Showing posts with label Saurabh Goyal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saurabh Goyal. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | Case 11/2017: Three persons of a family killed pushing cab into canal (Episode 766, 767, 768 on 10, 11, 12 February 2017)

2017 का ग्यारहवाँ केस
Case 11/ 2017
Younger brother Mukesh comes in touch with Baba Kaleem and Kaleem assures him that their all problems will vanish if they will visit few Dargah. The family, except Kishan and his wife, starts visiting Dargaah with Baba Kaleem. In the meantime, some circumstances arise and Baba Kaleem suggests family visit Fakeerdaula's Dargah which is quite far from their home. Family plans to go there and finally a morning they all except Kishan and his wife, leaves for Fakeerdaula's Dargah. Next morning few villagers find a vehicle sunk into the canal and this vehicle was carrying few people also in it. Police find three bodies in the vehicle and rest of the person among Jahnvi, Baba Kaleem and driver is missing.
मुकेश और किशन दो सगे भाई हैं और इनकी जाह्नवी इनकी छोटी बहन है। इनके पिता लकवा के मरीज़ हैं जिनका बायां शरीर पूरा लकवाग्रस्त है। पूरे परिवार में सभी का एक दुसरे से खासा लगाव है और सभी चाहते हैं की पिता पहले की तरह स्वस्थ हो जाएँ और इसके लिए किशन के अलावा सभी दवाओं से ज़्यादा दुआओं पे विश्वास करने लगे हैं जो की किशन को बिलकुल भी पसंद नहीं है। किशन का मानना हैं की पिताजी को जगह जगह मंदिर और दरगाहों पे टहलाने के बजाये अगर ठीक से इलाज करवाया जाए तो उनकी सेहत पे ज़्यादा अच्छा फर्क पड़ेगा।
inside story

Crime Patrol | Case 37/2017: Aditya Singh's driver Alok Panday burnt alive to kill (Episode 812, 813 on 3, 4 June 2017)

2017 का सैंतीसवाँ केस
Case 37/2017

A distressed man dials 100 one night, identifying himself as Alok Pandey, claiming his life is in danger. The police rush to the area Alok mentioned in their PCR van. On arrival, they find no one but discover a fire nearby, where locals are extinguishing a burning figure. Investigating, the police find a man burnt to death. Suspecting Alok Pandey made the call, they search the remains, finding a partially burned purse with a charred driving license, revealing his mobile number. The police later contact Alok's wife, informing her of his murder. Alok was wanted in another murder case in Kanpur, where he, along with his accomplice Aditya, killed a man named Sunil. Sunil was murdered when he was returning two lakh rupees that Aditya had borrowed from Alok. After Sunil's murder, both Alok and Aditya were on the run, and now, Alok has also been killed.


Crime Patrol | Daanv Pench: Anurag Khandelwal's missing case (Ep 56, 57 on 30 Sep, 1 Oct 2019 - Crime Patrol Satark Season 2)


Anurag Khandelwal is a property dealer who is going for a promising land deal. He shares this with his wife but also tells her not to share anything with his business partner Harshvardhan Rana.

But the day he leaves for this deal, goes missing and his wife Sushma receives his ransom call. In between someone informs a police informer about this kidnapping so police also reach the same place before Harshvardhan who is waiting for a kidnapper with 25 lac rupees. Kidnapper warns him about leaking the plan with police so Harshvardhan comes back. Now when police start the investigation, Anurag's wife Sushma becomes their prime suspect.

Aditi Asija, Chandan Rai, Darshan Raj, kanpur, Manish Raj, Namrata Jadhav, Nikhil Modak, nissar khan, property dealer, Saurabh Goyal,

प्रॉपर्टी डीलर अनुराग खंडेलवाल अपनी पत्नी से ये कह कर निकलता है की वो कोई बड़ी डील के लिए जा रहा है जो उनकी ज़िंदगी बदल देगी और वो ये भी कहता है की इस डील के बारे में उसके पार्ट्नर हर्षवर्धन राणा को कुछ ना पता चले.

निकालने के बाद अनुराग ग़ायब हो जाता है और उसकी फिरौती की कॉल उसकी पत्नी को आती है. इसी बीच कोई पुलिस के एक ख़बरी को ये फ़ोन कर के बताता है की अनुराग नाम के प्रॉपर्टी डीलर का किड्नैप हुआ है और 25 लाख की फिरौती माँगी गई है. जब हर्षवर्धन फिरौती की रक़म देने जाता है तो पहले से पुलिस के वहाँ होने की वजह से किड्नैपर उसको धमकी देकर वापस भेज देता है. परिस्थितियाँ कुछ ऐसी सामने आती हैं की पुलिस की पहली सस्पेक्ट अनुराग की पत्नी सुषमा बन जाती है.

