Showing posts with label Sharat Sonu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sharat Sonu. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | Case 11/2017: Three persons of a family killed pushing cab into canal (Episode 766, 767, 768 on 10, 11, 12 February 2017)

2017 का ग्यारहवाँ केस
Case 11/ 2017
Younger brother Mukesh comes in touch with Baba Kaleem and Kaleem assures him that their all problems will vanish if they will visit few Dargah. The family, except Kishan and his wife, starts visiting Dargaah with Baba Kaleem. In the meantime, some circumstances arise and Baba Kaleem suggests family visit Fakeerdaula's Dargah which is quite far from their home. Family plans to go there and finally a morning they all except Kishan and his wife, leaves for Fakeerdaula's Dargah. Next morning few villagers find a vehicle sunk into the canal and this vehicle was carrying few people also in it. Police find three bodies in the vehicle and rest of the person among Jahnvi, Baba Kaleem and driver is missing.
मुकेश और किशन दो सगे भाई हैं और इनकी जाह्नवी इनकी छोटी बहन है। इनके पिता लकवा के मरीज़ हैं जिनका बायां शरीर पूरा लकवाग्रस्त है। पूरे परिवार में सभी का एक दुसरे से खासा लगाव है और सभी चाहते हैं की पिता पहले की तरह स्वस्थ हो जाएँ और इसके लिए किशन के अलावा सभी दवाओं से ज़्यादा दुआओं पे विश्वास करने लगे हैं जो की किशन को बिलकुल भी पसंद नहीं है। किशन का मानना हैं की पिताजी को जगह जगह मंदिर और दरगाहों पे टहलाने के बजाये अगर ठीक से इलाज करवाया जाए तो उनकी सेहत पे ज़्यादा अच्छा फर्क पड़ेगा।
inside story

Crime Patrol | Case 20/2019: Panna Lal who Died in UP, found alive in Mumbai after 3 years (Ep 98, 99 on 27, 28 Nov 2019 Crime Patrol Satark Season 2)

2019 का बीसवाँ केस
Case 20/2019

(An unusual missing case, Ep. 98, 99)
Gulab and Madhu are married, but their relationship is strained. Madhu dislikes both Gulab and his parents because of a dowry case filed against them. Gulab and his family were greedy for money, and as a result, they demanded dowry from Madhu's parents. Madhu also suspects Gulab of having an affair with a girl whom he speaks to over the phone when no one is around.
In addition to this, Madhu herself is involved in an affair with Birju, her brother's friend, who is an auto driver.

The story takes another turn when Gulab suddenly goes missing. A missing person report is filed, and during the investigation, the police find Gulab's buried motorcycle on a farm. It appears to be a case of kidnapping and murder, and when the police examine Gulab's call records, they discover a number belonging to a Muslim girl named Nagma who disappeared on the same day. The police suspect that Gulab may have eloped with Nagma, and when they track her phone location, they discover that she has changed her name to Nalini and is living with another boy named Dheeraj.
गुलाब की शादी मधू से हुई है मगर दोनों के बीच के संबंध ठीक नहीं हैं। मधू न तो गुलाब को पसंद करती है और न ही उसके मा-बाप को। असल मे उसकी इस नफरत के पीछे गुलाब और उसके परिवार का उसको दहेज को लेकर परेशान करना है। इसके अलावा मधू को ये भी लगता है की गुलाब का किसी और लड़की के साथ अफेर है क्युकी उसने कई बार गौर किया है की उसके मोबाईल पे किसी का फोन आता है जिससे वो छिप छिप के बात करता है।

इन सबके अलावा मधू का भी विक्रांत नाम के एक लड़के से अफेर चल रहा है। विक्रांत मधू के बड़े भाई बिरजू का जिगरी दोस्त है जो की ऑटो चलाता है।

inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion

एक दिन गुलाब अचानक कहीं गायब हो जाता है। उसके न मिलने पर पुलिस उसको खोजती है तो एक खेत मे उसकी बाइक दफन मिलती है जिससे पुलिस का शक इस तरफ जाता है की कहीं गुलाब की हत्या तो नहीं की गई है। मधू पुलिस को बताती है की गुलाब किसी से फोन पे बात करता था। जब पुलिस उस नंबर का पता करती है तो पता चलता है की ये नंबर एक मुस्लिम लड़की नगमा का है। इसके बाद पुलिस को पता चलता है की नगमा भी अपने घर से गायब है। पुलिस का मानना है की गुलाब जरूर नगमा के साथ भाग होगा और जब नगमा की काल डिटेल्स के आधार पर उसको खोजने पुलिस उसके घर जाती है तो पता चलता है की नगमा ने अपना नया नाम नलिनी रखा हुआ है मगर उसके साथ गुलाब नहीं कोई और है।

Crime Patrol | Case 7/2019: Ragini Goyal (Archana Palangdar) Murder case, Hoshangabad (Ep 76, 77 on 28, 29 Oct 2019)

2019 का सातवाँ केस
Case 7/2019
(Traceless, Ep. 76-77)
Archana Palangdar, 35, was living in Kolkata's Jawaharlal Dutta Road, Uludanga, who had 2 children. Her son was in class 8 while daughter was studying in class 3. Archana's husband Pintu used to work in a car servicing company in Kalikapur.

On 21 September 2018, the police found Archana's body wrapped in a blanket inside a sack of jute in a drain in Anandpur which was identified 4 days later. Archana came out of her house a day ago saying that she is going to for her mobile repair but after leaving from there she did not return. Husband Pintu said that he was not at home when she came out of her house.

Archana was identified by her family members after seeing her photo in the newspaper. It was revealed in the postmortem report that she was strangulated to death.
Archana's mother-in-law said that when she saw her photo in the newspaper, she reached the police station. She came out that day saying that she was going to get her mobile repair, but when she did not return, she wrote her missing complaint at the police station, but could not find anything.

One of her neighbors said that she saw Archana shopping in the market on the same day and she looked absolutely normal and looking at her, there was nothing that any such incident was going to happen to her on the same day.

Archana's son said that she often used to talk to a man on the phone at night. The police had said that they are also filtering the details of Archana's call and may have got a clue from that. The police got the names of 2 people from the phone records, one of whom had befriended her Facebook and the other was her old friend. On the basis of primary investigation, the police believed that Archana had an affair with both of them and it was due to this affair that she would have been murdered.

The police also came to know that Archana had also filed a case of domestic violence against her husband Pintu and the rest of the family 3 years ago, which was later withdrawn. Pintu said that Archana must be provoked by someone, after which she took this step because gradually she herself understood that this was wrong and she herself had withdrawn her complaint. The police had said that Archana was in very close contact with some person for some time, but who was this person was not able to find out and it may be that this unknown person is the link in this case. Because of this, the relationship between husband and wife was very bad and due to this, the suspicion of police was also on Pintu.

Crime Patrol | Raaz : Minor Ravi goes missing while playing with friends (Ep 54 on 26 Sep 2019 - Crime Patrol Satark Season 2)

A Secret

Minor Ravi goes missing while he was playing with his friends. His parents and uncle are worried about him and trying to find him but are not able to find any clue. Finally, they file Ravi's missing complaint at the police station and the police also start looking at him all over the colony and its homes.

Ravi's uncle is also trying to find him on his level and polices gets shock to know that his is an IB officer.

ग़ाज़ियाबाद, यूपी
एक बच्चा रवि दोस्तों के साथ खेलने निकलता है और फिर ग़ायब हो जाता है. उसके माँ-पिता और चाचा सब परेशान हैं और कोलोनी में ढूँढना शुरू करते हैं मगर कोई सफलता नहीं मिलती. पुलिस में कम्प्लेंट की जाती है और पुलिस पूरी कोलोनी के घरों में छानबीन शुरू करती है मगर कोई सुराग़ हाथ नहीं आता.

पुलिस तब झटका खाती है जब पता चलता है की बच्चे का चाचा भी अपने लेवल की इन्वेस्टिगेशन कर रहा है और जब वो पता लगाते हैं तो पता चलता है की वो एक IB ऑफ़िसर है.

Crime Patrol: Jackpot - Delhi's Kiran Agarwal murder case took 7 years to solve (Ep 18, 19 - Crime Patrol Satark Season 2 on 7, 8 Aug 2019)

Rashmi Chaudhary is a social worker who resides in a rented flat owned by Jaidev. Jaidev wants to sell this house and when he asks Rashmi to vacate the flat, she files a court case on him and asks him to settle the matter in 1 crore rupee. Jaidev wants to sort out the case but he has no clue how he can do this.

