तरह से खतम कर दिया।

2009 से शुरू हुआ ये अफेर आखिरकार 2014 मे इन दोनों की शादी पर जाकर समाप्त हुआ। अशोक ने देहरादून की एक पाश नेहरू कालोनी मे अपना फ्लैट खरीदा। इन दोनों की शादी...KNOW MORE ABOUT THE CASE

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Online Episode on SonyLiv:
Part 1:
Part 2:

Online Episode on MXPlayer:
Part 1:
Part 2:

Online Episode on YouTube (Available in few countries):
Part 1:
Part 2:

Crime Patrol Case 10/2019: KANPUR'S DIVYA KAAND - Minor Divya brutally molested to kill (Ep 81/82 on 4/5 Nov, 2019 on Crime Patrol Sarark Season 2)

2019 का दसवां केस
Case 10/2019
10-year-old Shruti (Divya or Anushka) is having heavy bleeding in school. For instance, the school's teacher and maid think it is normal bleeding but then they feel it is not as usual as it should be. Due to excessive bleeding Shruti is now fainted. School maids bring her to hospital and in-between informs her mother. Shruti's mother reaches the hospital and nurses theirs tells her that she was dead on arrival.
What happened to her in school that she couldn't survive? Here is the full story of one of the most shocking cases of UP which took 8 years in getting the final judgment. You will also understand the power of Political goons whose influence on the UP Police was bigger than their sole.

Episode is based a real story of Kanpur in 2010 whose verdict came last year. Divya Bhadauriya was elder daughter of Sonu Bhadauriya who was employed in a mall. The case was one of the most highlighted cases of the nation that year and was known as #DivyaKaand

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Crime Patrol: Aagantuk - Shubham's murder opens truth behind many unknown facts (Crime Patrol Satark Season 2, Ep 48, 49 on 18/19 Sep, 2019)

If you know its Inside Story, please help me and comment the link below :)
Shubham a father of 3 kids is a freelancer website content writer. Jiya is the youngest in the family who is a minor and Tara is his eldest daughter while Aman is between Jiya and Tara. Aman is addicted to drugs. A day Shubham catches him red-handed so Shumbham and his wife Nandini decide to keep Aman away from their home. Shubham believes once Aman will get into some responsibilities, he will understand the value of money and time.
Aman is finally away from the home and now he is staying with some of his friends. After this, a day Shubham leaves his home towards Delhi for some business purpose but does not return. His phone is also unreachable. Maharashtra police find his body in Pune and now it is a matter of suspicion. Why Shubham was found in Pune while he was traveling to Delhi? Nandini points her finger towards son Aman who was already fade-up with his father Shubham so Police arrests Aman for questioning.

On the other hand, a private detective who is retired from Police, calls the investigation officer of this case and tells him that he can help him solve this case and police are shocked to know another truth that Shubham was the stepfather of these three kids. Before the demise of Aman’s real father, Shubham used to reside near their home on rent and came closer to Nandini. Their real father started having doubts on Nandini’s character so he approached this detective to bring some proof. After watching all evidence before him, he died of shock.

Crime Patrol: Bandish - Goa's gangster Ashvin Rege shot dead (Ep 36, 37 - Crime Patrol Satark Season 2 on 02, 03 Sep 2019)

Ashwin Reggie is a gangster who has a business partner living next door. Although he and his wife Bharti do not have any children, he shares a close bond with his partner's daughter, Komal, who is currently studying in Rome.
One morning, Ashwin and his driver were shot by two individuals posing as police officers. Initially, the police suspected a rival gang whose leader had been killed by Ashwin in the past. However, during their investigation, Komal discloses to the police that Bharti had been having an extramarital affair with her father, which was the motive behind Ashwin's murder.
अश्विन रेगी एक गैंस्टर है जिसका एक पड़ोसी भी है जो की उसका बिज़्नेस पार्ट्नर है. अश्विन की पत्नी का नाम भारती है और दोनो की कोई संतान नहीं है मगर उसके पार्ट्नर की बेटी कोमल इस परिवार के बहुत क़रीब है जो की रोम में पढ़ाई कर रही है.

एक सुबह जब अश्विन कहीं के लिए निकला है तो दो लोग जो कि पुलिस के भेष में है उसकी गाड़ी को रोकते हैं और इससे पहले की वो कुछ समझ पाए वो दोनो अश्विन और उसके ड्राइवर को गोलियों से ढेर कर देते हैं.

