Showing posts with label Samosa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Samosa. Show all posts

Agwaa: Kidnapped Vinod found murdered (Crime Patrol Dial 100 Episode 56 on 28th December, 2015)

Story of three teenagers Deepak, Mayur and Vinod whose parents get ransom calls of their kidnapping. Deepak and Vinod's father thinks it as a joke and avoids it while Mayur's father pays a ransom amount of 50,000 rupees. After he put money to the instructed place, comes back home and finds Mayur is back. He asks Mayur who kidnapped him then Mayur says that he never got kidnapped!
Vinod's father also gets a call from an unknown number and that person asks him to pay 15,000 rupees as ransom. He avoids the call but Vinod really does not come back to his home. The scared father reaches the police station and during some initial investigation, the police come to know that track records of all three friends are very bad at their school. Their teachers tell police that they are fade-up of these guys. According to them, this kidnapping must be their own plan.