Online Episode on SonyLiv:
Part 1:
Part 2:

Online Episode on MXPlayer:
Part 1:
Part 2:

Online Episode on YouTube:
Part 1:
Part 2:

Crime Patrol | Case 37/2018: Undercover CID Officer Puneet Died of an Heartattack (Episode 944 on 29 Dec 2018)

2018 का सैंतीसवां केस
Case 37/2018
First time Moin Azam Khan in a Negative role
Undercover CID Officer Puneet lives with his wife and kids. A night while returning from his works he goes missing. His wife raises police complaint also asks his senior officer if he sent him for some secret operation but he also has no clue about Puneet.
The next day his body is recovered by the police. Postmortem report reveals that he died of a heart attack while his family is sure that he never had such health issues related to heart! Police start their questioning with wife Swati, her friend, and friend's husband Anand but do not reach some conclusion.

Both CID and police teams are doing an investigation at their end. In meanwhile Puneet's second postmortem report reveals that he did not die of a natural heart-attack but an injection was given to him that invoked heart-attack and he died.
inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion

Based on the murder case of IB Officer Chetan Prakash Galana. He found dead while returning to his home in Jhalawar, Rajasthan. The postmortem report revealed that he died of Heart Attack.

This is the first time Moin Azam Khan played a negative role in crime patrol.


Here is the inside story:

Crime Patrol | Case 10/2018: Mystery behind the missing case of Arjun (Ep 900, 901 on 3, 4 Mar, 2018 Crime Patrol Satark)

2018 का दसवाँ केस
Case 10/2018

(Gone Missing, Ep. 900, 901)

अर्जुन मिश्रा, बड़ा भाई राजन, बहन अंकिता और माँ बाप का एक छोटा सा परिवार है. बहन शादीशुदा है और अपने पति के साथ रहती है. अर्जुन एक रात घर वापस नहीं लौटता. उसके घर वालो को उसकी चिंता होने लगती है तो वो लोग पुलिस का दरवाज़ा खटखटाते हैं. पुलिस अर्जुन के 2 दोस्तों ललित और एक और दोस्त से पूछताछ करती है क्युकी अर्जुन उस रात उन्हीं लोगों के साथ आखिरी बार एक होटल में खाना खाते देखा गया था.

पुलिस अपने खबरियों को भी काम पर लगाती है तो एक चौकाने वाली बात सामने आती है की अर्जुन पुलिस के लिए खबरी का काम करता था. उसके दोस्त ये भी बताते हैं की वो लोगों के बहुत काम आता था. किसी भी तरह का विवादित मामला बहुत आसानी से सुलझा देता था. इसी तरह से एक खबरी से पुलिस को एक और चौकाने वाली खबर मिलती है की कुछ समय पहले अर्जुन को बेगुसराई पुलिस ने एक बैंक रॉबरी में धर दबोचा था.

अब पुलिस के लिए ये समझना मुश्किल हो रहा है की असल में अर्जुन अच्छा आदमी था या बुरा. पुलिस की तफ्तीश को ६ महीने बीत जाते हैं मगर अर्जुन का कुछ भी पता नहीं चलता है. अर्जुन का बड़ा भाई राजन पुलिस थाने के सामने धरना देना शुरू कर देता है और दबाव डालता है की अर्जुन मिसिंग केस सीबीआई को दिया जाए.

Crime Patrol | Case 44/2017: Conspired with lover Nazneen, Dheeraj kills her husband Ashraf (Episode 824, 825 on 1st, 2nd July, 2017)

2017 का चव्वालीसवाँ केस
Case 44/2017
Hindu boy Dheeraj Maurya is having an extramarital affair with a Muslim girl Nazneen. Nazneen and Dheeraj were in the same college a few years back and fell in love with each other after Dheeraj got marry.

