Showing posts with label Subhash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Subhash. Show all posts

Forced Marriage: Who killed Kavita ? (Episode 567, 568 on 9th, 11th Oct, 2015)

Gopal and Kavita works in the same factory. Gopal likes Kavita and wants to marry her. Kavita does not want to get marry with him because her mother is suffering from Cancer and for her her mother is  her first priority. Kavita is getting good marriage proposals but she wants that her mother will get well soon.

Gopal starts creating some odd situations because of which Kavita gets forced to get marry with him. Their sudden marriage is shocking for her family and they can not understand why Kavita got married with him. Gopal's behaviour starts changing after marriage and he starts beating her on every small and big issue. In the mean time her mother passes away.

A day kavita leaves to meet her mother's sister. Day goes but she does not comeback. Next day Gopal and Kavita's father raises her missing complain. Their previous tenant Mulri becomes main suspect because during Kavita's mother was ill, her bought their home in 1 lac and paid 75,000. He was not paying remaining 25,000. Kavita went to meet him a day before her missing. Police arrests Murli and his friend Subhash.

After 3 days police find Kavita's partially burnt corpse. Forensic report confirm that this body belongs to Kavita. After police interrogation Murli and Subhash confesses that they killed Kavita because she was asking him for rest of the money. But they tell their family that they confessed this crime to get rid of police's interrogation.

गोपाल और कविता एक ही कारखाने में काम करते हैं। गोपाल कविता को पसंद करता है और उससे शादी करना चाहता है मगर कविता मना करती है। कविता इसलिए मना करती है क्युकी उसकी माँ कैंसर से पीड़ित है और रूपए की तंगी की वजह से उसकी माँ का इलाज ठीक से नहीं हो पा रहा है। वो पैसे इकठ्ठा कर के अपनी माँ का इलाज करवाना चाहती है। कविता के लिए अच्छे रिश्ते भी आ रहे हैं मगर वो माँ की तबियत ठीक न होने की वजह से किसी से भी शादी नहीं करना चाहती।

गोपाल कुछ ऐसे हालात पैदा कर देता है की कविता को गोपाल से शादी करनी पड़ती है। शादी होने के बाद गोपाल का बर्ताव बदल जाता है और वो कविता पर हाथ उठाना शुरू कर देता है। कविता दुविधा में है की शादी को सिर्फ दो महीने हुए हैं और उसको रोज ये सब झेलना पड़ता है।

Kavita played by Ronjini Chakraborty

Crime Patrol | Mattoid: Maharashtra's serial killer, a necrophiliac Subhash (Crime Patrol 490, 491 on 3, 5 Apr 2015)

Laborer Subhash is a daily wage earner. One evening after work, his friend tells him to come along and he will take him to a good place for dinner. The two of them then go to a place where Rohini, who makes food, is present, and they sit down.

Haughty Rahini is a chatty personality and talks a lot to both of them. Subhash's friend leaves for a few minutes to get fresh. Subhash notices that Rohini has some money. When Rohini sees that Subhash is snooping around, she starts scolding him. Subhash gets annoyed by her scolding and tries to make her quiet first, then he hits her and takes all the money from her and leaves the place.

Crime Patrol | Possessed: 'I Am Sorry', Serial killings during 1997-1998 (Episode 353, 354 on 4, 5 Apr 2014)


Mau, Uttar Pradesh
A Ex-Service man Rajdev Thakur (played by Kannan Arunachalam) fells in love with a girl Girija (played by Priyamvada Kant) from a poor family. Giriga's late father was servant at Rajdev's home. Near after two years the police find decomposed bodies of two men at Palval,haryana and Ghaziabad, UP. Both the bodies are written 'I am sorry' on their hand. Police is not able to get any info about these bodies. Next day a man named Waseem Rehman raises missing complain of his 2 sons Firoz and Kasim. They left home saying they are going to their friend's home for a party. Police tell them that they have buried them because they were not able to find any identity of them.

Next year in 1998 the cop again find body of a man in Delhi who was also written 'I am sorry' on his hand. During the investigation police find another body in same conditions. Next day 2 people of Mishra family reaches police station to file a missing complain of their sons Nishant Mishra and Subhash mishra. They both were sons of Amarnath Mishra.

Priyamvada Kant in crime patrol episode 353, 354 - 2014
Girija played by Priyamvada Kant
Know about her

Shaitaan (Colors TV): A Virtual Trap of Social Networking and Cyber Crime (Episode 32 on April 14th, 2013)

Anil, a bihar based student who comes to pune on reference of a native senior Subhash. Anil is addicted to internet and spends daily 4-5 hours on spacebook chatting. He gets a friend request from a girl Veena. Spending good time on internet forces him to meet her. Veena invites hes at her home and then kidnaps with the help of her friends.

Infact this was a gang of internet chat group where Veena traps people, invites them and during having sex with them makes photos of videos then blackmails them.

They calls Anil's parent to a ransom of 2 crore (20 million) rupees. His father comes to pune and informs police about this.

Based on Adnan Patrawala murder case (mumbai, 2007) who was kidnapped then murdered.

Name of the accused are:
  • Sujit Nair
  • Ayush Bhat
  • Rajeev Dharaiya
  • Amit Kausha
  • Khimesh Ambavat(17)
Prosecution was failed to prove the murder though after 5 years of the murder in 2012, the Mumbai session court acquitted four of the 5 accused. Last one, Kimesh Ambawat was a juvenile and was tried by the Juvenile Justice Board.

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