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Showing posts with the label Shiju KatariaShow all
Hatasha: Rajasthan- Two children abducted and killed in the same manner (Episode 613, 615 on 30th, 31st January, 2016)
Dushkarm: Mentally ill girl brutally Assulted And Killed (Crime Patrol Dial 100 Episode 6 on 4th nov, 2015)
Crime Patrol | Sixty Six: Indian woman's 3 months long captivity for dowry (Episode 289, 290 on 30, 31 Aug 2013)
Crime Patrol | Well planned murder of Divya Prajapati, daughter of Retired police inspector (Episode 196, 197 on 29, 30 Dec 2012)
Crime Patrol | Sushma goes missing while trevelling to shirdi (Ep 21 on 8 Jul 2011)
Abduction and killing of Sohail (Moinuddin) (Episode 17 on 24th June 2011)
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