Nazneen wants to marry Dheeraj but the couple does not want to share it with anyone as they belong to a different community and if people of the village come to know about their relation, that would be harmful to both the families. Finally, Dheeraj decides to run away with Nezneen. Nazneen also agrees but she could not come to meet him as her mother gets a heart attack at the same time.
Few days after Ashraf's family comes to meet Nazneen's family for their marriage and Ashraf agrees to marry Nazneen. Now Nazneen finds herself in trouble. She wants to spend her life with Dheeraj but can not do anything. Finally, the day comes and Ashraf-Nazneen gets to marry. After a few days, Ashraf's families come to meet Nazneen's family for their marriage, and Ashraf agrees to marry Nazneen. Now Nazneen finds herself in trouble. She wants to spend her life with Dheeraj but can not do anything. Finally, the day comes and Ashraf-Nazneen gets to marry.

inside story

Crime Patrol | Case 26/2017: Businessman Manjeet Dhillo goes missing (Episode 790 on 14 Apr 2017)

2017 का छब्बीसवाँ केस
Case 26/2017
Manjeet is a businessman who runs an electronic showroom in Ghaziabad. He lives with mother Paramjit Kaur who eagerly wanted him to marry. Manjeet's business is going well but his mother's only wish is that he is now thirty years old so should get married soon. She always used to tantrum him about it which is making him frustrated.
A day suddenly Manjeet goes missing. It is 11 o'clock in the night and he is not back to his home. His mother calls his friend Rahul to confirm if Manjeet is staying at his home that night but Rahul tells him Manjeet was with him till 11:45 and then he left for his home.

His mother raises his missing complaint. Police are unable to find any love angle in his missing case. They are also a little suspicious if he left his home on his own because he was frustrated with his mother who used to prompt him so much about his marriage.
Preeti Hansraj Sharma, Lucknow, Gurpreet Murder, Mamta
Harpreet played by Preeti Hansraj Sharma

Belagaam: Robbers gang rape woman and stabs husband, father-in-law in Jodhpur's posh colony (Episode 732, 733 on 5th, 6th November, 2016)

One of the most interesting cases of Crime Patrol Satark
जोधपुर, राजस्थान
चार नकाबपोश रात के अँधेरे में जीतेन्द्र चौधरी के घर में किचन की बालकॉनी तोड़ कर घुसते हैं। पहले वो लोग दोनों बाप और बेटे को रस्सी से बाँध कर बुरी तरह से मारते हैं और उसके बाद जीतेन्द्र की पत्नी कंचन को भी बाँध कर उससे एक एक कर के दुराचार करते हैं और घर लूट कर भाग जाते हैं। भागने के लिए वो लोग जीतेन्द्र की कार का इस्तेमाल करते हैं जो की बाद में शहर से बाहर पुलिस को मिल जाती है। जीतेन्द्र पहले पुलिस से छुपाने की कोशिश करता है की उसकी पत्नी से साथ गैंग रेप हुआ है मगर शोभा खुद-बा-खुद पुलिस को बता देती है और जिन दो लोगो के चेहरे उसने देखे थे उनका स्केच बनवाने में पुलिस की मदद करती है।

कई हफ्ते बीत जाते हैं मगर पुलिस को इस वारदात का कोई सुराग नहीं मिल पता है। केस की फाइल देश के सभी राज्यों में भेजी जाती है और आखिरकार हरियाणा के फरीदाबाद में ऐसा ही एक पुलिस केस पता चलता है जहाँ करीब नौ महीने पहले चार लोगों ने किचन के रास्ते से घर में घुस कर डकैती डाली थी और इस डकैती के दौरान भी एक गैंग रेप किया था। जिस लड़की के साथ उन्होंने दुराचार किया था वो पुलिस को बताती है की उसने इनमे से तीन का चेहरा काफी कायदे से देखा था और वो अब भी उनका स्केच बनवाने में मदद कर सकती है।
Bhakti Rathod, Ahsaas Channa, Trishna Mukherjee

Crime Patrol | Dead End: Mysterious murder of junior advocate also parent's spoiled brat son Santosh Mahato (Episode 729, 730 on 29, 30 Oct 2016)

Dead End
Police is looking for a history-sheeter Dinesh Mishra who is absconding after a case of burglary. Cops is looking for him near his house in civilian dress and a day the caught Dinesh. He has multiple cases on him and police is assured that now he is going to spend a long time in the jail. He is asking his wife Kajri Mishra (played by Sonal Parihar) to arrange an advocate for his bail. Worried Kajri has a small kid and having cash crunch too.

On the other hand Santosh Mahato (played by Saheem Khan) is a young guy with BA. LLB degree. He is stubborn and spoiled brat son of his parents.A day he asks for 2,500 Rupees from his father but he denies. Later he meets with his friends and plans a robbery at jewellery shop which does not have any CCTV camera installed in it according to Santosh. After that robbery police comes to his house to arrest him because there were few hidden cams installed in the shop in which his and his friend's faces were clearly observed and identified.