पुलिस का पहला शक एक दूसरी गैंग पर जाता है जिसके सरगना को कुछ समय पहले अश्विन ने ख़ुद मौत के घाट उतारा है. इसके बाद पुलिस जब कोमल का बयान लेती है तो वो बताती है की अश्विन की पत्नी भारती और कोमल के पिता के बीच नाजायज़ सम्बंध हैं जिसके चलते उसके पिता ने अश्विन को मरवाया है.

Crime Patrol | Case 37/2018: Undercover CID Officer Puneet Died of an Heartattack (Episode 944 on 29 Dec 2018)

2018 का सैंतीसवां केस
Case 37/2018
First time Moin Azam Khan in a Negative role
Undercover CID Officer Puneet lives with his wife and kids. A night while returning from his works he goes missing. His wife raises police complaint also asks his senior officer if he sent him for some secret operation but he also has no clue about Puneet.
The next day his body is recovered by the police. Postmortem report reveals that he died of a heart attack while his family is sure that he never had such health issues related to heart! Police start their questioning with wife Swati, her friend, and friend's husband Anand but do not reach some conclusion.

Both CID and police teams are doing an investigation at their end. In meanwhile Puneet's second postmortem report reveals that he did not die of a natural heart-attack but an injection was given to him that invoked heart-attack and he died.
inside story
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Based on the murder case of IB Officer Chetan Prakash Galana. He found dead while returning to his home in Jhalawar, Rajasthan. The postmortem report revealed that he died of Heart Attack.

This is the first time Moin Azam Khan played a negative role in crime patrol.


Here is the inside story:

Crime Patrol | Case 21/2018: Madhya Pradesh girl abducted, r*ped and sold thrice (Episode 923, 924 on 26 May 2018)

2018 का इकीसवां केस
Case 21/2018
The story comes from Balwada village in Madhya Pradesh(MP)'s district Khargone which comes under Indore division. It is located 214 kilometers far from state capital Bhopal. The Incident was reported by media on 8th Feb this year when a missing girl (played by Meenakshi Dahiya) came back to her home after 7 months. And within these seven months, she was molested and sold thrice.
This all started on 3rd June last year (2017) when after having arguments with her elder brother girl left the home for her maasi (mother's sister) in Pithampur. On the bus towards Pithampur, she met with a guy Antim Shitole who was already known to her. After hearing to the girl Antim suggested her come with him rather than his aunt's home and he will help her get married so the rest of her life will go peaceful and smooth. From there Antim brought her to Indore and then with his two more companions Anil and Alpesh, he brings her to Pratapgarh (Rajasthan) where this duo runs a marriage bureau. In Pratapgarh he molested her and then sold her to the duo in INR 50,000 (approx $725).
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Case 16/2018: Begusarai Triple Murder, family found lying on the terrace (Episode 912, 913 on 21, 22 Apr, 2018)

The story starts with a triple murder. And then shown another previous murder where a man was killed by two assailants.

That was a triple murder of property dealer Manoj Gupta, his wife Sunaina Gupta and daughter Shipra Gupta who went to sleep on their house's terrace. In the morning when Sunaina did not come downstairs to make tea, Manoj's brother went to look at them on the terrace. Terrace's door was open and when he entered there he found his brother, sister in law and niece dead.
Police was called immediately. Primary investigation reveals that their house's terrace is easily reachable from out side the home and assailants must have entered from there. Further police finds that Manoj had two more partner in his business and his fourth business partner was shot dead a year before...Know More

28 जून 2016 को ये घटना बिहार के बेगूसराय में रिपोर्ट हुई थी। 28 जून की रात जब एक प्रॉपर्टी डीलर अमित कुमार पोद्दार, उसकी पत्नी प्रियंका कुमारी और चार साल का आर्यन कुमार छत पर सो रहे थे तो कुछ अज्ञात बदमाशों ने उनके ऊपर अटैक किया था जिसमे इन तीनो को ही मार दिया गया था। किसी तरह का कोई शोर-शराबा ना हो इसलिए इन्तीनो को तकिए से दम घोट कर और गला रेत कर मारा था। ये माना जा रहा था की हमलावर अमित को मारने आए थे मगर जब उनको लगा की उसकी पत्नी और बेटी हंगामा कर सकते हैं तो उन्होंने इन दोनो को भी मार दिया। उस रात इन पति-पत्नी की शादी की सालगिरह थी जिसको मनाने के बाद ये लोग अपने बच्चे को लेकर ऊपर सोने चले आए थे। उस समय घर के इन तीनो के अलावा अमित का छोटा भाई सुमित पोद्दार और माँ मकान में नीचे थे और इस पूरी वारदात की कोई भी आहट इन लोगों को नहीं लगी थी।

