Showing posts with label Sunil Saraswat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sunil Saraswat. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | Case 66/2017: Millionaire, Elderly couple Jai Kishan and wife Geeta found murdered, daughter prime suspect (Ep 860, 861 on 7, 8 Oct 2017)

2017 का छाछठवाँ केस
Case 66/2017

(Ep. 860, 861)

फ़रीदाबाद, हरियाणा के एक मोहल्ले में दिन दहाड़े एक वृद्ध पुरुष जय किशन दहिया और उनकी 48 वर्षीय पत्नी रानी दहिया की हत्या कर दी जाती है. उनका मकान 2 दिन से बंद है और अब मकान में से सड़ने की गंध भी आ रही है. जब मकान का दरवाज़ा खुलवा कर देखा जाता है तो पाया जाता है की अंदर पति-पत्नी की लाशें हैं.

दोनो पति-पत्नी अकेले रहते थे. इनकी एक बेटी भी है नपुर हुड्डा जिसने अपनी मर्ज़ी से शादी की थी और उसके बाद घर से अलग हो गई. जय किशन का एक बेटा भी था जिसकी बचपन में ही बीमारी के चलते मृत्यु हो गई थी. जय किशन के कई मकान, दुकाने और बिल्डिंग है जो कि किराए पर उठी हुई हैं और इन सबका किराया क़रीब 18 लाख रुपए महीने का आता है. जय किशन को देख कर बिलकुल भी ऐसा नहीं लगता था की इनके पास इतनी दौलत है क्यूँकि वो और उनकी पत्नी बिलकुल फटेहाल ही रहते थे.

दोनो की हत्या के बाद पुलिस का शक 2 लोगों पर है. पहला शक जय किशन की पहली पत्नी से हुई बेटी नपुर पर है और दूसरा जय किशन के भतीजे आनंद पर जो की जय किशन का पूरा अकाउंट देखता था.

पुलिस जाँच के दौरान जब तिजोरी को खोला जाता है पुलिस को उसमें 2 करोड़ से अधिक रुपए मिलते हैं मगर आनंद का कहना है की पूरी रक़म में से 12 लाख रुपय कम हैं.

ये एक चौकाने वाला ख़ुलासा है की अगर तिजोरी में इतने सारे रुपए थे तो इनकी हत्या करने वाले ने सिफ़त 12 लाख ही क्यूँ लिए.


Crime Patrol | Case 13/2018: Farmer Balraj (Laxman) beheaded in the dark night in his farm (Episode 906, 907 on 31 Mar, 01 Apr 2018)

2018 का तेरहवाँ केस
Case 13/2018
(नरमुण्ड का रहस्य, Ep 906, 907)

Vijaylal Kushwaha is the father of three sons Balraj Kushwaha (real name Laxman Singh Saini & played by Sriraj Singh), Praveen Kushwaha (played by Sunil Saraswat) and Shivraj Kushwaha (real name Tinku and played by Puneet Kumar). A dark night when electricity has just come, father, Vijaylal asks his sons (real name Shivam) to go to the farm for watering. Balraj, Praveen and Praveen's son moves towards the farms with a torch in their hands. Reaching their farms they find another villager Dharam Purohit is already there in the farm whose hands and mouth are tied with rope. 2 masked men holding the sword in their hands captured him. Those men are quiet and not saying anything to anyone. They point their swords towards all three and ties down their hands and mouths too.

Now they bring all of them one by one behind a tree and bring them back. They again bring Balraj towards a tree that is nearly 100 meters away and then does not return. After sometime somehow Praveen opens his hands and then set all of them free. Completely scared and in shock all 4 runs towards the village and tells villagers about the entire incident. Now the entire village starts finding Balraj who was taken away by those goons. In the meantime, Balraj's youngest brother Shivraj comes back from Kanpur. He also gets scared of seeing a crowd outside his house. Now Dharam calls the police and tells them about the entire incident. Police also starts looking for Balraj and finds his headless torso somewhere in the farms.... watch the full story here:

inside story

Case 74/2017: Mystery behind Dhananjay Chaudary's Missing (Ep 876/877 on 9/10 Dec, 2017 Crime Patrol Satark Season 1)

2017 का चौहत्तरवा केस
Case 74/2017

(Ep. 876, 877)
धनंजय चौधरी रेजिस्ट्रार ऑफ़िस में एक सीनियर ऑफ़िसर है. एक शाम वो अपनी पत्नी को फ़ोन कर के बोलता है की उसकी जान ख़तरे में है और वो बहुत घबराया हुआ है. उसके बाद उसका फ़ोन ऑफ़ हो जाता है और अगले 2 दिन तक उसका कोई पता ना मिलने के बाद उसकी पत्नी आरती पुलिस में उसकी मिसिंग कम्प्लेंट लिखवती है. वो ये भी बताती है की धनंजय अपने बॉस रंजित चौहान से बहुत परेशान था क्यूँकि वो हर दिन उसको परेशान कर रहा था. आरती का कहना है की रंजित एक घूसखोर ऑफ़िसर है और उसका पर्दा ना फ़ाश हो जाए इसलिए रंजित ने धनंजय को ग़ायब करवा दिया है.

जल्दी ही पूरा मामला मीडिया में तूल पकड़ लेता है और मीडिया के अनुसार धनंजय एक करप्ट ऑफ़िस के ख़िलाफ़ एक विसलब्लोअर था तभी उसको ग़ायब करवा दिया गया है और दूसरी तरफ़ रंजित और धनंजय के कुछ पुराने बॉस ये कह रहे हैं की धनंजय एक धूसख़ोर कर्मचारी था और उसके ख़िलाफ़ एक पुलिस एंक्वरी भी चल रही है और उसी से बचने के लिए उसने ये सारा प्लान बनाया है.

Crime Patrol | Dead End: Mysterious murder of junior advocate also parent's spoiled brat son Santosh Mahato (Episode 729, 730 on 29, 30 Oct 2016)

Dead End
Police is looking for a history-sheeter Dinesh Mishra who is absconding after a case of burglary. Cops is looking for him near his house in civilian dress and a day the caught Dinesh. He has multiple cases on him and police is assured that now he is going to spend a long time in the jail. He is asking his wife Kajri Mishra (played by Sonal Parihar) to arrange an advocate for his bail. Worried Kajri has a small kid and having cash crunch too.

On the other hand Santosh Mahato (played by Saheem Khan) is a young guy with BA. LLB degree. He is stubborn and spoiled brat son of his parents.A day he asks for 2,500 Rupees from his father but he denies. Later he meets with his friends and plans a robbery at jewellery shop which does not have any CCTV camera installed in it according to Santosh. After that robbery police comes to his house to arrest him because there were few hidden cams installed in the shop in which his and his friend's faces were clearly observed and identified.

He comes out of the jail on bail after few days but he is still following wrong path. An evening he gets brutally injured when a man slits his throat because Santosh and his friends were eve-teasing that man's sister. His condition was critical in this attack but somehow doctor's saves him.

After that on request of his father, Santosh starts practicing the law under a senior advocate.

Loot: Rupee 3 crore looted from a security van. Driver involved (Episode 593, 594 on 13th, 14th Nov, 2015)

नदेव बशीर एक महत्वाकांक्षी युवक है। वो काम समय में ज़्यादा रुपये कमाना चाहता है। वो एक सिक्योरिटी एजेंसी में काम करता है जिनका काम बैंक के रुपये को एक जगह से दूसरी जगह वैन में पहुचना है। नवेद कुछ प्लान बनता है। एक दिन वैन बैंक से निकलती है जिसमे चार लोग हैं। वो लोग चाय पीने के लिए रुकते हैं। चाय में कुछ मिला होने की वजह से तीन लोग बेहोश हो जाते हैं। थोड़ी देर बाद उनमे से एक ड्राइवर को होश आता है. वो देखता है की नवेद वैन में नहीं है और बाकी दोनों लोग बेहोश पड़े हैं। वो उन दोनो को जगाने की कोशिश करता है मगर कोई नहीं उठता। वैन में रखे चार में से तीन बक्से खाली है और तीसरे में ताला पड़ा है। किसी तरह आधी बेहोशी में वो वैन को ड्राइव कर के उन दोनो को अस्पताल पहुचता है। सिक्योरिटी कंपनी के मैनेजर को फ़ोन किया जाता है। वो बैंक मैनेजर के साथ अस्पताल पहुचता है। बैंक मैनेजर बताता है की वैन में तीन करोड़ रुपये थे जिनमे से एक बक्सा बचा है जिसमे 75 लाख होने चाहिए।

Crime Patrol | Driving into danger: Couple Gaurav and Ruchika goes missing (Episode 470, 472 on 14, 15 Feb 2015)

Driving Into Danger
Gaurav (real name Avijit, played by Siddharth Sen) and Ruchika (real name Maumita, played by Gandi Baat Season-1 fame Neetha Shetty) are childhood friends and soon they are getting marry. They both hails from West Bengal and lives in Delhi. By profession, they both are painters. Before marriage they plans a tour to Dehradun. They spends few days there and takes full fun of their tour. On the last day as per schedule, they checkout from the hotel in the noon and plans to spend few more hours in the city as their train will depart at 9 o'clock in the night. They hires a taxi and that taxi driver (real name Raju Das, played by Sunil Saraswat)takes them to some river side area to enjoy.

After some time their parents try to call them but their phone numbers are switched off. Parents are confused because it is an abnormal situation. After two days their parents leave for Dehradun and files their missing complaint at the police station.

Police asks the hotel where they stayed. Police gets information that the couple left hotel on time and took a cab for railway station. Then police finds that taxi driver and asks him about the couple. He also tells police that he dropped then as per train schedule and does not know where they went after that.

inside story

Crime Patrol | Auto driver Suresh's son Raju kidnapped for a ransom of rupee 1 crore (Episode 182, 183 on 24, 25 Nov 2012)

Raju is a 10-year-old talkative boy. His father Suresh Dhingra is an Auto Driver. A day while playing Kabaddi Raju goes missing. Suresh reports police and after some time he gets a call from the kidnapper. Kidnapper asks him a ransom of rupee 1 crore. Though Suresh is an auto driver, he has big land (plot). Kidnapper asks him to sell his property and pay the ransom.

The Police doubt there must be a close friend or relative who knows Suresh well and knows about his property also.

Who kidnapped Raju?
Police will be able to save Raju?
Did Suresh paid the Ransom?Here is the inside story of the case:


Triple Murder of Junaid, Nilofer and their daughter (Episode 47 on 7th October 2011)

Junaid (real name Irfan Shah and played by Harsh Khurana) is in cloth business in Bhiwani area who lives with his wife Nilofer (real name Gulistan) and 3 kids. He is soon planning to open a new clothes shop in Thane.
A day when his 2 kids Sahil and Nagma comes back to their home from their school, they are shocked to see Junaid, Niloper and 3rd kids death body in the home. Police investigation reveals that Junaid was also used to borrow money on high interest and this was the main cause of the murders.

Murder of a failed businessman Sandeep Parekh - Rajkot (Episode 8 on 21 May 2011)

Sandip Parikh staying in Neelkanth society, Bhakti nagar. Prakash is his close friend. A day while travelling towards his kaka's home sandip gets murdered. Police suspects prakash for this and finally they finds the truth.

Crime Patrol | Mayur's fiance Poonam goes missing (Episode 2 on 30 April 2011)

Poonam (real name Priyanka Veniram and played by Parul Gulati) is a graphic designer who is engaged with Mayur, a charted accountant. Poonam suddenly goes missing saying that she has an extra class at her college at Gandhinagar. Her parents raise the FIR and police find her dead body in a sewer after 3 days investigation.