He comes out of the jail on bail after few days but he is still following wrong path. An evening he gets brutally injured when a man slits his throat because Santosh and his friends were eve-teasing that man's sister. His condition was critical in this attack but somehow doctor's saves him.

After that on request of his father, Santosh starts practicing the law under a senior advocate.

Crime Patrol | Bekhabar: Four kids Karan, Mukti, Nisha and Rani mysteriously goes missing (Episode 725 on 21 Oct 2016)


करन और उसकी बहन मुक्ति, रानी और उसकी बहन निशा के माता पिता मज़दूर तबके से आते हैं जो कि रोज़ पास के एक सरकारी स्कूल में जाते हैं। एक सुबह जब वो स्कूल के लिए निकलते हैं तो वापस नहीं लौटते हैं। उनके माता-पिता हर संभव जगह पर बच्चों को ढूँढते हैं मगर वो नहीं मिलते। यहाँ तक कि वो लोग बच्चों के स्कूल जाकर भी पता करते हैं मगर कुछ पता नहीं चलता।

पुलिस में कम्प्लिएंट की जाती है और पुलिस भी हर संभावित कोशिश करती हैं इन बच्चों को ढूँढने की मगर कुछ पता नहीं चल पता। वो लोग स्कूल जाकर ये कन्फर्म करते हैं कि वो लोग उस दिन स्कूल आये थे मगर उसके बाद किसी को कुछ नहीं पता।

पुलिस जगह-जगह छापे मारती है और पता करने कि कोशिश करती है की कौन और कहाँ बच्चों को ले ज़ाया गया होगा। ये फिरौती का केस नहीं हो सकता क्यूकी इन मज़दूर तबके के लोगों के बच्चों को कोई किडनैप कर के फिरौती में क्यों उम्मीद रखेगा।

इसी प्रकार लंबा समय बीत जाता है। इसी प्रकार केस के सीनियर इंस्पेक्टर गोयल का प्रमोशन और ट्रांसफ़र हो जाता है मगर उनके निकालने से ठीक पहले पुलिस को एक लीड मिलती है।

Crime Patrol | Angarey: Businessman Pawan Dahiya's charred skeleton found inside his burnt car (Episode 714, 715 on 24, 25 Sep 2016)


Police finds a burnt skeleton inside a completely burnt car. They also finds a burnt laptop bag and assume that a person put the fire on this laptop separately after or before burning the car. They only have two clues, one is victim's rings and other that last digit of car's number plate has '6' number.

Police could easily track victim's identity once his father and younger brother approaches a police station to file missing complain of his son Pawan Dahiya who is missing from last night. They confirms Pawan's ring and car in which his dead body was found.

Pawan Dahiya was businessman and few days back he was threatened by his office's employee's fiancee Tarun who also warned him that he will burn him.

Akansha Sareen, Sarika Dhillon, Shirin Sewani

Crime Patrol | Hamsafar: A Tale of Three girls Rekha, Geeta and Supriya from Gujarat (Episode 702, 703 on 27th, 28th August, 2016)

An ambitious girl Rekha gets committed with a widower Girish who tells Geeta that three years before her first wife Geeta committed su!c!de just next day of their marriage. That was time of dinner when Geeta moved towards their bedroom and after few minutes their society's security guard came and rang the doorbell. He told Girish and his mother that Geeta fell down from their bedroom balcony and in all pool of blood. After this su!c!de Rekha's parents throws a dowry harassment case on Girish whom he fought for two years and now he wants to restart his life with her new life partner Rekha. They happily decides to spend rest of their life with each-other.
Everything is going well in their life and their engagement now goes on but few days before their marriage Girish refuses to marry Rekha. Rekha tries to ask him why he is doing so but Girish and his mother both denies to explain anything to her. They gets separated but after six months of all this Girish again calls Rekha and tells her that he wants to marry her.

Crime Patrol | Jad: Banker Sanjeev Mathur shot dead in a road rage for rupee 200 (Episode 663, 664 on 28, 29 May 2016)


Sanjeev Mathur is a young bank officer who is about to get marry with Neha Tiwari. He met with Neha three years before during coaching classes and they both fell in love with each-other.

An evening Sanjeev and his three friends plans a drink party in a bar. After the party two of his friends returns on bike while Sanjeev and his another friend returns in Sanjeev's car whom Sanjeev is driving. A bike passing from the same road hits his car on a very small scale but two guys driving that bike starts arguing with Sanjeev. They asks him to pay 200 rupee as compensation and when Sanjeev denies, they shoots him on head and flees. Sanjeev dies on spot.

Priyanka Bhole
Neha Tiwari played by Priyanka Bhole