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पुलिस का शक पूरी तरह से अमित के व्यवसाय को लेकर था क्यूँकि वो एक प्रॉपर्टी डीलर था मगर पुलिस के पास फ़िलहाल इस बात को लेकर कोई पुख़्ता सबूत नहीं थे।अमित के पत्नी प्रियंका शहर के मोहम्मदपुर के इसी घर में सरस्वती कोचिंग इन्स्टिटूट नाम से कोचिंग सेंटर चलाती थी और वो अमित की दूसरी पत्नी थी। प्रारम्भिक इन्वेस्टिगेशन में पुलिस का मानना था की इस हत्या के पीछे कोई इनके परिवार का या फिर कोई क़रीबी व्यक्ति शामिल होगा क्यूँकि की जिस तरह से घटना को अंजाम दिया गया है, वो कोई जानने वाला ही कर सकता है। २८ जून को घटी ये घटना अगले दिन सुबह प्रकाश में आइ जब अमित का छोटा भाई सुमित इनलोगों के ढूँढता हुआ ऊपर छत पर आया। उसका कहना था की जब वो छत पर आया तो छत का दरवाज़ा खुला हुआ था जबकि आमतौर पर देखा जाए तो छत पर सोने वाला व्यक्ति दरवाज़े को अपनी तरफ़ से बंद कर के ही सोता है...Know More

Part 1: Bodies On The Roof 1
Part 2: Bodies On The Roof 2

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Crime Patrol | Case 13/2018: Farmer Balraj (Laxman) beheaded in the dark night in his farm (Episode 906, 907 on 31 Mar, 01 Apr 2018)

2018 का तेरहवाँ केस
Case 13/2018
(नरमुण्ड का रहस्य, Ep 906, 907)

Vijaylal Kushwaha is the father of three sons Balraj Kushwaha (real name Laxman Singh Saini & played by Sriraj Singh), Praveen Kushwaha (played by Sunil Saraswat) and Shivraj Kushwaha (real name Tinku and played by Puneet Kumar). A dark night when electricity has just come, father, Vijaylal asks his sons (real name Shivam) to go to the farm for watering. Balraj, Praveen and Praveen's son moves towards the farms with a torch in their hands. Reaching their farms they find another villager Dharam Purohit is already there in the farm whose hands and mouth are tied with rope. 2 masked men holding the sword in their hands captured him. Those men are quiet and not saying anything to anyone. They point their swords towards all three and ties down their hands and mouths too.

Now they bring all of them one by one behind a tree and bring them back. They again bring Balraj towards a tree that is nearly 100 meters away and then does not return. After sometime somehow Praveen opens his hands and then set all of them free. Completely scared and in shock all 4 runs towards the village and tells villagers about the entire incident. Now the entire village starts finding Balraj who was taken away by those goons. In the meantime, Balraj's youngest brother Shivraj comes back from Kanpur. He also gets scared of seeing a crowd outside his house. Now Dharam calls the police and tells them about the entire incident. Police also starts looking for Balraj and finds his headless torso somewhere in the farms.... watch the full story here:

inside story

Case 12/2018: Shootout at Varanasi market. Businessman Mohan Nigam died on spot (Episode 904, 905 on 17th, 18th March 2018)

2018 का बारहवां केस
Case 12/2018
A market area in Varanasi is suddenly shake​n​ by four rounds of fire. That was near 8:30 in the evening when the area’s electricity was cut due to a storm. When other shop owners come, finds a 50-year-old businessman Suresh Verma is shot dead and lying in a pool of blood. The businessman was shot at point-blank range and dies on the spot.
Police investigation reveals that he was having bitter terms with his younger brother and property was the reason behind this rivalry. First police call his brother for questioning. Their second suspect is Suresh Verma’s employee who was missing exactly at the time when Suresh Verma was shot. He tells police that he left shop early because due to power cut and storm he was assuming no customer will come.

Doing more investigation police comes to know that there was another guy was raking the area from the last few days who was not seen after the shootout.

Suresh Verma’s terms with his brother in law who was his helper in his business were also not good. Suresh Verma used to treat him like his servant.