Rashmi's other case is running with his husband who is an actor. She filed a domestic violence case on him. Both cases are being taken care of by the same lawyer Ashutosh (played by Rajiv Kumar). He makes a deal with Jaidev. He tells Jaidev that he will convince Rashmi to Settle matter in 45 lakh and will help them close the case. Jaidev hands-over 45 lakh to him.
After few days Rashmi disappears suddenly. She also leaves letters and emails for his landlord, boss Vikram, and Advocate Ashutosh. She explains that she has got money so she is vacating the house and also leaving the area.

Khushbu, Rashmi's sister is shocked after Rashmi's sudden disappearance. She file her missing complaint at the police station and now police start investigating the case.

सोशल वर्कर रश्मि एक किराए के मकान में रहती थी जो की जयदेव नाम के व्यक्ति का है. जयदेव इस मकान को बेचना चाहता है और जब वो रश्मि को मकान ख़ाली करने को बोलता है तो वो उलटा जयदेव पर केस कर देती है और मकान ख़ाली करने के लिए 1 करोड़ रुपए की माँग कर देती है. जयदेव किसी तरह से मामले को निपटना चाहता है मगर उसे कुछ सूझ नहीं रहा है.

रश्मि का इसके अलावा एक और केस अपने पति के साथ चल रहा है जो की ऐक्टर है. उसने अपने पति पर घरेलू हिंसा का केस किया हुआ है. इन दोनो केस को उसका एक ही वक़ील देख रहा है. उसका वक़ील जयदेव के साथ एक डील करता है. वो जयदेव को बोलता है की वो रश्मि से बात कर के 45 लाख में ये केस बंद करवा देगा. जयदेव राज़ी हो जाता है और 45 लाख आशुतोष को दे देता है.

इसके बाद रश्मि एक दिन अचानक ग़ायब हो जाती है. वक़ील आशुतोष, उसके बॉस विक्रम सिंघल और जयदेव को वो अलग अलग चिट्ठी और ईमेल छोड़ जाती है की उसको रुपए मिल गए हैं इसलिए वो मकान ख़ाली कर रही है.

रश्मि के अचानक ग़ायब होने से उसकी बहन ख़ुशबू सकते में है. वो पुलिस में रश्मि के ग़ायब होने की कम्प्लेन दर्ज कराती है और फिर पुलिस अपने तरीक़े से केस की छानबीन करना शुरू कर देती है.
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Online Episode on YouTube (Available in few countries):
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Online Episode on MXPlayer:
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Part 2:
Search Tags: New Delhi, Kiran Agarwal, lawyer killed girl, modal town

Crime Patrol | Case 48/2017: UP Shocker, Su!c!de or Murder? Four siblings killed in 7 years (Episode 830, 831 on 15, 16 July 2017)

Based on duo brother's murder case in Jhansi, Uttar pradesh.

Hailing from Baruasagar, Anil Pateria killed Deepak on September 11 2016 and threw his body in a canal. Police registered that case a accidental death. Sanjay, a cousin of Deepak was suspicios about Deepak's murder ad when he questioned Sanjay, Sanjay now hatched a plan to finish him as well. He took help of his brother-in-law Raju and killed Sanjay. According to police, a lady named Sudha Sharma accompanied them was also involve in these murders. Police also revealed that Anil also murdered Sanjay's wife in 2009 and his brother-in-law in 2011.
Mohan Jaiswal is the only son of mother Pushpa who was found hanging at a desolated place and was spotted by his friends. It is looking like a su!c!de case but police also find some used glasses of alcohol which is looking suspicious. On investigating the case, the police come to know that this unfortunate family already have gone through two deaths of Neeta and Arvind in 2009 and 2011 who were Mohan's cousins and now his sudden death is also looking suspicious.
Mohan was five siblings and as per police records, this was third death but they get a shock when Mohan's mother tells them that Neeta-Arvind's brother Prateek was also found dead just a month before and it was a case of accidental death! When the police start investigating their call records, they come to know that Neeta's husband Rakesh Jaiswal, Prateek, and his another cousin Rahul they all were connected to a woman Kamini who was Prateek's maternal cousin's wife. Now police call Kamini and her husband Mukesh for questioning.

inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion
Priya Shinde, Crime Patrol
Sudha Sharma as Kamini
Played by Priya Shinde

Anil Pateria as Rakesh
Played by Boloram Das

Akhilesh Sharma as Rahul
Played by Azad Ansari

Rajendra Sharma as Kapil
Played by Aftab Alam

Brijendra Sharma as Mukesh
Played by Sudeep Sarangi

Crime Patrol | Case 33/2017: Bulandshahr based property dealer Vinod Kumar murder case (Episode 805 on 19th May, 2017)

2017 का तैंतीसवाँ केस
Case 33/2017

The story revolves around the murder of Vinod, a property dealer in Bulandshahr, whose body was found in the Kali River on October 2, 2016. The police arrested a man, Gyani, and his brother-in-law in connection with this murder. Upon investigation, it was revealed that some time ago, Vinod had called Gyani's sister to his aunt's place under false pretenses, where he drugged her with a spiked drink and committed the crime. After this incident, he frequently blackmailed Geeta and assaulted her twice.

Following these events, Geeta fell into depression and eventually took her own life. Before dying, she had informed her husband about Suresh's misdeeds, leading both her brother-in-law and Vinod to reflect on their actions.

कहानी आधारित है बुलन्दशहर के एक प्रॉपर्टी डीलर विनोद की हत्या पर जिसकी बॉडी काली नदी में २ अक्तूबर २०१६ को पाई गई थी। पुलिस ने इस हत्या के आरोप में एक व्यक्ति ज्ञानी और उसका साले को गिरफ़्तार किया था। पूछताछ के बाद पता चला था कि कुछ समय पहले विनोद ने ज्ञानी की बहन को किसी बहाने से अपनी एक चाची के यहाँ बुलाया था और वहाँ उसको चाय में कोई नशीला ड्रिंक मिला कर बेहोश करने के बाद दुष्कर्म किया था। इस वारदात के बाद वो अक्सर गीता को ब्लैकमेल करता रहता था और उसने कुल २ बार उसके साथ दुष्कर्म किया था।

गीता इन वारदात के बाद डिप्रेशन में आ गई थी और इसी के चलते उसने एक दिन आxमहxया कर ली थी। मारने से पहते उसने सुरेंद्र का ये कारनामा अपने पति को बताया था जिसके बाद से ये दोनों जीजा और साले विनोद को सबक़ सीखने की फ़िराक़ में थे।

Crime Patrol | Case 18/2017: Senior inspector Mansur Malik shot dead in a broad day light (Episode 778 on 17 March 2017)

Case 18/2017
2017 का अठारवा केस

Senior inspector Mansur Malik is known for his commitment and integrity in his professional life. He used to go for morning walk every day and morning when he leaves for a walk without his service revolver, two bikers suddenly comes on his way and shoots him dead.
That day he is kept on meeting people while on the walk when two men on a bike suddenly stop their bike in front of him and shoot him. The place where he was shot dead, two other bikers were also waiting for him, and just after the shooting, they also flee with the bikers who shot Malik.

सीनियर इंस्पेक्टर मंसूर मलिक का शहर में दबदबा है। जब से वो शहर में ट्रांसफर होकर आये हैं तब से सभी संदिघ्द वारदातें बंद हो गई है यहाँ तक की पुलिस स्टेशन के अंदर भी किसी तरह की घूसखोरी बन्द हो चुकी है। मलिक रोज़ सुबह वाक के लिए निकलते हैं और उस समय उनकी सर्विस रिवाल्वर हमेशा उनके साथ रहती है मगर एक दिन वो रिवाल्वर के बिना ही मॉर्निंग वाक पे निकलते हैं और उसी सुबह उनकी हत्या कर दी जाती है।

inside story

Case 8/2017: Senior citizen Manohar Chaudhary kidnapped and shot dead with grandson Rahul (Episode 761, 762 on 27th, 28th January, 2017)

2017 का आठवां केस
Case 8/2017
Karsi Bagh, Jharkhand
The village is shaken with double murder. 65-year-old Manohar Chaudhary and his grandson Rahul Chaudhary found shot dead on a roadside. Manohar and Rahul were hailing from Bhubaneswar and they came here to meet their relative at Thakurs. That was a morning when Rakesh Thakur's wife found Manohar and Rahul missing from their guest room while Manohar's wife Radha was still their but was not aware where the duo went. Their sleepers were also found in the room and later their dead bodies found in the village. The postmortem report revealed that they were shot with a point-blank range.
Manohar Chaudhary and Thakur family had a far family relation and according to Rakesh Thakur they both just came to meet the family from Bhubaneswar. When the police inform Rahul's parent in Bhubaneswar about their murder, they reach Jharkhand and tells police that the purpose behind Manohar Chaudhary and Rahul's visit to Jharkhand was to settle Rahul's marriage with Rakesh's daughter Neeta...

Crime Patrol | Hisaab: Factory owner Lalit Malik stabbed and killed in his room (Episode 750, 751 on 24, 25 Dec, 2016)


Lalit and Chander Malik are the real brothers who lives with their mother. Lalit's marriage was broken 8 years back. 8 years back he got married to Sudha but she left him because she wanted to continue her job in Chandigarh while Lalit wanted her to stay here to take care of his family. They have a kid as well who now lives with Sudha. Chandra is also married and his wife Nisha lives in the same house.

As per their daily routine, their mother comes to their home to serve morning tea but finds Lalit dead. Lalit was stabbed to death. Lalit's family is the police's prime suspect. They also find a broken door lock. Lalit was running a factory while Chandar was taking care of their farms.

The family is financially well settled so maybe someone killed him because of property! Sudha is also Police's suspect, maybe she got him killed for property!

Diya Makhija

ललित मालिक और चन्दर मालिक सगे भाई हैं जो की अपनी माँ के साथ एक ही मकान में रहते हैं। ललित बड़ा भाई है जिसकी शादी टूट चुकी है। आठ साल पहले उसकी शादी सुधा से हुई थी मगर सुधा उसका घर छोड़ कर चली गई क्योंकि वो चंडीगढ़ बैंक में नौकरी करना चाहती थी मगर ललित चाहता था की वो यहां हरियाणा में ही उसके घर में रहे और घर की देखभाल करे। ललित और सुधा का एक बेटा भी है जो सुधा के साथ ही रहता है। दूसरी तरफ चन्दर भी शादीशुदा है और उसकी पत्नी निशा भी उसी घर में रहती है।

एक सुबह पांच बजे रोज़ की तरह ललित की माँ उसके लिए ​चा​ए लेकर उसके कमरे में पहुचती है और ललित को मरा हुआ पाती है। ललित को कई बार चाक़ू घोप घोप कर मारा गया है। जांच के दौरान पुलिस को पहला शक ललित के घर वालों पे ही जाता है। उनको घर के मुख्य दरवाज़े की कुण्डी भी काटी गई मिलती है। पुलिस को ये भी पता चलता है की ललित एक फैक्ट्री चलता है जब की चन्दर खेत और बागों का काम देखता है।

घर में पैसे की कोई कमी नहीं है और हो सकता है ये हत्या जायदाद के लिए की गई हो! पुलिस को सुधा पर भी शक होता है, हो सकता है ये हत्या सुधा ने जायदाद के लिए करवाई हो।

Part 1:
Part 2:

Part 1:
Part 2:

Taandav: Traffic police stops a car with tinted glasses, opens a year old murder case (Episode 736, 737 on 18th, 19th November, 2016)

तीन लोग एक SUV कार में सवार है जिनमे से एक कार चला रहा है। गाडी बेलगाम, कर्णाटक की है और अभी मुम्बई में है। एक जगह ट्रैफिक पुलिस का औचक निरिक्षण चल रहा है जहाँ पर इस कार को रोक जाता है क्योंकि इसकी खिड़कियों पर काली फिल्म चढ़ी हुई है। ड्राइवर देवेंद्र गौड़ा गाडी रोकता है और पेपर दिखाने के लिए उतर जाता है। इसी बीच कार के अंदर बैठे दो लोग कार लेकर अचानक फरार हो जाते हैं। ट्रैफिक पुलिस अपनी सभी पेट्रोलिंग टीम्स को अलर्ट करती है की सफ़ेद रंग की SUV जहाँ भी वो पाएं उसको रोके।
पेट्रोलिंग टीम्स कई जगह ढूंढती हैं और आखिरकार एक रोड के किनारे वो SUV खड़ी मिलती है। गाडी के अंदर कोई नहीं है। ट्रैफिक पुलिस उस ड्राइवर को पुलिस को सौप देती है और कड़ी पूछताछ करती है। वो ड्राइवर लगातार ये बोल रहा है की वो सिर्फ इन दो लोगों के नाम जानता है इसके अलावा कुछ नहीं जानता। वो एक साधारण ड्राइवर है जिसको इनलोगों ने पांच हज़ार रूपये देकर गाड़ी को बेलगाम से मुम्बई लाने के लिए रखा था और बस का वापसी का किराया भी दिया था। पुलिस को समझ नहीं आ रहा है की आखिरकार ये लोग कौन थे और गाडी में ऐसा क्या ले जा रहे थे जिसकी वजह से वो लोग गाडी लेकर भाग गए।

