Showing posts with label Shashi Ranjan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shashi Ranjan. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | Well Planned Murder of Retired bank manager Ramakrishna Pai (Episode 94 on 17 March 2012)

Ramakrishna Pai is a senior bank manager at National People’s bank who is soon going to retier. He residing at Ghatkopar Mumbai. He often misses his village and will soon shift to village after he retires.

His wife has left for Pune to meet her daughter Rohini. He is alone to takes daily meal at a hotel near to his residence. A night while he is alone at home, two guys attacks him. They slits his throat and steels Mrs. Pai’s jewellery and cash worth INR 25,000.

Online Episode on Dailymotion:

Here is the inside story of the case:

Crime Patrol | Eve-Teasing and Street Harassment, A Growing Problem in India (Episode 59, 18 November 2011)

Six friends Rohan (Manish Nagdev), Daniel, Roney, Vikas, Alvira (Preethi Bhandari) and Anita (Vandana Lalwani) often go to a pub to spend some time together. One night, as they were coming out of the pub, two guys Jeevan and Manoj (Bhuvan Arora, Shahi Ranjan) from the same area came to buy cigarettes from the same shop.

Standing at the counter, both rowdies started making lewd comments about Anita and Par, which made Rohan and Daniel angry, and they started fighting with them. The argument escalated to the point where the two rowdies came back with more goons.

In this fight, Rohan and Daniel were brutally attacked. Both of them were immediately admitted to the hospital, where the doctors declared Rohan dead.

vandana lalwani, manish nagdev, preethi bhandari, divya bhandari

6 दोस्त रोहन, डैनियल, विकास, रॉनी अनीता और अलवीरा अक्सर एक पब में कुछ समय साथ बिताने के लिए जाते रहते हैं। एक रात वो लोग पब से बाहर निकल कर एक पान की दुकान से तभी उसी एरिया के दो बदमाश जीवन और मनोज भी उसी दुकान पर सिगरेट लेने के लिये आते हैं।

दुकान पर खड़े खड़े वो दोनों अनीता और पर भद्दे भद्दे कमेंट करने लगते हैं जिससे कि रोहन और डेनियल आक्रोशित हो कर उनसे मारपीट करने लगते हैं। झगड़ा इतना बढ़ जाता है कि वो दोनों बदमाश अपने साथ और गुंडे लेकर आते हैं। इस लड़ाई में रोहन और डेनियल पर जानलेवा हमले होते हैं। दोनों को तुरंत ही अस्पताल में एडमिट किया जाता है जहां डॉक्टर्स रोहन को मृत घोषित कर देते हैं।

Online Episode on Dailymotion:

Online Episode on YouTube (Bengali):
Here is the inside story of the case:

Case 38/2017: Pratima Solanki's dead body found inside a barrel after 3 months of she went missing (Episode 814 on 9th June, 2017)

2017 का अड़तीसवाँ केस
Case 38/2017

(Episode 814 on 9th June, 2017)

A man murders a girl and puts her dead body inside a barrel. Later he pours the bulk of phenyl inside the barrel so the body can decompose. He locks the flat and runs away. Three months after he has left, the owner of that flat calls him for his room rent but his number is switched off. Trying the number of times, she comes to the flat and asks a helper to break the lock. After breaking the lock they find a foul smell is coming from the room. When they check that barrel, they find a dead body floating inside it upside down. Police investigation reveals that it was a conman Ratan who killed that girl (real name Neha Pawar) and fled.

Tarkeeb: Bihar's conman Shekhar accused for Triple Murder (Episode 705, 706 on 3rd, 4th Sep, 2016)


Bengal police find three dead bodies back to back. A man who was found dead near a highway was killed strangulating with an electric wire. Postmortem report reveals that the victim consumed some intoxicated drink before he was killed. Other two bodies they found in a hotel room. These are mother and her minor daughter. They are killed in the same manner that man was killed. These two incidents are reported at two different places so police is not aware that total three people are killed. Police is trying to find out CCTV footage but CCTV was put in opposite direction so none of hotel visitor's photo is clear. Careless hotel receptionist is not able to recognize accused. Also she did not match his face with the pan card he gave her as ID proof and allotted room to him.
बंगाल में पुलिस के एक के बाद एक तीन लाशें मिलती हैं। एक लाश एक सड़क के किनारे मिलती है जो की एक आदमी की है और इसके गले को बिजली के तार से घोट के मारा गया है। पोस्टमॉर्टेम रिपोर्ट से पता चलता है की मारने वाले को मारने से पहले कोई नशीली दावा पिलाई गई थी जिससे बेहोशी के बाद उसकी हत्या की गई।
पुलिस को बाकी 2 लाशें एक होटल के रूम में मिलती हैं जो की एक महिला और उसकी बच्ची की हैं। इनदोनो को भी उसी तरह से मारा गया है जैसे उस आदमी को मारा गया था। चूँकि दोनों वारदातें एक दुसरे से काफी दूरी पर हुई हैं और दोनों एरिया अलग अलग पुलिस के अन्तर्गत आते हैं, पुलिस अभी अनजान है की कुल तीन लोगों का खून हुआ है।
Online Episode on SonyLiv:

Crime Patrol | Male Assault: Auto Rickshaw driver Amar sexually assaulted by women duo (Crime Patrol Dial 100, Episode 111 on 15 March 2016)

The story is about the molestation case of males. Mumbai police find the dead body of an Auto Driver Amar. When they start investigating the case they come to know that used to borrow money from many of his friends and having some relation with a bar girl Manisha. When the police ask Manisha, she tells them that Amar was an honest man and she prefers him because she had trust in him during late night. Few other people also praised Amar that he was a nice person.
Police also find a su!c!de note with his body where he declared that he wants to say sorry to his wife. The postmortem report reveals that Amar's body has several marks and bite marks. His private part was also injured.

पुलिस को ​ऑटो रिक्शा ड्राइवर अमर की लाश संदिघ्द अवस्था में एक नाले की किनारे मिलती है। पोस्टमॉर्टेम रिपोर्ट में पता चलता है की अमर के शरीर पर नोच-खरोच के बहुत से निशान हैं और उसके प्राइवेट पार्ट भी ज़ख़्मी है। जब पुलिस उसके बारे में खंगालना शुरू करती है तो हर कोई उसकी तारीफ करता है की वो एक अच्छा आदमी था। मगर ये भी जानने में आता है की पिछले कुछ समय से वो बहुत परेशान था किसी बात को लेकर और कई लोगो से रुपये उधार ले चुका था। एक और ऑटो ड्राइवर बताता है की उसका मनीषा नाम की एक बार से डांसर के साथ चक्कर था और वो उसके लिए रात रात भाग अपने घर से बहार रहता था। पुलिस जब उस बार डांसर मनीषा से पूछ-ताछ करती है तो वो भी बताती है अमर बहुत अच्छा इंसान था और वो उसके ऊपर विश्वास करती थी और रात में कहीं आना-जाना होता था तो उसी के साथ आना जाना पसंद करती थी क्युकी वो एक भरोसे वाला आदमी था। मनीषा भी पुलिस को बताती है की अमर ने उससे भी कुछ रुपये उधार लिए थे।

अमर के फ़ोन रिकार्ड्स में उसके एक दोस्त का नंबर और एक महिला का नंबर मिलता है और मामले की तफ्तीश करने पर पता चलता है की अमर और उसका ये दोस्त एक फ्लैट में दो महिलाओं के पास अक्सर जाया करते थे।



Inspired by a Delhi (2015) case below:

Crime Patrol | Khamoshi: Manipal University girl Gang Raped by auto driver and two others (Episode 617, 618 on 4, 5 December 2015)

Sunita (played by Ahsaas Channa) is a medical student who lives in a girls' hostel. An evening she leaves for the library which is at a walking distance from her hostel. While returning from there she gets abducted by three persons in an auto-rickshaw. One of them is a driver and rest two are his passengers. They bring her to a secluded area and threatens her to co-operate with her otherwise they will kill her.
They assault her one by one and decides to kill her so she can not speak the incident to the police. Sunitha requests them to leave her and promises that she will not tell anything to anyone.

In the meantime, her missing case has been registered in the police station and police are already in the hostel campus when Sunita reaches back to there. Police ask her about the incident but scared Sunita does not tell anything to the police or anyone.
Media coverage

Disesteem: Partially burnt voter id card helped police to identify deseased Harihar Kamath (Episode 192 on 10th Apr 2015)

Harihar Kamath is a marriage broker who helps parents and families and getting their child to marry a suitable person. A day he gets a call from a man Mangesh, he tells him that he can arrange money for him so Harihar has to come with him. They both reach a forest through Bike and then train. After reaching there, Mangesh strangulates Harihar to death. After Harihar dies, Mangesh burns him off with Petrol.
Few forest guards find Harihar's corps there. They inform to police and police only find a burnt card near his body. Forensic experts confirm that it is a Voter ID card of either the victim or the murderer. After investigating the voter id card police finds a clue that this body might belong to Harihar Kamath and after reaching his home, Harihar's family confirms that this body belongs to Harihar.

A Crime Revisited: Gudiya, a five year old girl kidnapped an molested (Episode 329, 330 on 10, 11 jan 2014)

A Crime Revisited
एक और अपराध
15 April, Gandhinagar, New Delhi

Five-year-old Gudiya, a minor girl, was abducted by her neighbor and held captive for almost 40 hours. The perpetrators subjected her to multiple attacks during this time. On April 17th, 2013, she was rescued after some people heard her crying in a nearby location. When she was found, she was in critical condition, with a 200 ml bottle and candles found in her body.

Throughout the incident, the police did not file an FIR, even after Gudiya's uncle reported that she was being kept inside a house and crying. When they contacted the police, the response was that they should rescue her themselves if they could hear her voice. Gudiya's father then contacted the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) for help. Through their persistent efforts, the police finally agreed to file an FIR within two hours of receiving the call. The duo responsible for the crime, Pradeep and Manoj, were later arrested in their native state of Bihar. Gudiya's father and uncle reported to the media that they were offered a bribe of 2000 rupees by the Delhi Police to keep the case quiet.

According to the police, Gudiya was kidnapped on the evening of April 5th, 2013. She was tied up with rope and subjected to physical attacks. The police also found dozens of video clips on the perpetrators' mobile phones, showing how they attacked Gudiya.

Monoj was captured first, and he confessed to committing the crime with his friend Pradeep. After the media reported on the case, Pradeep became more cautious and changed his SIM cards frequently. However, the police eventually caught him in Lakhisarai of Darbhanga.

On the night of April 18th, 2013, people staged a protest in front of the Delhi Police headquarters, demanding the resignation of Delhi Police Commissioner Neeraj Kumar.

During the previous government's tenure of the Indian National Congress in Delhi, they failed to address the increasing crime rate against females. Delhi's former chief minister, Sheila Dixit, accused the Delhi Police of these crimes since they did not come under the Delhi Government's control.

The Aam Aadmi Party's intervention in this case was commendable. Before becoming the Chief Minister of Delhi, Arvind Kejriwal had always maintained that he could bring the Delhi Police on track while not in power. After gaining power, he knew how to control them. Due to his unique way of working, Arvind has been in the spotlight since he became Chief Minister, and the people of Delhi have high expectations of him.

१५ अप्रैल, २०१३, पूर्वी गाँधी नगर, नई दिल्ली
गुडिया, एक 5 साल की बच्ची जिसको उसके पडोसी ने अपहरण किया था. उसने उसको अपने फ्लैट में बंधक बना कर कई बार दुष्कर्म किया. 17 तारीख को जब कुछ लोगों ने बच्ची के रोने की आवाज़ सुनी तो उसे आज़ाद कराया गया. बच्ची जब मिली तब उसकी हालत बहुत ही नाज़ुक थी. उसके अंग में 200 मिली की बोतल और मोमबत्तियों के टुकड़े मिले थे.

चौकाने वाली बात ये थे की बच्ची की आवाज़ सुने जाने के बाद भी पुलिस ने किसी भी तरह की कोई सहायता नहीं करी. ये कह कर टाल दिया की जब बच्ची की आवाज़ सुनाई दे रही है तो दरवाज़ा तोड़ कर उसे खुद निकाल लो. गुडिया के पिता जब केस दर्ज करने थाने गए तो पुलिस ने मामले को रफा दफा करने की कोशिश करी और गुडिया के पिता को 2000 रुपये की पेशकश की.

पुलिस द्वारा सहायता न मिलने पर गुडिया के पिता ने आम आदमी पार्टी के कार्यालय फ़ोन किया. उसके बाद आम आदमी पार्टी के कार्यकर्ताओं के सजग प्रयास की वजह से पुलिस ने ऍफ़ आई आर लिखी और दबाव बढ़ने पर दो दुष्कर्मियों, मनोज व प्रदीप को बिहार से धर दबोचा.

पुलिस सूत्रों ने बताया की मनोज व प्रदीप ने गुडिया का अपहरण 15 की शाम को किया था. उन्होंने बच्ची को चारपाई पर रस्सी से बांध दिया. उनदोनों के मोबाइल में दर्जनों अश्लील क्लिप्स मिली और उन दोनो ने उन्ही क्लिप्स के अनुसार ही नशे की हालत में बच्ची से दुष्कर्म किया.