Inside Story
ये घटना पिछले साल 28 अगस्त की है। बनारस के चौक थाने के पीछे राजादरवाजा में रात 8:30 के आसपास झोले के होल सेल बिजनेसमैन ५० वर्षीय मोहन निगम की उनकी दूकान में घुस कर गोली मार कर हत्या कर दी गई थी। क्राइम स्पॉट पर .32 बोर के दो खोखे बरामद किये थे। वारदात को जब अंजाम दिया गया उस समय इलाके में तेज बारिश के वजह से बिजली चली गई थी और ज़्यादातर दुकाने बंद होने लगी थी। इलेक्ट्रीशियन बिजली को दुरुस्त करने भी पहुंच गए थे की तभी अचानक पूरा इलाका गोलियों की गड़गड़ाहट से गूँज उठा। वारदात के तुरंत बाद वहां के लोगों ने दो लोगों को बगल की गली से भागते हुए भी देखा था।

inside story

Case 7/2018: 19 year old employed girl Rakhi Bhamaria goes missing while returning from the shop (Episode 894, 895 on 10th, 11th Feb, 2018)

A father is looking for his missing daughter who did not return after she left for her shop a day before. He also asks the shop owner who tell him that Mamta Khandekar left the shop near 6pm with her two other colleagues.
After searching for her sometimes, he finds her dead near a nullah. A number of injuries can be seen on her body.

After reporting to the police, they also find her cycle 200 meters away from the crime spot. The postmortem reveals that the victim was brutally gang-raped before she was murdered and at least two people have raped her.

Police’s prime suspect is Mamta's father who did not search for her daughter during the night and came home and slept. Their other suspect was shop owner because Mamta went missing from his shop but after Mamta’s colleagues confirm that let left the shop together in the evening near 6pm, the police are now looking for other possibilities.

3 months pass but police are not able to find any clue.

inside story
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Crime Patrol | Case 1/2018: Jilted palval woman Aarti planned to kill boyfriend with a country-made bomb (Ep 884, 885 on 6, 7 Jan, 2018 Crime Patrol Satark Season 1)

2018 का पहला केस
Case 1/2018

(A Killer Woman, Ep. 884-885)
The incident was reported on 3 October 2016 when 65-year-old Babulal (shown as Jaswant Singh and Played by Pankaj Kalra), a resident of village Gulabad, went to sleep on the fields with a friend Dharamlal, a resident of the village on the night of 3 October. The next morning, Babulal was found dead on the terrace of a cellar in the fields. Babulal's throat was stitched with a sharp weapon after tying it with a cot. His partner Dharamlal was also found in a state of unconsciousness on the bed.
During the investigation, Dharampal told the in-charge of Crime Investigation Branch Hodal Abbas Khan that he was fed by a woman named Aarti (shown as Simran Arya and played by Devika Sharma) with some intoxicating substance in the juice. He was accompanied by a man named Pradeep.

घटना 3 अक्टूबर 2016 की है जब पलवल के एक गांव गुलावड़ का रहने वाला 65 वर्षीय बाबूलाल तीन अक्टूबर की रात गांव निवासी धर्मलाल के साथ खेतों पर सोने के लिए गया हुआ था। अगले दिन सुबह बाबूलाल खेतों में बने एक कोठरी की छत पर मृत अवस्था में मिला। उसको चारपाई से बाँध कर गला किसी तेजधार हथियार से रेता गया था। उसका साथी धर्मलाल भी नीचे चारपाई पर बेहोशी की अवस्था में मिला था।

जांच के दौरान अपराध जांच शाखा होडल के प्रभारी अब्बास खान को धर्मपाल ने बताया कि उन्हें आरती नाम की महिला ने जूस में कुछ नशीला पदार्थ मिलाकर पिलाया था। उसके साथ प्रदीप नाम का एक आदमी भी था

inside story

Crime Patrol | Case 67/2017: A goon's love story (Ep 862, 863 on 14, 15 Oct 2017 Crime Patrol Satark Season 1)

2017 का सढ़सठवाँ केस
Case 67/2017

(Season 1, Ep. 862/863)

In a marriage, Babli falls in love with Prem Yadav and in this marriage, the conversation between the two also starts. Gradually, love grows between the two. The news of their love also reaches Babli's father and uncle and they put Babli under house arrest. They explains Babli that Prem Yadav is a goon who extorts money from people and not only that, he is also married.

Babli ends all her contact with Prem, but Prem contacts her and invites her to meet once and understand the things. He assures Babli that his marriage took place without his consent and he wants to marry her now. After this one day Babli runs away from the house with Prem and he brings her to his house and then also marries in a temple.

Everything is going well but then after 10 months while Prem is in jail due to a case, Babli's beheaded body is found in the jungles near the village.