Crime Patrol | Dead End: Mysterious murder of junior advocate also parent's spoiled brat son Santosh Mahato (Episode 729, 730 on 29, 30 Oct 2016)

Dead End
Police is looking for a history-sheeter Dinesh Mishra who is absconding after a case of burglary. Cops is looking for him near his house in civilian dress and a day the caught Dinesh. He has multiple cases on him and police is assured that now he is going to spend a long time in the jail. He is asking his wife Kajri Mishra (played by Sonal Parihar) to arrange an advocate for his bail. Worried Kajri has a small kid and having cash crunch too.

On the other hand Santosh Mahato (played by Saheem Khan) is a young guy with BA. LLB degree. He is stubborn and spoiled brat son of his parents.A day he asks for 2,500 Rupees from his father but he denies. Later he meets with his friends and plans a robbery at jewellery shop which does not have any CCTV camera installed in it according to Santosh. After that robbery police comes to his house to arrest him because there were few hidden cams installed in the shop in which his and his friend's faces were clearly observed and identified.

He comes out of the jail on bail after few days but he is still following wrong path. An evening he gets brutally injured when a man slits his throat because Santosh and his friends were eve-teasing that man's sister. His condition was critical in this attack but somehow doctor's saves him.

After that on request of his father, Santosh starts practicing the law under a senior advocate.

Crime Patrol | Stoneman: Gujarat's stone killer held for killing three people (Episode 708, 709 on 10th, 11 September 2016)

Stone Man

Gujarat police finds Hasmukh Patel's dead body in a middle of the road which is badly smashed with a big stone. The killer (played by Swapnil Kothriwal) calls a number from victim's recent call history and tells that person that he has killed Hasmukh bhai and his photo is on front page of the news paper. That guy introduced himself as Mehandi Bhai and challenges him to inform police to nab him if they can. That psycho has killed two more person in next few days with same modusoperandi. Now this case has become a challenge for Gujarat Police and they want to crack it at any cost.

Police is sure that this person is a psycho killer who is killing innocent people just for fun but how they can nab him! Police also observe that dead-bodies that they found in mysterious conditions showing some sex angle related to these murders.

गुजरात में एक स्टोन किलर का आतंक है जो की अभी तक तीन खून कर चुका है। तीनो खूनो को करने का तरीका एक जैसा है जिसमे वो एक बड़े पत्थर से आदमी की हत्या कर देता है और हत्या करने के बाद मारने वाले के फ़ोन से ही उसके किसी जानने वाले को फ़ोन लगा कर बताता है की उसने इस आदमी को मार दिया है। वो ये भी चैंलेंज करता है की जो कर सकते हो कर लो। वो अपने आपको मेंहदी भाई के नाम से परिचित कराता है।

Bihar's conman held in marrying multiple times (Crime Patrol Dial 100 Episode 176 on 27th June, 2016)

Police arrest a pickpocketer in a random raid and when they get his mobile phone, they found several objectionable videos stored into it. One same thing in all the videos that only the appearance of the girl is visible in all, not of the boy. When the police interrogates the pickpocketer, it is revealed that he is an ordinary pickpocketer who stole a mobile from a man on a railway platform and a girl was fighting with the man at that time and in the middle of this fight he stole this mobile.

On the other hand, a woman comes to the police to write a complaint about the disappearance of her husband and the police feel that they has seen this woman somewhere before. After meditating, the police find that the video of this woman is also in that mobile, which they confirm by showing her. The woman says that this video was forcibly made by her husband. Another such incident happens and another woman tells the police that her husband also tried to make a video of her but she did not let it happen. According to both the women the appearance of both the husbands are different.

पुलिस एक पॉकेटमार को अरेस्ट करती है और उसकी तलाशी लेने के बाद उसके पास से मोबाइल मिलता है जिसमे आपत्तिजनक वीडियो भरे पड़े हैं। सारे वीडियो में ये चीज सामान है की सभी में सिर्फ लड़की की सूरत दिख रही है, लड़के की नहीं। जब पुलिस उस पॉकेटमार से पूछताछ करती है तो पता चलता है की वो एक साधारण पॉकेटमार है जिसने एक आदमी से रेलवे प्लेटफॉर्म पे ये मोबाइल चुराया था और उस समय उस आदमी के साथ एक लड़की लड़ रही थी और इसी लड़ाई के बीच उसने ये मोबाइल चुराया।
Urvashi Sharma, Palak Singh
Urvashi Sharma

दूसरी तरफ पुलिस के पास एक औरत आकर अपने पति के गायब होने की कम्प्लेन लिखवाती है और पुलिस को लगता है की ये औरत कुछ जानी पहचनी है। ध्यान करने पर पुलिस को ये पता चलता है की इस औरत का वीडियो भी इस मोबाइल में है जो वो उसको दिखा कर कन्फर्म करते हैं। वो औरत बताती है की ये वीडियो उसके पति ने जबरन बनाया था। ऐसा ही एक वाकया और होता है और एक और औरत पुलिस को बताती है की उसके पति ने भी उसका वीडियो बनने की कोशिश की थी मगर उसने बनने नहीं दिया। दोनों औरतों के पतियों का हुलिया अलग अलग है।


Here is the inside story of the case:
Search Tags: episode suhagraat

Anth: Businessman Sunil's dead body found hanging from ceiling fan (Episode 177 on 28th June, 2016)

Lucknow's businessman found hanging from ceiling fan in his office cabin and was first seen by his younger brother who was having fun with his girlfriend in the office premisses. Rather complaining to police Rajat runs away with that girl but later police reaches on the scene of action on someone else's complain. The most awkward thing that everyone notices that Sunil was wearing a red Saree when he was found hanging and when his wife Anjali reaches at that place, she is wearing same color saree.
Few employee of the office tells police that Sunil's younger brother was having bad relation with him and he may be the reason behind this murder. On checking Sunil's bank account police also comes to know that in last few days some huge amount was withdrawn from account. Police also comes to know that Sunil's driver Vilas is missing from last few days and after checking his home they find 1 lac rupee in cash.

On the other hand Rajat is telling police that Sunil was Anjali's second husband and her husband could also be a reason behind this murder.

Sanak: Snapdeal employee Dipti Sarna kidnapping case (Episode 656, 657 on 13th, 14th May, 2015)

Also shown by Crime Patrol Dial 100, The Burning Cases.

Priya Saxena is a well settled girl in Lucknow who works in a BPO. She is about to get a marry with a guy and both are comfortable with each other. From last few days Priya is feeling that someone is stalking at her. She is pretty much confident that it is not just her hallucination. She shares this with her fiancee as well as her parent but all are saying that it not more than a hallucination.
An evening while returning from her office her auto-rickshaw gets punctured and she gets another auto in which a woman is already sitting. She gets that auto-rickshaw starts moving towards her home but suddenly two more men come on their way and capture Priya. Priya cries for help but they push that another girl out of the rickshaw and runs away taking Priya.
Dipti Sarna Played by Sareeka Dhillon in the Crime Patrol Dial 100 Version
press conference video on the case

Crime Patrol | Chakma: Mumbai police's honeytrap to solve three year old two blind murder cases (Episode 642 on 1 April 2016)

Three years passed, Mumbai police could not solved two murder cases held with in a week with same modus operandi. Murders of Taxi driver Ashok Kadam and another man Pushkar Patel's has become blind murder cases for them and kept unsolved in police files. Main accused of these murders Kailash is out of police reach. Police only know a name "Kailash" nothing else but after three years police gets some important lead and now they makes a master plan to trap the accused.
Lets watch this interesting story that how police solves these murder cases.

Rangmanch: Contract Killing of Real Estate broker Girish Kaushal (Episode 640, 641 on 26th, 27th March, 2016)

A Stage
Girish Kaushal is a politician who has a travel agency also runs a real estate business. Girish is the father of two daughters Madhuri and Shweta and his eldest son died of an accident a few months ago. Girish is getting threatening calls from unknown numbers and that guy is warning him to pay 3 crore rupee as extortion money otherwise he will kill him. Girish is avoiding these calls because he knows that his business will lead him to such kinds of calls often. This extortionist's name is Vinay Parihar who gets arrested by police during a raid in a brothel. Police arrest his brother and him under the arms act.