मनोज ने पूछताछ के दौरान बताया की इस घटना में उसका दोस्त प्रदीप भी उसके साथ था और बाद में उसने सारा दोष प्रदीप पर ही डाल दिया. पुलिस ने मनोज को पहले गिरफ्तार किया था और मनोज की गिरफ़्तारी की खबर मीडिया में फैलने के बाद प्रदीप अलर्ट हो गया था और बहुत चालाकी से अपनी लोकेशन एंड सिम कार्ड बदल रहा था. पुलिस ने उसकी तलाश मुजफ्फरपुर, दरभंगा समेत कई जगहों पर की और आख़िरकार वो दरभंगा के लखीसराय से गिरफ्तार हुआ.

प्रदर्शनकारी 18 की पूरी रात पुलिस मुख्यालय के बहार जमा रहे और पुलिस कमिश्नर नीरज कुमार ने इस्तीफे की मांग की. इसके अलावा प्रदर्शनकारियों ने एम्स, राजपथ, रेस कोर्स, और जनपथ पर भी प्रदर्शन किया.

गौरतलब है की दिल्ली की पिछली सरकार दिल्ली में बढ़ रहे महिलाओं के प्रति बढ़ रहे दुष्कर्मो के आगे बुरी तरह से नाकाम रही थी. दिल्ली ली पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री शीला दीक्षित हर बार इन दुष्कर्मो के ठीकरा दिल्ली पुलिस पे थोपती आई थी क्योंकि दिल्ली पुलिस दिल्ली सरकार के अंतर्गत नहीं आती और दिल्ली पुलिस पर दिल्ली सरकार का कोई जोर नहीं चल सकता है.

गुडिया का केस में आम आदमी पार्टी का अनुदान सराहनीय रहा. दिल्ली केतत्कालीन मुख्यमंत्री अरविंद केजरीवाल पहले से ही कहते आ रहे थे की अगर वो और उनकी पार्टी सरकार हाथ में न होने पर अगर दिल्ली पुलिस को ठिकाने पर ला सकती है तो सत्ता हाथ में आने के बाद तो उनको ठीक कर ही देगी. अरविंद केजरीवाल के मुख्यमंत्री बनने के बाद से लगातार अपने अलग ढंग से काम करने के तरीकों को लेकर चर्चा में रहे. दिल्ली की आम जनता को उनसे बहुत उम्मीदे हैं.

Online episodes on SonyLiv:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Online episodes on YouTube:
Part 1:
Part 2:

New born baby girl become unwanted between battle of 2 families (Episode 152, 153 on 8, 9 Sep 2012)

Amrit Singh is a teacher whose wife Meena is pregnant. Amrit takes Meena to jodhpur for her delivery.

At the same time Kishan who is a Kadhiya (मिस्त्री, जो दीवार पे प्लास्टर करते हैं और घर बनाते हैं) by the profession also bringing his wife to the Same hospital 'Raja Madhav' of Jodhpur.

After the delivery of Amrit's wife Meena, the ward boy brings their baby to them and declares that they are blessed with a baby boy. After a few seconds, a nurse comes and handles over a baby girl explaining that due to some mistake babies are exchanged and Meena delivered a baby girl, not a boy. She explains that the baby boy was delivered by Kishan's wife Seema.

Both Kishan and Amrit are battling for their newborn baby boy, and they both are not taking any care of the baby girl born. 8 days pass and the baby girl is still aware of mother's milk. Her condition became critical but both families do not agree to feed that small baby.

Hospital admits their mistake and call police (Lead role played by Vineet Sharma) for the further investigation.

What police found?
Who are the real mother and father of that baby girl?
Is it a conspiracy planned by the hospital and its staff?

Watch here the real/inside story of the case-
Search Tags: Amrit, baby, badmer, chain, child, exchange, ganga kewalram, jodhpur, Kanwar, kishan, Meena, Poonam, raja madhav, Reshma Devi, seema, singh, siwana, suo moto cognizance, theft, Vineet Sharma, Vibhuti Thakur, Shashi Ranjan,

Crime Patrol | 12 year boy Suraj gets killed- Saharanpur (Episode 9 on 27 May 2011)

Ramgarh (Saharanpur) Uttar Pradesh
Suraj (real name Deepak Kashyap) is a 12-year son of Manohar (real name Sushil Kashyap) a farmer and stepmother Rekha (real name Maya and played by Geetanjali Mishra). When Suraj was just 2 weeks old here real mother Amresh died and 4 years after her death Manohar married Rekha. The couple, Rekha and Manohar had 6 children during the past 7 years but none of them survived.

A day Suraj goes missing and later parent finds his dead body in a farm field.