Case 47/2017: Murder at Midnight - Middle aged woman Durga Devi stabbed to death in the midnight (Episode 829 on 14th July, 2017)

2017 का सैतालीसवाँ केस
Case 47/2018
46-year-old Durga Devi lives with her son who is a taxi driver. A midnight Durga gets killed by another taxi driver Satish who was a friend of Durga's son. Her neighbors hear her voice and rush to her but she already has passed away due to excess of bleeding. Police start their investigation as they come to know Satish is the assailant however they are not able to understand the motive behind this murder.
They call us his son back to Delhi from his hometown Bihar but he also tells police that he is not sure why Satish killed his mother.

46 वर्ष की दुर्गा देवी अपने बेटे के साथ रहती है जो की टैक्सी चलाता है। एक रात दुर्गा देवी को एक अन्य टैक्सी ड्राइवर सतीश मार डालता है जो की दुर्गा के बेटे का दोस्त है। जब वो उसको मार रहा है तब आस-पास के लोग उसके चिल्लाने की आवाज़ सुनते हैं मगर उनके वहां पहुंचने तक दुर्गा देवी की अत्यधिक खून बह जाने की वजह से मृत्यु हो जाती है।

पुलिस को भी ये समझ आ जाता है की ये हत्या सतीश ने ही की है मगर उनको इसके पीछे की वजह नहीं समझ आ रही है। पुलिस दुर्गा देवी के बेटे को उसके घर बिहार से यहाँ दिल्ली बुलाती है मगर उसको भी इस बात का ज़रा भी अंदाज़ा नहीं है की सतीश ने उसकी माँ को क्यों मारा होगा।

inside story
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Murder At Midnight

Here is the inside story of the case:

Crime Patrol | Case 35/2017: Police solves Lokmanya Tilak Terminus' blind suitcase murder case (Episode 808, 809, 810 on 26, 27, 28 May 2017)

2017 का पैंतीसवां केस
Case 35/2017

This story is based on a suitcase murder case reported in Kurla, Mumbai Jan this year. The dead body of a 12-year boy Randhir (shown as Gopi and played by Breath - Into The Shadow fame Varin Roopani) was stuffed inside a suitcase and was left near Lokmanya Tilak Terminus in Mumbai.

It was a blind murder case for Mumbai police because they did not have any clue except Tailer's tag on the victim's shirt and Company tag on the suitcase.

Police decide to look into all the CCTV footage of the area and then they find a man dragging the case suitcase on a platform. Police spread this CCTV footage and suspect's photos all over their informers and finally arrests him fro Mankhurd, Mumbai.

When the police start interrogating him, he tells police that he only found this suitcase but does not know the kid and who killed him.

Haqiqat: Irfan goes missing few days after Mauseen's missing (Episode 721, 722 on 8th, 9th October, 2016)

The Truth
Story starts with a burglary where 20 lac rupees goes missing from Rahim's home when his home was locked. Rahim is a money lender. on the other hand, a young boy Mauseen goes missing after taking 500 rupees from his mother. When he does not come back, his mother Mumtaj starts worries about him and raises his missing complaint in the police station.
Geetanjali Mishra and Trishna Mukherjee

Shaitaan (Colors TV): Delhi's 2 high profile sensational murder cases of Jigisha Ghosh and Soumya Vishwanathan (Episode 27 on 30th March 2013)


The Delhi Police solved the murder cases of journalist Soumya Vishwanathan and IT executive Jigisha Ghosh with the help of a tattoo. In March 2009, Jigisha Ghosh was reported missing, and her body was later found near Faridabad. Her ATM card was used in several shops in Sarojini Nagar market on the day she went missing. The police scanned CCTV footage from all these shops and spotted the three accused in footage from a watch shop. One of the accused was well-built and had a tattoo on his left wrist, which became a major lead for the police.

The police team started visiting gyms in Vasant Vihar, Vasant Kunj, Malviya Nagar, and Saket. They identified Baljeet Malik alias Poppy from a gym instructor in Masoodpur village in Vasant Kunj, which was a significant breakthrough. The police collected more information about the trio and managed to arrest them from Vasant Vihar.

Featured by Crime Patrol Sansani as well (Click to Watch)

The accused were involved in the murders of both Soumya Vishwanathan and Jigisha Ghosh. The tattoo on one of the accused's wrist was a crucial piece of evidence that helped the police solve the cases. The police's investigation and efforts to identify the accused demonstrate how technology and perseverance can lead to the successful resolution of crimes.

Online Episode:
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Here is inside story of the case: