Showing posts with label Shirin Sewani. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shirin Sewani. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | Case 11/2018: Allahabad University Scholar shot dead during election campaigns (Episode 902, 903 on 12, 11 March 2018)

2018 का ग्यारहवां केस
Case 11/2018

Nitin Jaiswal (Mandar Jadhav) is a student of research at India's one well-known university. He does not take much interest in Politics while the university's elections are also coming and campaigning is at the peak. He believes that the candidate that gives better clarity on their agenda, will get his vote.

A night coming back from somewhere when he is just opening doors of his room, a man comes from behind and shoots him. Nitin dies on the spot. Nearby people bring him to the hospital but where doctors declared him dead. Murder in between election season points towards a political murder but police want to investigate first before giving any statement.

Police come to know that some time back Nitin's engagement was fixed with a girl Prerna (Sharvi Mota) which was broken after Nitin's denial. Police's prime suspects are Prerna's Father (Aasit Redij) and Brother (Puneet Kumar) but later they come to know that the marriage was broken not because of Nitin but Prerna was in love with some other guy and she requested Nitin to refuse the proposal.

Inside Story

इलाहाबाद विश्वविद्यालय भारत के प्रमुख विश्विद्यालयों में से एक है। यह एक केन्द्रीय विश्वविद्यालय है और आधुनिक भारत के सबसे पहले विश्वविद्यालयों में से एक है। इसे 'ईस्ट के आक्सफोर्ड' नाम से जाना जाता है। अक्टूबर का समय था जब पूरे विश्वविद्यालय में छात्रसंघ चुनाव का माहौल छाया हुआ था। 8 ओक्टोबर की बात है जब ये विश्वविद्यालय शाम के समय एक गोली की आवाज़ से गूँज उठा। जियोग्राफी के एक रिसर्च स्कॉलर को यूनिवर्सिटी से सटे बेली रोड पर गोली मार दी गई थी। पिछले एक हफ्ते में हुई ये दूसरी घटना थी। इससे पहले तारांचद हॉस्टल कैंपस के बाहर बसपा नेता राजेश यादव को गोली से मार दिया गया था और उसके बाद पूरे सिविल लाइन्स में खूब जमकर बवाल हुआ था। इस बार फिर ताराचंद हॉस्टल में ही रह चुके एक स्टूडेंट उपेंद्र यादव की हत्या की गई थी। उपेंद्र ग़ाज़ीपुर के जमानियां गॉंव का रहने वाला था और बहुत ही सिंपल परिवार से था। उसके साथ रहने वाले लड़को का भी यही कहना था की उपेंद्र बहुत की सिंपल इंसान था। वो किसी राजनितिक पार्टी या उससे जुड़े लोगों के संपर्क में भी नहीं रहता था।
inside story

Crime Patrol | Angarey: Businessman Pawan Dahiya's charred skeleton found inside his burnt car (Episode 714, 715 on 24, 25 Sep 2016)


Police finds a burnt skeleton inside a completely burnt car. They also finds a burnt laptop bag and assume that a person put the fire on this laptop separately after or before burning the car. They only have two clues, one is victim's rings and other that last digit of car's number plate has '6' number.

Police could easily track victim's identity once his father and younger brother approaches a police station to file missing complain of his son Pawan Dahiya who is missing from last night. They confirms Pawan's ring and car in which his dead body was found.

Pawan Dahiya was businessman and few days back he was threatened by his office's employee's fiancee Tarun who also warned him that he will burn him.

Akansha Sareen, Sarika Dhillon, Shirin Sewani

Crime Patrol | Naraz: Waseem killed, r@ped corpse and dumped body of own brother's wife Nilofar (Episode 687, 688 on 23, 24 July 2016)


25-year-old Nilofar is a beautiful girl married to Imraan who works as a security guard. Waseem is his elder brother who has a small catering business. A day Waseem informs his cousin and a friend that he has got supari to kill some woman and for this, he will get a handful of the amount. They execute the plan and after they have killed that woman, rest two boys come to know that they killed none other than Waseem's brother Imraan's wife Nilofar, and this murder was preplanned by Waseem. When they ask Waseem that why did he do this he does not tell them anything.

After the murder, Waseem also rapes the dead-body of Nilofar. Later they undress her, take out every ornament, and throws her body in a dump yard.

Imraan and all his relatives are now worrying that where Nilofar suddenly went without telling anything to anyone. Waseem starts his another game-plan and starts telling Imraan that Nilofar has left him and his family and she is not going to come back. After a few days, he also tells Imraan that he saw Nilophar somewhere but when he called her she ran away. Imraan is all confused that his family life was going well then why Nilofar will leave him.

Cleaners of that dump-yard find this dead body after 5 days of murder and during postmortem doctor misidentifies the actual age of the body and declares it as near 45 years old.