Showing posts with label Sudeep Modak. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sudeep Modak. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | Case 27/2019: Delhi Police took 8 years to solve Ravi Kumar missing case (Ep 110, 111 on 16, 17 Dec 2019)

2019 का सत्ताईसवां केस
Case 26/2019
This incident was reported in Delhi's Kapashera area on 22nd March 2011 when a newly married man Ravi Kumar went suddenly missing when he was going to her wife's sister's home in the nearby area. According to Ravi's wife Shakuntala, someone called him when they were heading towards her elder sister's home. Ravi told her that he will reach home in the next 5-10 mins and she also did not notice who called him.

Ravi never came back after that and the next day his parents lodged his missing complaint. When police started their investigation they know that Shakuntala was having an affair with her neighbor Kamal Singla. This couple was Police's prime suspect but still, it took 8 years to solve the mystery of Missing Ravi.
दिल्ली और राजस्थान के बीच की ये वारदात किसी फिल्मी स्टोरी से काम नहीं है जिसमे प्यार भी है, धोखा भी है और हत्या जैसा संगीन जुर्म भी है। सबसे बड़ी बात ये थी की पुलिस को शुरू से ही पता था की आखिर हत्या हुई थी तो किसने की मगर कोई सबूत न होने की वजह से 8 साल तक मुलजिम पकड़ा नहीं जा सका। इस पीड़ित का नाम था रवि कुमार जिसकी शकुंतला नाम की एक महिला से नई नई शादी हुई थी और फिर शादी के बाद एक दिन रवि अचानक गायब हो गया। और अब 8 साल बाद इसी साल अक्टूबर मे पुलिस ने गुमशुदा रवि और इसके पीछे की कहानी का का पता लगा पाया।

राजस्थान के अलवर जिले के टपुकारा गॉंव मे एक लड़का रहता था कमल सिंगला जिसका ट्रांसपोर्ट और बिल्डिंग मटीरीअल सप्लाइ का काम था। सं 2010 मे उसने शकुंतला का पड़ोस मे एक मकान का निर्माण कराया था और तभी दोनों करीब या गए थे। शकुंतला और कमल एक दूसरे को चाहते थे मगर अलग अलग कास्ट के होने की वजह से अपने संबंधों के बारे मे किसी को बताने से डरते थे क्युकी उनको पता था की उनके संबंधों को कभी कोई उँदोनों के परिवार वाले एक्सेप्ट नहीं करेंगे। दोनों के बीच नज़दीकियाँ दिन पर दिन बढ़ती रही। इन दोनों का साथ एम घूमना फिरना आम हो गया था मगर वो दोनों शादी नहीं कर सकते थे। इन दोनों को कई बार घरवालों और रिश्तेदारों द्वारा पार्क और अन्य जगहों पर साथ घूमता देखा जाने लगा जिसकी वजह से शकुंतला के पिता ने उसकी शादी दिल्ली की कापसहेड़ा के रहने वाले रवि के साथ तय कर दी।

inside story
Abbas Ghaznavi, Darshan Raj, Kamal Singhla, Nazneen Khan, Puneet Channa, shakuntala, Suman Patel, Ved Dubey

Crime Patrol: Khamoshi - The mystery behind Megha Guleria's sucide unfolded after 14 years (Ep 63, 64 on 9, 10 Oct, 2020 Crime Patrol Satark Season 2)


(The Silence, Ep. 63, 64)

Megha Guleria is married into a good family. She has a son also and her husband and mother-in-law take good care of her. Despite all the goodness in this family, one night Megha suddenly leaves her house with a box of kerosene oil and in the morning people find her corpse in the field.

Her family members are unable to understand why Megha took such a big step when everything was going well in her family. Due to suspicion, Megha's in-law's get arrested and then the police investigates the matter for years but cannot find anything.

मेघा गुलेरिया की शादी एक अच्छे परिवार में हुई है. उसका एक बेटा भी है और पति और सास-ससुर उसका अच्छा ख़याल रखते हैं. इस परिवार में सबकूछ सही चलते हुए भी एक रात अचानक मेघा अपने घर से कैरोसिन का एक डिब्बा लेकर निकल जाती है और सुबह खेत में लोगों को उसकी लाश मिलती है.

उसके घरवाले ये समझ ही नहीं पा रहे हैं की मेघा ने इतना बड़ा कदम क्यू उठाया जब की उसके परिवार में सभी कुछ अच्छा चल रहा था. शक के चलते पुलिस मेघा ने घर वालों को अरेस्ट करती है और फिर पुलिस सालों तक इस मामले की जाँच करती है मगर कुछ मिल नहीं पाता.

Raquel Rebello,Monika Chowdhury,Nishant Singh,Sudeep Modak,revathi iyer,Shama Ninawe,Aasit Redij,Neeraj Singh,Cindrella D Cruz,Abbas Ghaznavi,

Crime Patrol | Fizool: Woman commits su!c!de after her personal video goes viral (Ep 13, 14 - Crime Patrol Satark Season 2 on 21 Jul, 01 Aug 2019)

The Insignificant
Kanchan is the mother of a kid who lives with her husband Vishal. Apart from them, Vishal also has parents in the house. Vishal comes from an ordinary family when Kanchan's father is a wealthy man, due to which Kanchan has a habit of fulfilling expensive hobbies and often has a quarrel with husband Vishal.

A day suddenly she goes missing with her son and then the police find his son at a tea shop on the banks of a river. The shop owner tells the police that the lady came to his shop, asked for a phone call after which he went towards the river.
The next day, the police also find the body of a crook in the area who shot him. Has been killed.
कंचन एक बच्चे की माँ है तो की अपने पति विशाल के साथ रहती है. घर में इनके अलावा विशाल के माता-पिता भी हैं. विशाल एक साधारण परिवार से आता है जब की कंचन के पिता पैसे वाले हैं जिसकी वजह से कंचन को महंगे शौक़ पूरा करने की आदत है और इसको लेकर पति-पत्नी के बीच अक्सर नोक-झोंक होती रहती है.

एक दिन अचानक कंचन अपने 4 साल के बेटे के साथ ग़ायब हो जाती है और फिर पुलिस को उसका बेटा एक नदी के किनारे एक दुकान पे मिलता है. वो चाय की दुकान वाला बताता है की कंचन उसकी दुकान पे आइ थी और उसके फ़ोन करने के लिए दुकानवाले से फ़ोन माँगा था उसके बाद वो नदी की तरफ़ चली गई.

इसके अगले ही दिन पुलिस को इलाक़े में एक बदमाश की लाश भी मिलती है जिसको गोली मार दी गई है.

inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion

Crime Patrol | Case 21/2019: The Jolly Joseph Case, Six murders in one family over 14 years by daughter-in-law (Ep 100, 101, 102 on 2, 3, 4 Dec 2019)

2019 का बीसवां केस
Case 20/2019

(Monika Gomes Case)
(Vicious Habit, Ep. 100, 101, 102)

जॉली अपने रास्ते में आने वाले हर शक्स को मिटा देना चाहती थी। उसको लड़कियों से नफ़रत थी और उसके अगले प्लान में वो अपनी ननद रेंजी की दोनों बेटियों को मारने वाली थी जिससे कि आगे चल कर उसके आगे आवाज़ बुलंद करने वाला कोई ना हो...

Based on Kerala's Cyanide killer Jolly Joseph. Woman who killed 6 members of her family for property and money.

In the village of Kudathai in the Kozhikode district of Kerala, a family experienced a haunting for 14 years. Between 2002 and 2016, six members of the Ponnamattam family died under mysterious circumstances. The first death occurred in 2002, when 57-year-old retired school teacher Annamma Thomas suddenly collapsed and died. Her husband Tom Thomas, who was retired from the education department, passed away six years later. In 2011, their 42-year-old businessman son Roy Thomas allegedly committed su!c!de. Three years later, Annamma's brother Mathayu Mazzadiel also died. A month later, 2-year-old Alfine Shaju, a relative of the family, died. The last death was in 2016 of Saily Shaju, Alphine's mother. Upon investigation, it was discovered that during each incident, Roy's wife Jolly Joseph aka Jolly Amma Thomas was present. Despite her reputation as a loving daughter-in-law, caring wife, and devout churchgoer, suspicions arose about her involvement in the deaths.

The case took a turn when, in June 2019, Rojo Thomas, Jolly's brother-in-law, who was the husband of her deceased brother Roy Thomas, filed a secret police complaint against her from US. He could not believe that Roy would have committed su!c!de after his death in 2011. Furthermore, he wanted to examine the will prepared by his father in 2008, which gave Jolly the ancestral house and 35 cent land (one-third of an acre) in her name.

Upon investigating Rojo's complaint, the Kozhikode Police soon reached Jolly. When presented with some evidence, Jolly confessed to committing all six murders in the family by administering cyanide poison.

inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion

On October 5th of the same year, Jolly was arrested, along with two other individuals. One of them was a 44-year-old relative of the family, MS Mathau, who managed a jewelry store. The other was a 47-year-old named Prajikumar, who supplied the cyanide poison to Jolly and managed a jewelry cleaning store.

Jolly was born into a Catholic family in Vajwara, which is 300 km south of Kozhikode, in the Idukki district. After completing her education, she attended a parallel institute. According to an old friend, Jolly had a friendly and open nature and enjoyed spending time with others. In 1987, Jolly visited Kudathai Village, where she met Roy Thomas at a housewarming ceremony. Ranji Thomas, Roy's sister, stated that Jolly was liked by everyone and that her parents and brother-in-law loved her very much.

Over time, Roy experienced business difficulties, trying his hand at the ready-made garment and engine oil distributor businesses, both of which failed. He eventually became dependent on his family, and Annamma controlled all household expenses and was known to be strict.

Crime Patrol | Case 14/2018: Double Murder, Senior journalist KJ Singh murder case in Chandigarh (Episode 908, 909 on 7, 8 Apr 2018)

2018 का चौदवां केस
Case 14/2018
65 years old Senior wildlife photographer Jaidev Paranjape lives with his 90-year-old mother. A few years back he retired from his job and now doing freelancing from home. He is an unmarried man who cooks breakfast and dinner himself for his mother and him while his lunch comes from his elder sister's home which is nearby and it is their daily routine.
Everything is going well in his life but from the last few days, he is observing that someone is spying at him. He finds few guys are trying to trespass his home's boundary. He again observes something fishy in the park near his home.

The very next morning when his sister again comes to serve him lunch, she finds that he is not opening the door. She tries calling Jaidev on his phone but the phone is also not received. In the meanwhile his son enters into the main door which was not locked from inside. Entering into the home he finds bloodstains throughout the floor. Entering into Jaidev's bedroom they find him dead in a pool of blood while his mother is also strangulated to die in her bedroom.

inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion
